The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set Page 154

by J P Sayle

  Collapsing against Brody’s shaking thigh, Nick couldn’t stop his lips from curling up at the look of lazy satisfaction on Brody’s face.

  Nick stilled at Brody’s husky demand.

  “Come on, let’s get out of the shower. I want to do what I promised.”

  The eyebrow waggle and gentle shove before Brody held out his hand to help him stand had his already unsteady legs tremble. Yeah, his arse was definitely up for round two.

  Nick offered a lazy smile. “Bring it on, big boy.”


  Forcing his legs to hold him up, Brody turned off the shower. Pulling Nick with him, he stepped out and grabbed a couple of towels. He knocked Nick’s hand away when he went to take one out of his hand.

  “No, I don’t think so. It’s my turn now.” His brows shot up his forehead at how raspy his voice sounded. Brody eyed the door with some concern, wondering if Aaden had heard them.

  Looking back at Nick’s post-orgasmic, blissed face, he tried to let go of his embarrassment. Brody wrapped one of the bath towels around his hips. He paid no attention to the telltale heat that was spreading up his neck. Who cared if he’d moaned like a ten-quid hooker? Not Nick, that was for sure, judging by the way he encouraged Brody to fuck his mouth.

  Brody shifted, the soft cotton of the towel brushing against his returning arousal. His jaw bunched, and he ground his teeth together as the violent urge to savage Nick where he stood took his breath away. He inhaled, looking anywhere but at Nick, praying it might help with his body’s growing demand to take what it wanted.

  Fuck, he’d only just had an epic orgasm. How the hell was his body ready for round two so soon?

  His mind already knew the answer when his gaze travelled back to Nick. The bemused expression he wore as he stood naked, dripping glittery water everywhere made Brody’s fists clench. The weeks of denial well and truly kicking his arse, he made himself take a breath. He needed a moment when the reality of what was about to happen caught up with him.

  Brody was not going to let his cock rule his head. He shook his head. No, that was so not happening, not when he wanted so much more than a quick fuck over the bath. He’d dreamed of this moment, of taking his time to explore every glorious inch of Nick’s corded, muscular body. He was going to leave no part untouched by his lips, his mouth, and his hands. He wanted to turn him into a mindless fool, as Nick had done to him in the shower. Yes, he wanted everything and he wanted it now.

  Unclenching his fingers, Brody moved closer to Nick. He kept the smirk off his face when Nick’s expression turned wary. Yeah, you bet your arse you better be worried.

  Brody kept the thought to himself. Lifting the towel, he brushed it gently over Nick’s damp torso. He chuckled at how much glitter still clung to Nick’s skin. He wondered what other interesting places he’d find the little sparkles. His cock bolted up with another surge of electricity at the idea. The tent at the front of his towel made it impossible to hide how aroused he was.

  Noticing the tiny shivers and goosebumps, Brody hurried. Still, he took the time to make sure Nick was dry before tying the towel around his hips, toga-style. He stepped back, offering his hand. He released a breath he wasn’t aware he’d been holding when Nick took it without hesitation.

  Opening the door, Brody checked the hall was empty. Quickly yanking Nick behind him, he went straight to his bedroom. He shut the door behind them and turned the lock. There was no way he was taking any chances. Not now.

  He turned to face Nick. The air caught in his chest at the sight he made in the dipping afternoon sun as it cast rays of dreamy light over his sparkling body. Brody could almost imagine he’d been dipped in a rainbow the way he sparkled. The room faded into nothingness when all Brody could see was Nick. His swollen, chapped lips and sultry gaze caused Brody’s heart to thunder in rapturous joy. His soul soared at the thought of what was about to happen.

  Nick’s cerulean eyes watched him closely as his small hands took hold of the edges of the towel, tugging. Brody exhaled when it landed in a heap at Nick’s feet.

  He growled. “Get on the bed, now. I want you on all fours.”

  He would have laughed at how quick Nick moved to obey him, but his humour died at the display in front of him. His perfectly round backside jiggled when Nick pushed back, spreading his thighs wider. Brody gulped. Ungluing his tongue from the roof of his mouth, he slowly stepped up to the edge of the bed. Careful not to cause the mattress to shift, he knelt between Nick’s thighs.

