A Cowgirl's Dream

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A Cowgirl's Dream Page 7

by Edith MacKenzie

  Frankie looked sheepishly at Luciano, who had clearly heard every word of their whispered conversation and was doing his best not to laugh at her embarrassment. “When were you thinking of doing it?”

  He looked at Gabi for permission. “Is she free tomorrow?”

  She checked her phone. “I don’t have anything booked in for her.”

  “Good. I will pick her up after lunch,” he nodded his head decisively. “I look forward to showing you around, Querida.”

  “Eager little bugger, isn’t he?” whispered Deb.

  “Doesn’t waste time,” agreed Megan.

  “Have you guys finished?” Beet red, Frankie attempted to return to her meal.

  “I think so.” Deb turned to Gabi. “Now, let’s talk about you and Joao.”

  Chapter 12

  Luciano’s shiny black truck pulled up at precisely the exact moment Frankie finished eating her sandwich. She was beyond grateful that, for once, her friends were nowhere to be seen, she wasn’t sure her nerves would have been able to take it.

  Luciano stepped out looking like a cowgirl’s pin-up in freshly starched jeans, a championship buckle, boots, and a fitted black V-neck T-shirt. He doffed his hat when he saw her standing at the stairs to the bunkhouse, the light glinting off his raven locks. Frankie’s stomach flipped at the warmly possessive look he sent her way.

  “Are you ready, Frankie?” he strode toward her, his megawatt smile on full display.

  “Like a convict heading to the gallows.” She smiled merrily at his confused look. Gosh dang, he looked hot with the way he cocked his head to one side as he considered whatever she said. “I’m ready,” she clarified.

  He guided her to his truck, opening the door for her and waiting until she was safely inside before closing it and moving to the driver’s side. As the motor roared into action, Frankie’s nerves slammed through her body, robbing her of all confidence. Suddenly, the warmth of his hand was on hers. She looked at him, startled.

  “Relax, Querida, I will not let anything happen to you.”

  Frankie let out a shaky laugh. “That obvious, hey?”

  “Querida, I like you and very much wish you to see my ranch. But if you do not want to do this, I can turn around. Maybe we do it another day?” His voice was gentle as he spoke.

  Frankie closed her eyes, steadying her nerves. “I’m being silly. It’s just, I don’t really go on dates,” she said by way of explanation. “And well, you are you.” She lamely gestured at him with her hand.

  He laughed. “Of course I am me. Who else would I be?”

  “You’re a whole lot of man to take in.”

  He gently stroked the back of her hand with his thumb in a circular motion. A tingling sensation sent a shiver through Frankie, chasing the nerves from her body and replacing it with another type of tension entirely.

  “You are a beautiful, strong woman, and you deserve a man, not some little boy.” He gave her a suggestive side glance. “I think you like how much man I am.”

  Frankie’s cheeks flamed. “Maybe I just don’t know what to do with it.”

  The look he cast her way was pure masculine ego. “I would be more than happy to show you.”

  She was saved from having to reply as they turned into a drive. The long gravel laneway opened to what she had quickly discovered was the traditional layout of the house, barn and machinery shed. As the truck pulled to a stop, Luciano smiled at her. “Welcome to minha casa, my home.”

  Frankie looked around curiously. Everything was meticulously maintained and cared for. Luciano obviously took pride in his ranch. “It looks lovely.”

  He walked around and opened the truck door. Frankie slid out, conscious of how close he was. The cowboy reached down and took her hand, enveloping it in his much larger one. “I had thought, first, we do a tour of the ranch land, and then I will show you the house and we can have dinner.”

  “Oh, that sounds like a good plan,” Frankie rushed out, a little too quickly.

  That mischievous smile appeared on Luciano’s swarthy face. “Trust me, Frankie, where you are concerned, I have a lot of good plans,” he promised, leading them to a parked quad bike. “I would like to know your thoughts on my ranch.”

  He proudly showed her through paddocks and laneways, grassy fields and treed woods until they emerged into a clearing, the sprawling vista before them. “This is the boundary of the ranch.”

  Frankie climbed off the back of the quad bike, reverently looking at the landscape laid out before her eyes. “It’s beautiful, Luc.”

