West Of The Sun

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West Of The Sun Page 18

by Edgar Pangborn


  The gap in the leaves was blank, the green flame gone. Edmund Spearmangazed at the spot where the descending ship had been, unaware of hissons, unaware that his pygmy followers had been scattered by fear asswallows are scattered by a storm; unaware, Paul guessed, of the twomen who had been friends and now were strangers--but these hepresently saw again. His gray eyes measured Paul and Wright, theunspeaking giants, the small shaken figures of Pakriaa and Nisana andMiniaan, as if they were rocks or tree stumps and his only problem howto step around them. Addressing Wright and Arek, whose big arm wasstill warm around his shoulders, Paul said carefully, "It will comedown on the meadow ground about twenty miles from here. They must haveseen Vestoia from the air; they probably made sure there was nosettlement in the open land."

  Wright whispered, "It may not even have been from Earth."

  "Oh!" Mijok's black lips smiled. "It is, Doc. I forget our eyes arebetter at distance. You didn't see the letters? Black on silver,reaching halfway up the body of the ship. J-E-N-S-E-N."

  "So?" In Wright's face was a sudden blaze of belief.

  Spearman stared. He said, "Quite an imagination. Glad it was you whomade it up, and not one of the men who knew the real Jensen--a namethat ought not to be taken in vain."

  "I have good eyes," said Mijok gently. "I made up nothing."

  Spearman's eyebrows lifted, a fury of mimic politeness. He steppedaround the group as if they were not rocks but dangerous animals. Hepassed down the street in long strides, not looking back even for hissons. Paul stupidly watched him go, saw him reach the turning by themeat-slave stockade and break into a loping run. Stout Muson muttered,"So changed! What sickness could make such a change?"

  Wright said, "It is not likely to pass. In the old days of Earth theysometimes ruled nations. Or they were put away in institutions,usually after others had been injured. Or they were fanatics of onesort and another, ridden by the devil of one idea. My professionlearned a little about them--never enough. The law met them more oftenand learned less." He watched Paul, perhaps needing contact with aCharin mind, since the innocence of the others gave them no frame ofreference. "I dare say Ed is paranoid only on the one point,technically: all his troubles are caused by me and my--what did hesay?--conspiracy. A means to help him believe that only he is rightand virtuous and the universe wrong.... It is not so much a sickness,Muson, as the sum of years of mental bad habits. Vanity and dislike ofone's own kind make most of the seed, and this is the fruit."

  Elis said, "We can overtake him. Six of us giants--we can carry you,overtake him in a walk, if you think best."

  "Yes." Wright watched the empty street and Spearman's palace thatalready seemed haunted and forlorn. "I believe there's no need forhaste. Twenty miles...." The Vestoian pygmies were not returning; thestreet was a desolation of rubbish and loneliness with the dull smellof neglect. One of Spearman's boys was whimpering; the other watchedthe place where his father had disappeared, a tension in his smallface, without forgiveness. Wright said, "Who's John and who's David?"

  The crying one muttered, "I'm John."

  David spoke as if the words had been shaken out: "He said she wouldn'tever come back. Where is she?"

  "At our island," Paul told him. "She's all right, David, and we'regoing to take you to her. You want that, don't you?"

  "Is _he_ going there?"

  "We don't know, David. You want to go with us, don't you?"

  "He hit her face. When she said it was his fault that they were allgiving up the city. He always had the guards. Six sat around his bedevery night. John and me, we tried. We made a grass picture like thepriest Kona told us to do, and did things with it and burned it. Itwas no good."

  Arek said, "Let's forget that for now. We're going to the new ship andthen the island. Shall I carry you? I've got two boys your age."

  "Who're you? I never saw anybody like you."

  She dropped on one knee, not too close to him. "I'm like you, David.Just big and furry, that's all."

  "Your mother, David"--said Wright, and swallowed--"your mother isliving in my house now. She was our friend long before you were born,you know. She came from Earth with us.... You're with us, aren't you?"

  The boy scuffed his bare feet in the dust. John was still crying.David slapped him savagely. "You stop yakking, y'son of a bitch." Thewords could have no meaning for him, Paul thought, beyond thegeneralized stink of profanity. John stopped and rubbed his cheekwithout apparent anger, gulping and then nodding. When Arek reached,David let her pick him up, and he relaxed and buried his face in herfur....

  The giants made little of the miles. Mijok had Pakriaa and Nisana inhis arms and Miniaan perched on his shoulder. They had traveled oftenthat way on the troublesome journey to Vestoia. Elis carried Wright'strifling 140 pounds, and Muson had John, her slow voice establishingcautious friendship. Paul preferred to walk on his own feet, butbefore long Sears-Danik stole up behind and swept him into a livingcradle. "Slow legs. Don't mind, do you, Pop?"

