Becoming His (Blackout Series)

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Becoming His (Blackout Series) Page 3

by K. I. Lynn

  “Nothing to be sorry about.” His voice was low, and an electric spark exploded on my skin from each point of our contact.

  What was going on?

  It almost felt like energy crackling between us with an intensity I’d never experienced before. The air was heavy, and everything seemed to fall away except the man in front of me.

  His mouth opened to say something when my phone chimed, breaking the thickness of the tension that rose between us.

  “Sorry,” I said as I pulled my phone from my back pocket.

  Where are you? - Sarah

  My eyes popped wide as I stared down. It was like a bucket of ice water had been thrown on my head, and I pulled away from him.

  “Oh my God, I’m sorry. I’m supposed to be somewhere,” I said.

  “I think that place is right here,” Reid said, his hand taking hold of mine.

  “No, really. Sarah is downstairs and we have…things. We were headed to food and booze at the Seaside bar in the casino when you distracted me.”

  “Distracted you? No, you distracted me. You ran into me, remember?” he said with that panty-dropping smirk that tried to entice me to ditch Sarah to stay with those lips of his.

  I pulled on his hand, directing him out of the dangerous bedroom and to the door. “Thanks for catching me, by the way.”

  I paid no attention to anyone else but him as he smiled at me and held the door.

  “Anytime. Can I see you again?” he asked, as he walked with me to the elevator.

  The door opened, and I stepped on. “Yes!”

  The doors slid closed and I fell back against the wall, my hands covering my face as I let out a scream.

  What just happened?


  “What the hell took you so long?” Sarah said as I sat down.

  My mouth popped open, but I didn’t know where to begin. I was still in shock over the whole thing. “Wrong elevator.”

  “And it took you an hour to get back down?”


  “Oh my God, just spit it out.”

  “I ran into Reid Gallagher in the elevator, and we were talking and flirting and he showed me his penthouse suite.”

  She blinked at me, then her gaze narrowed. “What really happened? Jeremy didn’t call you or something and you’re just trying to cover it up, right?”

  “I said—” I drew in a breath at the feel of hands landing on my hips, a tingle rushing through me as lips brushed against my ear. It set my whole body on fire, and I leaned back into the flames.

  “I didn’t get your number,” Reid said, his voice low and setting off every nerve in my body.

  I turned to him and blinked. “You want my number?”

  “How else am I going to see you again?”

  My mouth dropped open as I remembered the elevator.

  Sarah’s hand clamped down on my arm, her fingers digging in, but I ignored her.

  “You really do want to see me again?” I asked in disbelief.

  He backed up, his hands leaving me. “Okay, I totally read the vibes wrong.” He gestured behind him. “I’ll just be going.”

  “Wait! No, that’s not what I meant. What I meant was—I’d love to see you again.”



  He beamed at me. “Great, great.” He pulled out his phone and I added my number to his contacts list, which had fewer numbers than I expected.

  “Oh, shit. Sorry,” he said as he looked behind me. “Hi, I’m Reid.”

  Sarah made a strange uh-huh sound. “Y-yeah. Hi.”

  “This is my friend, Sarah. She’s getting married this weekend.”

  “Congrats. Are you girls here for some fun before she ties the knot?”

  “Actually, the wedding is in the hotel,” I said, since Sarah seemed to suddenly be mute.

  “Wow, how’d you swing that?” he asked.

  “Connections, I hear.” I slapped Sarah’s hand that was cutting off circulation in my arm. “I tap out. Let go,” I hissed.

  “Cool. I’ll let you get back to your drinks. I’ve got to be on set tomorrow, but maybe I can see you when I have a break?”

  “That would be… Yes.”

  “She’d love to!” Sarah practically screamed in my ear.

  Reid jumped a bit and tried to suppress a chuckle. “Have fun.”

  “Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God!” Sarah was practically hyperventilating as I watched him walk away.

  My eyes were glued to his ass. How had I missed it earlier? It was fantastic.

  “I know.”



  “He came down to find you to get your number.”

  I was still so in awe that he asked me for my number that I completely forgot he had to find me in the maze of the casino first.

  “He’s even more gorgeous in person,” Sarah said with a dreamy sigh. “I thought you were pulling my leg. I mean, I know Josh West is here this week, but I didn’t expect to see him or any other celebrities.”

  “They’re filming in and around the hotel, I guess. Some new action flick.”

  “He looked more buff than normal.”

  She was right. In most roles, Reid was a fit, muscular guy, but not bulky. He was more on the bulky side for whatever he was filming.

  “Year made, and it’s only January.”

  “If you have a date with him, that’s decade made.”

  “So true.” I held up my glass and clinked it against hers before taking a sip. “We need to find those yards of margaritas.”

  “What the hell happened? Tell me everything.”

  And I did, every last detail over multiple drinks.

  “Oh, man, his man-ness was like…” I held my arms up. “Man.”

  Sarah erupted in a fit of giggles. “What about his other man-ness.”

  “Man, I didn’t feel that, but yeah, I’d do him. Totally.”

  She straightened up, eyes wide. “You have to do him. Like, have to, have to. It’s imperative.”

