Dirty Obsessions: An Interracial Russian Mafia Romance (The Lion and The Mouse Book 5.5)

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Dirty Obsessions: An Interracial Russian Mafia Romance (The Lion and The Mouse Book 5.5) Page 7

by Kenya Wright

  “I had a short meeting. One I had to deal with at that moment.”

  “Did it deal with Akiva or—”

  “No. My cousin. He wants me in Paris.”

  She swallowed. “When will you go?”

  I drank her in. “I’m no longer sure.”

  The wall slipped open. Ten waiters hurried in. Some held several ice buckets full of champagne. Others had white trays of different caviar topping small pieces of toast. One by one, they covered the table in these delights.

  Four more waiters entered with stacks of small black menus. Gold writing covered the front. They took their time giving us all one. When they were done, they disappeared.

  Maxwell rose from his chair and pinged his wine glass with a white fork.

  All chatter ceased. Everyone gave him their attention.

  He cleared his throat, and his expression went serious. “Today, we are gathered here together to witness a celebration of mega proportions.”

  A few ballerinas widened their eyes.

  “Have no fear.” Maxwell raised his voice. “But there will be debauchery this evening!”

  Several ballerinas laughed.

  Maxwell pointed the fork at me. “Please turn to our lovely benefactor. When your stomach is full and your liver is shaking and your feet are tired from the dancing and your panties are on the floor and you’re in bed having a blast with the good-looking man with the New York accent. Thank this man, Misha. He did that.”

  One of the ballerinas raised her glass and spoke in Russian. “Such a bad boy! To panties on the floor and sex with strangers!”

  “That’s right.” Maxwell raised his glass. “Whatever she said. I don’t know what it is, but I like her excitement.”

  We all laughed.

  Lowering, he returned to his joint and conversation with the ballerina next to him. Loud chatter ensued. Several ballerinas clinked their glasses with guards.

  I ordered a vodka with lavender-lemonade ice. The waiter had it in front of me fast.

  One ballerina tapped Ava’s shoulder and chatted with her for a few minutes. Every few sentences, Ava checked over her shoulder as if making sure I didn’t run off. The gesture tickled me so.

  I’ll be right here, Ava. I’m not leaving your side.

  Letting go for the first time this evening, I picked up my drink, tilted my head back, and swallowed the vodka to the last drop. The ice chimed against my teeth. I gestured for a passing waiter to get me another one, while I sucked on one of those sweet cubes.

  I’m glad I shot Pavel. If I hadn’t, I would have missed this.

  In our special room, the music was different than the main lounge. It was slow with an experimental jazz tune. A sultry voice flowed over it. Each word clear and lovely.

  As if hearing my thoughts, Ava said, “I like this song.”

  “It’s relaxing and smooth. The intention is for you to be able to taste the food.”

  She smirked. “What?”

  “Restaurant background music is one of the most important factors of their success. More significant than even the food.”

  “No way. You must elaborate.”

  “Studies show that music can increase food sales. Alternatively, a silent restaurant or just playing random songs can actually hurt food sales.”

  “Hmmm.” She listened to the song some more. “This tune is making me more comfortable, yet energized to be here.”

  “Imagine if there was no song. You would still enjoy yourself, but not as much. And then if there was something like heavy metal. That would change the moment. You may want to rush out.”

  “Or American Country music would dull the mood for me as well.”

  I grinned. “A slow tempo encourages patrons to stick around after the meal. When they do, they spend more money on drinks and desserts.”

  “Okay. I can believe that.” She sipped her glass and held it up. “But wait. What about fast music? Does it change sales?”

  “Fast songs boost drink sales, not food.”

  “People want to party and get in the mood to dance.”


  “Why do you know this?”

  “When I first started my company, I was looking up good music to keep my tech employees working. That led me down a path to other businesses and their use of music. Clothing stores. Salons—”

  “And restaurants?”


  “I love that you focused on a small detail when creating your business.”

  “I wanted to make sure it was the best. The very idea was a risky move.” I relaxed, happy that I could talk to someone about this. “You now know about my father, my cousin, and. . .”

  She curved her lips into a weak smile. “The family business.”

  “Yes. The family business.”

  “You tried a different path.”

  “I did. I knew technology was the future. It made sense to seek a path with less violence and criminal activity.”

  “And you had to win. You wanted to show your father that you could be a millionaire without using a gun?”

  “You should have been a psychiatrist, Ava.”

  She laughed. “I do love psychology.”


  “With my parents gone, I wondered if I was missing something other people weren’t.”

  Stunned, I studied her. “I completely understand. When my mother passed, I often thought that I was missing something. Perhaps, other men who had their mothers in their lives had a bigger heart or. . .were more capable of love than me.”


  “They had that feminine guidance to give them balance. All I had was a masculine influence.” I shrugged. “Well, I did have my cousin’s mother, but many would say she was more of a man than most.”

  Ava reached her hand out and held mine. “Trust me when I say this, Misha. You are not missing anything. Your heart is not smaller than other men. Your love is huge and all-encompassing.”

