The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set Page 112

by J P Sayle

  His pulse thundered, making his ears ring. His eyes swept the room, looking for what, he had no clue. It was only then that he noticed the others behind Aaden. Martin, Stuart, and Brody all stood towering over everyone. The sheer force of male dominance radiating off them all had Greg’s cock dance to attention.

  He whispered in Brad’s ear, “Ooh, here comes twroble.”

  “Does someone want to tell me what’s going on here?” Aaden’s angry growl was aimed at Greg, but his eyes never left Vic.

  Greg’s pulse fluttered when Brad spoke up. “It’s Greg’s ex-boyfriend, Vic. He was being horrible and mean to Greg and Nick.”

  Greg tried to feel bad for Vic when he shrunk under Aaden’s scrutiny. He quickly reminded himself of the hurtful comments he’d used to lambaste Nick. But not wanting to cause a fight, Greg plastered a fake smile to his face, hoping it was a smile and not a grimace. “Nothing, these… ars…” Greg shook his head, stopping the word arsehole from popping out. He started again, praying for patience. “These gentlemen were just leaving, weren’t you?”

  Greg looked at Vic, encouraging him to agree.

  He should have known better when the arrogant arse turned to Aaden, sizing him up. The fact that Aaden towered over him by a good several inches and was twice his size didn’t seem to faze him. Greg wanted to groan in despair at what was coming.

  “Not that it is any of your business.” Vic shoved his face towards Aaden, continuing. “My ex-boyfriend thinks he and his little friends can get away with being mouthy gits. So it’s time for them to leave and get the fuck out of my way. Now, before they find themselves in a world of hurt.” Vic’s aggressive posturing had Greg wanting the floor to open up and swallow him.

  How did I ever think he was a nice guy, worthy of dating?

  The remaining alcohol fled from his system with that thought. He compared Vic to Aaden. Greg shook his head, realising he couldn’t. It was like trying to compare chalk to cheese.

  Aaden is my fucking soulmate for fuck’s sake.

  A small smile graced his lips as Vic continued to posture aggressively towards Aaden. Vic was totally barking up the wrong tree, picking on Aaden if he thought he was going to back down. The outcome seemed more than obvious to him, so why the fuck couldn’t Vic see that?

  Greg held his breath when Aaden stepped closer to Vic. His rock-hard body tensed. His muscular frame seemed to stretch as he rolled his broad shoulders, making his dark hair shift on his black jacket. The lights reflecting off the mirrors made it shine like raven’s wings. It cloaked his face, allowing the strength in his onyx eyes to shine out. The furrowed brow didn’t mask the raw power that emanated from him while he spoke to Vic.

  “I would suggest you leave my boyfriend alone.”

  Greg watched as Vic’s eyes grew to the size of saucers at that comment.

  “That’s right, boyfriend.”

  Greg wanted to preen under that enforced statement, but as Aaden continued, his breath caught in his lungs.

  “That is if you want to leave in one piece and while you’re still breathing.”

  Aaden’s large hand motioned to the door, barely missing one of his Vic’s friends who’d jumped back.

  “If I were you, I’d leave now.” The quiet statement radiated with menace.

  It wasn’t the menace that had Greg move, but the expression that covered Vic’s face. Greg untangled himself from Brad, jumping out of the booth. He knew first-hand how stupid Vic could be with a few drinks on board. It had a habit of making him believe he was invincible.

  Greg wasn’t sure what he was going to do when he stepped between Vic and Aaden. His back hit Aaden’s chest when his hands jumped to his hips as he thrust his jaw out, getting ready to tell Vic where to get off.

  Sudden movement and his sluggish brain gave Vic all the opportunity he needed.

  “Oooowwwww.” Greg screeched while he held his face.

  The punch he hadn’t seen coming landed hard against his left eye, making lights explode behind his eyelid. He was convinced stars floated around his head as it snapped back, making him stagger into Aaden’s body. Large arms flexed as they clasped him to his hard chest while he swayed on wobbly legs. Aaden’s scent surrounded him as his arms tightened briefly.

  He heard the loud, angry growl reverberating up Aaden’s chest as he was unceremoniously pushed into Martin’s arms a second later. The commotion around them had him barely hear Aaden when he spoke to Martin.

