Playboy in Paradise: The Complete Set

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Playboy in Paradise: The Complete Set Page 48

by S. L. Scott

  I feel someone tap me on the shoulder and turn to see a pretty yellow rose. Following it from bloom to stem to the hand holding it and further up, I see Ryan sitting behind me.

  When I arch an eyebrow up at him, he leans closer and whispers, “It’s yellow. Yellow means friendship.”

  I laugh because that is true. “Thank you.” I take the rose and turn back to listen to the professor.

  Sarah whispers, “I used to think you had an admirer in Ryan. Now, I know you do.”

  “It’s yellow,” I whisper, justifying.

  “Keep telling yourself that, Wray. Keep telling yourself that,” she teases.

  I stare at the rose most of the class questioning once again if he’s playing me or if he really is being up front with me.

  When we leave class, I spy Ryan behind us, quietly apart from our group, but biding his time in our shadow.

  Sarah heads off to her next class and I start walking across campus. I know Ryan’s still behind me. “You know, you’re going to get people gossiping if you keep doing such nice things for your friends,” I say loud enough so he can hear while holding up the rose to back my words.

  “Let them gossip,” he says, his voice closer than I expected, but he’s still trailing behind me.

  “What if I’m not comfortable with these kinds of gestures?” I ask without looking and keep walking.

  “You shouldn’t be skeptical of nice gestures. You obviously don’t have enough nice people in your life.”

  I stop, feeling defensive. “My boyfriend does a lot of nice things for me.”

  “Happy birthday, Mallory,” he says confidently, ignoring my last statement. “Have you had a good day?”

  Walking over to the grass, I sit down, enjoying the sunshine and open my backpack. Just as I suspected he would, he sits down next to me, lounging back on the grass.

  “It’s been good and had a great start at midnight.”

  “Have you received lots of gifts and a cake? Everyone deserves a cake on their birthday,” he states matter of fact.

  “Sarah gave me a scarf and glove set this morning—”

  “And the boyfriend? What’d the boyfriend send you?”

  “He’s sending me a surprise. I just haven’t received it yet. I’ve been in classes all morning.”

  “What if nothing shows—”

  “Stop!” I give him a pointed look. “I don’t know what you’re trying to gain by upsetting me, but stop.”

  “Are you upset about something?”

  “No, uh, well, yeah, no. Listen, Evan doesn’t have to give me anything at all and I’d be happy because I have him.”

  “You have him?”

  “You know what I mean? Anyway, he gave me a laptop as an early present in August. That was too generous, so I don’t expect anything. But if there’s one thing I can rely on, it’s Evan. So if he says I’m getting a surprise today then I’ll get one. It’s as simple as that.”

  “Ahhh, I see,” he says, all knowing.

  I shove my book back into my bag, and stand up, looking back only once before I leave. “Ryan, thank you for the rose. It was very… unnecessary.”

  “Gifts aren’t about necessity.”

  “I’ve got to go,” I say before walking away, annoyed, and leaving him there in the grass.

  Walking into the cafeteria, the smell instantly reminds me why I don’t eat in here and haven’t in years. I walk to the line and grab a small salad. After purchasing it, I sit at a corner table and pull out my phone.

  I call Evan, my calls go straight to voicemail, but hearing his voice on his recorded message makes me feel better. I remember he said he has a long day ahead of him, so I leave a message and try not stress.

  Will sits down next to me. Reflexively, I turn my back to him.

  “Mallory, can we please stop playing this game. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I cheated on you. I’m sorry for calling you names and I’m sorry for hurting you. Honestly, I didn’t know you liked me that much.”

  I spin on my chair, hitting him with my best glare. “We dated long enough to be called a couple and I thought couples talked to each other. I expected that you would talk to me if you were unhappy with something, but you didn’t. You went off and had sex with someone else then blamed me for it.”