  “And so is yours. There is nothing wrong with you.”

  She squeezed my hand. “I believe that now.”

  “Never forget.”

  The wall slipped open. Several waiters came in to get our orders. When Ava and I gave them ours, she turned her attention my way. There was nothing in this world more important than her gaze on me. How could Kazimir think I would leave St Petersburg to talk to him? Wasn’t he in the rapture of new love—new passion? Didn’t he understand that nothing else could distract a man from a woman’s devotion?

  Ava sipped her champagne. “How many times have you been here?”

  Surprised she asked, I held up two fingers.

  “And how did you find this place?”

  “My cousin came to visit Olesya and when he was done. . .”

  “Sleeping with her.” Ava rolled her eyes.

  “Yes. I took Kazimir out for drinks. Like me, he enjoys peculiar places.”

  “Because you two have seen so many?”


  Her expression shifted to a sad one. “Do you think you bore easily?”

  I smirked. “Are you wondering if you will bore me?”

  “How many girlfriends have you had?”

  “And how many of those girlfriends have bored me?”

  She shrugged.

  “After meeting you, I can’t even think about any other women.”

  “Nice statement, but that’s not an answer.”

  “There were other lovers.”

  She leaned forward. “And?”

  “They were easily forgotten.”

  She blinked.

  “You will never be forgotten. You’re. . .” I searched for the words. “You captivated me the moment I first met you. A year ago. And for those twelve torturous months, I waited to be with you. I hoped for the right moment.”

  “And now?”

  “Now you are more than I could have ever imagined. And every day with you has ended too fast. Every moment I’m with you is too short. Every sensual sessi
on of our bodies entwined is never enough.” I slipped my finger along her palm. “My fear is not that I’ll be bored, Ava. What terrifies me is that I may never get enough of you, that I’ll always be addicted and needy.”

  “I know how you feel.” She bit her bottom lip.

  Our waiters brought out appetizers and placed them on the table for everyone. Conversation roared over the music. Weed smoke danced circles around perfumed ballerinas and gangsters smelling of blood and death. And the scent of food rose as more dishes came in. And lovely wine glasses clinked among the laughter.

  And the whole time, Ava and I gazed at each other in a delicious silence—one that only new lovers would understand. We spoke with eyes, enthralling and charming each other. We passed messages with our hands, our fingers slipping and sliding.

  I tilted forward and brushed my lips along her ear.

  She stirred in her seat.

  I licked my lips and whispered, “After we’re done eating, I want to take you on a private tour and show you another part of this club. A quiet section, hidden away.”

  Her eyes dilated with lust. “No.”


  Wickedness laced her next words. “Show me now.”

  We rose.

  Maxwell raised his glass my way and winked, knowing just what we would be going to do.

  Chapter 6


  Misha took my hand and guided me away from our seats. I thought we would be going out of the wall that we’d entered. Instead, he led me in the opposite direction and stopped at the wall behind Maxwell. I studied the surface, nothing was there but white paint.

  Misha pressed his flat hand on the wall. Pink light glowed under his hand as if a sensor were checking his fingerprints. The door slid open.

  Maxwell called after us. “Make sure you do everything I would do and more.”

  Several people laughed.

  Misha guided me into a small hallway. The white wall closed behind us. In the hallway, a shiny red paint covered the walls and floor.

  He led the way.

  Where are we going?

  Adrenaline pumped through my body.

  “Tell me something, Ava.”


  “What does it feel like to dance?”

  “To dance?”

  “I can’t figure out the right words for what I mean.” He stopped at the end of the hallway. A red wall stood in front of us. He placed his hand on it. This time white light glowed under his fingers. “When you’re dancing, what does it feel like inside of your body?”

  I smiled. “Orgasmic.”

  “Like when I fuck you?”



  “Dancing brings pleasure, but it’s too difficult to explain.” I started to turn toward the wall. Lightning-fast, his hand flew out and caught my wrist. I gasped as he pulled me into him. My breasts softened against his hard, muscular chest. Before I could part my lips to speak, he consumed my mouth and deepened the kiss with his tongue. I moaned under him.

  When he moved away, he whispered, “As pleasurable as sex?”

  I couldn’t catch my breath. Heat stained my cheeks.

  The red wall slipped open. Stairs went down into darkness.

  Misha didn’t let me go. He kept me in his strong hold. “As pleasurable as sex, Ava?”

  “Not as pleasureful as sex with you.”

  “But with other men?”


  He slid his hands down to my ass and tenderly squeezed. “And what does it feel like when I’m inside of you?”

  Lust heated my skin. More adrenaline buzzed inside of me. This supernatural place must’ve sprayed magic into the air.

  “How does it feel when you’re inside of me?” My body trembled against him. “Full pleasure. Explosive. More than ballet could ever bring.”

  Misha’s grip was rich and masculine. Strong and sensually violent. He pressed closer, pushing his hard cock against me. “I’ll never let you go. It’s funny you thought you could bore me.”

  He captured my lips, taking my breath away. When his mouth finally left, he released his hold and led me down the stairs.

