Becoming the Street Boss: A Zanetti Famiglia Novel

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Becoming the Street Boss: A Zanetti Famiglia Novel Page 2

by Faiman, Hayley

  “Shit went down in Columbia. Need you here, now,” Gavino demands.

  I jerk my chin as though he can see me, he can’t. “Where are you?” I ask.

  “Home office,” he murmurs.

  “On my way.”

  I end the call, jogging toward my car. Most of the men in our industry drive serious flash. I prefer to invest my money rather than spend it on cars. Though, I don’t drive a piece of shit. I prefer to drive in comfort, my Audi S5 Coupe’s lights flash and the engine purrs as I continue to make my way toward it.

  Opening the door, I slip into the driver’s seat and touch the keyless ignition. Gavino is waiting for me and you never keep your boss waiting, especially when he’s the Boss.

  I want to stay and continue to keep my eyes glued to Pippa, but I don’t need to. She deserves to live her life and I don’t need to continue to obsess over a girl ten years younger than me. She’s happy and I tell myself that it’s all I need to know. I talk myself into it, but I know that I’ll search her out again. I always do.

  Bellarosa wants her free and free she will be. I know that Gavino has issued that order, but I respect Bellarosa as well and would never hurt her like that. I would never force an issue out of respect. What I truly need to do is forget Pippa exists, no matter how my cock feels about her.

  Pulling my car into Gavino’s driveway, I’m surprised that I’ve arrived, especially in one piece. I was so consumed with thoughts of Pippa that I don’t remember any part of the journey. Climbing out of the car, I lock the doors, then climb the steps toward the front entrance.

  The door opens immediately, Paul, Gavino’s driver, is there, his eyes flicking over me. “He’s waiting,” he announces as he stands to the side.

  Arching a brow, I hurry toward Gavino’s office. He’s sitting behind his desk, Arlo at his side leaning against the wall. I’m surprised to see that Salvatore Junior is sitting in one of the chairs across from the desk.

  “Well, what the fuck is going on?” I ask. Not used to seeing so many men in for what I thought was a simple last minute meeting.

  Gavino snorts. “Sit,” he offers with a jerk of his chin.

  I walk over to the empty seat next to Salvatore and sink down, straightening my legs out in front of me.

  “The Columbians are no longer an issue,” Gavino explains. Arching a brow, I wait for him to expand on his declaration. He clears his throat as we all silently wait for him to continue. “A group of our soldiers along with the Savage Beast MC took them out, all but the oldest son. We have one of the daughters and the Beasts have the other.”

  “Who has her?” I ask.

  Gavino’s lips twitch. “Benicio does. He’s keeping her, I didn’t ask questions.”

  I want to ask why Benicio has this woman, but I don’t. It isn’t my business. Gavino would tell me if I needed to know. That’s the thing, you never question a Boss and you don’t ever attempt to question, the Boss. Not when it comes to his decisions, especially when they do not involve you.

  “What happens now?” Arlo asks.

  Gavino’s lips turn up into a full-on smile. “That problem is now eliminated. We breathe easy until the next shit show arrives.”

  “The oldest kid is still free, so it’s not completely eradicated, right? What happens with our supply?” I ask, knowing that the men are still selling and their monthly totals are only increasing, not decreasing.

  With a chuckle, Gavino shrugs a shoulder. “We can do nothing but wait for him to make his presence known. We have men searching for him, but he’s gone underground, it could be years before he rears his ugly head again. As for the supply, Dragon assures me that he has it all taken care of. Deliveries should only be delayed by a week or two. Nothing major.”

  I let out a long exhale. “Thank fuck,” I grunt.

  “Massimo,” Gavino calls.

  Lifting my eyes to him, I wait for what else he has to say. “You’re my Street Boss, yeah?”

  Dipping my chin in a nod, I clear my throat. “Yeah.”

  “I expect you to assure the men that this is only a small hiccup. Their product will return in abundance, yeah? Also, I would like to make sure that collections are still happening without issue. Tell the Capos that we’re raising those by two percent.”

