The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set Page 122

by J P Sayle

Stuart watched him from under hooded lids. Remembering what he’d been planning before he’d got distracted, Joe crawled further down the bed, kneeling sideways over Stuart’s lower body. He inhaled as he buried his nose into his groin. Salt and male muskiness filled his nose along with Stuart’s body wash. He took another deep sniff, opening his mouth to taste. He nuzzled at the join between his thigh and hip. He licked a path down towards Stuart’s pucker. The slight quiver when his tongue slid over the hot flesh had a hot snigger escape.

  He blew out, teasing the flesh before dragging the tip of his tongue around the rim, wetting it thoroughly. Struggling to go deeper, Joe pulled back.

  “Oh no… no… please don’t stop.” The sudden wail from Stuart had him slither quickly to nestle between his legs, offering his back to the men sitting behind him.

  He gave his arse a wiggle as he settled and spoke, “You have nothing to worry about. I’ve only just got started.” His rasped response and movement had Stuart stretch his legs as wide as they would go.

  Joe leant forward, reaching for a soft pillow. He sat on his haunches, pushing it under Stuart’s hips. The soft cotton scraping against Stuart’s arse had a low moan push past his clenched lips.

  Joe lowered back to his knees and leaning forward, he blew on the purple, engorged tip of Stuart’s erection. A mewl and hip thrust had him leaning closer, taking pity. He slowly mouthed the bulbous head, greedily sucking the salty liquid into his mouth. Stuart’s essence burst across his tongue. Joe pulled back, eyeing the mess glistening on Stuart’s stomach.

  “Let me help you with that mess.” His heated words and sweeping tongue received several whimpered moans. Unsure who they came from and past caring, Joe leisurely cleaned Stuart’s stomach. Every now and then he would swipe at the tip of his shiny cock.

  Joe tormented Stuart till he was humping his face. Taking pity on him, he opened his throat. The skin stretched around his mouth as he swallowed deeper, feeling the hot silky steel sliding against his tongue. He lapped at the length as it moved in and out of his mouth. Each thrust made his hole quiver, feeling empty. The ache grew with each deep swallow he took.

  He wanted to gripe, knowing that Stuart’s glorious cock was going nowhere near his arse tonight. Fuck that.

  Bringing his hand to his mouth, he stretched it wider, allowing his fingers to brush against Stuart’s cock, eliciting a long moan. Joe knew where Stuart thought those fingers might go, but he was going to be sorely disappointed. Joe had other ideas, and his own need to be filled at that moment was overruling everything else.

  He moved his hand between his spread knees, lifting his arse higher so the men behind could see what he was about to do. Joe swiped the saliva-soaked digits over his own pulsing hole, teasing himself with a couple of swipes before he pushed two fingers in, hard. He groaned around Stuart’s cock when he sensed movement behind him. Not wanting to release Stuart to look, he reminded himself he could watch what was happening behind him later. That thought spurred him on.

  Putting on a show for those behind him, he worked his mouth and hand in tandem. Joe found his own heavy cock hanging towards the bed, allowing the tip to brush against the wet sticky cotton, teasing him to distraction.

  The slick sounds increased as his saliva dripped down Stuart’s turgid cock. He felt Stuart’s hips pulsing up, as if offering up his arse. Joe’s sac tightened painfully at the thought. The tingle in his spine told him he wasn’t going to last much longer if he didn’t move things along and give Stuart what he wanted.

  On the twelfth day of Christmas my true friends gave to me:

  The voyeurs’ delight


  Christmas Eve

  Greg ground his teeth together, willing himself not to cry. He took another look in the bathroom mirror, groaning in despair. Gemma had assured him he looked several shades lighter than he had. And okay, the pictures she’d taken proved she was right. But still, there was no escaping. He still looked like he’d been dip-dyed in a vat of orange paint.

  He sighed in disgust and sat down on the closed lid of the toilet. He peered at the closed door. He knew he couldn’t hide out for too much longer in Joe’s downstairs loo. Aaden was bound to come looking for him any second.

  He could still picture the shock on Aaden’s face when he walked into Brad’s kitchen, not ten minutes after Joe had pulled up outside Brad’s house. He wondered if he’d been waiting for him. That thought had his lips lift for the first time in two days. Two long, torturous days where he’d had to avoid Aaden in the hopes he’d not be able to see what a disaster he was dating.