  Hands trembled as they rose, gently skimming down Nick’s spine, stopping at his buttocks. Brody squeezed the fleshy mounds, enjoying the tiny whimpers coming from Nick as he rocked into his touch.

  Leaning forward, Brody teased the tip of his tongue over the meaty globe in his left hand. He was rewarded with a needy mewl and shudder. Doing the same to the other cheek, he took his time, noticing each and every reaction. When Nick shoved his arse higher in the air begging silently for what Brody had promised, he gave in and stopped teasing.

  He trailed his nose down Nick’s crease, inhaling his strong musk. The heady scent was more than his poor neglected cock could take. It bucked, seeking friction of any kind to ease the ache. He pulled away and was going to reposition Nick, only to stop when the afternoon light caught Nick’s shimmery pucker. Brody chuckled at the sight of the purple glitter scattered over Nick’s pale pink hole, making it sparkle.

  He felt Nick tense before he demanded, “What are you laughing at?”

  Glancing up, Brody gave a toothy grin when Nick pouted at him over his shoulder. “In future, Squirt, I’d maybe stay away from bath bombs that have glitter in them. That stuff gets everywhere, if you catch my drift.”

  Seeing the wide-eyed alarm in Nick’s eyes and bright slash of red colouring his cheeks, Brody struggled to stop his humour from taking over. Brody glanced away, needing a moment to get a grip. He reminded himself there were more important things to do, like taste the pretty glittery hole in front of him. Leading with that thought, he went with repositioning Nick higher up the bed. He pushed him down until his chest hit the bed. Brody lowered down to the mattress, ensuring his eyes were level with Nick’s arse. He took hold of Nick’s hips, tilting them so he could play without straining his neck. He pulled the firm arse cheeks apart. Leaning down, he breathed in deep, enjoying the strong musky scent that was all Nick.

  His tongue swept across his pucker, leaving a wet shining path in its wake. Brody said a silent prayer he wouldn’t end up a glittery mess when the snarls of “more” derailed his thoughts, compelling him to concentrate on Nick’s quivering hole. Brody licked and teased Nick until he was a screaming, quivering mess. His white-knuckled hands clutched tight to the duvet as he moaned, panted, and growled at Brody to fill him.

  Brody humped the mattress at the needy demands. The dampening soft cotton offered little more than a tease. His leaking angry cock knew there was something so much better: Nick’s tight channel. And it wouldn’t be dissuaded into thinking otherwise.

  Brody growled in frustration. He wanted to keep his promise of using his mouth and fingers to drive Nick wild first.

  Knowing he was fast losing patience, Brody speared Nick’s hole the way his cock wanted to. The tight sheath gripped his tongue. Nick’s long drawn-out wail as his body relaxed left Brody breathless. He sank his tongue deeper, groaning at the unique taste of Nick. Easing his tongue out to lube his fingers, Brody hesitated at the pitiful whine coming from Nick.

  “Shush, sweetheart. I need to grab the lube so I can fulfil my promise.” He stroked Nick’s hip gently, hoping to calm them both. Brody remembered his supplies were still in the drawer. “Fuck, sorry, Nick. I forgot the supplies. Wait a second.” Brody hopped off the bed and ran to the drawer, his cock slapping against his stomach distracting him.

  Nick whinged behind him, and he snatched what he needed.

  “You better mean lube and a condom.”

  “What else would I be getting?” Brody asked. His amusement trans
formed into rampant need when he faced the bed, finding Nick splayed out like an all-you-could-eat buffet. His creamy skin was slicked with sweat that gleamed in the soft light pouring from the window. His blond head hung low between his shoulders. His body undulated as if trying to find anything to ease the need that was straining to escape.

  He exhaled slowly when he found his hands trembling. Brody worked quickly to open the lube and coat his fingers. Prowling back to the bed, he dropped the condom and the lube next to Nick. Crawling back onto the damp duvet, Brody settled between Nick’s splayed, quivering thighs. “Now where was I?”

  Not expecting an answer, Brody got back to teasing Nick’s sopping hole. Using his index finger to lightly circle the relaxed rim, he increased the pressure, eliciting a low moan. Nick’s hips rocked towards him. His cock swaying between his legs drew Brody’s attention.

