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Fate Page 2

by Nikki Sex

  Oh man, I want him so bad.

  “Hey, beautiful,” Paul said, his eyes flaring with unconcealed lust. “What’s your name?”

  Emily stared at him, frozen into stillness by his intense gaze. The velvet timbre of his voice was deep and so incredibly mellow. It was the same voice that she’d loved to listen to all of her life – except that now it had a sexy, seductive tone to it.

  Dazed and aroused, Emily’s lips parted… but no sound came out.

  For a moment she honestly couldn’t recall how to speak. Remembering how to breathe seemed to be problematic, too. There was a long pause while she tried to right her universe that had tilted so dramatically.

  “Candy,” she replied with a gasp, abruptly remembering the fake name she’d adopted specifically for this occasion.

  Paul’s eyes sparkled with dry irony. “Of course it is,” he murmured with a quick, easy laugh.

  Chapter 3. Charismatic, Seductive Paul

  Thank, God! He doesn’t recognize me, Emily thought with relief. But I hardly recognize him, either – not from the way he’s acting toward me.

  Paul Jarman, the unrequited love of her life was hitting on her! Emily realized that this was ‘Charismatic, seductive, Paul,’ as opposed to ‘Protective, indulgent, treat-me-like-a-younger-sister, Paul,’ that she had grown used to over the years.

  Charismatic, seductive, Paul was a man that she’d never met before, but holy hell! She sure planned to get to know this Paul better. Intimately, in fact.

  Emily’s older brother, Reese, was Paul’s best friend. When they were kids, Paul lived on the same street as Emily and her family. As Reese’s little sister, the two boys often got stuck babysitting her.

  While Reese complained about having to babysit Emily, Paul was always kind and accepting. He didn’t seem to mind having her around. Maybe it was because he was an only child. Perhaps he enjoyed the novelty of having her trail adoringly after him. Either way, Paul had been a big part of Emily’s childhood.

  Paul’s parents and her parents were best friends. Every Friday night they played cards. They also watched football, and went to various games and events. Both families even went on vacation together. Those were good times when she was growing up, some of her favorite childhood memories, in fact.

  Emily and Reese had both gone off to college while Paul stayed home and worked at his dad’s grocery store.

  Then all that shit happened, she mused with a nostalgic sigh.

  As a result Paul left Lincoln City, swearing he would never return. Around the same time, Emily quit school temporarily, coming home to look after her mother. During the last three years, Emily acted as Paul’s informant. She kept him up to date through email, about his father and how his business was going.

  Paul had been Emily’s first crush, her first love, but she’d never gotten over him. After all those years, throughout everything, Emily’s infatuation for her brother’s best friend had never once wavered.

  She’d had boyfriends over the years, and wasn’t an innocent, but Paul remained her only love. Now, even after three years without seeing him, the familiar pull of her attraction toward him was still there, stronger than ever.

  And now I’m in his arms.

  It was better than any of her countless fantasies.

  Paul’s eyes narrowed as he studied her, slowly starting at her toenails (which were red from a recent pedicure). His hungry gaze appreciatively slid up her legs, then drank in her torso. Emily’s breath caught, and her nipples tightened when his vision lingered caressingly on her breasts.

  Finally his eyes stopped and focused on her lips. Was he going to kiss her?

  Please! Please! Please!

  Paul’s intense scrutiny made her shiver with a strange combination of apprehension and lust. Signs of Emily’s arousal were obvious to anyone who cared to look. Her skin was flushed, her breathing shallow and rapid, lips parted, eyes wide. She was drunk with arousal.

  Emily figured that Paul could spot a horny girl a mile away. It was a talent that had served him well, if the rumors about him were true. Just now, he couldn’t miss the throbbing puddle of aching desire sitting on his lap.

  For what seemed like forever, Emily had concealed her powerful yearning for Paul. How could she hide it now, when the warmth of his body overwhelmed her senses, seeping into her bones, her mind, and soul?

  But tonight she was Candy, and there was no reason to hide. She wanted him… and she wanted him to know it.

  Paul stroked her hypersensitive skin with rough fingers, tracing along the contours of her calf, running up past her knee, and boldly moving under her skirt to mid-thigh. Emily’s eyes widened as she became aware of Paul’s interest in the form of the rigid length of his erection pressed against her hip.

  His hand moved confidently, calloused and warm. It gripped her thigh with firm possession. Like that thigh belonged to him.

  Like he owned her. And at that moment, he did. Wow!

  Buzzed, pliant and entranced by his attention, Emily wanted to melt right into him.

  “I’m Paul, and this is Jai,” he crooned, nuzzling her neck. “You smell good.”

  “A pleasure to meet you,” Jai said with a nod.