  “Hold him.” Aaden’s harsh command had Greg’s insides turn to jelly, matching his legs.

  He struggled to comprehend what was happening. The loud clatter, then resounding thud had his now swelling left eye ache as he forced it to open. Seeing his ex-boyfriend sprawled on the deck had a glimmer of humour return.

  “Oh, this is so not going to end well.” He muttered as he watched Vic struggle to get back up. The crowd in the bar dispersed when Aaden gave an angry roar, launching himself at Vic when he went to punch Greg, again.

  “Oh no, you don’t, you little fucker. You touch one more hair on my redheaded beauty, and you’ll be wearing your teeth as a necklace.” The ice-laden threat thrilled Greg, who couldn’t help the silly grin from widening across his face, even as it made his eye throb harder.

  He watched Aaden grip both Vic’s arms, restraining him before frogmarching him to the door, bodily throwing him out. Greg noted Ste had followed to open the door, offering Aaden a wide smile of appreciation.

  The clatter of shoes had Greg shifting, and he watched Vic’s friend’s hastily following suit. They all scuttled out behind him. Their departure left only the sound of background Christmas tunes. Then just as quickly noise erupted to feverish levels as excited chatter filled the void.

  People seemed unperturbed by the altercation. In fact, it was almost like it hadn’t happened. Except for the horrible pain in Greg’s face, he wouldn’t have believed it either.

  Martin’s grip tightened on his arm as he muttered under his breath. Not quite sure what he’d said, Greg was distracted when Aaden stalked back to him, anger radiating from every pore. Greg struggled to keep standing when his legs wobbled under him.

  Oh no, the honeymoon period is so over.

  “What honeymoon?” Aaden sudden question had Greg rolling his eyes, only to regret it when his head throbbed, his left eye aching worse than a toothache. Greg opened his mouth to respond but slammed it shut when he realised Aaden had read his loud thought.

  Greg ignored Aaden’s question.

  The tension around them seemed to grow. Greg wanted to kiss Martin when he spoke.

  “Come on, you lot of reprobates. Let’s get out of here before the police come and arrest us. Some of us actually have work in the morning. And some of you are in big trouble, with some serious punishments coming their way.” Martin’s husky rasped ultimatum was directed at Brad.

  Greg’s one good eye searched out Brad. Who, it seemed, wasn’t in the least bit worried about the word punishment, if the squirming he was doing on the seat was anything to go by.

  The word “work” finally registered. Greg groaned.

  I’m so going to pay for the fun I’ve had tonight. I just know it.

  Greg felt his shoulders droop.

  Martin stepped away, pushing him into Aaden’s arms.

  Martin strode to the bar, muttering about paying the bill, leaving an awkward silence behind him.

  Greg chewed his lip. He hoped Martin had a big chunk of cash with him when he considered how many drinks they’d all had. He shrugged. His unfocused eyes blinked when Joe exited the table, not looking at Stuart. The stand-off between them seemingly continued when neither spoke or acknowledged the other.

  Greg felt his head and eyes bang out a tune. He laid his head on Aaden’s firm chest, soaking up his reassuring presence.

  “Come on, troublemaker, let’s get you home.” Aaden’s harsh tone was at odds with the gentle touch of his fingertips as he ran his fingers over Greg’s swollen eye. “You’ll need
some ice, and I’m sure some painkillers to deal with the pain and the hangover you’re surely gonna have in the morning.” Aaden’s quick head movement and wrist flick had Greg wonder for a second what Aaden was doing until he continued speaking.

  “Or I should have said, in a few hours.” Aaden heaved sigh was the only sign of his frustration.

  Greg bit his lip to keep the moan of pain at bay when Aaden guided him outside to the van waiting at the curb. He watched his friends trail behind their partners. Their shoulders drooped as they shuffled to their waiting vehicles. Greg shook his head, hoping to clear his eyes as he watched Nick follow Brody to his car before he ducked inside, not looking at anyone as they drove off.

  Greg wasn’t sure if it was his thought about them all being partnered and knowing Nick wasn’t, or if it was the obvious hurt he’d seen on Nick’s face when Vic had spoken about his appearance and single status, but his brain seemed to be trying to tell him something. Something he was missing, especially when Nick meekly followed Brody to his car.