  Brody licked his dry lips. His chest heaved as he saw a long strand of pre-come dribbling down towards the duvet. He clenched his thighs together when the sight was enough to make his balls draw tight to his groin. His neglected cock left its own sticky mess on his stomach as he knelt, watching Nick hungrily.

  He sucked in a breath, struggling with the urge to plunge deep into Nick’s tight arse and be done with it. Brody made himself relax before pressing down, waiting for Nick to open and let him in. “Bear down, sweetheart. Let me in.” He’d hardly finished uttering his husky demand when his finger sank deep. He breathed in through his mouth, and his eyes rolled into the back of his head at the tightness he’d only dreamed about. Fuck, he’s squeezing me so tight.

  Brody didn’t think. His free hand grabbed his cock, clasping tight to stop the impending orgasm that was ready to rock and ride at his thought.

  Brody snarled. His lips peeled back as his teeth clenched. Fighting the urge to let go with everything in him, he ringed his cock, letting the dull pain help clear the devilish licks of pleasure from getting out of control.

  “Why’d you stop?” Nick moaned, wiggling his hips.

  Sweat slid down Brody’s forehead as he willed his body to behave. “Gimme a sec. Please. Goddamnit.” Brody wheezed. “You’re so fucking tight. Just imagining sinking inside you is enough to make me blow.” Nick’s response to that was a full-body shudder. Brody couldn’t find it in him to be pleased, not when it made Nick squeeze his finger even tighter.

  “Stop it, you little tease.” He growled.

  He sucked in a few breaths when Nick behaved and allowed him to get himself under control. He felt the urge subside, but he knew that it wouldn’t be long before he’d lose it. He resigned himself to the fact that the time to play was evidently not now, not when his cock was close to losing its ever-fucking mind and blowing its load over the bed. And that was not what he wanted, not even close.

  Brody eased his finger out, and grabbing the condom, he suited up. Doing his best, he hurried when Nick started to chant. “Hurry… now… come on… hurry… now… I need it.”

  Lifting the lube with clumsy fingers, he poured a liberal amount into his palm, coating his cock. He hissed at the feel of the cool liquid touching the thin latex cover. The condom did little to stop his growing excitement as he stroked lube up his rock-hard length.

  Willing himself to hold on at least until he could get inside Nick, Brody went back to ensuring Nick was prepped enough to take his wide girth. When Nick could easily take three fingers, Brody’s patience gave out, no longer able to take Nick’s constant barrage of demands and undulating hips shoving at his face.

  He eased his slippery fingers out, admiring the way Nick’s slick hole winked at him and remained slightly open. He uttered a growly warning, “I don’t know if I can go slowly once I get inside you, but if you need me to stop at any point, I’ll do my best.”

  Nick grunted, thrusting his hips. “Just fucking do it. Man, you’re killing me here.”

  Taking him at his word, he took hold of his hips after lining up his cock. Brody inched in slowly, cursing when his eyes crossed.

  Fuck, he’s still tight.

  He stilled at the feel of Nick’s arse clamping down hard around the head of his cock. Sweat gathered at the base of his neck. He released a string of curses when Nick’s hips pushed back. “Move… now… now…”

  His body obeyed against his better judgement. His hips thrust forward, sinking his cock deep. He bottomed out, and his groin sat flush against Nick’s fuzzy peach cheeks. He was only slightly mollified by the loud joint moans, but it didn’t stop him from holding Nick still. He begged, “Don’t move, please. Fuck, you’re strangling my cock so good.”

  “Shut up… Brody. You… can’t say… stuff… like that and… expect… metostaystill.”

  Nick panted, stuttered, and rushed the words. Brody gave a feral snarl in return.

  Barely keeping a tight leash on his control, Brody felt something shift in his chest. He gripped Nick’s undulating hips, forcing him to hold still, while he tried to understand what was happening to him.

  Strange sensations mixed with overwhelmingly scary emotions that he couldn’t grasp all at once. They flooded his heart and his mind, rocking his very foundation. Even when he knew he was utterly still, he still believed he was suddenly afloat at sea. Somehow he’d become lost for a moment until his eyes and hands latched on to the one thing he knew that would tether him to land: Nick.

