The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set Page 141

by J P Sayle

  Why me? Seriously!

  How the hell didn’t I notice there was someone else in here? No, not someone. Brody.

  He blew out his lips, cursing up a storm inside his head. He slowly looked up from the vomit-splattered toilet bowl. His worst fears were confirmed as he turned in the steam-laden room to see a very wet and naked Brody standing behind the glass in the running shower. The patterned glass did nothing to conceal the toned, wet muscles gleaming like polished bronze under the spotlights.

  Nick hardly registered the noise of running water he’d missed when he was being sick. His teeth clicked together when his gaping mouth closed. Heat rose up his neck at the sight before him.

  God, his body was magnificent, all glorious rippling muscles and… Nick gulped at the very large and very solid cock, which stood proud from Brody’s hairless body and pointing directly at him. He carefully swallowed not wanting to choke on his tongue. The bitter aftertaste of vomit pulled him up short and, not so subtly, reminded him of what he’d just been doing.

  He did his best to avoid looking at Brody’s face. He didn’t want to witness the disgust that he was sure to be there from seeing him hurling right in from of him. The shame deepened the colour riding over his skin. Finally he dragged his eyes away from the specular sight in front of him.

  He winced, noticing the state of his own undress. He remembered all too clearly stripping down to his silky black manties last night. Too tired to pull on his night clothes, he’d collapsed onto the bed in just his pants.

  He froze before his head swung back to Brody, checking to see if he’d noticed. The steamy glass didn’t hide the gleam of lust in Brody’s now silver eyes. Not sure whether to run for the hills or offer to join him in the shower, Nick dithered. He heaved out a sigh, regretting it when the scent of vomit met his nose and told him neither option was a choice.

  After flushing the loo, he forced himself to walk to the sink, with his head held high, even when it was the last thing he felt like doing. He grabbed the toothpaste and his toothbrush, making quick work of cleaning his mouth. At great cost, he avoided looking in the mirror.

  The tension in the air distracted him as he swilled his mouth. He washed his face in icy water, hoping it would wake up his brain and cool his jets. Jets that were starting to rev with the sound of the shower stopping, right before the door opened. A cloud of steamy, scented air caressed his exposed skin. The tiny hairs on his body stood to attention at the feel of the damp air. His mind was so focused on trying to calm the party wanting to happen in his tiny manties, he failed to notice Brody had moved closer until it was too late.

  The sudden feel of hot, moist skin plastered to his back caused his lungs to seize. His chest rose, and for some reason, his ability to take in air deserted him. He clung to the sink, icy water dripping off his chin down his neck. He panted and struggled to drag in a decent breath.

  All sensible thoughts fled when Brody’s large hands clasped his bare shoulders, sliding down his sides to the top of the silk covering his backside. His empty stomach quivered. He willed Brody to push the thin scrap of silky material down and plunge that seven-inch monster he’d seen through the glass into his arse.

  He mewled in distress when shouting came from the hallway.

  “Nick? Nick, where are you? Are you all right?”

  Nick cursed his brother’s cock-blocking, even when he almost sagged in relief at the reprieve. For a second there, he wasn’t sure where his sensible self had gone to. He rolled his eyes heavenward when a snigger rose in his chest, informing him exactly where his sense had gone. Straight to hell, that’s where, at the mere sight of a nude Brody. But fuck, who could blame me?

  He licked his lips, sighing when Brody withdraw. The sudden chill he felt and the urge to demand Brody come back made his fists clench. He stalked to the bathroom door, not looking round. Too scared, Nick yanked open the door and darted to his room.

  He nearly jumped out of his skin when Aaden suddenly appeared from inside his bedroom.

  “There you are. You okay? You’re looking a bit flushed.”

  As he heard the concern in Aaden’s voice, he offered him what he hoped was a reassuring smile. “I’m okay, sort of. I was having a come-to-Jesus chat with the porcelain bowl.” Nick heard a noise behind him. He panicked, and his heart danced crazily in his chest. Not overthinking it, he pushed Aaden fully into his bedroom and slammed the door behind them.

  He pretended not to notice Aaden’s scrunched brow or the question in his eyes.