  "Pop, huh? No, I don't mind, Danny. I was getting fifty-year-oldcramps and too dumb to admit it."

  Dunin chuckled. "That's Danny: knows all, sees all, says nuf'n'. I'dlive with him awhile when he grows up if only he wasn't so lazy."

  "What's wrong with being lazy?"

  "Not a thing, rockhead. Only if you're going to explore, the way I am,you can't be lazy, the way you are." She twisted a branch into a leafcrown and walked backward before them, trying the crown on the boy'shead at different angles. "Ah, wonderful! Charging asonis--whuffwhuff--and now you look just like the kink that chewed up my diary tomake a nest."

  "Which was your fault for leaving it on a shelf and not writing in it.Explorers have to keep diaries. Doc said so--didn't he, Paul?"

  "I'm strictly neutral, to avoid bouncing."

  "So anyway, Dunin, when you trip over a root and smack your fanny, I'mgoing to laugh."

  She did. He did....

  It was an hour before they overtook Spearman, who glanced back withoutexpression, without halting his powerful strides, his tanned bodygleaming with sweat and effort. Dunin sobered; she caught Paul's eyes.She said, "May I carry you, Spearman? Then we can all reach the shipat the same time."

  Spearman gave no sign of hearing her. He drew up at the side of thetrail, staring at the ground, arms folded. David's face was hiddenagain at Arek's breast; John seemed to be asleep. Dunin said, "Please?Why should we leave you behind?"

  Remote and desolate, Spearman watched the ground. Dunin moved on,reluctantly, no more laughter in her. "What _is_ he thinking?"

  Wright said, "At this moment he's probably thinking it's brutallyunfair that we should go on ahead of him."

  "But I asked--"

  "You did. What's more he hasn't anything against you. All the same,that's about what he'll be thinking. Don't try too hard to understandit, Dunin--I'm not sure it's worth it. Let's think about the ship.Paul, is it possible, what he said about charlesite?"

  "I reckon so, Doc. The flame certainly did change to green. I think Iremember, long ago, hearing some engineers discuss the possibility ofstepping up charlesite enough so it could be used in braking a bigship for descent, instead of keeping the atomics on all the way down.It would char everything over a wide area, but at least it wouldn'tmake radioactive desert...."

  "I can't feel it," Wright mumbled. "Mirage...."

  It was no mirage. The ship _Jensen_ stood high above blackened groundhalf a mile away; even here at the edge of forest there was alingering smell, anciently familiar. Paul felt himself grinningstupidly. "Plain carbon tet or something like it. Must have shot itout to kill any grass fires. No mirage."

  Towering silver-white above a hundred-foot tripod, it flaunted theletters of a great name, and David Spearman rubbed his eyes at it,leaning against Arek's knee, accepting the protective touch of herhand. Arek said, "What--Oh Paul, what will they be like?"

  Wright shook his head, plainly feeling it now--the thought, thememories, the pleasure, and something far from pleasure.
Paulanswered, "They will--look like us, Arek."

  Pakriaa pointed up. "There! That we remember. Oh, the beautiful--"

  "A boat out already?" Paul searched and found the silver flight.

  Wright chattered: "Have we anything, anything white? No--you and I outin the open, Paul--rest of you keep back. They need to recognize whatwe are--" He was shaking, and Paul embraced his shoulders to steadyhim as they moved into the open ground. Wright giggled hysterically."Damn white flag myself--my whiskers--"

  The boat swooped, swelling from a dot to keen familiar lines; itcircled above them twice and came to earth in a perfect landing ahundred feet away. A blank pallor in the pilot's window would be ahuman face; there would be a human brain shocked into new wonder. Itwas still necessary for Paul to help his teacher through the grass,for Wright was swaying and stumbling. Paul reminded him: "They'll besealed up, afraid of the air."

  "Ah, yes. I say they needn't be--we have good air on Lucifer...."

  Paul was aware of his own struggle for sanity, for clarity in thebeginning of this impossible joy which was not pure joy. He heardhimself shout at the top of his strong lungs: "'Ahoy the _Jensen_!'No, they won't hear it. Yes--they did, they did."

  The door slid open for a meeting of two worlds. A square little baldman, a tall gray-haired woman who fussed at her ears, troubled by thechange in atmospheric pressure. Faded overalls, the human look,incredulous stares changing to belief. The bald man gulped andstumbled; he grinned and held out his hand. "Dr. Christopher Wright, Ipresume?"

  Wright could neither speak nor let go the hand. The woman said, "Youmust be--well, who could forget the photographs?--you're Paul Mason."

  "Yes, We never--for years we haven't even thought--" "Mark Slade,"said the bald man, "Captain Slade. This is Dr. Nora Stern.... Sir,I--you are well? You look well--"

  "We are well," said Wright.

