The Bhagavata Purana 1

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The Bhagavata Purana 1 Page 6

by Bibek Debroy

  Chapter 1(10)

  Shounaka asked, ‘Yudhishthira was supreme among the upholders of dharma. After killing the murderers who wished to rob him of his inheritance, what did he and his younger brothers do thereafter? What was their conduct? Was their enjoyment restricted?’ 213

  Suta replied, ‘The lineage of the Kurus was burnt down, like a clump of bamboos in a fire. Hari, the preserver of creation, seeded it again. 214 The lord instated Yudhishthira in his own kingdom and was delighted. He 215 heard the words spoken by Bhishma and Achyuta. With his confusion dispelled, his conduct was based on knowledge. He ruled over the earth, extending up to the oceans, like Indra, whose refuge is also the unvanquished one. 216 His younger brothers followed him. Parjanya 217 showered down as desired and the earth yielded all the objects of desire. The udders of the delighted cows were so swollen with milk that they sprinkled the grazing ground. All the rivers, oceans, mountains, trees, creepers and herbs yielded every seasonal fruit that he 218 wished for. The king had no enemies 219 and creatures were not subjected to anxiety, disease or hardships caused by destiny, the elements or any other reason. Hari dwelt for some months in Hastinapura, to dispel the sorrow of his well-wishers and to bring pleasure to his sister. 220 He then took his leave and permission and embraced and honoured him. 221 Embraced and honoured by others, he ascended his chariot. Subhadra, Droupadi, Kunti, Virata’s daughter, 222 Gandhari, Dhritarashtra, Yuyutsu, Goutama, 223 the twins, 224 Vrikodara, Dhoumya, the women, the daughter of Matsya 225 and the others could not tolerate the separation from the wielder of the Sharnga bow and were bewildered. A learned person who associates with the virtuous and disassociates from the wicked does not wish to give up listening to his good deeds, even if he has heard about his deeds and fame once. The Parthas 226 had fixed their minds on him. How could they bear a separation from him? They had seen him, touched him, conversed with him, slept with him, sat down with him and eaten with him. All of them looked at him and their eyes did not blink. Their minds followed him. Tied with bonds of affection, they glanced at him and moved around, here and there. When Devaki’s son emerged from the residence, the women relatives also came out. They held back their overflowing tears of anxiety, since these would be inauspicious. Drums, conch shells, trumpets, veenas, cymbals, cow horns, dhundhuris, 227 kettledrums, bells and larger drums were sounded. Wishing to see him, the Kuru women ascended to the top of the palace. They looked at Krishna and smiled, shy and affectionate, showering down flowers. Gudakesha 228 picked up a white umbrella that was adorned with a net of pearls and had a handle made out of jewels. He held it above his beloved friend. Uddhava and Satyaki fanned him with extremely wonderful whisks. As the lord of Madhu advanced, the road was strewn with flowers and was resplendent. Here and there, true benedictions pronounced by the brahmanas were heard. They were appropriate, but also inappropriate, since he didn’t possess attributes, but had himself assumed attributes. 229 With their intelligence thus engaged, the Indras among the Kouravas and the women of the city conversed about him in excellent shlokas and this was more pleasant to hear than all the sacred texts. “He is certainly the ancient Purusha. He is the single one, whose atman is not manifest. He is the lord who is the soul of the universe and he comes before all the qualities. When all the energy has withdrawn into him, he sleeps during the night. 230 He is the one who used his valour and maya and urged Prakriti to create living creatures. His atman is without names and forms, but he desired to impart names and forms to them. He is the one who entrusted the creation of the sacred texts. He is the one whose feet the gods, those who have conquered their senses and those who have controlled their breath of life, seek. Those who have unblemished souls and hanker, full of devotion, can see him. There is no one else who is capable of cleansing the spirit. O friends! He is the one whose virtuous deeds have been recited in the mysterious parts of the Vedas by those who speak about secrets. He is the lord who sports and creates, preserves and destroys the universe, without being attached to it. Whenever kings are immersed in tamas and live in adharma, the supreme one uses sattva to assume form. From one yuga to another yuga, to ensure truth, uprightness, compassion, fame and welfare, he assumes different forms. Wonderful is the one who deserves to be praised the most. Wonderful is the lineage of the Yadus. Madhuvana is most sacred. 231 The bull among men and the consort of Shri 232 was born there and roamed around there, glorifying it. Kushasthali 233 is wonderful. It is sacred and famous on earth and has surpassed the glory of the heavenly bodies. The residents there have been favoured by him and can always see him. The lord always looks at them smilingly. There are women whose hands he has accepted in marriage. They must indeed have observed vows, bathed, offered oblations and worshipped properly to have obtained the lord. O friends! They can repeatedly drink the amrita from his lips. Hoping for this, the women of Vraja 234 repeatedly fainted. There were those who were abducted through viryashulka and obtained through svayamvara, 235 crushing powerful ones, Chaidya being the most important. They were the mothers of Pradyumna, Samba, Amba and other sons. 236 There were thousands of others who were abducted after Bhouma had been killed. 237 Their feminine nature suffered and they were sullied. However, since the lotus-eyed one accepted them, they were sanctified. Their husband never goes away from them. He touches their hearts by bringing them desired objects.” The women of the city spoke about him in such words. Glancing at them and smilingly greeting them, Hari departed. Ajatashatru suspected danger from Madhu’s 238 enemies. Therefore, out of affection, he arranged an army consisting of the four kinds of forces 239 for their protection. Afflicted at being separated from him and deep in their affection, the Kouravas followed Shouri 240 for a long distance. However, he made them return and proceeded towards his beloved city. O Bhargava! After passing through Kurujangala, Panchala, Shurasena, the area around the Yamuna, Brahmavarta, Kurukshetra, Matsya, Sarasvata, deserts, barren regions, Souvira and Abhira, they reached Anarta, 241 which lies beyond all these. The lord and the mounts were slightly exhausted. Here and there, Hari was worshipped and gifts were brought to him. Whenever the sun went into the ocean, 242 he faced the western direction and stopped for the evening rites.’