  Greg pursed his lips, eyeing the door before looking at the orange jumper covering his chest and back. A back that had a rather large piece of missing coloured skin. He wasn’t sure which bit had amused Gemma more. The fact that he was burnt orange or that he resembled a jigsaw puzzle with a missing piece.

  He started at the sudden banging on the door.

  He grunted as he got up off the toilet. Knowing his private pity party was about to be halted for the real party that was just about to get started upstairs. A party he still wasn’t convinced he’d not chicken out of when it came to stripping off his clothes.

  Greg opened the door to Aaden’s wrinkled brow. He lifted his hand, and stretching up, he rubbed at the lines. “I’m fine. I told you.” Blowing his fringe out of his eyes, he followed Aaden who said nothing, but his dark onyx eyes, he was sure, were sizing him up pretty accurately.

  The fact that Aaden hadn’t said a word about his skin was tantamount to a declaration of love right there. Because only a man in love would keep shtum and not laugh his arse off at the calamity that was him.

  Greg stopped next to Aaden, hearing Joe’s shout from above for them all to come up.

  A cold sweat filmed his upper lip. Swiping at it, he turned, worrying his lip between his teeth when he looked at Martin and Brad. The sparkle in Brad’s eyes forced him to take a grip of his misgiving.

  If Brad can do this, then so can I. Just man the fuck up. Brad is about to show off his scars, for pity’s sake. You can surely show off your glowing skin.

  Well, he could in principle. It was still to be debated whether his courage would desert him when he got upstairs. All thoughts of where his freckles were positioned were overridden by his bright skin that hid everything, even his freckles.

  Lagging behind, he followed Aaden’s arse, clad in tight-fitting navy trousers. The flex of his rock-solid glutes walking up in front of him, diverted Greg from his woes. His cock surged at the prospect of naked sexy time. It blatantly reminded him about the two whole days since his arse had seen any action. A fact Aaden, even with his orange skin, had pointed out when he’d kissed the bejesus out of him when he’d found him in Brad’s kitchen. And okay, he was made up that Aaden didn’t seem to care about his orangeness. But he didn’t know what he would do if Martin and Stuart laughed at him.

  No closer to an answer, Greg followed everyone into Joe and Stuart’s bedroom. Greg clung on to the thought that Aaden wasn’t bothered by his skin.

  He blinked rapidly while his worries fled. Greg stood still in the doorway, and he struggled to work past the sudden lump in his throat. He heard several indrawn breaths at the sight of Joe’s naked, gleaming body, convinced his was probably one of them. But as his mind was still trying to process what it was seeing, he couldn’t find it in him to care if he’d gasped out loud.

  The soft glow from the lamps and flickering candles cast shadows over Joe’s face and sculpted body. His small stature hid none of the strength stemming from his vibrating frame. The tension in the room felt palpable as Joe stood stock still offering up his body to everyone’s gaze. His naked cock stood proud from his body. The swollen red head gleamed with precum. Pale hairless skin looked silky soft, stretching across his toned body.

  The minutes felt endless while no one moved.

  Greg could almost hear the silent command to strip, as if someone had spoken out loud. His trembling hands automatically di
d as bid. His early misgiving lost under the wall of want, need, and desire he felt.

  He stripped, not making eye contact with anyone. The sound of the bathroom door opening had his eyes jump up. His previous thoughts about what Stuart would look like naked had his body reacting to the powerful image as it formed into a reality.

  Greg sucked in a breath. His lungs struggled to accept the air when he couldn’t concentrate on anything other than the golden skin scattered with tattoos moving past him. The urge to touch had him dig his nails into his palms as Joe spoke.

  “Look, but no touching.”

  Not sure if he was directly speaking to him, Greg flicked a quick glance at Joe and exhaled when he saw he was addressing the room.

  The feel of heat behind him warned that Aaden had moved. Large hot hands stroked over his back, bringing his attention back to his earlier worries. He turned and looked up from under his lashes at Aaden. Frightened at what he might see, he kept his face blank. Hoping, if he saw disgust, it would help hide his hurt.