  "I'm afraid to ask--the others? Dr. Oliphant? Captain Jensen? The--thelittle girls? And there was a young engineer--Edmund Spearman...."

  Paul managed to say, "Both little girls are mothers. Dr. Oliphant andCaptain Jensen died--Jensen on the ship, in the last acceleration.Spearman is--will be here before long, I think. You may find himsomewhat changed--" Wright said, "We must let Ed speak for himself,Paul." In spite of the shock, the newness, Dr. Stern was sensitive tonuances. She said too loudly, "Beautiful country." She pressed bothhands to her ears and took them away and spoke in a normal voice:"There...! Oh, what strange steep hills...!"

  "N-not like any rock of Earth," Paul stammered. "Defies erosion." _AndI am speaking with the pride of a home lover...._ "The open ground isa little dangerous--flying carnivores. Come and meet our friends."

  Captain Slade had already seen the giants and pygmies at the edge ofthe woods; his small monkey face was ablaze with friendly curiosityand the startled amusement that will wake at anything new, but hesaid, "In just a moment. Let me take this in. If I can.... We've doneit, Nora." He filled his lungs deeply, blinking at a few tears ofpleasure. "A world like ours--a new world. Oh, Nora, it'll be a longtime before we can believe this, you and I.... High oxygen, wenoticed--feels like it. Sir, your ship--"

  "Lost," said Wright, tranquilly now, no longer shaking from head tofoot. "Out of control in descent, fell in a lake"--he motioned overhis shoulder--"a few miles over there. We call it Lake Argo. Too deepeven to think of salvage. One of the lifeboats cracked up; we used theother for about a year. Our friends, Captain--you'll like ourfriends--"

  Slade murmured, "Speculation on parallel evolution seems to have beensound--here anyway. Humanoid, I see. Two species?"

  "Human," said Wright. "Their English, by the way, is better than mine.They are close to us, Captain--very dear to us."

  "I--see," said Captain Slade kindly. Paul thought: _He can't see--it'stoo new. But maybe he will try to see_.

  "How many in your party, Captain?"

  Slade grinned. "Only four, Mr. Mason." _Heavens! Mister? That's me._"A smaller crew, bigger ship. Federation thought best. We leftthirteen years after you. Twelve years on the journey. Of course we'vehad to double in brass considerably. The other two are a youngcouple--Jimmy Mukerji; he's from Calcutta--Oh, and by the way, Dr.Wright, his mother was Sigrid Hoch, anthropologist, one of yourstudents."

  "Sigrid--" Wright groped in the past. "Of course. I remember." ButPaul guessed that he did not.

  "Jimmy's a botanist _and_ engineer _and_--oh, general technician, goodanywhere. Sally Marino--another good technician. Frankly I didn't wantspecialists--wanted kids who could turn a hand to anything, and I got'em." Slade's friendly face saddened; he and Dr. Stern were walkingclumsily to the woods, feeling the change in gravity. "Ours was to bethe last interstellar ship, Dr. Wright, until either you or we camehome. There'll be no building going on now. A Federationdecision--matter of public opinion as well as economics. Well, the oldlady over there did cost twice as much as your _Argo_, upped theFederation poll tax three per cent just to pay for her on paper. Couldhave got around that, maybe, but there was a beginning of publichysteria, protest--resentment at the idea of throwing lives andbillions into space with nothing to show for it for many years.Fanatics on both sides, and both noisy, plus the war scare of course.Short-term thinking. Human."

  "You can't blame them," said Nora Stern.

  "I do blame them, Nora, now that we know it can be done...."

  Elis had tried to be ready with a little speech of welcome, butshyness made him stiff with dignity, and it was evident that Duninwould break loose in nervous giggling. Elis said only, "You're verywelcome. We hope you'll enjoy it here." Pakriaa might have been backin the days of tribal grandeur, but her control too was only a resultof shyness and wonder as she echoed the Governor's words. It wasunfairly difficult for the newcomers, Paul could see--the giants'furry nakedness and majesty, the pygmies' tininess and wrinkledbaldness; even the Charin-like beauty of Miniaan's features might beinvisible to new Charin eyes. But Slade and Dr. Stern behaved well,with a natural friendliness. "Why," said Slade, "these boys--"

  "John and David Spearman," Paul explained. "Ann's boys. Spearman--wethink he'll be here shortly."

  Arek asked evenly, "You've come to stay, I hope?"

  "To--stay?" Slade shot a startled glance at Wright, who avoided it,giving him no help.