  Chapter 1(11)

  Suta said, ‘The prosperous region of Anarta was his own. Having arrived there, as if to dispel the sorrow, 243 he blew on his excellent conch shell. The conch shell was thick and white in the middle and touched by Urukrama’s mouth, became red. As it was blown, it was held in the cup of his hands, which were like lotuses. 244 It was as if a white swan was singing amidst a clump of red lotuses. Its sound generated fear among those who caused fear to the world. On hearing this, all the subjects, who were eager to see their master, arose and advanced. Like a lamp being offered to the sun, they gave him their offerings. He is completely satisfied and finds pleasure in his own atman. He is the one who always finds his own gratification. However, all those well-wishers were like wards before a guardian and a father. Their faces bloomed in delight and they spoke in voices that choked with joy. “O protector! We always bow down before your lotus feet, worshipped by Virinchi, Varinchya and Indra of the gods. 245 You are the supreme benefit for those who desire the supreme. You are the supreme lord and time is powerless before you. O creator of the universe! Be the one who brings us welfare. You are our mother, well-wisher, master and father. You are our virtuous preceptor and supreme divinity. We will become successful by serving you. It is wonderful that we have got you back as a protector. Even the residents of heaven find it extremely difficult to see you. We can now behold your loving, smiling and gentle face and your form, which brings all kinds of good fortune. O lotus-eyed one! Wishing to see your well-wishers, you withdrew to the land of the Kurus and Madhu. 246 O Achyuta! Every moment of that seemed like a crore of years. It is as if our eyes were deprived of the sight of the sun. The subjects spoke these words and he heard them. Affectionate towards his devotees, he distributed the favour of his glance and entered the city. It was protected by the Madhus, Bhojas, Dasharhas, Ar
has, Kukuras, Andhakas and Vrishnis. 247 They were like him in valour and it was like Bhogavati, 248 protected by the nagas. 249 Everywhere, there were sacred trees and creepers characterizing all the seasons, and hermitages. There were gardens, groves, pleasure gardens and beautiful ponds with lotuses. There were arches and gates along the roads and the turrets were marked with signs of festivities. There were colourful standards with flags at the top and these sheltered from the heat of the sun. The important roads, smaller roads, markets and squares had been cleaned and sprinkled with fragrant water. Fruits, flowers, unbroken grain 250 and sprouts were strewn around. 251 The doors of every house were decorated with pots full of curds, unbroken grain, fruits, sugar cane, and other offerings, and incense and lamps. Hearing that the beloved one was coming, the great-minded Vasudeva, 252 Akrura, 253 Ugrasena, Rama, 254 extraordinary in his valour, Pradyumna, Charudeshna 255 and Samba, Jambavati’s son, were so happy that they stopped lying down, sitting or eating. Full of respect and love, they happily advanced on their chariots. An Indra among elephants was in front and there were brahmanas with auspicious articles. There was the sound of conch shells and trumpets and the chanting of the brahman. Eager to see him, there were hundreds of excellent courtesans on vehicles. Brilliant earrings dangled from their ears and rendered their foreheads and faces even more beautiful. There were actors, dancers, gandharvas, sutas, magadhas and bandis. 256 In excellent shlokas, they sang about his extraordinary deeds. The illustrious one approached his relatives, the citizens and the other followers. He met all of them and showed them the appropriate honours. He bowed his head down and greeted them. He embraced and touched them with his hand and glanced at them, smilingly. The lord comforted them and granted them the boons they sought, including the shvapakas. 