  Panting, I focused on breathing.

  He slowed down and tenderly took my hand. “Am I going too fast?”

  “No. It’s just this moment, these secret stairs leading to whatever hidden luxury. . .and that kiss. It’s all overwhelming. My mind and heart are trying to keep up.”


  The wall closed behind us. Darkness drowned this new space. I couldn’t see anything.

  Misha kept his voice low. “Don’t worry. Give it a minute.”

  In the quiet black, I squeezed his hand. “I’m fine. You’re with me.”


  Then, the steps shone bright white.

  We continued to walk and made it to the bottom. This time there was no door or wall.

  What is this place?

  A huge opening showed a path lined with a glowing pink pool. Naked couples swam and played inside. On the wall, an erotic black and white movie was projected. A small group played music on the side—a few violins, bass, and flute.

  “Oh my God.” I did my best to not look at the naked people or the movie.

  Holding my hand, Misha increased his speed and led the way. “We’re almost there.”

  I hurried after him. “I don’t know where there is, but I’m sure I’ll be impressed.”

  We approached a long hallway with several doors on each side.

  A man sat at a high desk. “Mr. Stronz, how can we help you?”

  “I would like a room.”

  Smiling, the man handed Misha a long silver key with a black ribbon. “And will you need any condoms, creams, or toys?”

  Misha turned to me.

  I blushed. “Just the condoms.”

  The man handed him two wrapped in black and gold foiled paper. “Enjoy, Mr. Stronz.”

  “I will.” Misha glanced at the number on the key and guided us to the room.

  They know him well down here. Coincidence or. . .

  When he gazed back at me, he frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  “Uh. . .” I had no idea my thoughts had shown on my face. “Nothing.”

  He stopped us at the door and stuck the key in. Instead of opening it, he looked at me. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s none of my business.”


  “They knew your name. How many times have you been down here?”

  “They knew my name due to scanning my fingerprints on the walls. I’ve been to Pleasure before. However, I’ve only been down here once. When I came, I didn’t use the rooms.”

  My face wore a skeptical look.

  Smiling, he opened the door and entered. “I know about this place because of following my cousin down here with several women.”

  “Several women?” I followed.

  “All for him.”

  I widened my eyes. “But you told me that Kazimir had just been with Oleysa.”

  “Kazimir has a voracious appetite.”

  “I bet he does.” For the first time, I scanned the huge room. Nothing was like what it seemed in this club. How could such a big bedroom be underground?

  This could have been a suite for a boutique hotel in Paris. The room was large with a three-meter ceiling. A king-sized bed stood in the center, draped in red silk.

  I walked off and spotted another door. It was open. I ducked my head inside an oval-shaped marble bathroom.

  Wow. This is how the filthy rich party.

  I went back to the bedroom. “How did the club put all of these luxury bedrooms underground?”

  Misha remained in the doorway, watching me. “It took the manager five years to have it built. He was backed by many wealthy families in St Petersburg. All wanted a place to have fun, but far away from regular people’s gazes.”

  I walked over to the bed and then looked at him.

  “You ha
ve more questions?”


  He studied me. “And none deal with this place. Ask me.”

  I swallowed. “When you came down here with Kazimir and his women, why didn’t you join in?”

  “I’d already met you by then. No regular woman could do.”

  Truth lay within his words. My emotions went raw.

  Misha walked inside, shut the door behind him, and prowled toward me. “But there is one thing about that night. When I was down here, I imagined you being in one of these rooms with me.”

  “And what played in your mind?”

  He stopped in front of me. “The lewdest thoughts one could picture.”

  I licked my lips. “Show me.”

  Groaning, he captured my body. And then his mouth was on mine. He thrust his tongue, twisting all my thoughts into hot desire. I thought he would take me to the huge bed. Instead, he did something else.

  In one swift move, he pinned me against the wall. “Did I tell you how alluring you look this evening?”


  Nipping at my lips, he yanked the bottom of my dress up and exposed the garters under it. “Naughty ballerina.”

  “I came prepared.”

  “Prepared to be ravished?”

  “As much as possible.”

  Groaning, he grabbed my waist and lifted me. “You danced for me tonight?”

  “Yes.” I locked my legs around his hips. My heels slipped off my feet and fell to the floor. My gown ripped on the side. “From now on, I’ll always be dancing for you.”

  He groaned, pressing against my core. His thick, hard cock pushed and teased my pussy. My panties soaked from arousal.

  He wrenched the top of my gown down, exposing my breasts. The cool air hit my nipples, making them stiffen.

  Groaning, he traced kisses down my neck.

  “Oh, Misha.” My body hummed. Horniness pulsed through every vein.

  All I could do was watch as he shifted to lapping and sucking on my nipples. He tore away my panties. The silk fell to the floor, yet the garters remained intact. My legs spread further apart, as I held onto him.

  He dove his hand between my thighs and toyed with my clit.

  “Oh!” I shook and tried to unzip his pants.

  He batted my hands. “No. Now I’m in control.”

  “Give me your cock.”

  “You think it’ll be that easy with me?”


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