Book of Panacea

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Book of Panacea Page 2

by Tineke Peeters

"When do I leave?"

  "Here is your favorite book, an apple, and some sweets," my mom said. She hugged me and turned me towards dad.

  "These are three pouches with herbs to help your nerves, your headaches, and your stress. Yellow, Red, Green. Got it?" I narrowed my eyes at them.

  "Panacea, did you understand what I just said?" I nodded. Dad rolled his eyes, but let it go. Instead, he hugged me and whispered: "Be safe my little Goddess."

  Before I could say something, I got teleported.

  My aunt must have teleported me without even showing herself. Sneaky Goddess, and sneaky parents! At least I didn't burn anyone; looking at the upside. I can be a very positive girl- when I am not depressed, stressed, hurt, confused...okay, never mind.

  Wide-eyed, I took in my immediate environment. I was in a beautiful meadow, filled with flowers of all colors and sizes. The reason my not-so-bony butt was cushioned by the fall resulting from the teleportation, was a thick, soft green carpet. Still, with all my natural 'padding' and the soft landing, my bum hurt from my ungraceful landing. Lush giant-like trees surrounded the meadow, with a white temple on my right side. In front of the temple was a small space without flowers with grass covering it, and thick lying trunk chunks. The trunks formed a half circle in front of the white marble stairs leading to the entrance of the temple. Two pillars with vines crawling up and around towards the roof formed an opening, while the rest seemed to disappear in the between the roots from a ginormous tree. Looking up, I could not see the top of this tree-the trunk fits at least one-hundred times myself. From this side of the meadow, I couldn't make out anything from the inside.

  Grunting, I pushed myself upright.

  Next to arrive was Cyriel. He almost nose-dived, or in his case beak-dived straight for my head. He opened his wings at the very last moment, landing elegantly on a nearby branch.

  "Show off," I muttered under my breath, still rubbing my sore bum.

  Suddenly, the ground shook short and powerful. Flailing my arms in all directions, I tried to keep my balance. The breath whooshed out of me when I lost my balance and fell flat on my back.

  I grabbed my chest, gasping for air. Closing my eyes tightly, I tried inhaling sharply, but no air would enter my lungs.

  "I think that was Maria," Cyriel stated the obvious. I would have rolled my eyes, but I was still trying to catch my breath.

  Claws pushed on my chest.

  "Not...Helping...Cyriel..." I puffed out.

  He looked at me with one beady eye. It was kinda creepy the way he stared, but his eyes being on the side of his head, he only ever looked with one eye.

  Seemingly satisfied, he lifted off of my chest and sat back on the branch.

  I sat up, still huffing and puffing and looked around again.

  It was a very nice meadow I landed in, full of flowers in varied shapes, colors and sizes.

  "So, what do we do now?" I wrapped my arms around my legs and rested my chin on my knees. Breathing became easier by the minute.

  "I think Maria needs a few hours to unearth herself from the teleportation, and then someone mentioned something about meditation and relaxation to get rid of the left-over fire-emotion signs," Cyriel answered while shrugging his wings.

  Cyriel sat content on a nearby branch of a lush green leaved tree.

  "One or two days of bliss; quiet meditation, relaxation time," Cyriel muttered dreamily to himself.

  Two days...

  Through narrowed eyes, I scream: "What do you mean one or TWO days?!" My voice was rising in pitch, and I knew I was going to start hyperventilating if I didn't calm down. Anger issues are a bitch.

  "I am just saying, it might be two days?" He said. His hesitation made me feel nauseous. The faster I discovered my powers and start my training, the faster I got back home.

  "So, I am stuck here for...," I had to swallow before adding, "two days doing nothing, before my training starts?"

  Cyriel flew up a little higher, probably expecting to get burned again.

  I had one book with me, only one book- two hours entertainment, and that is if I read really slowly. I was going to try and save it for later because I was sure going to get bored soon.

  "Cyriel, what do you say about exploring this island?" I asked with a fake smile on my face.

  "That's the spirit Pana, I knew you would be okay with a relaxing three-day holiday," he replied happily.

  "Seriously Cyriel? Now it is THREE DAYS?" I was hyperventilating.

  This was not happening. I sat back down and counted my breaths. In, out, in, out, 1, 2, 3... I tried to assure myself that I could do this. It was an adventure, right? Everyone had adventures. I have never been off our island, so this is a new experience.

  Okay Pana, breath in and breath out, you can do this. Was it three breaths in and two out or the other way around? I frowned and realized while getting confused, I had stopped hyperventilating.

  I opened my eyes and assessed my immediate environment again.

  Okay, this is not so bad. It is really pretty here; it did give off a relaxing vibe. I breathed in deeply, inhaling the aroma of all the different flowers. Mixed into this overwhelming scent, was a subtle pinch of fresh grass. I loved the smell of grass in the morning. On our island, it was never as fresh scented as here. Rubbing my hands, I couldn't wait to wake up to the smell of pure grass. In the morning the flowers' scent gets blanketed by the dew. I scrunched up my nose and rubbed my hand over it, the flowery perfume tickling my nose.

