Becoming the Street Boss: A Zanetti Famiglia Novel

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Becoming the Street Boss: A Zanetti Famiglia Novel Page 10

by Faiman, Hayley

  My fingers grip his biceps as I hold on to him. He moves harder and faster, his control slipping until he plants himself deep inside of me with a groan. His teeth sink into the side of my neck, biting me hard as his entire body shudders above me.

  “Massimo?” I ask a few seconds later.

  He’s still deep inside, his chest pressing against mine, his teeth no longer biting the side of my neck, but his lips sucking me there instead.

  “Mine,” he grunts, then shifts his hips and slowly moves in and out of me a few more times.

  Opening my eyes, I tip my head down slightly so that I can look at him. He lifts his head, his eyes finding mine.

  “Mine,” he says again.

  This time his eyes are focused on mine, his nostrils are flared and I think that he’s going to say something else, but instead he slants his head before his lips crash against mine. “Say it, Pippa.”

  “Yours,” I breathe against his lips.

  He hums. “Yes. Mine,” he says with a grin. Slowly, he slips from my body and I can’t hold back the hiss of slight pain.

  I expect him to slip from the bed and walk away, but he doesn’t. I start to close my legs, completely embarrassed by my nakedness. Massimo is sitting just to the side of my foot. He shakes his head once and reaches between my legs, his fingers curling around the inside of my thigh to stop me.

  “Let me see,” he gently demands as he squeezes my thigh.

  “Massimo,” I whisper, my face hot.

  He shakes his head again. Then slowly his hand drifts up my thigh toward my tender center. He cups me there, his palm warm as he just holds me. I’m not sure what to do, so I freeze. He shifts his hand slightly and two fingers slip inside of me. I let out a whimpered cry at the painful sensation.

  Massimo doesn’t even flinch at my obvious discomfort. Instead, he moves his fingers, curling them inside of me, then pumps them in and out. He does it again, the second time he applies pressure to my clit.

  Reaching for his wrist, I wrap my fingers around him, trying to get him to stop. He doesn’t. It hurts at first, but then the more he touches me, the pain disappears and desire replaces it. What a weird sensation. On the verge of pain and pleasure, it’s so different from anything I’ve felt before.

  “You will learn to like what I like, Pippa. This?”

  “Pain and pleasure,” I rasp.

  He hums, his fingers moving faster between my legs. I arch my back, placing my feet on the mattress and lift my hips to meet his movements. I want it. Need it. More. So much more. He grunts, his hand and fingers moving faster, his palm grinding against my clit harder.

  Sitting up, I slide my hands up his arms, circling his shoulder and gasp. Massimo’s eyes widen, he’s unable to hide his surprise as I ride his hand. It feels amazing. So good that if he stopped, I might actually burst into tears.

  “Fuck,” he hisses. “Fuck,” he says repeating himself before his lips touch mine.

  His free hand wraps around my back as he holds on to me. His tongue fills my mouth at the same time I come with a whimper. He swallows my sounds, his fingers only stopping when my entire body goes boneless and the only thing keeping me upright is his arm around my back.

  We’re both breathing heavily, I’m panting as my eyes drift closed and I lick my dry lips. I attempt to catch my breath, though I sound like I’ve just run a mile—I feel as though I have too.

  Massimo’s lips brush against mine as he slips his hands from between my legs and shifts off of the bed. Without a word, he scoops me up in his arms and carries me toward the bathroom. My arms wrap around his shoulders and I bury my face in his neck.

  “You need a bath,” he rasps.

  He sets me down on the edge of the tub and starts the water. I can’t take my eyes off of him as he moves around. I watch as he dumps some bubbles and what looks like bath salts into the water. Then he disappears back into the room. I hear his voice and wonder who he could be talking to when he reappears.

  My breath hitches when he picks me up and lowers me into the warm water. Letting out a hiss when the water touches my center, Massimo grins over at me.

  “I should be sorry,” he murmurs.

  “But you’re not,” I say as I close my eyes with a sigh enjoying the way my muscles relax beneath the warmth.

