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Hate Page 5

by K. A Knight

  “Ella?” Antoinette shouts, and my eyes fly wide open.


  I jerk in my chains, a scream of grief caught in my throat. I am trapped in my own mind, the madness taking hold. I can see the cell, feel the cold, pain, and thirst, but my head is still hearing that laugh. The one that haunts me even today.

  The thirst is too much. I’ve gone too long without feeding, and my injured mind is breaking. Caught between the past and present, filled with pain, hate, and grief. My memories flash by like a slideshow of horror.

  All the evil I committed, all that I allowed to be perpetuated, reminds me that maybe I deserve this. I am the monster of legends, though most get my origin wrong. I did lose my wife, that is correct, but it was long before I became the monster I am today.

  Blood splatters my armour as I rip away the man’s head with my fangs, crying out with glee as I raise it up before me like a trophy, another to add to my spikes. The castle looms behind me, an army before me marching straight towards their death—me.

  Panting, I force my eyes wider to keep myself in the present. I can feel my fragile state of mind. This is what they want. Me, weak and broken, until I am nothing but the creature of the night they can use to kill and leave a trail of bloodshed.

  I have done that. I told myself I would never again fight for a cause I didn’t believe in. I would withdraw from this world, be nothing but a tale. But here I am, caught in the middle once again.

  The cell door opens and another girl is shoved inside. Snarling, I lunge at them in my chains, but all the men in black do is laugh and slam the door shut. The girl’s sobs fill the air as I force myself to be still.

  To not give in.

  Not now.

  I crack my neck and grin, but go like a good girl. I don’t attack them now, I need information first. Information they have. I look to Dume and wink. “Be good, bull. I’ll be back.”

  He roars and strains to try and get to me, his animal no doubt angry about me leaving him, but I have to if I have any hope of setting him free and my bull deserves freedom.

  He roars again, but the cell door shuts and cuts it off. Huh, must be soundproofed. Veyo glances back at the door then to me with a question in his eyes I choose to ignore. He starts to walk, so I fall in next to him, ignoring the guards trooping behind us.

  I’m led past more and more cell doors, and I wonder what they are keeping down here, but I hold my mouth shut, trying to play nice and let them think I’ve learned my lesson. The idiot obviously believes it because he struts taller, like a fucking peacock prancing.

  “Where were the men who were with me?” I inquire politely as we walk. I can see him watching me out of the corner of his eye, wondering if I will attack him.

  “I don’t know, we did not need them so we left them there.”

  I relax a little at that, knowing Nos and Griffin are safe. I keep my mouth closed as we turn the corner and ascend some stairs into a formal sitting room. He sits down and surveys me. I sit also, relaxing like I belong here and don’t have a care in the world. He doesn’t scare me, I can feel his power and it’s low. No, he is nothing more than a pawn.

  “You intrigue me, skinwalker. There hasn’t been one of you for centuries, so why now? I can’t help but wonder,” he questions, and I’m betting he doesn’t usually ruminate a lot.

  I shrug and his eyes flare for a moment before he fluffs like a bird. “I bet you’re curious why we took you.”

  “Not really.”

  His eyes narrow, so I grin.

  “I’m assuming for some nefarious purpose, though you clearly want to tell me, so please do.” Okay, not so good at this good girl act.

  A laugh comes from the door, and I turn my head to see a man standing there, leaning against the frame. He is older looking, holding a black cane with a golden eagle head on the top, although I think it’s more of a statement than out of need. His hair is grey and pushed back, his eyes sharp and yellow...but I can feel his power. This isn’t a man to be fucked with, and I’m betting he’s the one in charge. “She’s smart, this one.”

  He moves through the room and Veyo jumps to his feet, bowing his head, so I know I was right. The man sits heavily on the sofa and stares at me. I stare right back. He might be powerful, but he’s still a man. “I am Amos, the great eagle, and who are you?”