  His closeness made her tremble as he stepped closer and gently wrapped his arms around her. “You are beautiful,” he murmured, his breath warm on her neck.

  Frankie could feel the hardness of his body as he held her snug in the warm cocoon of his embrace. Her nerves, hypersensitized by the promise of his touch, sent ripples of yearning cascading from her stomach as she found herself anticipating his caress. He gently brought his hand to her cheek, delicately tracing the line of her jaw with a work-roughened thumb that sent shivers skipping down Frankie’s spine. Spellbound by his nearness, she was helpless to look away as he gently guided her face to his, the musky aroma of him intoxicating her senses as he tilted her chin up. He lowered his head and tenderly kissed her, the world fading away till there was nothing but Luciano. The passion that lay beneath was tantalizing, and his lips were surprisingly soft against hers. As he slowly withdrew from the kiss, his eyes searched her face, an unspoken question plain in his look.

  Frankie smiled at him shyly, still ensconced in his warmth. “That was nice.”

  He returned her smile, smug male arrogance once again on full display. “Nice, Querida? Next time, I will melt your bones.”

  Dust mites danced playfully in the early morning rays of sunlight that flittered into Frankie’s room. She stretched languidly, catlike in her movements. It took her a moment to pinpoint the precise source of her current mood. Luciano’s kiss yesterday at the ranch! A delicious warmth filled her at the memory of his soft lips on hers, the possessive look in his eyes as he promised her more.

  Deciding her present line of thought would only cause frustration, she threw the bedcovers back and rolled out of bed. Padding softly to the coffeepot, she poured herself a steaming cup of the pungent brew. She cradled the warm cup in her hands, blowing softly on it, her mind once again drifting back to Luc. The creak of Deb’s bedroom door jolted Frankie back to the present, scattering her thoughts as if dandelions on the breeze. She poured another coffee and wordlessly handed it to her friend.

  Deb peered at her with sleepy eyes as she took a bracing sip. “I take it from that dreamy little smile that everything went well yesterday?”

  Frankie couldn’t stop her joyous smile from appearing. “It was nice.” Her expression was coy before she gave in. “He kissed me.”

  “I figured something happened from the way you are beaming all over the place, which it’s way too early for,” Deb grumbled. “So, how was it?”

  “It was nice.” She casually sipped her coffee.

  “If Luciano hears all of this describing him as nice, I’m sure he’ll be offended,” Deb noted.

  “I already told him his kiss was nice.”

  “What’s nice?” Gabi asked, walking into the kitchen.

  “Luciano’s kisses are, apparently,” Deb said, filling her in.

  “He kissed you?” Gabi said excitedly.

  “Who kissed who?” Yawning, Megan joined the friends and poured herself a mug.

  “Is everyone here now?” Frankie threw her hands in the air in mock frustration.

  Deb gave a quick look around. “I think so. Unless you want me to get Senhor Eduardo and Sra Cabrera.” She looked at Gabi. “Do you think we should?”

  “Oh my gosh,” Frankie cried dramatically, putting her head on the kitchen table.

  “Is she having some kind of fit?” asked a concerned Gabi, her eyes opened wide.

  “Probably, but don’t worry. She is pr
one to dramatic fits, if you hadn’t noticed.” Unconcerned, Deb poured herself another cup of coffee.

  “Tell me again why I thought it was a good idea to go into business with you guys,” Frankie said.

  “Because you love us.” Megan leaned forward. “Now, back to this kiss. We want all the juicy details.”

  Chapter 13

  The black colt, his sweat stained coat appearing iridescently oily, flicked his head agitatedly as he kicked out angrily toward the human. The slender girl stood in the precise center of the round pen, relentlessly driving him forward, watching, waiting, for any sign that the colt was abandoning his resistance to her.

  Relaxing her body, she patiently stood, waiting for the horse to register that she was no longer driving him forward. Gradually, the mad run changed from gallop to lope, his ear twitching toward her, undecided whether to trust her or not.

  “Easy boy,” Frankie crooned.