  Nick really didn’t want to have to explain about his morning run-in with Brody and have Aaden jumping to the wrong conclusion. Or the right one, a small voice reminded him.

  He blocked out the voice, waffling crap while he dragged clean clothes out of the brand-new wardrobe. He kept his gaze averted from Aaden as he dressed quickly. His turbulent stomach was forgotten under the worry that Aaden would suspect something was going on. Nick willed his trembling hands to keep still when Aaden came up behind him and placed his large hands on his shoulders. He reluctantly turned but kept his head down.

  He knew this was it. The hard line of Aaden’s rigid jaw was a clear giveaway. He wasn’t going to let him avoid the topic of Brody any longer. Aaden lifted his chin, making him look directly at him. The broody onyx eyes gave little away as Aaden searched his face, for what Nick had no clue. He tried to keep the warring emotions surging through him in check.

  “Talk to me, please. I love you, Nick, and I know we’ve had our ups and downs, but we’re brothers, and you’ll always come first.”

  The sincerity loosened the tightness in Nick’s chest, allowing him to drag in a deep inhale. His brother’s familiar scent reassured him that everything would work out. He settled himself and let down the walls he’d kept in place for far too long. The feeling of exposure he’d expected never came as he started to talk and explain stuff he’d held inside.

  “Will you still love me if I encroach on your turf?” The question had Aaden’s brow rise in confusion, and his face started to darken with thunder clouds. Nick realised too late how it sounded. He quickly clarified, not wanting Aaden to think he was talking about Greg. “Brody, if I went after Brody. I know you two were a thing when you were teenagers and maybe longer than that. But the code says you don’t poach on your friends, or in this case, your brother’s turf.” He shrugged, immediately shutting up when he noticed Aaden looked more amused than concerned. He ground his teeth together at the growing gleam in Aaden’s dark eyes.

  Aaden held up his hands in surrender at seeing Nick’s embarrassment turn to anger. “Is this why you’ve been holding back from going after what you want? You think that me and Brody had a thing together?” Aaden couldn’t stop the howl of laughter escape. He wiped at his eyes, trying to contain his humour when all Nick did was give him a deadly glare.

  He choked back a chuckle before he could speak. “Listen to me. That kiss you saw in the woods was the sum total of the thing between me and Brody. It was nothing more and less than nothing, just one kiss. We both knew we weren’t feeling the whole boyfriend thing. Our friendship was way more important to us to fuck it up. All the kiss did was confirm we liked boys. I promise it was nothing more than that.” Aaden wagged his brows at Nick, hoping to lighten the mood. He was pleased when a slow smile creased Nick’s cheeks.

  “That was it, just one kiss?” He sounded incredulous. Nick felt lost under all the years of misconceptions. All these years he’d thought Brody and Aaden had been doing… his brain refused to go there.

  He shook his head when Aaden nodded at him.

  He watched one of the barriers he’d used for so long disappear right before his eyes. “Well, fuck!”


  Brody forced himself to lightly shut the bedroom door, even when his hands itched to slam it. The temper bubbled through his body. He looked at the large wardrobe mirror to see if there was steam coming out of his ears. He was surprised to see nothing.

  Aaden, that cock-blocking f

  Brody was starting to think Aaden had a built-in radar. Any time he seemed to be making any progress with Nick, then bam, up would pop Aaden.

  He dropped the towel and took hold of his erection with trembling fingers. The same erection he was mortified to acknowledge had sprung up when Nick was hurling down the loo. Nick’s tight arse waving at him, encased in a scrap of black silk, and that glorious naked skin on show was too much for his body to handle.

  Brody chewed his lip, disconcerted by his own behaviour.

  A blush heated his cheeks when he thought about why he left the bathroom door unlocked. He knew damn well Aaden and Greg used their en-suite shower and only used the bathroom in the evening if they wanted a joint bath. Had he secretly hoped Nick would catch him, naked and wet?

  His fist tightened around his hard length. A drop of pre-come formed before falling off the end of his erection onto the varnished wood. His finger slid over the slippery, red bulbous head, catching the next drop. He smeared it over the sensitive tip, inhaling sharply. Sensations shot up his cock, making him dig his fingernail into the slit. Pain fired bolts of lightning up his spine, causing a shudder to wrack his body. Brody felt his heavy sac draw up, sitting snug into his groin.