  Huh, so he’s an eagle shifter like Veyo. Didn’t they say an eagle sat on the council? It only confirms that the council is behind the disappearances. My question is still why? What can they gain from experimenting on humans and stealing females of different races?

  “Dawn,” I reply. He raises his eyebrows as if prompting me to carry on, so naturally, I do. “Fucker upper of men, the great killer of assholes who think they rule the world because of power and money.”

  “I see,” he says with disdain.

  “So, Assmos, I’m going to be honest—”

  “Amos,” he corrects, and I nod.

  “Of course, Assmos. I get the humans. Even if it’s fucked up, you are trying to make more supernaturals. I don’t know your reasoning, but why kidnap women from different races? You didn’t think they would talk to each other, but they did and they are hunting for the perpetrator. Though they don’t seem to know to look at their own ruling body.”

  “It is Amos,” he repeats with a frown, clutching his cane harder like he’s imagining smacking me with it. “But yes, I suppose I owe you somewhat of an explanation. First, Dawn, how did you become a skinwalker?”

  I debate my options, but I honestly don’t really know much, so I don’t see the harm in telling him. “I was murdered and buried, I was on death’s door when I...just didn’t die. I woke up and crawled from the grave and became what I am now.”

  “The thing is, Dawn, our bloodlines are weakening. Each time another is born, their blood is diluted from interhuman breeding and supernaturals losing their powers. Humans are becoming the dominant species with the original gods gone, while more and more are born with latent blood running through their veins...waiting to be activated. Essentially, we are speaking of a whole army’s worth of supernaturals trapped in a sheep’s body. I think that happened to you.”

  I grit my teeth as he carries on, what a prick.

  “When you woke in the ground, so close to death, you had a choice. Yes, I see it in your eyes, you remember the moment. You chose life, you chose to keep fighting, and in doing so your body changed to keep you alive, your very cells evolving until you became what you are now. But those awakened do not always have the traditional blood of their ancestors, they are adapting. Whether it be the environment or human blood, some are stronger, their powers untold...like you.”

  I do remember the moment he’s talking about, where I chose rage instead of peace. I chose to come back for revenge, to hurt those who hurt me. It was then the pain started and I changed—he’s right.

  “And others?”

  “Others are subspecies, not human and not enough to be one of us. Abominations.”

  I snort. “Wow, monsters snubbing other monsters, and here I thought only humans were such assholes.”

  “Whether you like it or not, Dawn, we are evolving, we must keep the lines as pure as we can.”

  I lean forward. “That’s not all, is it? To me it sounds like a last-ditch effort. You said your numbers are dwindling, the humans are dominant, and I don’t think you like that. I believe you are trying to build an army…but for what? To take over? To make those you deem worthy in charge again? It would be chaos, humans will always come out on top. We are better off sticking to the shadows, we are monsters, after all.”

  He sighs. “I can see you don’t understand yet, you will, maybe with a bit of effort and pain, you will see what we are trying to do is for the best of us all.” He stands, still clutching his cane.

  “Doubt it, but please try. I do enjoy a bit of torture, really gets my blood going if you know what I mean.” I wink and he turns away, then he stops before Veyo.

  “Break her
, I want her obedient, I have plans for her,” he instructs, and sweeps from the room.

  Veyo calls out, and guards with the glowing medallions—witch magic—step into the room. Getting to my feet, I crack my neck and let my monster out to play—my eyes bleeding black, my claws extending, and strength surging through me. It comes easier and easier each time. He was an asshole, but he’s right, we are changing. I’m becoming...more than just a skinwalker. I can feel it, the power growing within, wrapping me in its arms...the question is, what will I become and what are his plans for me?

  I have a feeling Veyo doesn’t want to share that kind of information, even if he knew. No, he was ordered to break me, and he will try.

  I will kill them, rip their faces from their bodies and wear them as I laugh. “Come on, boys, let’s play.”

  Veyo nods and they rush me in a wave. They are stronger than humans, the magic of the witches running through them, making them almost as strong as me. Almost.