  “I wanted a little sexual adventure and you wanted marriage—”

  “Bullshit! I didn’t want marriage. Not then anyway. I’ll admit I thought you broke my heart, but I’ve learned I wasn’t in love with you. I only thought I was. You aren’t the love of my life, Will. So it’s easy to put our relationship in perspective now.” All this anger toward him feels like wasted energy, remembering that Will cheating on me technically led me to Evan. I stand up, tossing my bag onto my back. “Actually, I’d like to thank you.”

  “What? Why?”His voice raises an awkward octave higher.

  “Because if you hadn’t cheated on me, treating me like you did, I wouldn’t have gone to Hawaii and I wouldn’t have met the person I am going to marry. So, I’d like to say thank you, Will,” I say this, meaning every word. “We might even have to invite you to the wedding now.” I laugh and leave him dumbstruck at the table and finish my school day with a smile on my face, forgiveness inside, and love in my heart.

  Just before seven that evening, Sarah barges into my bedroom as I’m straightening my hair. She turns down my birthday playlist she created for the occasion and stands there grinning at me. Pulling a robe on over my bra and panties, I wait for her to say whatever she came in here to say because I can tell she has something on her mind.

  She finally breaks into a squeal, then says, “You’ve got to come into the living and see this right now, Mallory!”

  Picking the iron back up, I reply, “I’m almost done. Let me finish my hair.”

  She takes the straightening iron from my hand, sets it down, and says, “Now!” Grabbing my hand, she starts pulling me through my bedroom door into the living room, but stops to ask, “Are you wearing that?”

  “I haven’t figured out what I’m wearing to the party yet. I was gonna try on a few things and let you choose. Anyway, what do you care, if this is such an emergency?”

  “Fine. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “Warn me?” The warning makes me nervous. I round the corner into the living room and see a delivery guy with a huge bouquet of tropical flowers—flowers I remember seeing in Hawaii. The bouquet is so big it actually takes my breath away.

  It’s so huge it completely hides the delivery guy until he lowers the flowers, and says, “Happy birthday, baby.”

  Portuguese Translations

  Studies show that the Pine Industries is a safe investment and a great opportunity to establish presence in the American market. The CFO of the group is Brazilian and has strong ties with the community and latin definitely adds value for potential future opportunities. We have the means to not only meet the financial goals of the company, as well as take it to the next level of growth. I really hope you will consider these factors in decision making.

  We will be doing the transfer of 6.7 million in the morning to start the ball rolling.

  Very good and thanks again for this opportunity. On behalf of our entire staff, welcome to Ashford Holdings.

  Loving the Playboy



  “Evan?” Mallory is staring at me, but her face is expressionless.

  “Hi there.” I wait for any reaction other than shock—happy, mad, maybe even confusion. No, I don’t want her to be mad or confused.

  While I wait for what feels like minutes, I notice how much she’s changed in the last month. Somehow, she’s managed to become more beautiful than I remember and video chat definitely doesn’t do her justice.

  She has no make-up on and her hair isn’t styled, but the best part is, she’s practically naked with her robe exposing the top of her pale pink bra and it makes me curious if her panties match. My ring is on her finger—exactly where it should be, but thi
s weird feeling builds in my chest and I start to wonder why she’s coming to the door undressed like this if she didn’t know it was me.

  Easily distracted, her breasts are rounded at the top of her bra, which makes me want to fucking attack her. I hold back though. A—because I’m holding flowers that are heavy as hell and B—because her roommate is standing to the side of us, forming an obtuse triangle of awkwardness since Mallory hasn’t said anything other than ‘Evan.’

  I look at Sarah, who helped me set up this surprise after Sunny gave me her number. Mallory looks at Sarah, and Sarah says, “I’m going to head over to Josh’s place and stay over there this weekend. We’re going to that party if you guys want to join us.” We both look quickly back at each other, knowing we’re not going to any party. We glance back to Sarah, who puts her hands up, and laughs. “Guess not. Okay, sooo…” she walks over to Mallory and hugs her. “Happy birthday.”