  A sob rose. Tears blinded him as he fought to contain the overriding need to scream at what had been stolen from them. The time they could have spent just loving each other instead of barely tolerating each other’s presence. He roared his grief, unable to get control. His hands tightened, although he knew he had to be hurting Nick. His chest heaved as he sniffed, struggling to stop the outpouring of his emotions.

  The quiet acceptance Nick showed him was more than he could cope with, and his body took over. It took what it needed: Nick. He felt him clenching his hard length, making him feel alive for the first time in forever. He wasn’t sure who was moaning loudest. Brody had a second of worry that Aaden might come to investigate when the headboard rattled off the wall, dulling their noises.

  His need to possess all of Nick, his heart, his soul, everything was overwhelming. His worries slid away as his need consumed all coherent thought.

  The need to somehow to go deeper, to immerse himself inside Nick until he couldn’t tell where he started and Nick ended drove him to thrust harder. The slap of skin hitting skin made him release a feral snarl. His hair hung around his soaking face as sweat stung his eyes, but he noticed none of it when his body tensed. Air ceased in his lungs as he let out a silent cry at the force of his cock swelling and firing painfully into Nick. He had a moment to regret he wasn’t marking him, marking his territory, but they hadn’t talked about that, so he’d wait with a promise that as soon as it was possible, they’d be tested so he could mark Nick as his.

  “Brody, he’s always been yours.”

  The angry growl was disconcerting. Brody’s hips stuttered right along with his heart. He let out an exhale, trying to figure out if he should be worried about the strange voice in his head that clearly was not his.

  The hissed “pay attention” had him glance down as Nick collapsed onto the bed. As he followed suit, Brody’s arms quaked with exhaustion. His heaving chest matched the one under him. Realising he must be crushing Nick, he let his deflating cock slip free. His brow rose at Nick’s hiss. Brody hovered over Nick, disgusted with himself for not even considering Nick’s pleasure. His face heated, mortified when he realised he didn’t know if Nick had even come.


  “Shit, sweetheart. You okay?” Brody barely recognised the hoarse sound that came out of his mouth. He blinked back the tears that threatened to spill and leaned forward on shaky arms when all he got was a garbled mumble. Mumbling he tried to decipher, but he found made no sense at all. “Sweetheart, did you come?” The edge of panic in his question only got a half nod before Nick’s head flopped back to the pillow as his body shivered.

p; “Okay. Right…” Unsure why he felt out of sorts, Brody lay down before he fell, pulling the cover over them. His eyes drifted closed, only to shoot open as he turned to stare at Nick, his mouth hanging open.

  “You blew… my… fucking… head off… and you want…me… to talk.”

  The tightness in his chest melted under the slurred response and half-lidded, glazed eyes. “I’m a fucking stallion.” He chortled when a pillow hit his head. “I am. You just said I blew your head off.”

  He dragged Nick closer to his side, not questioning the sudden need to touch. He paid no attention to Nick’s grumbling about landing in the wet patch. He cuddled, enjoying the feel of Nick’s slick skin against his.

  Brody huffed when Nick continued to gripe. Giving in, Brody shifted, tugging Nick on top of him. When he snuggled into his chest, a warm fuzzy feeling had his arms tighten. Nuzzling into Nick’s neck, Brody acknowledged the part of him that might have always known this man was his. Accepting what his head and heart now agreed on, he felt the last of his tension dissolve as he inhaled the warm scent of lavender with a hint of sex.

  Brody’s peacefulness lasted a few seconds when his spent cock started to find the fragrance, along with Nick’s sweaty skin sliding against his, arousing. He shifted, willing his spent cock to behave. There was no way Nick would be up for another round, especially after the hammering he’d given him. He choked back another wave of guilt at letting go so violently.

  “You can stop wherever your head just went. I can feel your mind working overtime.”

  Brody sighed. “Did I hurt you?” He didn’t like the slight quiver in his voice. He tilted Nick’s chin up to look him in the eye. The glow of fire and the resounding “Fuck no” was enough to let the guilt move slightly sideways so he could settle down.

  Brody vowed, next time… next time, he’d make sure to keep his head in the game, and the little fucking witch out of it. And whoever her friend was. Yeah, he could take a hike too.


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