  “Imperative. Yeah.” I let out a groan just remembering the feel of him. “His arms, his chest. He’s sculpted and hard and perfect. I could lick him all over.” I demonstrated by lapping up the sugar from the rim of my glass.

  “That’s hot. You need to do that when you see him tomorrow.”


  Somewhere in my mind I knew it was all drunk talk, but it still sounded like a good idea.

  After finishing our drinks, we grabbed some dinner, which helped to sober us up a little, but I didn’t seem to care because I was riding an unexpected high. Meeting Reid, talking to him, was an experience I’d never forget.

  “How are you doing?” Sarah asked as she looked over at my machine. “Holy shit!”

  I grinned at her almost maniacally. “This machine loves me.”

  “Are you doing max bet?”

  “I’m switching it up, but I was max when I hit that bonus spin and it paid off big time.” I was up almost four hundred dollars.

  A few hours, a few drinks, and a few hundred dollars won later, Sarah and I made it back to our room.

  As I lay in bed, I thought about the amazing day. I couldn’t keep the smile from my face all night. It only grew when Sarah recounted everything to Rob via FaceTime when we were at dinner.

  “You’re still thinking about him, aren’t you?” Sarah asked from the other bed.


  She chucked a pillow at me. “At least you’re smiling again. A real smile, not those fake ones you’ve been tossing me for months.”

  My phone pinged, and I picked it up from the nightstand. There was a text from an unfamiliar number.

  Goodnight, beautiful – Reid

  I sat straight up, my whole body vibrating like I was about to take off.


  “He texted me. Reid texted me.”

  She sat up as well. “No shit?”

  I handed the phone over to her. “
How do I respond? I don’t know how to do this!” My voice was in full-out panic. It’d been years since I’d done the whole flirtation thing, and I had no clue how it worked. Even then, Jeremy never gave me the stomach-churning, anxiety-inducing excitement I was feeling. Maybe that should have been my first clue, but I didn’t catch on, naïve to what chemistry should be.

  And my chemistry with Reid was off the charts. Plus the minor freak out that someone like Reid texted me.

  “You definitely have to respond,” she said.

  “With what?”

  “Something light and funny. Think cute.”

  I stared at her with large, wide eyes. “Thinking cute isn’t going to help me.”

  “Don’t be self-deprecating again.”

  “So just say goodnight back?”

  She shook her head and handed the phone back to me. “It needs a little something extra, since he added beautiful.”

  “Like what? Handsome? Sexy? Need a bed warmer?” I was definitely down for warming his bed.

  “Don’t let your pussy do the talking. You have to start PG or you’ll just be another notch.”

  “Oh my God. That’s what this is, isn’t it? Just another girl in a long line.” I’d gone from excited panic to heartbroken panic in less than a second. Sure, sleeping with him would be a great memory, but that wasn’t all I wanted. Our time together may have been short, but I really liked it.

  “Stop. I just said not to do shit like that. You don’t know. Didn’t you say something about something someone said?”

  My brow scrunched, and one side of my top lip raised up. “What nonsense are you spewing?”

  She rolled her eyes. “The guy he threw out.”


  “It seemed like Reid’s not getting any, and possibly hasn’t for a while.”

  “True.” She was right. Reid’s mood had flipped like a switch at the comment.

  I stared at the screen, willing myself to come up with something clever, but my brain was short circuited as I stared at his message.

  Reid-fucking-Gallagher was messaging me!

  Goodnight, strong chest – Harper

  My fingers flew across the screen and I hit send, then let the phone drop down to the bed as I buried my face in my hands. “That was a shit response. I suck at this.”

  “Harp…” she trailed off, and my phone buzzed again.

  My chest clenched in anticipation as I looked down at the new message.

  Strong chest? Is that all I’m good for? – Reid

  “You got him talking, keep going,” Sarah said in encouragement after I read it to her.

  Goodnight, beautiful grey eyes – Harper

  “Just tattoo awkward AF on my forehead to warn people.”

  “He’s playing with you. Play back.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  It’s all about the physical with you, huh? – Reid

  Crap, I needed to turn things around.

  No, and you started it – Harper

  Blame it on the man – Reid

  I let out a laugh, my nervousness subsiding a tiny bit.

  Of course – Harper

  I smiled down at my phone.

  “What did he say now?” Sarah asked.

  “I think we’re flirting.” I leaned back against the headboard and waited for his response, which took about five seconds.

  Okay, what else? – Reid

  Why am I the one fanning your greatness? Don’t you have fangirls for that? – Harper

  I do, but I like to know what you think of me – Reid

  “Oh, he likes you,” Sarah gushed as she read the messages.

  I looked over to her. “How can you tell?”

  “Because he’s fishing for your attraction to him.”

  Why me? – Harper

  A question I’d been asking since he said he wanted to see me again.

  Because I gave you my number, and that means more than you know. I had fun with you and I’d like to get to know you better – Reid

  I read it again and again. All the calm I’d gained was gone, and I felt like I was about to hyperventilate.

  “I’m about to freak out here,” I said, showing Sarah the new messages. “Do those words actually exist, or is that my wishful thinking?”