  Relaxing adventure, here I come!

  I cautiously walked into the temple and had to wait a few seconds to let my eyes adjust to the darkness, upon entering. Interestingly, a lot of torches lighted up when I entered. We didn't have that back home; the fireflies lighted the torches. With a smooth floor laid with white marble, the temple did not have any windows, being hidden underneath the tree. On the right, there was a bed, and on the left a copper bowl on a pedestal with a mirror attached to it.

  Sighing deeply, I sank down on the bed. On the right side of the bed was a small fountain, such as we had back home. It had a copper beaker underneath it in which the Ambrosia trickled. When the cup was full, it stopped. Laying down on the bed, I flip my feet to the other side, too tired to get up and walk to it. I reached carefully for the cup and drank deeply.

  This should keep me going until the morning when I would need to find berries or something for breakfast. The cookie was going to be, in case I couldn't find anything straight away.

  Ambrosia was sustainable, but I needed extra food occasionally; mom and dad not so much, but me, I needed loads- or at least I told mom and dad I needed loads, probably not as much as I eat the whole time. Hence, the natural padding on my behind.



  WoefWoef, whooooo!

  "Seriously, I get put on the training island where I get to relax for three days? How am I supposed to relax with that bloody noise?!" I moaned after yet another howl started up. I shifted around on my comfy bed and tried to get back to sleep.

  Another prolonged howl disrupted the otherwise quiet night.

  "Have mercy! My ears!" Cyriel cried out. "Panacea, would you just go check it out?"

  "Oh, my stars! Why would I want to do that?" I asked.

  "So we can sleep! I want to sleep, I need to sleep! I demand a little peace and quiet. Not listening to some moaning wolf or something."

  The wolfish howling continued.

  "My ears are going to start bleeding soon!"

  "Cyriel, you drama queen, you don't have ears," I stated.

  "Doesn't mean I can't hear!" He grumbled back.

  I winced at the next drawn out howl. It sounded so full of pain and pulled at my heartstrings, but I was so tired. All the emotions of the day had taken a toll on me and I couldn't even think straight.

  Just a few hours more and I would be as good as new; any new emotion now would put me over the edge. Back home, dad made sure I didn't get an emotional overload with some medicine. Now, sleep w
as the only way I knew would help, hopefully...

  Emotional overload results in migraine and depression. Not normal for Gods, dad says, but how would I know, I don't know any other Gods.

  "Cyriel," I said sweetly, "You have such beautiful and mighty wings...Maybe you can find out where the noise is coming from, and then we can see what we can do about it?"

  "I guess I am faster than you with my wings," Cyriel sighed dramatically. "I will face the horrors and danger on my own to have a look for you."

  "You are my hero, Cyriel!" I shouted after him.

  "Yeah, yeah, whatever," I heard him mutter while lifting off.

  With Cyriel gone, I looked around for some soft grass. I chewed on it and put it in my ear, then looked again for some grass for my other ear. I checked to see if I could hear anything... Blissful silence. With a deep sigh, I laid myself down on my bed and fell asleep.

  Cyriel looking for the cause of all the howling flew over the Southern side of the training island and followed the ear-splitting sound. He landed on a low branch to catch his breath.

  "Getting a bit older, darling?" someone asked, startling Cyriel so much he nearly fell out of the tree.


  The tree opposite the one Cyriel was sitting on, twisted around and showed a lovely, slightly wrinkled face.

  "Yes, old man! How can I help ya?" She shook the leaves out of her hair and gave him a smile which made her eyes twinkle naughtily. Looking down, Cyriel saw that her trunk was not attached to the ground anymore.

  "Old man, old man, ... I am very young still, Maria, and you know it." He puffed his chest up and forward and ruffled his feathers. After all his strutting, he calmed down enough to wonder. "Any idea what the creepy howling is we keep hearing?"

  She pointed behind her, and Cyriel cringed when he saw what she was pointing at.

  The trees shook, waking me up. I had only just fallen back asleep. "Now what?" I grouched, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I looked to my left.

  "This can't be right," I mumbled. I kept trying to stay in my bed with every shake of the temple. Maybe I should go outside, just to make sure the temple wasn't going to end up crumbling down on me.

  Once outside, I squinted my eyes and Cyriel was flying my way, followed by ...Maria...She was carrying something... My eyes widened.

  "No way!" I was clapping my hands.

  Maria was carrying a... dog... I think.

  As far as I knew, and aunty Artemis would have told me otherwise, there was only one dog in our existence and that was Cerberus, uncle Hades' three-headed dog! He did not escape the meltdown of Earth, I was told.

  I was so excited, I did not see the low hanging branch of a nearby tree when running towards the dog. I walked straight into it and fell down on my bum.

  Next thing I know Cyriel lands next to me, "Are you okay?"