  He pumped his fist in long strokes. His fingers captured the pearly drops, using them to slick his cock. He teased his length, caressing from the tip to his heavy sac. Using his other hand, he tugged on his testicles, enjoying the silky feel of the skin as he rolled them in his palm.

  His eyelids lowered, and he watched himself in the mirror. His mind conjured images of Nick kneeling in his tiny silky pants, watching him pleasure himself. Waiting for Brody to come all over those pretty pants, marking him.

  His laboured breaths mixed with the wet, slick sounds of his hand moving up and down his length.

  His hand stilled at the sound of the door handle rattling a second before it flew open. His heart raced, and his eyes flew to the open door and met Nick’s shocked face. The little O his mouth formed as he hesitated in the doorway gave Brody all the incentive he needed.

  He released his throbbing cock. Walking towards Nick, his cock waving boldly, Brody gave him a second to register what he intended to do before he yanked him inside. Slamming the door, Brody made a show of turning the lock. His gaze never wavered from Nick’s.

  A predatory smirk escaped before he could stop it when his eyes travelled down Nick’s body. The low-slung jeans didn’t hide the arousal pressing against the zip.

  “Strip.” Brody didn’t recognise his own voice. His throat felt rubbed raw by the desire wreaking havoc on him.

  Brody stepped closer when Nick hesitated. His cock brushed the soft, worn cotton of Nick’s T-shirt, and a ripple of want spread through his body. He sucked in a breath as he tried to calm the need to just take. Instead Brody leant down, his lips a hair’s breadth from Nick’s. The mint from the toothpaste he’d used earlier scented the air. Brody let his tongue slide over Nick’s lower lip, eliciting a low, needy moan.

  “I won’t ask again. Strip.”

  Nick’s dilated pupils fixed on him. His unsteady fingers plucked at the T-shirt, lifting it off and dropping it to the floor. Nick’s unwavering stare made the blood pump fast and furiously when his nimble fingers unbuttoned the jeans, and he shimmied out of them. A smug smile lit up Nick’s eyes. Brody lowered his gaze to see what he was up too.

  He exhaled, tugging hard on his balls to stop himself from coming right then and there. The pale pink frilly fabric draped beautifully over Nick’s groin, covering his rock-hard length. He sent thanks to the wonderful person for thinking up manties.

  Brody stopped trying to get his head around how arousing it was to see Nick in frilly silk and lace. Instead he looked his fill, enjoying the unfettered view. The soft fabric clung lovingly to Nick’s pale golden skin, making it glow against the material. There was no mistaking the masculinity of Nick’s lean body, even in those sweet pants. The combination of feminine apparel and corded muscles had him gripping the base of his cock, just in case he lost his load.

  He chuckled at how his body was behaving. He took a deep breath, hoping to compose himself and then wished he hadn’t. The smell of their combined scents filling his nose was enough to stop his perusal.

  Stepping back, he sat on the edge of the unmade bed. “Come here. Stand between my legs.” He beckoned Nick closer. Nick’s body tensed. Brody wondered if he had changed his mind. His hands clenched as he waited for the other shoe to drop and Nick to come back to his senses.

  He let out the breath he didn’t realise he was holding when Nick hesitated for a second before he did as he bade. Brody sensed Nick was nervous about this next step. A step Brody rationalised they needed to take, even when his heart argued with his cock and head that they really should talk first.

  He lost his train of thought and all his good intentions when Nick’s cock displayed in satiny frills pushed towards his face.

  His hands rose, gripping Nick’s firm hips and tugging him closer. He tipped his chin down and pushed his nose into the soft, damp material, inhaling. The scent of pre-come and Nick’s musky odour filled his senses. His tongue slid over the moist material, licking up the hard length beneath the silk. The tip of Nick’s cock pushed against the straining material, seeking to escape its confines. Blowing on the wet patch, he teased a shiver out of Nick.

  He grinned up at Nick when he thrust his hips forward attempting to get closer to Brody’s mouth.

  “Tut, tut. We’ll have none of that. I’m in charge here. If you want something, you have to ask me for it.” He waited, seeing indecision cross Nick’s face before he gave in.