  The colt shuffled a few strides of a jog before he slowed to a walk, chewing as he sized her up. Seeing no threat, he left the edge of the pen, his nostrils flaring with each breath he took. Head lowered in acceptance, he finally submitted.

  She wiped her sweaty brow before stroking his lathered hide. “You’re a stubborn one, but boy are you strong. Strong in body and in spirit and if you’re going to be the champion I think you are, well you’re going to need it in spades. Maybe I should call you Sampson.”

  The newly minted Sampson let out a soft sigh of acceptance for his human, before nudging her for more pats. Frankie laughed as she led him toward the gate.

  “Your uncle Mac used to say and do the same thing.” She felt a twinge of homesickness thinking of her old companion. “Anyway, I think you’ll find that you and I are going to get along just fine, and maybe set the world on fire while we’re at it.”

  Frankie rested on the steps of the bunkhouse, her head reeling as she nursed a cold beer. She wryly noted that all the stress was driving her to drink. Her neck stiff and her muscles strained, she processed the meeting she had earlier attended with Gabi at the Black Angus Western Wear Headquarters. Bryce, the CEO they had met at the Need for Speed Championship had been as good as his word. His company was offering her an incentive sponsorship with the aim of her getting a Pro Card.

  To be fair, Frankie had simply sat there, nodding at the appropriate times while Gabi took control, discussing proposed schedules. It wasn’t that Frankie didn’t care. She understood just how vital the sponsorship was for their fledgling stud, but it was more that Frankie was happiest when she was riding, not in a boardroom. On the other hand, Gabi was proving she thrived on it.

  Frankie twisted the end of her ponytail around her finger, wondering what the next few months would bring.

  “It cannot be so bad.” Luc’s warm voice, smooth as molasses, interrupted her thoughts.

  She looked up to see the cowboy had materialized in front of her while she was engrossed in her stressing. She smiled at him and the familiar breathless feeling swept over her.

  “I saw these while I was moving the steers and they made me think of you.” He produced a bouquet of wildflowers from behind his back and offered them to her.

  Frankie stood, her eyes sparkling as she accepted the bundle. The bouquet was a riot of blues, reds and oranges. She recognized bluebonnets, firewheels, and Indian paintbrush.

  “They are gorgeous,” she breathed, staring down at them in her hands, not sure what to do next.

  Luciano had no such concerns as he stepped forward, gathered her into his arms and kissed her. “I have been thinking about doing that all day.”

  Frankie was breathless as she sunk down, not only from his kiss, but his nearness. It was impossible to be around his magnetic presence and remain unaffected. “Pull up a pew,” she said inanely.

  “Now, are you going to tell me what the reason is for your frown?” he asked gently, sitting down on the step beside her.

  “We met with some sponsors today. You know Black Angus?” She fiddled with the petal of a flower.

  “Yes, they are my major sponsors. Bryce is a good man. He will look after you.” Luc put his arm comfortably around her.

  “I didn’t know they sponsored you.” Surprised, she took another sip of her beer.

  Luc took the bottle from her and had a long drink. Frankie, her lips still moist, was mesmerized by the sight of his lips touching the cool glass, his eyes half-closed in enjoyment.

  “Why are you worried about this meeting? Did it not go well?” His brow crinkled in concern. “I can give them a call and see what I can do?”

  Frankie momentarily lost her train of thought as she watched him lick a drop of beer from his lip. “Oh, it’s not like that. It went well. They’ve offered me an incentive sponsorship, which Gabi is stoked about,” she rushed to explain. “I guess that’s maybe it. Gabi has put so much effort into getting this deal and sorting out schedules and everything. What happens if I let her down?”

  He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze and pulled her closer, her denim-clad thigh snug against his. “Gabi has her dreams to make this stud great. You have your dream to be champion. Together, I think you will both get what you want. Both of you have talents. All you need to do is keep doing what you are doing.”

  Frankie turned his words over in her mind, finding comfort in them. “That helped,” she admitted.

  He turned her face toward his, a sensuous turn to his mouth. “I know something else that will help.” He leaned down, his face close to hers.

  “Yeah?” Frankie said softly, her eyes twinkling with mischief. Her heart beat faster in anticipation. “Whatever could you have in mind Senhor Navarro?”