  Nodding my head, I take my phone out and make a couple of notes. I’m sure a few of the Capos will be pissed about the increase, but it’s not their call. The prices haven’t been raised in years, so the businesses shouldn’t complain too much. If they do, we’ll just have to take care of shit, our way.

  “Anything else?” I ask as I finish up my notes.

  He chuckles, his eyes shifting from Arlo to me before they roam over my face. I feel as though he and Arlo know something about me, as if they have a secret that they’re not letting me in on.

  “Not yet,” Gavino says with a smirk.

  I stay in the meeting while he finishes going over shit, the entire time I think about Pippa. I need to forget she exists. I can’t. Her dark glossy hair, her big blue eyes, her curvy body.

  Beyond the way she makes my cock hard, there’s also her smile. The way she laughs easily. I want to protect that, keep her laughing forever and I don’t understand why. I shouldn’t give a single fuck about her.

  She’s just some fucking girl.

  Pippa consumes me. She shouldn’t. It’s wrong. But it feels so fucking right.

  Chapter One



  Aunt Irene narrows her eyes at me. She’s always so fucking pissed off at me. Life with her hasn’t been easy, but when I turned eighteen, something shifted. It didn’t take me long to figure it out, though.

  At eighteen her funds from the government stopped coming in for her to take care of me and although the money from the famiglia is more than enough, she wants more. More. More. More.

  “Did you pick a college?” she slurs.

  I’m twenty, today. I graduated high school last year, but I’ve been working retail at this coffee shop while I decide what to do with my life. My prospects are limited. I was a terrible student. School really isn’t my thing, but every time I try to narrow down a trade school direction, I just completely freak out.

  My entire life has been decided for me every step of the way until now. I’ve never had to make a decision on my own, ever. It’s overwhelming trying to figure out what to do for the rest of my life and if I’m being truly honest, I’ve never really thought about it. My entire life I’ve just been trying to survive—trying to strive for a sense of normalcy.

  When I was little, before my father died, naturally my parents decided everything about my life. Then when Aunt Irene took us in, she made every decision about our lives including what we ate and how much of that food we consumed.

  Aunt Irene also decided what activities we would be involved in, which for me was ballet only. Rosana was allowed to take acting, art, music, and lyrical dance. I don’t know why, and I never asked.

  It’s obvious that Rosana is the favorite. Maybe because she came to Aunt Irene at a younger age, maybe just because her disposition is sweeter than anyone else’s on earth.

  Rosana is a sweet soul, a young one. She’ll always be soft and sweet. It’s just her nature. It’s hard not to fall completely in love with her, she’s just plain good.

  “I haven’t,” I whisper.

  “The time has come,” she snaps as she pushes up to standing. “You have a week to get out. You’re as lazy as your father, always have been. I’m not going to stand for it. Not in my house and definitely not for free.”

  Looking down at my feet, I lift my gaze back up to meet hers. “What am I supposed to do?” I ask.

  She arches a brow, then her eyes light up as she searches my confused face. “Maybe you should ask Bellarosa how to make it in the real world?”

  I take a step back, stumbling before I right myself. Shaking my head once. I open my mouth, then snap it closed before I narrow my gaze on her.

On my birthday?” I gasp. “You’re a terrible person. I hope you drop fucking dead,” I snap.

  Turning my back to her, I run out of the house with nothing but the clothes on my back. I think about her words, then before I get too far away from the house, my feet stop.

  I could call Gavino, ask him for help, he said that I was technically famiglia no matter what, but I’m not that person. I could call Bellarosa, but she needs to live her life without her little sister begging for help. She’s suffered more than I could ever imagine. She deserves to just breathe easy and be happy.

  Pressing my lips together, I tug my phone out of my back pocket. Finding the Uber app, I put in the address to the only place where I know someone from the famiglia will even consider helping me.

  It only takes a few moments for the driver to pull up. Slipping into the back seat of the Prius, the driver looks back at me to confirm my destination. My heart slams against my chest as I nod my head. Pinching my eyes closed, I wonder why I’m doing this. There has to be another alternative.

