The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set Page 54

by J P Sayle

  Remembering, albeit a little late, he was still holding the bowl of melting ice cream, Stuart strode further into the room, placing the forgotten bowl down. His eyes never leaving Joe, imagining those same lips sliding over his turgid cock. His self-control hung on by a thread that was being tugged viciously by small fingers that were moving down towards what Stuart desperately wanted.

  Stuart’s fingers fumbled clumsily, releasing a frustrated breath, before he managed to get his jeans off, letting them land in a heap on the floor. He circled the bed, climbing up, he sat at Joe’s feet, latching onto the show Joe was putting on for him. Stuart felt Joe’s heated chocolate gaze feeding his passion. His cock bobbed, smearing his abdomen, with every sweep Joe made against his own glistening hole. Joe’s pucker shone with the moisture from his fingers.

  Stuart’s breath hitched when Joe spat, dripping saliva down his fingers before he slid his hand back between his legs. The dirty sound he noticed made both their cocks jerk, Joe’s eyes locked on his before dragging it slowly down his cock. His wet palm glided easily with the saliva mixing with his readymade lubrication.

  Stuart released a needy moan, feeling his balls rise into his body. He gasped at the show in front of him, grabbing his own neglected cock. Stuart dug his nail into the slit, feeling the pinch of pain had words bursting out. “Ohhh, fuck, look, sweetheart, you’ve got me so hard, ready to fuck that tight hole,” Stuart rasped. His desire laden words seemed to enflame Joe. Stuart found himself on his back with Joe straddling his lap. The soft, light hair on his legs grazing Stuart’s own added to the thrill when he squeezed tightly.

  “Condom, lube, please tell me you have some in here?” Stuart’s desperation seeped out. His warring need to take Joe right that very second battled with his need to protect them both.

  He gave a heartfelt sigh of gratitude when Joe’s hands dug under the pillow, pulling out supplies.

  Stuart fumbled.

  “Let me, Stuart. It’s the best part.” Joe’s small hands teased, making his cock throb with the need to come.

  Shit at this rate I’ll last all of three seconds. “Holy shit.” Stuart gripped at the bedpost behind him, hanging on for dear life as he gasped past his raging need. The little tease played him like a violin, stroking every inch, exploring fingers driving him mad. His sac rode hard into his body. Flinching, Stuart panicked, trying to pull his balls down. He gripped the base of his cock with his other hand, holding tight, his eyes scrunched shut as he counted. Breathing hard through the pain, he pulled harder, feeling the ache deep inside. But, there was nothing else for it, if he didn’t want it to be over in seconds.

  Stuart trembled, his limbs jerking when Joe tormented him by driving his hips down. “Oh God, sweetheart, fuck….” Words trailed off as the grinding moved at warp speed. He lost his mind when Joe lifted up his hips, impaling himself on the head of Stuart’s cock.

  “Can’t wait any longer,” Sweat beaded Joe’s brow.

  Stuart could feel Joe’s muscles tense as he worked himself slowly down Stuart’s steel hard cock. Not daring to breathe, or move a muscle, Stuart let Joe take it at his pace, while he willed his cock not to explode.

  Stuart gallantly fought not to come, his mind totally focused on the sensations bombarding his strangled cock, melting heat making it nigh on impossible. Sweat slicked his skin from the effort. He groaned in distress, sweltering heat and Joe’s vice-like grip had his eyes crossing.

  “Fuck you’re so tight, please, take… it… easy… sweetheart.” Stuart’s strangled words wheezed out on each laboured breath. He implored himself to last longer than a teenage boy, frightened one thrust and it would be over. He sweated bullets, his sweaty palms slipping against Joe’s hips when he finally settled on Stuart’s pelvis. Gasping, “Please move,” he was not above begging. He would do anything as long as Joe moved. “Now!”

  His command met Joe’s inflamed chocolate eyes, he took him at his word, and hips lifted an inch then slowly ground down.

  Stuart squeezed his eyes shut against the dazed look on Joe’s face. He willed his control to hang on for a few more minutes while Joe’s ass muscles relaxed enough so Stuart wouldn’t hurt him.