  I stood up and rubbed my bottom.

  "Nothing broken, just bruised," I mumbled.

  The wolfish howl turned into a scream ending in a whimper.

  The sound was very unsettling.

  I winced. "Hi Maria, how are you doing?" I asked, trying to be polite.

  "I would feel better if ya took a look at this dog? She's in a lot o' pain." Maria answered while gently putting the dog down in front of me.

  I had experience with small animals coming injured or orphaned out of the forest on our island, but nothing this big.

  At first, I could see nothing wrong with the dog. I mean the ears were extraordinarily long and those eyes so big. Also, she slobbered a lot, which was disgusting. But between the panting and puffing, she looked alright.

  Her big brown eyes caught mine and shone with the pain. I decided to see if I could feel any injuries and crouched down next to her shaking out my hands.

  "Well, here goes nothing," I mumbled, hoping not to get mauled when touching her. When I touched her, she started wagging her tail, making me smile. That was a positive sign, at least I think so.

  When I got to her stomach, she whimpered. I quickly pulled my hands back, only to notice that she did not try to bite or attack me. My hand had flown to my throat in fright.

  "I guess your stomach hurts, huh?" I remarked and started again with the exam of her tummy. "Oh, crap on a stick! She's in labor!" I shouted.

  "I kinda guessed that by the contractions," Maria remarked.

  I turned to her and through clenched teeth, I asked, "And you didn't tell me earlier, why exactly?"

  "I wasn't sure until ya started examining her, Pana."

  I took a deep breath to calm myself. All the stress of the previous day and of this situation was starting to get out of hand, I was not dealing with this very well.

  "Sorry, Maria, I am just a little out of my depth here." Goodness, I just got angry with Maria of all creatures. I massaged my forehead, fighting to find a calm and happy place. How I wish I had my dad's medicine with me.

  "Oh, for my feathers sake, would you get on with it!" Cyriel groaned. I am pretty sure if a bird could turn green, he would be now.

  "Why Cyriel? Not feeling comfortable with a birthing?" I asked sarcastically.

  The stress was really getting to me, so snarky. That was just not me. Well, at least not all the time, I think.

  "Not when there is blood involved. I am a bird, remember, eggs are our thing, not blood and such."

  "Blood? What blood?" I frowned, looking back at the dog. Then I saw all the blood coming from the dog and panic set in for real.

  I sat back and covered my mouth

  "Oh, Goddesses have mercy! What am I supposed to do?" I asked no one in particular.

  There was so much blood.

  "This can't be good, this can't be good." I chanted. The panic was starting to rise into my voice.

  "What should I do?" I looked helplessly up to Maria, the only other female here.

  "I only know that the babe, in general, comes out on its own." She shrugged, shaking her leaves. "But with so much blood..., I don't know. Is nothing coming out?" She asked, wringing her hands, crumbling her leaves in the process.

  I covered my ears. The ear-piercing howl getting louder each time.

  "I see something happening!" Cyriel gagged. He then turned around and decided to fly a bit further, out of sight of the blood, I guessed

  I looked, and yes indeed something was happening. I think it was a... paw?

  "Should I pull on it, to help her out?" I wondered.

  "I think yagonna have to do it all on yer own honey, cause the mommy dog is dying. I doona think she's gonna last much longer," Maria said gently, her accent growing stronger with concern. When her accent becomes more pronounced, there is always a very good reason to be worried.

  "Ok, here we go!"

  I squatted behind the dog and grabbed onto the paw. I started pulling. There was no movement. No movement at all! I sat down and put my feet in the blood-covered dirt and pulled with all my strength. My eyes were closed tight with the effort of pulling and not wanting to see all the blood. I felt Maria grabbing onto my waist to help me pull.

  Finally, the baby came out with a whoosh of water. I glanced at the mommy dog; she managed to lift her head and looked at me with those big brown eyes. She settled her head back down and died peacefully, with a deep sigh.

  Tears were streaming down my face. She just said goodbye and thank you to me, I was sure of it.

  Me, who merely helped her so she could die peacefully, knowing that her baby was alive.

  Movement on my lap brought me back to the baby. The baby dog was covered in goop and dirt and very much alive. I felt an overwhelming need to protect this creature from everything and everyone. I wanted to hug it, but the goop and blood stopped me.

  Okay, normally the baby looks like its parents, right? Right?

  In this case, not so much. Paws...check, check, check, check

  Tail... check., two, three, four, five, six?

  I struggled to make out limbs and head and ears with everything
being covered in goop.

  What was going on? Maybe I should clean all the goop off of the baby dog.

  Poor little thing.

  "Don't you worry little one, I'll take care of you now," I promised.

  "I will try to get the stuff off of dog?... Can you maybe bury the mommy dog, Maria?"

  "I will try and find a fitting place to bury this poor soul," Maria said. "But will ya not need any help with the babe? I can call in a favor or two." She said while picking up the mommy dog.


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