  Paul said quickly, "Captain, we ought to have warned you, but neitherDoc nor I could get our wits together until you'd opened the door.About thirteen or fourteen hours from now you'll have a fever and aperiod of unconsciousness. Not too much discomfort and, so far as weknow, no danger--anyhow all of us recovered in fine shape and we'vehad excellent health ever since. We decided it's just a part ofacclimation to--we call this planet Lucifer. But if you think the twoothers should stay in the ship till you recover--"

  Dr. Stern was measuring him shrewdly. "You look very healthy, both ofyou, and I know we can take your word for anything. Jimmy and Sallyare pretty rugged. They'll be wild to join us. Sally will be at theintercom right now, tearing her pretty hair out in handfuls. Theymight as well chance it with us.... Where do you people live? We sawa--settlement? Over there south of the lake."

  Wright glanced at Paul with vague entreaty. It was Miniaan who spoke,the small silver of her voice a music in the sun-streaked shadow:"The settlement below the lake is a thing of the past, an empire thatdied. We live on a warm island over yonder, the other side of thosemountains, the island Adelphi. We are returning there now, aftera--journey with some trouble in it."

  "Adelphi," said Dr. Stern, savoring the name. "Mark--our two boatscould fly them all there with us, couldn't they? Take out theemergency stuff to make room."

  "It would be wise," said Paul. "We could take better care of youduring the illness, at Adelphi. We have houses there. Here it's notvery safe--biting flies and some dangerous animals."

  Slade was doubtful. "Anything here that could interfere with the shipif we leave it unguarded?"

  Miniaan laughed. "Certainly the people of Vestoia will not go nearit."

  "Nothing could ha
rm it," said Wright. "Too big. How in hell do you getdown out of it?"

  Slade chuckled and made up his mind. "Electronic lock. Can work itfrom a transmitter in the lifeboat; only other way's from inside. Letsdown a ladder. Automatic derricks in the side blisters to hoist thelifeboats if, as, and when. They thought of--_nearly_ everything." Hehugged the gray-haired woman. "Even briefing on how to get along witheach other for ten-plus years."

  "Learning love can be difficult," said Pakriaa. Dr. Stern stared atthe tiny woman with new intentness. Pakriaa's seamed face had taken onits dreamy look. "You must see our island. Last year Mashana Dorothywas Governor of our island. This year it is this man." She touchedElis' knee.

  "A sinecure," Elis chuckled. "A sinecure, ladies'n' gentlemen."

  Captain Slade laughed, standing five feet five, peering up at theGovernor's eight feet seven--half a head more than Mijok's height.Paul thought he saw there the raw materials of friendship. Dr. Sternsaid, "And you call this planet Lucifer?"

  "Light-bringer," said Nisana; there was grief in her face not evidentin any of the others. "Son of the morning," Paul moved toward her,wondering.

  Slade had missed the overtone, and cocked a dark eyebrow."Industries?"

  Wright shrugged. "A few, sir. All we seem to need at present in such asmall community."

  "Oh." Slade touched the old man's jacket. "This is fine fabric. Icouldn't tell it from linen. Is it?"

  "Very similar." Wright took Nisana's hand on his palm. "This lady isour best weaver because her hands are so small and sure. Our loom isclumsy because, of course, our metalworking is not far advanced. Butit does good work for Nisana."

  "I like to weave," Nisana whispered, looking here and there and not atPaul. "I like to make new things."

  Paul glimpsed the twitch of Mijok's ears, the beckoning curve of agray finger; Mijok whispered, "He's coming, Paul. A few hundred yardsaway in the woods, breathing hard and limping. Is there nothing we cando for him?"

  "I don't know, Mijok. I'm afraid whatever is done he must do forhimself, and it's late for that, very late." He saw that Mijok wastrying to understand and could not. "His mind is--living in anothercountry...."

  But outwardly at least, Edmund Spearman was changed. He even searchedout Dunin's worried face and apologized. "Should have accepted youroffer--stupid of me." He smiled. "Wanted to show what a walker I was,I guess." John and David slipped behind Muson's back, tense and cold.Spearman shook Slade's hand, and Dr. Stern's. "My God, it doesn't seempossible. I can't take it in. Slade, you said? And Dr. Stern. We'vewondered, dreamed, prayed for it. I can't tell you--I don't know whatto say.... Good trip?"

  "Excellent." Slade hugged himself. "Excellent beyond description. Ah,all the Federation needed was proof. They've got it now! Rather, theywill have it in twelve years. Lordy! I'll be fifty-one." He poundedPaul on the back, and Spearman, giving way to a bubbling overflow ofgood nature. "There'll be a new President, whole new Council Iguess--and they won't be looking for us either, man." He danced a fewsteps and jabbed Paul in the ribs. "Think of it! Why, it's a TomSawyer job. You know? You remember? When you and I walk up the middleaisle in the Federation Hall--oh, man, man...."

  Paul had to find Nisana's face again, and the devastation of sorrow init, before he understood. He stooped quickly to whisper, "I am notgoing back to Earth." The radiance in the aging red face was like aCharin girl's.

  And he heard Dr. Stern remark dryly, "Mark, I believe we've got somenearer bridges to cross."


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