  She stared at Paul, devouring him with her eyes. Trying to calm her rapid heartbeat, Emily forced her gaze to Paul’s friend. The man’s ancestry clearly originated from India, but he had a British accent. Maybe he’d been born in the UK? Observing the position of Paul’s hand up her skirt, Jai’s mouth twitched, curving into a knowing grin. His teeth were straight and white.

  “Can we buy you a drink, Candy?”

  “Yes, thank-you,” she murmured. The plan was to limit her replies to breathy, whispered comments, to prevent Paul from recognizing her voice. “A margarita, please.”

  Paul easily caught the attention of a waitress despite how packed the place was. The woman hurried to his table to take his order, fawning all over him, like a peasant to a king. This was no surprise to Emily.

  Quarterback and track star with perfect grades, he’d been voted as ‘Most likely to Succeed’ in high school. Paul had always been in command of himself and everyone around him. Where did all that self-assurance come from? Good looks? High IQ? Physical health and fitness? Take your pick.

  Emily just wished that she had half of his easy confidence. It certainly added to his allure. People were naturally drawn to Paul, caught up in his powerful magnetic pull.

  “Hungry?” Paul asked, gesturing to the generous spread of Mexican fare on the table. He spoke with a quiet intensity that made her focus all her attention on him.

  Emily boldly met his gaze. “Not for food,” she replied in a low voice.

  She was proud of herself with that answer. Regaining her slutty experienced persona and confirming her interest was important. It was true, anyway. Right now, Emily couldn’t eat a thing – unless it was Paul. He was a feast for her senses. Overwhelmed, she looked away.

  It was all she could do to sit still. Emily wanted to writhe with nerves. Raw lust roared through her in a steady urgent wave. Her skin, her nerve endings, her entire body was hypersensitive. She longed to kiss him, to lick his hard male abs, and run her hands all over his body. She felt empty, needy and desperate.

  “Look at me, Candy,” Paul’s voice became forceful and uncompromising. “Eyes on me.”

  Dazedly, she lifted her head and met his gaze. Candy swallowed, hard. His eyes flared and darkened. Her chest went tight in response. This was Paul, the man she had adored for as long as she could remember. The man she loved, and always would. There was nothing that she wouldn’t do for him… or to him, for that matter! Whatever he wanted.

  I’m a slave to love, she thought. More like a slave to Paul Jarman. But just then she didn’t care.

  Emily’s breath hitched when Paul took her hand, and brought it to his lips.

  Gently he bit the meaty flesh, just under her thumb. Emily was unable to hold back a moan. His sensual lips twitched into an eloquent smile at
her response. Paul knew exactly what he was doing. Stroking, caressing, he kissed where he’d caused that sharp bite of sensation. Then he began to play with her fingers, tracing the length of them with his hand and mouth.

  Sensual and seductive, he teased and toyed with her hand. Just like he was teasing and toying with her.

  The stubble on his face brushed against her skin and she jerked as a blast of sensation coursed through her like an electric current. Whoa! His every touch was so erotic! A strange roaring began in her ears. Emily heard herself whimper when he pressed his lips to her inner wrist in a soft kiss.

  It sounded like it came from someone else.

  Unexpectedly, he licked and then nipped her there. Lightning struck once more. Incandescent heat shot instantly from his mouth on her wrist, to deep within her feminine core. It hurt – but it didn’t. Erotically excruciating, it was so much more than pain.

  It felt divine.

  Holy shit! Liquid warmth pooled low in her belly. Her slick channel clenched and a rush of moisture gushed between her thighs. Emily didn’t think that she had ever been so aroused, and he had barely touched her. Already she was prepared to spread her legs for him right here on this table, the floor, his lap or wherever he wanted.

  “Oh, God,” she whispered, mesmerized.

  Defenseless and exposed, she wanted to avert her face from his knowing eyes, but was unable to look away. Emily had heard of spontaneous combustion. In the back of her mind she wondered if this is how it occurred.

  The set of Paul’s jaw firmed but his eyes were bright as he examined her in a triumphant, measured gaze. His calloused hand returned to her leg, slowly skimming over her skin, moving higher up her skirt than before. This time, as he gripped her thigh, he stretched two fingers out – so that the tips of them pressed softly against her drenched panties.

  Candy’s eyes widened and her whole body stilled, absorbing that wonderful erotic touch. Captured and unable to break away, his gaze held hers.

  There was no escape.

  Paul moved his magical fingers back and forth, back and forth with a feather-light touch along her damp, cloth covered flesh. Her breath began to hitch in little gasps of desire. With a desperate whimper she arched toward him. A low moan escaped her lips as he pressed the cloth of her panties deep into her wet folds.

  “You’re a needy little thing, aren’t you?” he observed in a soft, seductive voice. His face remained dispassionate while those clever digits of his continued to tease and probe. “Just my kind of woman. I know what you want,” he murmured with husky confidence. “If you’re a good girl, I’ll give you exactly what you need.”

  Chapter 4. Ready or Not

  Thankfully the waitress broke the spell when she arrived with Emily’s drink.