  He moves around, sinking down into the water behind me, tugging my back against his front before his mouth touches my temple.

  “I’m not, dolcezza.”

  Chapter Twelve


  Pulling the sheet over Pippa’s naked body, I smile down at her. I called for maid service while we were in the tub, knowing that she would be embarrassed by the blood that had stained the sheets from losing her virginity. Now the sheets are freshly changed and she sighs as she snuggles in deeper to the pillow.

  Changing into a new pair of pants and a button-up shirt, I slip on my socks and shoes before I shove my phone, wallet, and room key into my pocket.

  Before I leave, I slip on my shoulder holster and secure two guns. I’m afraid that I’ll be using them tonight, especially with the information that Luca told me.

  Turning away from Pippa, I walk out of our hotel room when I should be lying naked next to her, just hours after I’ve made her my wife.

  “Massimo,” Luca mutters as soon as I slip into the passenger seat of his waiting car.

  I grunt, shaking my head once. “This is not the shit that I want to deal with tonight, but it needs to be done.”

  He clears his throat as he shifts his car into drive. “Agreed. Where to?”

  “Their house.”

  The car moves away from the curb and silently we make our way toward the Gallo home. “You call the cop to meet us there?” I ask as his car moves through the city streets.

  “He’s there waiting.”

  Nodding my head, I close my eyes. “Good.”

  We arrive at the front of the house. It’s a modest home, well within the means of a man who is a small business owner and has a small family.

  It’s obvious by the paint chipping off of the front that he either hasn’t had the time or money to repaint. Judging by the way he was talking of his wife’s spending, it’s probably both.

  Officer Riva is waiting for us, sitting in his darkened car on the side of the street. Parking behind him, I clear my throat before opening the door and unfolding from the vehicle to stand up straight.

  Riva does the same. I watch as he jerks his chin toward Luca as he walks in my direction. “Massimo,” he says, extending his arm.

  I slip my palm in his before I tug his body against mine and use my other hand to slap his back a couple of times.

  “Brando,” I murmur before taking a step back.

  He chuckles, then I watch as his head turns to the side before he brings it back to meet mine. “Heard you got hitched tonight. Sucks this shit went down on your day.”

  Dipping my chin in a nod, I clear my throat. “It’s all good. She’s tucked in bed, asleep. We get this done, I get back to her before she even realizes I’m away,” I say, shrugging a shoulder.

  “You’re a fuckin’ boss, brother.”

  “Fill me in on what happened,” I demand, getting straight to business.

  Brando clears his throat, I watch as he lifts his hand and runs his fingers through his hair. “Someone called into the station, Crime Stoppers. I don’t know who actually called in, but it came from this number.”

  “You traced it?”

  Brando smirks. “Yeah, really not supposed to do that shit, but I did. You get a tip like that, I couldn’t ignore it.”

  “Thank fuck you work that unit, yeah?”

  “No fuckin’ shit,” he snorts.

  “Ready to go and figure out what in the actual fuck these people were thinking?” I ask, flicking my gaze from Brando to Luca and back.

  “Fuck yeah,” they said in unison.

  Together we forego the front of the house and make our way toward the back. Our cars are parked severa
l houses down from the Gallo’s place. It doesn’t take us long, thanks to Luca and his expert breaking and entering skills to make our way into the kitchen of the house.

  There is a blue light on in the living room, an obvious television glow. Together, we walk toward that glow. We already know from our extensive research on this family that there are only three residents—Gallo, his wife, and the teenage daughter.

  I’m not surprised to see Gallo himself in the living room, his head tipped back, his eyes closed, his lips parted and the remote control in his hand. I honestly do not think that this is the man who called the police. If I had to guess, it was the wife.

  Turning to look at Luca, I jerk my chin toward the stairs. He dips his head and without a word noiselessly makes his way up the staircase. There’s a noise at the front door. My head turns toward the door as the knob slowly turns.