  “If you’re talking about him wanting to get to know you, those words are actually there.”

  “Holy shit.” I stared at her.

  Her brown eyes were wide as she gave me a stare down. “Girl, you are rolling with this or I’m never talking to you again.”


  “I’m serious. If you let an opportunity with Reid-fucking-Gallagher slip through your fingers, I will never forgive you.”

  “Harsh much?” I chucked her pillow back at her.

  She caught it and tossed it back. “Truth hurts. Now, back to Reid.”

  I’d like that as well – Harper

  Very much.

  Good. Now let’s continue. Goodnight elevator interloper – Reid

  Goodnight hands I w – Harper My eyes widened as I looked down at the screen. I changed my mind and was backing up over the letters when my finger shifted and accidently hit send.


  “What?” Sarah asked. I flashed the phone to her, and she merely shrugged. “It’s out there, roll with it.”

  What hands? – Reid

  I’m trying to keep this PG. You weren’t supposed to see that – Harper

  But I did see it – Reid

  Unsee it – Harper

  It doesn’t work that way – Reid

  I really wanted to send a GIF of Tim Gunn and his infamous “Make it work” line, but my phone didn’t do GIFs.

  I want your hands as well – Reid

  My heart slammed in my chest, my thoughts decidedly moving away from PG and straight to X. Heat exploded through my body with the idea of his hands on me.

  PG! – Harper

  So I can HOLD them. You have such a dirty mind. Tsk-tsk ;) – Reid

  I’d like that – Harper

  Goodnight Harper. Don’t let the bed bugs bite – Reid

  Only you – Harper

  “Stop bogarting the conversation. I want to looky,” Sarah said with a grabby hand.

  “Hold please.”

  “Ugh, you suck.”

  I smiled down at the screen, ignoring Sarah as I soaked in my conversation with Reid.

  What happened to PG? – Reid

  I’m really curious about this biting thing. You brought it up. Sweet dreams – Harper

  If they’re of you they’ll be the best dreams I’ve had in months – Reid

  My heart sped up, chest clenching as I wondered if it was all really happening.

  What are your plans for tomorrow, accoster? – Reid

  I blinked at the screen as the second message popped in, and I turned to Sarah. “What are we doing tomorrow?”

  “It’s pretty laid back. Some shopping, more of today.”

  Probably rising too early – Harper

  Pretty sure after today that’s what I’ll be doing – Reid

  I’ll ignore your non-PG comment, and instead say how you should come find me tomorrow and give me some more of that good luck juju – Harper

  Why give me that opening? – Reid

  Now who has a dirty mind? I was talking about all the slots winnings I had tonight. Looking for a repeat tomorrow – Harper

  More slots? – Reid

  After some breakfast and a shower with some shopping in between – Harper

  Maybe I’ll come find you – Reid

  Ooh, are you going to stalk me? – Harper

  Maybe. But for now, I’m looking forward to dreams of you – Reid

  Goodnight, most amazing man I’ve ever met – Harper

  Now you’re just playing me up – Reid

  Not to say I don’t like it – Reid

  Because I do – Reid

  My heart felt like it was going to force its way from
my chest, sprout wings, and fly away. “What is going on?” I asked Sarah as I handed her the phone.

  “You’re being chased by the hottest man I’ve ever seen, and you better ride his pony stick.”

  “Excuse me? Are you whoring me out?” I asked in mock credulity.

  “I’m out of time, so you have to take one for the team.”

  “Such a hardship.”


  We both fell back in laughter as we snuggled into bed. The day had gone very differently from what I expected when I woke that morning. I’d been hoping for girl time and Vegas fun. I could never have dreamed up what actually happened.

  It was quite possibly the best day of my life.


  The next morning I awoke from a dream about a Hollywood heartthrob in my bed.

  My head was also throbbing, but I didn’t get nearly the enjoyment from it as I did my dream guy. I thought I went to bed pretty sober, the alcohol having worked its way through my body, burned off by dancing in the middle of bays of slot machines.

  Then again, I was fairly certain we failed to drink enough water. In fact, the only water we’d had was the ice in our drinks.

  I pulled my phone from the nightstand and groaned at the time. Damn three-hour difference had me up way too early. So much for us getting on local time when my body was saying, “Get up, bitch, it’s after nine.” The reality of my location was just after six in the morning.

  The sun wasn’t even up, for fuck’s sake. Why was my brain suddenly perked up when my body was obviously happy to stay snuggled in bed?

  The scratch in my throat reminded me and I pawed at the bottle of water I knew was somewhere on the nightstand. Thankfully it was a full bottle, because I think I broke a world record with how fast I chugged it.

  Water was life in the desert of my body and I was in desperate need for more. My mind, however, wanted to get back to the dream I was having. I’d been so close to getting fucked by Reid Gallagher.

  I was using my phone as a flashlight, scanning the room for a bottle within reaching distance when it buzzed in my hand.

  I blinked as I stared at the text message through blurry eyes, my mind unable to process the words.

  Rise and shine, beautiful – Reid

  Finally they clicked, and I remembered my dream was actually reality.


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