257 Seniors, brahmanas and their wives and aged ones pronounced benedictions over him and he was praised by bandis. He thus entered the city. O brahmana! As Krishna advanced along the royal road, women from the noble families of Dvaraka climbed up to the tops of their mansions, so as to witness the great festivities. The residents of Dvaraka were used to seeing him all the time. Even then, they were not satiated by looking at Achyuta, the abode of beauty. His chest is the abode of Shri. The eyes regard his face as a vessel to drink from. His arms are the guardians of the world. His feet are dappled. 258 There was a white umbrella above his head and he was fanned with whisks. Ahead of him, flowers were showered down along the road. His garments were yellow and he was adorned with a garland of wild flowers. He looked like a dark cloud, adorned by the sun, the moon, a rainbow and lightning. He entered his father’s residence and was embraced by his own mothers. He cheerfully bowed his head down before the seven mothers, of whom, Devaki was the foremost. 259 Because of their affection, milk began to flow from their breasts and the mothers placed their son on their laps. They were senseless with joy and sprinkled him with tears of delight. Thereafter, he entered his own residence, which was filled with all the objects of desire. There were more than sixteen thousand wives in that mansion. The wives saw that their husband had returned home, after being away, and it was as if their minds were filled with a sense of great festivity. They quickly stood up from their couches and their vows, with shyness writ on their eyes and faces. Overwhelmed with love for their husband, they first embraced him through their sons, then through their glances, and finally, they themselves did it. O foremost among the Bhrigu lineage! Though they tried to restrain the tears of joy in their eyes, they were helpless in preventing them. Though he alone was by their side, his feet seemed to be new and newer still. Though fickle, Shri does not desert his feet. Having been at his feet, how can anyone be separated from those feet? Those kings had led to a burden on earth. Those energetic ones had been surrounded by akshouhinis. He had not wielded a weapon. But just as blowing generates a fire, he had created enmity amongst them, making them kill each other. Using his own maya, he descended into this world of men. The illustrious one behaved like an ordinary person, finding pleasure amidst jewels among women. Their unrestrained nature, exciting and pure smiles and bashful glances could have slain Madana 260 and those excellent women could have made him cast aside his bow. However, their guiles were incapable of agitating his senses. Ordinary people think he is attached, just as they are attached. Ignorant men think that, like themselves, he is engaged in pursuits. Such is the divinity of the lord that he is not attached to the qualities of Prakriti. Nor are those virtuous atmans who use their intelligence to seek refuge with him. Those feeble and foolish women thought that he followed them alone. Their minds were such that they did not know about the greatness and divinity of their husband.’

  Chapter 1(12)

  Shounaka asked, ‘Ashvatthama released the energetic brahmashira and destroyed Uttara’s embryo. However, the lord made it come alive again. How was the immensely intelligent one 261 born? What were the great-souled one’s deeds? How did he die? Where did he go after death? We wish to hear this. If you so desire, tell us. We are faithful. Tell us about the knowledge Shuka imparted.’