  “It is better if I show you.” He waggled a finger sternly at her. “And this time, I don’t want to hear nice.”

  Chapter 14

  The cab of the truck held the stale, dank smell that only too many miles traveled in too short a time can do. Frankie shifted in her seat, trying to arrange her limbs to ease the dull cramp beginning to build in her calf. Outside, the endless expanse of tundra flashed past her windscreen, and the soft snoring of Gabi sleeping beside her in the passenger seat provided a rhythmic soundtrack.

  It had been a tough few weeks as Frankie went through her baptism of fire, hauling Delila to rodeos and chasing a Pro Card. Although Frankie didn’t care to admit it, especially to herself, Luciano had been the one to help her get through the physically and emotionally draining new experience.

  No matter where they were, or which state Luc had been in, he had always found the time to call. It was his calm, wise words of experience from years of almost constant travel that had been key to Frankie keeping her sanity. When all else failed, his teasing was almost guaranteed to drive her doubts away with her laughter.

  Now, as the miles disappeared, the bitumen eaten up by the relentless turn of the truck tyres, they would be home soon. And with it, two weeks of blessed rest from the road. Luc had already told her he would be home for most of that time. Just the thought of being in the same state—of being able to touch him—sent a flutter of electricity through Frankie.

  “Thinking about Luciano again?” mumbled a sleepy Gabi. “Or is there someone else that is putting a smile on your face?”

  Frankie laughed. “What can I say? Maybe I missed that arrogant Brazilian cowboy.” She shrugged. “But only a little.”

  “I can’t believe that, if you and Delila keep going like you have the last couple of weeks, you guys will have filled your Pro Card. Then the real work starts.”

  Frankie forced herself to relax her suddenly tight grip on the steering wheel. “I wonder if the nerves ever get better.”

  “Probably not.” Gabi gave her a sly, sideways wink. “Just to keep you on your toes. Speaking of which, it’s been almost a week since you last tried to drive on the wrong side of the road.”

  “Shut up.” Frankie slapped her friend on the leg. “You can’t be too worried—the amount you sleep while I drive.” She straightened in her seat.
“Look, Gabi. We’re here.” She saw the ranch gate come into view.

  It was good to be home.

  Gabi got off the phone with Black Angus, her giddy excitement spilling over, contagious to the others even before she could share the source of her elation.

  “Oh. My. Gosh!” she said dramatically, enunciating each word. “Looks like Frankie is going to be a supermodel.” A flurry of excitement met her announcement.

  “What? When?” Frankie asked through the racket, the nerves starting. Her fingers twisted in a knot.

  “Black Angus wants to do an advertising campaign with you and—drum roll please.” Megan and Deb tapped the table enthusiastically. “Thank you, maestros.” Gabi paused for dramatic effect. “Luciano.”

  Apparently satisfied with their reactions, she continued. “It seems word has gotten out that you will be campaigning a horse for him and they think it would be a good story for the public. Something like Brazilian bull rider helps poor up-and-coming Australian Barrel Rider achieve her dreams.” Gabi paused thoughtfully, rubbing her chin in reflection. “I wonder if there’s a movie in that, or the very least a romance novel?” She shook her head to clear her thoughts. “Now, where was I? That’s right. Anyway, they want you there tomorrow.”

  Frankie collapsed into her chair. “Oh, no,” she blurted out. Gabi looked at her in confusion. “But what will I wear?”

  Frankie figured supermodel hours weren’t all that different to cowgirl hours. The incessant beeping of her alarm had momentarily made a confusing appearance in her dream of Tim Tams and dishwashers before she groggily woke enough to turn it off. For a moment, she wondered if all models had such weird dreams before deciding that, at the very least, food must feature fairly consistently in their fantasies.

  Hurrying to have a quick shower before Luc arrived to drive them to the shoot, Frankie silently thanked her friends for covering her share of the ranch work. And at the same time, cursing them when she heard their peaceful snoring. It might not have quite been an accident when she slammed the door a little too hard as she stepped into the still dark morning. Too early even for the faintest of colors to paint the sky.


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