  Greg lost sight of the car when Aaden opened the van, helping him inside and blocking his view. It sidetracked him when Aaden buckled him into the seat. The evening caught up with him, and Greg rested his head back on the leather headrest. He hoped Aaden would hurry up and get them home before the throb in his head became worse. Greg shut his eyes. That was his last thought as he fell into unconsciousness.

  “Come on, sleepy head, we’re home.” He felt the rumble under his ear, just as arms flexed and bulged around his body. As he was lifted out of the car, the vicious cold wind raced over his exposed skin. He shivered violently, wanting to complain bitterly for the interruption to his sexy dream. He could still envision Joe and Stuart having sex while Aaden fucked him seven ways to Sunday.

  Greg mumbled into Aaden’s chest as he was lifted higher. The arms holding him hugged him closer to Aaden’s warm, solid body. His powerful shoulders and broad back shielded him from the icy chill. Greg couldn’t resist snuggling closer. His mouth nibbled up the side of Aaden’s neck before sniffing deeply. The strong scent of musk and wood shaving had his body responding. His cock roused, liking the way Greg let the dream images linger.

  Greg spoke without putting his filter in place.

  “I can’t wait to watch Joe and Stuart together while you’re doing naughty things to me.” He remembered too late that Joe had asked them to keep it a secret until he’d spoken to Stuart.

  Greg lifted his face, getting ready to make up some fib, only to stop when the moonlight caught Aaden’s flabbergasted expression. The grip on him slackened for a second, and Aaden’s feet faltered.

  “What did you say?”

  The harsh demand and flinty glare Aaden gave him as his hands tightened had Greg trying to shake off the sleep. The pain in his eye and alcohol fuddled his brain.

  Aaden fumbled with the keys, unlocking the door before depositing him inside. Greg held on to the bare hall wall. He tried to recall exactly what he’d said. Aaden didn’t give him a chance to respond before he was propelled towards the stairs.

  Aaden’s face was now a stoic mask, causing Greg to blow out a noisy breath.

  He shook off the large, warm hand on his arm.

  Greg put his hands on his hips, making sure he was steady before he tapped his foot on the dusty floor. He ignored the screaming pain in his eye while he tried to bring Aaden into focus.

  “What is your problem? You let Stuart lay all over you when Joe fucked him in your lap.” Greg waved his hand at Aaden’s slack jaw.

  “Yes, I know all about your little sexcapades with them. So, what’s wrong with us both watching and having a little fun at the same time, I ask you?” Greg wagged his finger, swaying a little when a wave of dizziness hit. He grappled with the wall at the side of him. He was distracted by trying to keep upright, so he didn’t see Aaden’s expression. But he sure as hell heard his loud sigh.

  He squeaked when Aaden’s large forearms lifted him bodily off the ground, tucking him into his body, as he stalked upstairs.

  Greg felt his pulse flutter at the show of strength, but he wasn’t going to be deterred. “Come on, answer me. I might be a little drunk, but I’m sure I saw a look of interest when I mentioned watching Stuart and Joe. As I said, it’s not like you haven’t done it before.” His sulky pout pulled him up short.

  He metaphorically kicked himself, reminding himself he’d done nothing wrong.

  He let Aaden lay him on their bed and strip him down to his underwear. He wanted to preen a little when he noticed the gleam of interest in Aaden’s dark onyx eyes right before he caressed his chest. Greg whimpered when Aaden covered him with the fluffy duvet.

  “I’ll go and get you some painkillers, and we’re parking this conversation until you’re sober enough to understand what you’re asking for.” Aaden’s voice trailed off as he walked to the bathroom.

  Greg gave a dreamy smile to the empty room, knowing he’d won.

  He settled himself back against the cool cotton, wishing Aaden would hurry up and get in bed to warm up the sheets. As if answering his wish, the man in question strolled back in with a large glass of water and some pills. Swallowing the offered pills, Greg took a large gulp of water. He gave the glass back to Aaden and lay back. Closing his eyes, he let his mind drift.

  He jerked up. His heart thundered under his skin. He collided with Aaden, who was in the process of getting into bed when the front door slammed shut.