  “Please suck my cock. I need to feel your lips on me.”

  Brody dragged his pants down in one swift move and swallowed his cock down to the root. The mewled whine Nick gave would have made him grin if his mouth wasn’t so full.

  Brody let the taste invade his taste buds. A unique sweetness and salty essence filled his mouth, and a low groan rumbled up his chest. He drew off. He used the tip of his tongue to dip into Nick’s slit, rejoicing as flavour burst across his tongue. He suckled and teased, revelling in the whimpers and sighs that escaped through Nick’s clamped lips.

  The rigid length pulsed in his mouth, and his heavy-lidded gaze travelled up to Nick’s face. Nick’s blissed-out expression increased as Brody worked his length deeper into his tight throat, swallowing.

  He felt Nick’s thighs quiver, his body tensing.

  Brody felt his own cock buck and drip pre-come, getting fully on board with what was about to happen. Brody lowered one hand to his cock while sucking a finger into his mouth alongside Nick’s cock.

  He kept his gaze on Nick. He slowed down his movements, willing Nick to open his eyes. He needed to see what he looked like when he lost control. Almost as if he heard his silent wish, Nick lifted his eyelids, revealing his cerulean desire-laden eyes.

  He teased Nick’s cock with his dripping finger, making sure to keep his gaze focused on Nick’s face.

  Brody’s lips lifted slightly as he saw the light dawn in Nick’s eyes before attempting to spread his legs. Hampered by his frilly pants, a sigh of frustration left Nick’s parted lips. When he moved to remove his underwear, Brody sat back.

  “No. Leave them on. I’ll work round them.” He gave him a wicked smile. Gathering the flimsy material, Brody pulled them up at the back and pushed the silky material into the crack of Nick’s backside, turning the pants into a thong. Brody wallowed in the feel of silk brushing his skin as his fingers spread Nick’s arse cheeks open. He let his dripping fingers slide down the silky material, brushing it aside so he could touch Nick’s puckered hole.

  He wished he could do more than feel, wanting desperately to see his fingers slip into Nick’s hot, slick channel. Reassuring himself he would do that next time, he sunk his index finger in up to the knuckle, halting at the feel of silky tightness clasping and strangling his finger. Sweat broke out on his forehead as he stru
ggled to hold still and let Nick’s body adjust.

  Fuck, he is unbelievably tight.

  A smile lit his face when he considered why that was. All his worries about Nick partying in his absence faded as he sunk deeper inside his tight channel.

  His breathless pants matched Nick’s.

  Nick mewled loudly when he slowly withdrew his finger, only to push back in at speed. Nick’s body bucked forward, his cock nudging Brody’s cheek, encouraging him to finish what he’d started. Not needing to be asked twice, Brody opened wide and swallowed deep. He gave a hard suck, making sure to tuck his teeth under his lips. He moved in tandem with his hand.

  Brody wasn’t sure what Nick wanted, so he gave him everything he had. Sucking hard, Brody pushed his finger in deep. Nick, withering and rocking back and forth, encouraged him to go faster and harder. He slid in another finger, searching for the tiny spot that would light Nick up faster than a Christmas tree being switched on.

  Brody growled in desire at the sudden jerky movements and hair gripping. The one hand holding Nick’s hip let go, seeking out his own cock. He sensed Nick wasn’t going to last much longer, and he wanted to come with him. Brody felt his balls fire tiny blasts of pleasure up his cock and spine. Knowing this was the beginning of the end, he focused on Nick’s prostate.

  Nick’s bucking pelvis turned wild. Brody gagged, and saliva dribbled out of his mouth down his chin. Unrelenting, Brody disregarded the spit dripping off his chin. Nick’s hands yanked and tightened in his hair. The warning was clear. Brody kept going, wanting desperately to taste Nick’s cum.

  Nick’s loud growl had Brody roll his eyes up and watch in fascination the pained expression on Nick’s face morph into ecstasy when the first spurt of cum hit the back of his throat.

  Brody swallowed quickly, pulling off slightly to get a mouthful of Nick’s warm, sweet cum. He swallowed the first load, savouring the taste he let the last drops collect in his mouth. Brody eased back. Carefully removing his fingers, he pulled Nick onto his lap and fused their mouths together.


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