  His heart kicked to escape his chest at every small hip pulse Joe did. The heat encasing him had Stuart’s temperature soaring through the roof, leaving him feeling feverish. His sweat-slicked skin did nothing to cool his ardour.

  “Oh please, oh please, for the love of God, move.”

  Joe’s hot chuckles puffed against his neck had him groaning in despair, he was purposefully trying to drive him nuts. Stuart eyed the bowl on the side; shuffling forward Joe’s low growl had him pausing a second before Joe rose sliding back down a few inches making him pant with the need for more.

  Two could play this game, Stuart blindly stuck his hand in the chilly ice cream before his sticky fingers slid, gripping Joe’s cock, teasing the head. Pleased to have something else to focus on besides the mischievous fucker above him.

  Stuart felt Joe’s hips sink down faster as he stroked his sticky hand over his weeping cock, wanting more. He speed up his hand, slicking it repeatedly over the sensitive head, focusing on the delicious sounds his hand was making. Joe seemed to enjoy them too when he set up a punishing rhythm, giving Stuart exactly what he wanted. This kind of punishment oh, it’s so worth it. Stuart felt his detonation was on countdown, but there was no way he was going before Joe.

  Joe’s heated scrutiny melted his very soul. His heart stuttered for a moment, stopping only to restart for the one thing that now mattered most to him in the world, Joe. Stuart let his eyes shutter when Joe’s hips stuttered. Thinking quickly, he dripped the melted ice cream down their joined bodies. Uncaring about the mess, Stuart’s mouth opened, chasing the sweet taste. Joe’s elongated moan revving up his need better than any jump leads could have.

  Joe danced forward seeking his lips. Stuart moved his hand for a second time, quickly smearing Joe’s mouth, making his already dilated pupils blow wide.

  “You said you wanted ice cream. I’m giving you everything you asked for. You can have everything, everything you wanted, right here right now.” Stuart wanted to take back the words when they hung creating tension. The hurt throbbed inside Stuart as he watched Joe close down before his eyes.

  Stuart felt Joe’s desperation when he slammed his mouth against Stuart’s taking him to the brink of his control. Ignoring the hurt from Joe’s denial of a deeper connection his soul begged for, he let Joe take what he needed regardless of the consequences to him.

  Joe devoured his mouth, spreading the sweetness of the melted ice cream. Stuart savoured the unique flavour of Joe combined with the chocolate, letting the intoxicating taste take over his senses. His hips thrust up into Joe’s willing body, spreading the ice cream everywhere, making Joe look like a decadent meal. Stuart felt Joe’s leaking cock slide stickily between their stomachs, leaving an erotic mess in its wake.

  Stuart glided his hand down to capture some of Joe’s essence. Teasingly he skimmed his fingers over the head before lifting his hand, sucking his fingers into his mouth. Joe’s mesmerised eyes scrutinised his every move.

  “Want to share?” Stuart offered his hand to Joe’s greedy gaze.

  Stuart inched forward offering his mouth, waiting to see what Joe would do. Joe’s lent in the remaining couple of inches towards his mouth, Stuart moaned when he opened for him, pushing his tongue into Stuart’s mouth, seeking his own flavour.

  Too much, too much, his mind screamed. Stuart roared into Joe’s mouth, gripping his hips hard, letting go he pounded into Joe’s clenching channel that seemed unwilling to release its grip. Stuart’s ferocious need not letting go he felt his cock buck before launching its load into Joe.

  Stuart gasped for breath when his cock was gripped like a vice as Joe shot cum all over his chest. Stuart blinked, unseeing for several seconds as colour flashed behind his eyelids, giving him a colourful display of fireworks.

  The wet warmth was ignored a
s it slithered down mixing with sweat and ice cream. Reality returned slowly, his muscles twitched as Joe pulled back grinning. It took a moment to comprehend he was drenched and a complete sticky mess.

  Collapsing back against the bed pole behind him and not giving a shit, he grinned back at Joe, hoping more than anything they would get to do that again, and again.


  Joe let his mind float in the after effects of great sex, his fingers absently stroked Stuart’s chest, feeling the thrum of his heartbeat. Joe tried to recall the last time he had revelled and enjoyed sex so much. He couldn’t remember a time even as an adolescent, when he’d ever come untouched. He supposed he could understand the smug grin Stuart had given him before collapsing.