  I could call my friend, Marissa, and ask to crash on her couch. But I couldn’t stay there long. She lives in a studio and doesn’t need an extra person taking up space and using her utilities.

  Technically, I could couch surf between a few of my friends, but what’s the point. I need a long-term solution and that isn’t going to be one. That will only get me by for a few weeks, two months tops.

  My mediocre wages aren’t going to get me far, I couldn’t even rent a room from someone on what I bring home a month. I don’t really have much of a choice, and if I get turned away when I arrive, I’ll basically be living on the streets.

  The car pulls up to a nondescript brick building. “You sure you want me to drop you off here? It doesn’t look too safe for a woman alone,” the driver says.

  Flicking my gaze around the area, he’s right. It doesn’t look safe, not in the slightest, and if I were anyone else, it wouldn’t be. Especially not at night.

  “I’ll be okay,” I mutter.

  Thanking him, I leave the car and smooth my sweaty palms down the front of my jeans. I am nowhere near dressed the way that I should be for the proposition I’m about to offer for consideration. And beg is exactly what I’ll do if I have to. Slowly, I make my way up to the door.

  Lifting my hand, I knock only once. I know that there is someone waiting for a knock on the other side. The door slowly opens and a large-muscled bouncer, in a suit of course, opens it. His eyes rake over my body, stopping at my boobs before they move to my face.

  “Help you?”

  “I’m Pippa Mazzilli, can I talk to whoever is in charge?” I ask, my voice shaking.

  “They know who the fuck you are?” he asks, gruffly.

  I shrug a shoulder. “Maybe, maybe not, but they should.”

  His lips twitch and I watch as he presses his hand against his ear. I hear him speak, then his eyes flick over me again. “Arlo’ll be right down.” He grins. “Along with Mia.”

  I stay standing outside, waiting. Luckily, I’m not forced to wait for long. Both Mia and Arlo appear. At least, I assume that’s who is in front of me. The woman is gorgeous, but she looks like a complete ball buster. I’m totally in awe of her.

  The man, handsome and naturally in a suit, because that’s all the men in this world wear. I almost roll my eyes. Cliché. Cliché. Cliché.

  “Pippa Mazzilli?” he asks.

  Tilting my head back, I look up into his eyes. “Yes. Can I talk to you in private?” I ask.

  He looks over to the woman, then to me and smirks. “Come into my office. I’m intrigued as to what you would like to discuss with us, here.”

  They both turn around and I follow behind them. I don’t look around, choosing to keep my eyes to Mia’s back as I follow them. They guide me toward a door that opens into a small, narrow hallway.

  We walk, passing by several closed doors, but Arlo doesn’t stop until we’re at the end of the hall. Reaching his hand toward the knob on the left-hand side, he turns it and steps inside. Mia doesn’t even slow down her steps as she breezes through the opened door.

  Keeping my pace steady, I walk by as well. Arlo is standing with the door in his hand and closes it, flicking the bolt closed before he rounds his desk and sinks down in the leather chair behind it. Mia takes her place at his left, standing just one step behind him and to the side.

  “Please,” Arlo offers, holding his hand out palm up toward a chair across from his desk.

  Gulping, I walk over and sink down on to the edge of the seat. I can’t keep my knee from bouncing as I look at the two of them across from me. They are seriously intimidating. Arlo arches a brow as his eyes roam over my body, assessing.

  “Please, how can we help you?”

  Pressing my lips together, I inhale a deep breath, then release it on a sigh. “I want to auction my virginity,” I blurt.

  Mia’s eyes widen. Arlo clears his throat. The room goes completely silent again. I watch, waiting to hear what they’re going to say. What’s the worst that can happen? They kick me out and make me leave? Actually, that would be horrible, because I would have nowhere to go.

  Arlo looks down at his desk, then lifts his gaze to me. “Why?” he asks. “You’re free, Pippa. Why do you want to do this?”

  “My aunt doesn’t want me to live with her anymore. It’s this, or be homeless. I need some money until I figure out my future,” I admit.

  Arlo nods once. There’s a moment of silence, it feels like it lasts a lifetime as I wait for him to speak.