  I throw myself at them, taking them down. I rip out one’s throat with my nails. I take the other’s own energy weapon from him and use my strength to stab it into his chest. He jolts and shakes with a scream as he’s locked in an endless cycle of electrocution.

  Someone smashes theirs into my back, and I lurch before spinning with a howl and gutting them. More and more come at me, and I fight and slash, taking down as many as I can. I know I won’t win, but I don’t give a fuck. I’m going to hurt them, show them they might be able to subdue me, but they will never break me.

  Tim couldn’t.

  Death couldn’t.

  These magicked up bitches can’t.

  They start to overpower me and I end up on the floor, still hacking and kicking, but soon I have to curl up to protect myself, their boots and magic too much. Veyo cackles and I glare. Fuck these pricks and their agenda.

  Refusing to let them see me hurt, I laugh, spitting my blood in their faces as they rain down punches and kicks on my curled up body. I continue to laugh until a boot slams down on my head, knocking me out.

  “See you soon, dragon.” Nos shakes my hand and I return the gesture. Maybe they aren’t so bad after all, they do seem to love Dawn, that we can agree on at least.

  “Try not to die before you bring us that council, dickhead,” Griffin orders, and I snort at him, sweeping my leg out to kick his sofa on purpose as I turn. I hear him swear, making me smirk as I head outside and straight into the road that leads to the forest behind his house. I follow his directions so I can find a secluded place to change and return to my car. I need information. I have to go back to the witches and pay yet again. I wonder what they will ask for this time.

  I will pay it, they can have all my gold and treasure if it means keeping my mate safe. I refuse to consider what is happening to her right now, I can’t without losing it. I will, however, try to contact her tonight through our link before I leave the witches’ safety net. Even if it’s just for a moment to see for myself that she is okay.

  I head to the very edge of the street and walk until I find a cove of trees. Stepping inside, I make a nest out of leaves and fallen branches and settle to try and contact her. It’s dangerous out in the open, but I have to try.

  Animals still, sensing me nearby. The forest smells crisp and of magic, old magic, undoubtedly from the forest god my mate has claimed. This is his land, after all, and I can sense the fae here and there as well, and a recent trail to the left of me a couple of miles away. I map the land in my head, letting my dragon out to see and sense any threats. When we find nothing, I settle back down again and try to force myself to relax.

  The branches crack with each shift of my body, and I wish I could make an actual nest. My dragon is restless, and just when I am about to give up, I finally slip into a troubled slumber, my soul reaching across the miles between us, searching for her…

  “Dawn?” I call out, my voice loud and echoing.

  We are back at the lake of my homeland, the one I often escaped to when I thought about the heavy weight of leadership and my need to break free from traditions and my own people. Everything is hazy, white, and too perfect to be real, but the trees are the same.

  The identical rock where I used to lay after flying, dipping, and diving in the water is situated where it should be. I used to leap off the cliff over there when I was just five until I could do it myself. It was tradition. No one could be a dragon who couldn’t fly—it should be instinctive, they said. So they threw their children off cliffs and hoped for the best, but I didn’t wait for that to happen. I did it alone. They called me fearless even back then. My wings sprouted on the first go, but they were too big for me and I crashed into the water.

  But I kept trying and trying until I could flap before crashing, and then hover...and then fly. It was ungraceful, but I was the youngest dragon ever to fly, and when I shifted at fourteen for the first time, they found it wasn’t the only non-traditional thing about me.

  Heading to the water line, I wait, wondering if she is coming. She might not be asleep, I can think of all the horrible reasons why, but I push them away, forcing myself to relax and watch the water lap against the shore. I will wait. If she doesn’t turn up in a few hours, then I will head back to my body and find the witches.

  I sit and linger, and just when I am about to give up hope and try to wake myself, I feel her. Leaping to my feet, I spin to see her standing behind me in a golden flowing gown, her blonde hair in loose waves around her shoulders.

  “Dawn!” I gasp and rush to her, and she meets me halfway.