  Drifting in a half sleep, Joe let himself enjoy the languid pleasure that was coating his well-used body. The candlelight flickered creating shadowy patterns on his closed eyelids. He stretched in contentment before warm sticky hands pulled him back, hugging him closer. A self-satisfied sigh brushed against his neck. Joe felt grateful Stuart couldn’t see his face, convinced the emotions coursing through him would be on full display. After what he’d just experienced he knew it was more than just sex.

  Sex with Joel had been adventurous, but it hadn’t always been satisfying. Hell, in the end, he’d very rarely gotten off, not that Joel had noticed. Joe now realised it had been all about Joel and never about him. Stuart’s goal had been only to bring him pleasure first and foremost, he had not put his own needs first, even when Joe had pushed him to.

  He could see now he was hiding behind the months of fear, using it as a barrier to prevent himself from seeking anything more than a causal sexual hook-up.

  He couldn’t figure out why a conversation with Brad and Martin on Sunday had cleared out his previous funky thoughts. He had literally felt himself letting go of all the baggage he’d inadvertently let Joel pile on him.

  Brad, God love him, had sat with him for hours talking about his own abuse and the counselling. Martin had left them to it. His tortured expression at Brad’s words too much it would seem for him to bear again. Feeling as protective of Brad, he really got why Martin couldn’t stay.

  Brad’s understanding had helped Joe come to terms with the guilt and blame, making him, for the first time, realise he wasn’t responsible for Joel’s crappy behaviour.

  When they had finished crying over each other, Brad had actively encouraged Joe to play Stuart at his own game. He felt a little smug smile curve his lips up, sending a silent thank you to Brad, even if the past five days had been torture. He’d nearly caved tonight, crying for mercy every time Stuart’s lust filled eyes had all but physically caressed his body in those silly little shorts. Hell, he’d spent hours working on complex problem solving to stop his cock from letting the cat out of the bag.

  Joe flicked a quick look at Stuart, worrying his lip between his teeth. He was still not sure he wanted what he’d seen in Stuart’s eyes. The offer, or at least the possibility, of more had him freaking out, shutting it down fast, but he’d still witnessed the sliver of hurt Stuart wasn’t quick enough to hide. Buggering hell, he really didn’t want to feel the spread of warmth Stuart’s words had created inside him, he could feel his heart yearning for more, but he wasn’t sure he could trust him.

  Joe roused when Stuart’s sexy gravelly voice vibrated under his ear before warm breath ghosted his cheek.

  “You’re a loud thinker, whatever it is you’re thinking, stop it. It’s interrupting my sleep.”

  Joe’s fingers stilled, taking a chance he searched Stuart’s expression only to be disappointed to see his closed eyes preventing closer inspection. Resting back against him, the movement had wafts of salty cum with hints of chocolate permeating the air. Tilting his head Joe inhaled the scents, enjoying how they’d come about. He felt his limp cock attempting to rise, pulling his cum encrusted pubic hair. “Ouchhh,” Joe glared down at his crotch, pulling back he was shocked by Stuart’s intense passionate stare. Their eyes locked in battle, neither looking away as the tension built between them. Joe felt his ass throb at the intention revealed in those dark eyes.

  Joe inhaled sharply when Stuart spoke, “Now or after the shower?”

  Joe swallowed past the lump he had suddenly developed at the deep desire conveyed in those simple words.

  Joe’s hips swayed as he slid off the bed, cajoling. Joe sent a sexy wink over his shoulder, flicking his sweat dampened hair out of his face, lowering his voice to a deep husky tone. “Both. Shower sex first.” Joe watched Stuart’s jaw lock solid, his body shuddering. Joe caught sight of the beast within Stuart before he could rein himself in, for a second Joe felt his fear clawing at his throat. Swallowing slowly, consciously relaxing, he remembered the care Stuart had taken of him earlier.

  Joe chastised himself for trying to ruin the moment. Wanting them both to forget, he ramped up his sexy sneer hoping to cover up the awkward moment, adding an extra sensual pulse to his hips as he walked to the bathroom. The sound of feet hitting the floor with speed made his lips curve in satisfaction, reassuring himself he could do this.