  Greg blinked, fighting with the ball of emotion that sat in his chest when Aaden offered him a predatory smirk before he slowly teased the skin on his back. He rubbed the tips of his rough fingers down his spine till he reached the cleft of his arse.

  A shudder rippled through him. His cock leaked while his body ached to be filled. As he inhaled, he smelt his own arousal mix with those in the room. The heady scent seemed to take away his ability to think as Aaden moved away and sat on the leather seat, spreading his thighs. His monster cock stood proudly, showing the room who was the biggest boy in the playground.

  The urge to shout “look, this is mine” had him clench his jaw. His lips ground together as he remembered this was Joe’s show.

  He looked back towards the bed where Stuart now lay with his legs spread and his thick hard cock pulsing against his trimmed happy trail of dark blond hair. The urge to step closer and take his fill had him do the opposite. He wasn’t sure how Aaden would react to his past attraction to Stuart, though it was a pale imitation of what he felt for Aaden. His desire for Stuart had only simmered rather than burned, like the craving he held for Aaden.

  He recalled how he’d felt when Stuart and he had first met in the office. He had sensed the other man’s interest, but his constant baiting over the first few weeks had ensured that it would never go any further. And after their little run-in where Greg had accidentally spilt his drink on him, they’d cleared the air, allowing for the attraction to die a natural death.

  Well, nearly. A little voice shouted.

  He could feel the remnants of it now. Like the phoenix rising from the ashes, it wanted to show itself again.

  Greg moaned. He was distracted when Aaden pulled him into his lap, almost as if he sensed Greg’s conflict. He hoped he wasn’t projecting his thoughts or that Aaden was reading them. Greg went willingly, hoping to divert Aaden. He wiggled his backside against the large erection nestled between his cheeks, feeling the hair rub his sensitive skin.

  He bit his lip, keeping the moan in, barely, as Joe walked away from the bed after speaking to Stuart. He didn’t catch what he’d said, but it didn’t seem to matter when he laid condoms and lube on the table next to Aaden’s right hand.

  He nearly snorted when he caught the slight smile Joe gave him when his chocolate gaze skimmed down his body.

  Martin spoke, sidetracking him from responding.

  Greg shifted his gaze, inhaling.

  He froze.

  Brad stood naked. His honey skin shone under the soft lighting, but that was not what drew Greg’s eyes. No, it was Brad’s pert arse. An arse that was held open by Martin’s large tanned hands, allowing everyone to see what was hidden. The tip of the butt plug was nestled inside Brad’s tight pucker.

  Greg squirmed against Aaden’s hard erection, wishing it was inside his arse so he would be ready for Aaden.

  His sky-blue eyes glued to Martin’s hand when it slowly tugged on the end of the plug before pushing it deeper. The low sexy mewl Brad released threw fuel on the fire raging inside him. Movement to his right side had him want to groan. He watched Joe stroke his own cock, his eyes fixed on Martin and Brad.

  Greg gripped the soft leather arms of the chair, rocking his backside onto Aaden’s slick cock, feeling it slide between his arse cheeks, giving much-needed friction against his rim. Going back to watching Brad, Greg rocked his hips in time to Martin’s movements.

  Brad’s bravery did a number on him. His eyes nearly crossed when Brad stood tall, allowing everyone to take their fill as Martin teased and played with his body. The slick sounds of the butt plug squelching in out of Brad’s body, along with the visual, had Greg’s breath wheeze past his tight lips.

  Every eye in the room watched Martin. The flickering candles sitting on the table and window ledge by Martin’s head cast a shimmering light over his dark hair, making it shine. The dark shadow of his facial hair added to the predatory glint in his blown pupils, making Greg think he looked like a caged panther getting ready to unleash his hunger.

  Though Martin’s presence wasn’t as intense as Aaden’s, it still had the tiny hairs on Greg’s body lift. Shivering, he pumped his hips faster. His needy cock wept for some attention. He groaned when Aaden stroked his large warm hands down the sides of his body. The rough pads of his fingertips traced lazy patterns down his chest, hovering above his stomach.

  The sound of Joe padding back to the bed had Greg lift his heavy lids to watch the show splayed in front of him.