  Suta replied, ‘Dharmaraja ruled and delighted his subjects, like a father. He served at Krishna’s feet and was not attached to any object of desire. His prosperity, sacrifices, subjects, queen, the brothers, the earth, the lordship over Jambudvipa 262 and his fame reached heaven. O brahmanas! What are objects of pleasure, desired by the gods, to someone whose mind is in Mukunda? Like a person who is hungry, the king was only content and happy with that. 263 O descendant of the Bhrigu lineage! The brave one 264 was in his mother’s womb and was being burnt by the weapon’s energy. At that time, he saw a being advance towards him. He was the size of a thumb and sparkled. He blazed in his golden diadem. Achyuta was dark and excellent to behold. His garments were like lightning. He was handsome and tall, with four hands. His earrings were made out of molten gold. His eyes were as red as blood. The mace in his hand was being repeatedly whirled around in all the directions around him, circling like a meteor. With his own mace, he drove away the energy of the weapon, like the sun dispelling mist. He 265 wondered—“Who is this near me?” Having destroyed it, the illustrious lord Hari, immeasurable in his soul and the protector of dharma, vanished, while the ten-month-old looked on. After this, when auspicious planets arose, Pandu’s descendant was born, progressively imbibed with all the qualities. He was like Pandu in his energy. The king was delighted and had the rites of birth performed. The brahmanas, Dhoumya, Kripa and the others, pronounced auspicious benedictions. The king, who knew about auspicious occasions, gave gold, cattle, land, villages, elephants and the best of horses and food to brahmanas, on the auspicious occasion of an offspring being born. The brahmanas were content and satisfied. They said, “O bull of the Puru lineage! This is Puru’s descendant. This pure one was almost destroyed by invincible destiny. However, he was restored through the favours of Vishnu and the powers of Vishnu. Therefore, he will be known in this world by the name of Vishnurata. 266 O immensely fortunate one! There is no doubt that he will be great and greatly devoted to the illustrious one.” Yudhishthira asked, “O great-souled ones! Will he follow this lineage of royal sages? Will he be pure? O excellent ones! Will his deeds be applauded by the virtuous?” The brahmanas answered, “O Partha! This offspring will be like Ikshvaku, Manu’s son himself. Like Rama, Dasharatha’s son, he will serve brahmanas and be devoted to the truth. Like Shibi, Ushinara’s son, he will be generous and provide refuge to those who seek it. 267 He will extend the fame of his lineage, like Dushyanta’s son, the performer of sacrifices. 268 Like the two Arjunas, 269 he will be a foremost archer. He will be as invincible as the fire and like the ocean, will be impossible to cross. He will be as valiant as the Indra among animals. 270 As a refuge, he will be like the Himalayas. He will be as patient as the earth and as tolerant as his fathers. He will be like his grandfather 271 in impartiality and like Girisha 272 in granting favours. Like the god who is Rama’s refuge, 273 he will be a refuge for all creatures. He will follow Krishna in all the qualities and in greatness. He will be like Rant
ideva 274 in his generosity. In following dharma, he will be like Yayati. He will be like Bali in perseverance. In his faith towards Krishna, he will be like Prahlada. He will serve the elders and perform many horse sacrifices. He will give birth to royal sages. He will chastise those who follow evil paths. For the sake of ensuring dharma on earth, he will restrain Kali. 275 He will hear about his own death, through Takshaka, sent by the son of a brahmana. 276 He will then free himself from all attachment and seek refuge at Hari’s feet. He will ask about the nature of the atman from the sage who is Vyasa’s son. 277 O king! He will then cast aside all fear and go to the banks of the Ganga.” The brahmanas, who knew about someone who has been born, instructed the king in this way. Having obtained what they deserved, all of them went away to their own respective homes. The lord had said that he would be famous in the world as Parikshit. He meditated on the one he had seen and tested every man in this way. 278 The prince grew up quickly, like the moon during shukla paksha. 279 From one kashtha to another kashtha and from one day to another day, he grew up, looked after by his fathers. 280 At that time, the king 281 desired to free himself from the sin of having caused enmity to his relatives and wanted to perform a horse sacrifice. Since there wasn’t enough revenue through taxes, he thought about acquiring the requisite wealth. Urged by Achyuta, his brothers discerned his intentions. They brought a lot of riches from the northern direction. 282 Yudhishthira, Dharma’s son, became prosperous through those riches. Terrified, 283 he performed three horse sacrifices and dedicated them to Hari. The illustrious one was invited by the king and the brahmanas acted as officiating priests at the king’s sacrifice. Desiring to ensure pleasure to his well-wishers, he 284 stayed there for a few months. O brahmana! Having taken leave of the king, Krishna 285 and the relatives, he then went to Dvaravati with Arjuna, surrounded by the Yadus.’


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