  Joe squealed in delight when strong arms lifted him off his feet and whirled him around. Joe found himself pinned to the wall, Stuart’s mouth demolishing every thought in his head. Mouths met feverishly making the need pulse between them stronger than before. His earlier thoughts about a shower, fled. Joe’s hands cruised over Stuart’s broad shoulders, silky bronzed skin allowing his fingers to glide with ease. Joe felt the muscles bunch under his hands with the effort Stuart used to hold him in place. The show of power intoxicating, he wrapped his legs around Stuart to help support them both. His sensitised skin brushing against Stuart’s quaking muscles heightened the crazy sensations rolling through him.

  Rock hard muscles rubbed enticingly as they ground against each other. Breathing in their combined scents made Joe dizzy with crazy need. His partially erect cock roared fully to life, adding to the fuzzy state of his mind. Joe cried out when Stuart lifted him higher unaware they were moving.

  Stuart’s brusque tone had him shaking his head trying to clear the haze and focus on what he was saying.

  “Lean in and switch the shower on, sweetheart.”

  Looking about dazed, when the hell had they left the bedroom? Joe shook his head, hoping to clear the lust induced haze, he eventually did as he was told.

  His belly knotted in anticipation when Stuart’s mouth distracted him, working its magic on his neck. Delighted at the hard nip, Joe’s hips gyrated in response, his body clenching in need wanting to be filled, now. Joe’s body quaked in pleasure feeling the water cascade down his over sensitised skin. Greedy for more, Joe used his body weight propelling them fully into the shower towards the tiled wall.

  Stuart’s laboured curse as he hit the cold tiles had a strangled chuckle escaping Joe’s chest. Uncaring, Joe attacked, using his hands and mouth mercilessly. Loving every heated curse, sigh, or moan he evoked from Stuart. This, this was what sex is about, not some stupid role play crap. This right here was what he wanted more than anything. The sobering thought had him wanting to pull back but Stuart attacked his mouth not letting him think.

  Feeling emboldened when Stuart all but handed him the power to do as he pleased, Joe felt something shift inside, sensing the walls he had built start to crumble. He doubled his efforts trying not to think about it, focusing instead on Stuart’s wet, silky skin.

  He let Stuart’s slippery fingers glide lower, sucking in a steamy breath when they breached his body. Stuart’s mouth obliterated Joe’s control, tongues glided, sucking, flicking, tangling together. Joe’s body melted into Stuart, his arms hung on never wanting the moment to end. Who needed to breathe when you were having the living daylights kissed out of you? The moment left him feeling stunned by its beauty. So much need raged inside, yet those lips, Stuart’s mouth held everything else at bay. Stuart’s total focus seemed to be on giving Joe one rapturous kiss after another. They seemed to encase him, feeling thei
r touch in every fibre of his being. Moaning at the loss when Stuart finally released his mouth.

  Charcoal eyes flashed with fire, scorching Joe’s very soul. Blinking past the gathering tears, Joe swallowed, desperate to wet his parched throat at seeing the simple promise Stuart’s eyes offered, if he was brave enough to accept it.

  Unaware, he moved until their chests bumped together. He could read the question on Stuart’s face, but fear stole the words, stopping him. Joe winced, feeling his own devastation when Stuart slammed the shutters in place, shutting him out. Joe jerked back as if physically slapped, hurt piercing his heart, knowing he had no one to blame but himself.

  Stuart’s head shook as if attempting to clear his thoughts. Wary, Joe waited to see what he would do, his arousal dampened. His breath rushed out in relief when Stuart hugged him, no words could have reassured him more, his hug speaking volumes.

  Joe rested his head on Stuart’s shoulder, desire held at bay as they took comfort from each other. The uneasy feeling in his gut reminded him that this was not supposed to be about the mushy stuff. Joe ignored it, instead he relished the closeness of the moment, grateful he hadn’t ruined everything.

  Collecting his thoughts, they parted in silent agreement, showering separately. Joe took the time to gather his emotions. Stepping out of the shower, drying quickly, he avoided looking at Stuart, feeling awkward. Joe headed to the bedroom unable to stop the laughter that boomed out, his eyes widening in horror. Oh my God, how he had missed that was anyone’s business? Rumpled sheets looked like someone’s ass had exploded all over them.


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