  The scent of sex and the sweetness of the burning candles coated the inside of his nose, ensuring he didn’t escape the added torment. The fragrance aroused as much as the scene of Joe bending forward kissing and tormenting Stuart did.

  He felt his own cock twitch when Joe swept his tongue over the head of Stuart’s cock, making it glisten with saliva. When Joe moved between Stuart’s legs and lifted his arse, he pushed his sopping wet fingers into his pucker. Greg had to clench his eyes tightly shut. The image burned into his retinas. His balls ached for release.

  Aaden’s sudden shifting forward had his eyes fire open. He felt Aaden balance on the edge of the chair, shifting Greg’s legs to either side of the leather seat allowing him better access to his pucker. The low growl in his ear was the only warning he got before he felt rough wet fingers push against him, opening him wide.

  Greg mewled. His legs quaked when he felt the two sopping fingers push deep into his channel. The burning stretch edged towards painful before Aaden searched for the hidden spot that would make him moan like a bitch in heat.

  His loud moan had Aaden slide deeper, opening him further. The sting and burn morphed into pleasurable pain. Greg rocked his hips, wanting Aaden to go deeper, fill him to the brim.

  He felt Aaden’s hot breath ghost past his left cheek. Greg moved his head, meeting Aaden’s desire-laden dark depths.

  “Watch them, my redheaded beauty.”

  The whispered command had Greg tremble.

  “Feel my touch and watch. Does it excite you to feel my fingers buried inside you while you watch Joe fuck himself on his own fingers? See how deep those fingers slid into his hole. Can you feel me deep inside you?”

  Greg trembled.

  His half-mast lids struggled to watch the show on the bed when Aaden continued to torment him, talking dirty in his ear. He tipped his head back, laying it on Aaden’s broad shoulder when it felt too heavy to hold up. Aaden set the same rhythm as Joe, following each swallow and push of those fingers into his spit-soaked hole.

  The visual was too much for him, and Greg whimpered.

  The cooling pooling mess he was making over Aaden’s thighs showed the room how much he was getting off on watching Joe. He’d never been a fan of porn, so even though he’d asked to be included in Joe’s plans, he’d questioned whether he’d be able to get off. His hope that with Aaden there, it shouldn’t be a problem now fell by the wayside. It seemed he’d found a new kink he’d never considered before. The sights and
sounds, never mind what Aaden was doing to his body, could have his body spurting harder than any volcano.

  He froze when Joe reached for the vibrator he’d shown them earlier. His arse clenched in anticipation of what Stuart would be experiencing any minute. As if Aaden had read his body, he stroked Greg’s prostate with each inward glide of his fingers, derailing any coherent thought Greg might have had left in his head.

  The sound of buzzing and loud groans coming from the chair next to him had Greg look sideways.

  The butt plug lay on the table next to Martin. Brad faced the bed much the same as him, but with one exception. He was swaying and dancing erotically on Martin’s cock. Greg caught the glint of lube shine off Martin’s bare cock as Brad rose and fell. He watched Brad suck his lush lips into his mouth, his dreamy eyes fixed on Joe as he made Stuart writhe on the bed, ruthlessly using the vibrating dildo.

  The feel of Aaden sliding his fingers free had him moaning in despair. His empty hole pulsed with the need for more. Happy to be sidetracked from Brad when Aaden shifted him back till he felt the hot slippery head of his cock push against his stretched rim.

  It took a second to register that it was bare. Greg twisted his head to look fully at Aaden. They’d talked about going bare after the Friday night at the castle. Greg had made sure to book in for the test on the following Monday, and he’d got the all clear last week. Aaden hadn’t said anything at the time when he’d told him. So he’d just assumed Aaden wasn’t that bothered and was maybe too busy to go.

  “Surprise, my redheaded beauty. Merry Christmas.”

  The husky words had Greg launch forward. He latched his mouth on Aaden’s, not giving him a chance to say anything else. The scenes in front and at the side of him were forgotten under the welling emotions. They swelled. The force felt bigger than a tsunami wave as it washed over him, drowning him in the depth of love that filled his heart.

  His kiss offered up his devotion, his love, as Aaden consumed him. One big bite at a time, it left nothing behind. Not even a crumb.


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