  I scoop her into my arms and bring my lips to hers. She returns the kiss with equal fervour, but she pulls back. “We don’t have long, my dragon, where are you?”

  “Where are you?” I countered.

  “I don’t know, the council is involved though—men named Amos and Veyo. Another of my mates is here.” She sighs.

  “Are you hurt?” I ask.

  She hesitates and I roar, so she strokes my face. “Nothing that can’t heal. I can look after myself, dragon.”

  “I have met your other mates, Nos and Griffin...first, can I kill the fallen?” I grumble.

  She giggles, her eyes alight, then it fades. “He has that effect on everyone. Are they okay? Are they searching for me?”

  “They are, we all are. We have a plan, my love, do not fear. We will get you,” I vow.

  “Good, don’t rush, I have a plan of my own. This is what we were hunting, we need to stop it. That comes before my freedom. I can do much from the inside.” She strokes my face then. “Oh, how I wish I could touch you in real life.”

  I rest my forehead against hers. “Soon.” I kiss her again, wishing I could feel her in my arms, feel that she is safe. She is the treasure I always sought. “Griffin will be joining you, playing the good servant, work with him. Nos is calling all the allies. Is there anything you need me to tell them?”

  She exhales heavily. “That it’s the council, and they are trying to make an army with human mutations and by stealing women. I just don’t know how or if they are all involved. It’s clear they think they are doing the right thing though. It won’t be easy to stop them, they have witches and human hunters somehow working with them. Maybe chase down those leads, cut them off at the source.”

  I nod, my mate is clever. “I will tell them.”

  “T-Tell Nos I miss him. Tell Griffin not to kill too many people.” She snickers.

  “And me, mate?” I growl.

  “Dragon, I better see you soon,” she purrs, kissing me again, and I lose myself in her for a moment before pulling away. “Then you can take me to this place for real.”

  I don’t tell her I can never return here, not without risking everything I ran from, not without risking her. Something I will never do. Dragons are merciless, unfeeling, proud assholes—I should know, I am one. Only I feel for her. More than I ever thought possible.


  Her eyes go far away for a moment. “Stay safe, my dragon.”

  “Dawn,” I call, but she fades out of my arms. I try to hold her, but it is like trying to grasp the wind.

  I roar into my dreamscape as it crumbles around me, and I wake up in my nest with that same roar.

  My dragon breaks free, uprooting the trees we were using for shelter as we shoot into the sky, filled with determination. She is counting on me, she made her wishes known. I will find the sleeping council and I will bring them there. Then we will be together.


  I roar and jerk from the magic in the chains from the moment my mate leaves my sight, my bull taking over. He wants her back, wants her touch and kisses, the gentle way she stroked his fur. He craves it, can’t settle without it, never mind the fact she might be in danger. It sends him over the edge, into a rage I have never seen before. Not even when she was alive. He was angry then but logical. Now? He is nothing more than a monster.

  They must hear him or have been waiting for the unknown to be removed, because not thirty minutes after she is taken, the door opens, and a huddle of witches is blocking the light. Their hoods are up, concealing their faces, and the black material has a life of its own, moving when they move and never revealing what they seek to hide.

  They step into the cell in unison. It is possible some were alive when I was, especially if they were dark witches and worked with blood magic and necromancy, but I haven’t seen any I recognise. Either way, they hate me. It is bred into them, I am the monster from their tales, the one who killed their queen and ended many of their lines. They even have a name for it, I heard it once—the great black death. So many witches died, and so many powers were lost to my sword and vengeance...now, here, their ancestors stand. Dark hate shines in their eyes and magic coats their hands as they face me, ready to exact vengeance for their lost.

  I grin at them with a snarl. Bring it, I need to let out this aggression before Dawn is brought back anyway. They can be my bull’s playthings, a way to occupy his hate and mind as we wait for the return of our mate. I see the whirling of the light conjuring in their hands as they step farther into the cell and spread out in a half circle, their hands nearly joined, startling my bull as they begin to chant.


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