  After setting the large vase of flowers down on their dining table, I get Sarah’s attention before she rushes out the door, “Hey, thanks for helping me surprise her.”

  She giggles. “No problem and it was nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot of great things about you, and Mal’s shown me pictures from summer. Hawaii is beautiful.” She grabs a bag near the door. “She’s a great girl. Take care of her.” As she walks out, she sings, “Have fun, you two.”

  Mallory hasn’t moved from her spot or said anything. But when she does, my heart starts racing. “What are you doing here?” As if she doesn’t trust her own eyes, she blinks hard. When she opens them again, I’m smiling because she’s just so damn cute. “You’re here,” she says.

  “For your birthday. I came to make your birthday wish come true. I’ll give you anything you want.”

  “You. I only wished for you.” Her expression changes, the reality of me being here, standing in front of her, sinking in. Tears fill her eyes then one slips down her cheek.

  Not able to stand the distance any longer, I move to her, taking her in my arms and hold her tightly to me. “That’s why I’m here. How could I not grant your only wish?”

  “I can’t believe you’re here.” Her voice shakes in obvious resistance to crying. I feel her body tremble against mine as she hugs me, embracing me fully. “You did this for me?”

  Stroking the back of her head, I wind my fingers into her hair, and try to calm her, “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “You didn’t upset me. It’s just… you’re here…” She presses her cheek against my chest, fists my tee, and says, “…you’re the best birthday present I ever got.”

  I chuckle. “I love you.”

  She looks up at me, disbelief still residing in her eyes. “I love you, too. I love you so much, Evan. I can’t believe you’re really here. Like here here.”

  I kiss the lips I’ve so desperately missed and she kisses me back just as eager. Everything in the world seems to be right in this moment. I’ve got my girl back in my arms and life is perfect again.

  When our lips part, I quirk an eyebrow, and ask, “So tell me, do you always answer the door in your underwear?” I’m half joking, but half not.

  The right side of her mouth goes up and I prepare myself for a smartass remark that she’s so good at delivering. Instead, she pulls her robe closed and says, “If you don’t like what you see, I can always cover up.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don’t misunderstand. I like what I see,” I say, taking the robe lapels in hand and slowly pulling them apart to reveal her sexy collarbone and the tops of her breasts. “As a matter of fact, I want to see more. But I don’t want other guys to see.”

  She lifts up on her tiptoes and kisses me, commanding my lips apart. I give in and our tongues embrace. It’s been too long, my body reacting and responding. She’s the only one who does this to me.

  Rational thoughts cloud my dirtier ones of what I want to do to her. I push those sensible ones aside because we have time for reasonable and respectable another day. I need her too much. Walking her backwards through the living room and down the short hall, I stop. With my lips pressed against hers, my eyes search for signs of which open door leads to her bedroom, or more importantly—to her bed.

  She giggles. Leaning back, looking me in the eyes, she nods her head to the left. “It’s this one.”

  I spin her around, pulling her into the room by the sash of her robe, and kick the door closed. That makes her laugh and seeing that beautiful smile and her happy eyes make all the planning that went into this trip worth it.

  Standing next to the bed, we look at each other in the soft light from the bedside lamp. Removing the hideously obstructive robe from her body, I drop it to the floor.

  Our smiles disappear and that familiar intensity that formed our bond back in Hawaii exists again. It’s comforting, but engulfing, making my chest ache in the most painfully acute way and my heart feels grounded in her. This is right. This is us, and I can finally breathe again.

  Whispering, she questions my stalling. “Evan?”

  Cupping her face, I kiss the tip of her nose. “We can wait… if you want.”

  “I don’t want to wait.”

  There’s a confidence to her response that convinces me to move forward, but I know what I want, but I’m not sure what she wants—to make love or fuck. She sits on the end of the bed and takes off her bra.

  I’ve experienced a myriad of emotions since I met Mallory, but nervous was never one of them until now. I can tell she’s a little nervous too by the shy smile she gives me when she stands to take off her underwear.