  Brando and I fade away into the shadow of the wall as we watch the teenage daughter slip inside, slowly locking the door behind her. I smirk, knowing that she’s probably missed curfew. She’s a pretty little thing, around seventeen or eighteen. Not quite a woman, but well on the way.

  I take a step forward, Brando staying in the shadows. The girl senses me, freezing in her spot just as Luca appears at the top of the stairs.

  Jerking my chin toward the chair, I clear my throat. “Sit,” I bark.

  Her entire body trembles. “Who are you?”

  Shaking my head once, I flick my gaze from her to the chair. “Sit.”

  Thankfully, the second time I ask she does as she’s been told. I watch as she walks over to the chair and slowly lowers. Turning my attention to Gallo, I notice that he’s now awake, and alert, his eyes on me.

  “Mr. Ferrucci,” he breathes. “What are you doing here?” he asks, his voice shaky and trembling.

  He looks scared shitless. Luca and the wife make their way downstairs. “Next to your husband, bitch,” Luca growls.

  She doesn’t even flinch. Instead, she slowly walks over to the sofa and sinks down, sitting on the edge. I watch her, knowing that without a doubt this was the woman who called Crime Stoppers and she thinks that she’s somehow untouchable, or at least that she’s smarter than we are.

  “Wanna tell me why you called the cops?” I ask, purposely not directing the comment to either of them.

  Gallo gasps, he shakes his head. “I didn’t, I swear to God, I didn’t. I wouldn’t,” he rambles. “You were fair. I agreed to our arrangement, I wouldn’t do that.”

  Licking my lips, I tilt my head to the side, my eyes focused on the bitch. “Why did you call?” I ask, keeping my focus on her and nowhere else.

  “She wouldn’t,” Gallo says, trying to defend her. Lifting my hand, I put my palm up to keep him from talking.

  “She would and she did, she just thought that she wouldn’t get caught, am I right?” I ask.

  The woman jerks her chin up, looking down her nose at me. I can’t help but snort at her cockiness. She’s a strong woman, there’s no doubt about it, she’s also a stupid fucking cunt. Reaching for my gun, I lift it and quickly deliver a shot to the center of her forehead.

  The teenage girl screams while Gallo cries out with blood and brain matter covering his face. Tilting my head down, I look at Gallo and shake my head once. He snaps his lips closed, but the girl continues to scream.

  Thankfully, Luca makes his way to the girl and sinks down to his haunches in front of her, lifting his hand to cover her mouth and muffle her cries of agony.

  I have no doubt it’s traumatizing to see your mother’s brains cover your sofa and the wall behind her. I was traumatized that my mother was shot in the middle of the street while I was at school and I didn’t even see it happen.

  “She was a liability,” I state. Gallo nods his head a couple of times. “This happens again and I will not hesitate to make another example out of someone else in your family. Honest to fuck, I like you, Gallo. I did not want it to come down to this, but I had no choice.”

  “You didn’t,” he rasps as he nods his head a few times.

  Crouching down in front of him on my own haunches, I look at him straight in the eye. “We good, Gallo?” I ask.

  He nods his head quickly.

  “We gonna have any more problems like this?”

  He shakes his head, his eyes focused on mine and not moving.

  “Good. I’ll be watching. Don’t worry about the body or the mess. I’ll have it all cleaned up. Her body will be delivered to the mortuary so that you can have a proper burial. Don’t make me come and do this again, next time, I think my message will be delivered in a completely different manner,” I state before I shift my gaze over to the girl, then back to him so that he knows exactly who my intentions will include next time.

  Without another word, my point clearly made, I stand to my feet, cracking my knuckles. Jerking my chin toward Brando, I walk away from the house. “You got this?” I call out to Luca on my way out.

  “Got you, Boss,” he replies.

  Once we’re outside, I notice that there are already a couple of black cars parked down the street. Lifting my hand toward them, I wave them in. Clean-up crew. Best in the fucking business is what they are, because they’ve been trained to be. Fucking machines is what they are.

  Brando and I walk together in silence. “You give me a ride back to my hotel?” I ask.