  “I have three options for you,” he says, his voice low and even.

  I bite the inside of my cheek, waiting to hear what he’s going to say. I have no clue what his options could even entail.

  “One, you can auction your virginity. Two, I can have you trained and you can live here, be one of our girls.”

  “Three?” I ask.

  His eyes almost dance as he watches me, I can tell this is something I may not like, but he thinks is almost comical. Frowning, I wait for him to just tell me. Whatever it is, I have the freedom to tell him no.

  “Want to get married?”


  She sinks to her knees. Her big blue eyes look up at me as she cups her tits and opens her mouth. She knows what I want, except she can’t be who I want.

  Sliding my hand through the blonde hair at the side of her face, I gather a handful behind her head. Gripping the back of her hair, I tug her forward. She swallows me without resistance—expertly.

  Closing my eyes, I imagine Pippa in her place. It’s been years since the woman has been on my mind and I can’t shake her. I pretend that it’s her dark hair I’m holding on to instead of this woman’s blonde. I imagine an olive complexion instead of the pale skin on the woman on her knees for me.

  Opening my eyes, I pull her off of me, my breath coming out in heavy pants. I don’t want this to end yet. A blowjob isn’t going to be enough to satisfy me tonight. I need more. I need to fuck.

  Jerking my chin toward the bed, she doesn’t even hesitate a moment. Instead, she stands and I watch as she makes her way over, climbing onto the mattress. She sits on her knees, her back and ass to me as she looks over her shoulder.

  Walking slowly up behind her, I slide one arm around her waist, the other I dip between her thighs. Her lips touch the underside of my jaw, careful not to take too many liberties like touching my mouth without my permission.

  Her pussy is damp as I slip my fingers through her soft folds. “How do you want me to come?” I ask.

  She shakes her head once, her lips skimming my jaw still. “I should be asking you that, Massimo,” she breathes.

  Smirking, I flick her clit and laugh softly when her thighs shake. “But you’re not. Tell me, cara. I want you to shatter.”

  “I want you to fill me,” she whispers.

  “Your ass? Your cunt? You have to tell me,” I say.

  She pushes back, a cry escaping her pretty plump lips. I shiver wh
en I feel one of her hands slide over mine between her legs. “Fill my ass, Massimo. I know it’s what you want. Play my pussy and fill my ass the way you desire,” she whispers sweetly, her Irish lilt filling the air around us.

  Reaching for the lube and condom, I sheath myself, my hand between her legs still working her. She leans forward slightly, her hips shifting naturally as I continue to play with her pussy at the same time, I use my other hand to warm up her tight back entrance.

  It’s not the first time I’ve fucked her ass, in fact, it’s one of my favorite things to do with her. She pushes her hips back, looking over her shoulder at me. Her eyes are wild, her nostrils flare as she rolls and shifts her hips.

  “What do you want?” I ask as I sink two fingers inside of her back entrance.

  I fuck both of her holes with my fingers, watching as her eyes roll in the back of her head slightly. Her words will be what I want to hear. I’ve paid handsomely to hear them, however, I do hope that at least part of her means them as well.

  “I want you inside of me, Massimo,” she whimpers. “I need it.”

  Sliding my fingers out of her ass, I align my cock with her tight rosebud entrance. My fingers don’t stop playing with her clit, in fact, I start to rub her harder, tapping her there every so often. Her hips jerk as she pushes back, taking more of me inside of her.

  Gliding my free hand up the center of her back, I wrap my fingers around the front of her throat and gently pull her up so that her back is against my chest. Burying my face in her neck, I sink the entire length of my cock inside of her ass with one thrust of my hips.

  “Fuck me hard, Massimo,” she begs. “You’re the best I’ve ever had. Only you know how to make me come,” she whimpers.

  I don’t know if it’s bullshit, but her words cause my entire body to jerk. I imagine Pippa saying them. I’m a dick for that. I know that I am, but it’s also just the fucking truth. I’ll never have her beneath me like this, so all I have is my imagination.

  “Play with those pretty tits, cara,” I rasp against her ear.


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