  When she sits back down, she tugs me by my belt loops. I’m hard and can’t hide the fact, so when I look down at her lying beneath me, her eyes meet mine, and she says, “I want to be with you.”

  “Oh, thank God. I don’t think I can go another day without you.” Reaching into my pocket, I produce a condom and toss it on the bed. I strip my clothes off in a hurry. They all fly off and we move to the top of the bed where I lay above her, so ready to be inside her, but I slow everything back down, wanting to appreciate the act of reuniting with my girlfriend.

  I start by kissing her neck and when I reach that spot just below her ear, the one that makes her giggle every time, she lets a small laugh out and rolls her head to the side allowing me to reach every inch of her. Using my tongue and lips together, I gently suck, but not enough to leave a mark. She moans and that’s when gentle flies out the window. My hips drop down and I press my cock against her, needing the feel of her.

  With a slow blink of her eyes, she licks her lips. She fucking licks her lips, driving me wild. “You’re a tease.”

  “It’s not teasing if I plan on following through.”

  “So you have a plan?”

  “Lots of them,” she says, her voice raspy as I rub against her, making her breaths come harder, building her desire.

  “Nothing like when a plan comes together,” I say, waggling my eyebrows.

  “Yep, nothing like coming together.” She runs her fingers through my hair and pulls me by the back of the head down to kiss her. “Less talking and more coming.”

  “You sound like me, bossy pants.”

  “No pants on here.”

  Lifting up, I scan down her naked body and then back up. “You’re right. Less talking and more coming.”

  The emerald of her eyes draws me in, and it’s so easy to see why I fell in love with her—all her emotions lie there. I run my hand over her cheek and into her hair, admiring everything I’ve missed so much. Mallory’s tan has faded, her hair seems darker, and I suspect she has lost some weight. But the look in her eyes still sets my soul on fire every damn time.

  She wiggles under me and with a shy smile, says, “Are you okay, babe?”

  “Yeah, I just missed you.” I lean down to kiss her quickly and reach for the condom to rip it open.

  “Let me.” She takes the packet from my hand.

  Leaning up on my elbows, I watch her fingers carefully roll the condom over
my hardened length. She glances up at me once, timidly, but then returns her focus downward. My erection twitches in response to her loving attention as she drags her finger along the underside, from base to tip.

  She lies back and I lower myself down, pressing my hips against her heated center. I kiss her as she wraps her arms around my neck, then push into her, slow and careful.

  She feels incredible, more than incredible. An overwhelming sensation drags me under when my hips meet hers. I stop even though all I want to do is go, but I give her time to adjust. In all honesty, I stop because I’ve lost my mind and control of my body. All I feel is her—beneath me, arms holding me, legs as they twist around my middle—Mallory consuming me.

  I drop my head to the side, next to hers, and swear, “Fuck, I’m never gonna leave.”

  “You’re never leaving my apartment?” Her whisper has an edge of a moan surrounding it.

  She starts wriggling and I halt her movements, her reactions speeding up my own. I’ll fucking come instantly if I can’t get my mind in order, and she definitely deserves more than a one-minute reunion fuck. “I’m never leaving your pussy.” I pull back and push in again. Her eyes close and I can tell she’s right there with me.

  “Mmmm, I missed you so much,” she says. “You feel so good.”

  Bliss builds deep within, coiling inside. I lean forward, rubbing the base of my cock against where I know she needs it.

  She sighs her pleasure and softly demands, “Yes, right there, Evan, don’t stop, just like that.”

  “Oh, fuck!” I slam into her twice, causing her to squeeze me into oblivion, both of us giving into our orgasms.

  When our bodies subside from the tremors, I roll off of her, and collapse onto the mattress. Dragging her against my side, I wipe away the stray strands of hair that are stuck to her face. I kiss her on the sweat-dampened forehead and stick the tip of my tongue out, touching it against her just enough taste her. I’m starting to feel like a psycho, but I need to taste her.


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