  He nods his head, clearing his throat. “I’ll take you back to your wife,” he murmurs with a small laugh.

  “Shit night to do all of this,” I say as I sink into the passenger seat of his car.

  He groans as he sinks into his own seat before he starts the car. “No shit, man. Sorry it came down to this.”

  “Knew I would have to teach some lessons when my boss raised the collection percentage. Hoped it could have waited until after my wedding weekend,” I admit with a sigh.

  I give him the name of the hotel, then lean back and close my eyes for a moment, opening them back up on a long sigh. Brando nods his head as he drives toward the hotel. The ride to the hotel is quiet. As soon as the car comes to a stop, I don’t jump out right away.

  “You good?” I ask Brando, turning my head to face him.

  I watch as he grips the steering wheel tightly, his fists turning white. He inhales deeply through his nose, then lets it out of his mouth. He shakes his head once, then nods before he turns to face me.

  “I’m good. It’s not something that I ever want to happen, but she knew what she was doing,” he says.

  “Want you to keep an eye on their movements for me. Update me if I need to be updated.”

  Reaching for the handle, I open the car door, unfolding from the seat before I turn and dip my chin, looking down at him.

  “I’ll take care of it, Massimo.”

  “You’re invaluable to me, Brando,” I say. “I’ll be rewarding you for your quick action.”

  I don’t wait for a response. Instead, I straighten and head toward the front doors of the hotel. My wife is waiting for me upstairs and since the sun is now out and it’s officially daylight, I’m thinking that I may not be able to just slip in beside her.


  I sit up with a gasp. Looking around the bedroom, I notice that I’m alone in the big fluffy bed. I wonder not only how I got in bed, but also where Massimo is. The last thing I remember, I was resting against his chest in the bathtub.

  Tugging the sheet up my chest, I see that the room is bathed in the dawn of the new morning. Frowning, I can’t help the doubt that crawls up my throat and threatens to choke me. Where does a man go on his wedding night?

  I stay where I am, naked in bed, the sheet pulled up to my neck for far longer than I should. Unable to stay sitting in bed for another moment, I decide that I’m going to get dressed and if I’m going to be alone, then I’m going to do it out on the gorgeous deck of this fancy room.

  Throwing the covers back, I stand and whimper at the pain that throbs between my legs. It hurts so fucking bad. Pinching my eyes clos
ed, I shake the pain away and head toward the bathroom.

  It doesn’t take me long to use the facilities, brush my teeth and hair. I don’t bother putting on any makeup before I throw my hair up in a messy bun. Walking back into the bedroom, I look out the windows and grin at the sight of the pool and hot tub on the deck.

  Making my way back into the bedroom, I open the dresser drawer and reach for my bikini. Lenora and the girls insisted I need a new bikini in case we went on an actual honeymoon.

  I told them that I probably wouldn’t be going anywhere, and I was right. But since there is a hot tub, I’m going to take full advantage of the amenities. Grabbing a white fluffy towel from the bathroom, I make my way outside.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Rushing upstairs, I freeze at the sight in front of me. Pippa isn’t in the bed, the bathroom door is open and I don’t hear a fucking sound. Turning around slowly, I look around for any clue that she’s gone somewhere, that she’s left the hotel.

  The wedding dress is still hanging in front of the closet door, the high heels still on the floor next to it. Slowly, I turn around and look out the windows. The water of the East River looks calm, even surprisingly pretty from this distance. Then something catches the corner of my eye.

  Turning my head, I see her. She’s lying back in the hot tub. Her breasts are floating in the water, her hair is up and the sun is shining down on her face. She looks fucking enchanting. My feet carry me toward her, unable to stop myself, she fucking lures me to her like a goddamn siren.

  Quietly, I make my way outside, not wishing to disturb her. I stand to the side beneath the shade of the small patio roofing.

  “Do I even want to know where you were?” she asks, not moving an inch of her body.

  Clearing my throat, I make my way toward her side, sinking down to the lounge chair next to the hot tub. I pick up her towel, then set it back down, trying to come up with some kind of excuse that she would buy.


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