  “Calm down. It’ll be Brody and Nick. Remember Brody drove Nick home.” At Aaden’s explanation and reassuring touch, Greg lay back down.

  A nagging thought that Nick and Brody had left before them had him questioning himself. Why are they getting home after us?

  Greg shifted when Aaden turned off the lights and pulled him closer, making his mind empty. He plastered himself over Aaden’s broad chest. He huddled closer, avoiding the left side of his face.

  Greg gave a small snuffle, muttering. “Never mind the black eye. Who made the sandwiches?”

  Aaden’s chuckle shifted his head, making Greg squint in the darkness. Regretting it instantly, he moaned into Aaden’s chest. A large, gentle hand cupped the back of his head, rubbing in slow circles. Greg gave a sigh of pleasure. His lips curled up as Aaden lulled him into the land of Nod.


  Max strolled in through the cat flap and prowled through the house, lost in thought. His whiskers twitched at the tension radiating from the lounge. Sticking his head around the door, he saw the four men, all sitting on the plastic-covered, charcoal-grey leather furniture. He watched Aaden get up, followed by Martin and then Stuart. He sat down on the bare floorboards, watching them pace and fret over their significant others.

  He turned his attention to Brody, who was still sitting. But who wasn’t as unaffected as he led the others to believe. His tapping fingers showed his agitation at Nick’s disappearance.

  Max chuckled, thinking they were fussing like mother hens over their chicks. Only all their chicks had fled their nests and were currently out somewhere, getting up to Odin’s Raven knew what.

  “Why don’t you just use your link to Greg? It should allow you to go and find them.” Max huffed when Aaden turned. He blinked, his forehead wrinkled, while his eyes darkened.

  “Why the hell didn’t you mention this before? You know, like when Martin and Stuart rushed over here in a panic when neither Brad nor Joe would pick up their phones?” Aaden’s anger rolled off Max’s back.

  He’d bigger fish to fry, and that didn’t include worrying about Aaden getting in a snit with him.

  “I would have, but as I wasn’t here”—Max rolled his shoulders—“how could I? It’s a pity. I think I would have enjoyed watching you lot chase your own tails.”

  “Ha fucking ha.” Aaden’s grumble was half-hearted as he sat. The rustling of plastic had Martin and Stuart stop pacing.

  Shutting his eyes, Aaden blocked the others in the room when they started asking questions he couldn’t answer, ye
t. Feeling for his connection with Greg, he let his mind focus on the colourful rainbow that was Greg’s aura.

  Max’s gums peeled back. His sharp teeth gleamed under the brightly lit room when Aaden jumped up minutes later. His declaration that the boys were at the Bath and Bottle cocktail bar had several questions fired at him. Max hissed, stopping all questions, allowing Aaden to deflect them better than any world-class goalkeeper.

  Aaden led them out of the house to their respective vehicles. The grumbling about Aaden’s weird behaviour had Max wonder if this would also be another strike against him.

  Max didn’t hear Aaden’s quick thank you when his body bowed up. His heckles rose as a voice slithered into his consciousness.

  “Well, lover, have you made up your mind?”

  Max acknowledged Christina as she shimmered to life in front of him. He kept his small features bland, hiding his irritation.

  Why do I always feel like I’m on the back foot?

  On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me:

  The joiner and the spell


  19th December

  Nick hummed to the radio playing in the background. He lifted the piece of British elm wood he’d been sanding by hand. He examined the door before removing his mask, pleased with the smooth finish. He brushed at the dust clinging to his face before walking to the back wall of the kitchen. His booted feet waded through the wood shaving scattered about the floor, creating a mess with every step.

  He gave the six new cabinets a grunt of approval as he moved to the final cupboard in the row. It had taken hours of discussion to persuade Aaden that the British elm wood would be perfect for his kitchen. Aaden had wanted something darker, but Nick had argued the lighter wood would make the space feel bigger. With the new large patio doors fitted along the back wall, it had opened up the space, especially with Aaden knocking out the old pantry. That space now housed the hand-crafted bench he’d made as a housewarming gift. Not that the fucker deserved it for the subterfuge. He was now going to have to make a table to match it, so Aaden and Greg could have a breakfast nook that looked out on the garden.


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