  Paul slowly drew his hand out from under her skirt with unhurried, lazy disregard. The man paid not the slightest attention to the sexy waitress, and because he didn’t, somehow neither could she.

  It was as if there was no one else. They were in this room alone together.

  With an open stare, he met her gaze. Then he licked the pad of his fingers with slow and thoughtful deliberation.

  “Very nice,” he said with a playful wink.


  Emily’s margarita went down quickly, her cheeks flushed with heat. She’d spent months arranging this meeting. Her current persona, Candy, had a full imaginary background, including siblings, a job, a home, and even her own email address.

  Emily had carefully compartmentalized the two personalities. It was the only way she could pull this off.

  Yet already, she was off balance, confused and lost. Her senses whirled, her breasts grew heavy and between her legs her swollen flesh throbbed. Who was she? Was she still playing a role? Candy and Emily seemed like the same person right now, both filled with a raging tide of desire.

  Get it together, Emily. Remember the plan. You can do this, and Paul will never know.

  Paul, Jai and Emily chatted for a while, flirting and doing the “getting to know you dance” that proceeded a night of hot sex.

  Emily was no virgin, but she was pretty choosy when it came to getting naked with anyone. She’d always enjoyed the closeness of kissing and cuddling as she suspected most women did. Who didn’t have a natural desire for intimacy? For physical and emotional connection?

  The problem for Emily had always been that no matter who she slept with, or even when pleasuring herself – if she climaxed it was because she imagined being with Paul.

  “Do you want me, Candy?” Paul whispered into her ear, his hot breath moving over her skin, causing a delicious tingling sensation along the nape of her neck. “Because I want you. Right now.”

  Staring at her hands in her lap, Emily nervously swallowed. She couldn’t speak. Instead she nodded, almost shyly. She was out of character, but somehow coming across slutty in answer to such a blindingly obvious question just couldn’t be done. Did she want him? Hell, yes! More than she’d ever wanted anything.

  Emily opened her mouth, but found that she was still unable to answer. How could she reply to such a question when she’d ached for him forever, body, heart and soul?

  Paul cupped her chin and tipped up her face, gazing at her in a determined expression. Eyes darkening, they captured hers. Emily wanted to look away from such burning intensity, but she couldn’t.

  A kick of fear and arousal slammed into her as his power and dominance overwhelmed her senses. She felt exposed and vulnerable to his intense, scrutiny. Could he see right through her?

  “Tell me, Candy,” Paul demanded in a deceptively soft voice. “I need to hear the words. Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you.” Her whispered reply was soft and unsteady.

  “Good girl,” he murmured with a slight smile, as he released her from his penetrating gaze. “I like a woman who knows what she wants.” He laughed then, a light, joyous sound. “Candy. I can’t even imagine anything sweeter than what I have right here in my lap. Can you, Jai?” Paul said, glancing up at his friend. “Jai and I have just come off a boat. Neither of us have enjoyed the company of a woman for a while.”

  Emily knew that already; she’d been waiting for him. Paul had signed on as crew for a number of small boats, travelling to incredible places, working odd jobs, and doing so many interesting things.

  She was jealous because he was footloose, and had no responsibilities. But why was he including Jai in his “company of a woman,” comment?

  Paul’s breath whispered, once more, seductive and warm over her ear. His arms tightened around her. One big palm lightly grazing the outer edge of her breast in lazy, sensual strokes. Emily shut her eyes, overwhelmed by the incredible sensation of it.

  “Jai and I could make you climax all night long. Are you up for a threesome?”

  What? Her mind blanked while she processed what Paul said. It took a fraction of a second before she understood, but then she stiffened and her eyes flew to Jai’s face. She couldn’t have been more stunned if a bucket of ice water had been thrown over her. A threesome? Really? God no!

  She was sexually experienced, but not with that kind of experience. For the love of God, how would that work? Her, Paul and Jai, all having sex together? At the same time? Paul wanted that? Yikes! What else did he want?

  Jai clearly registered her immediate expression of shock and dismay because he chuckled and said in his formal British accent, “I believe that the young lady in question is only interested in you, Paul.”

  “Candy,” Paul said. She immediately met his gaze, complying instinctively to his unspoken command. “Jai and I are good together. We know exactly how to please a woman. You have no idea what you’d be missing out on. If you haven’t had a threesome, now is the time to try it.” He stared at her with open lust.

  Emily swallowed hard. “I’m sorry. Maybe next time,” she paused and added, “or later tonight?” No way, she thought, but they didn’t need to know that. “What I really want is you.”

>   She gave an intentionally light shrug and forced a laugh. “There’s a long night ahead of us. Who knows how it will end?”

  “Not as experienced as you look, are you, little Candy?” Paul said with a knowing smile. “Never mind.” He grasped her waist and effortlessly set her on her feet. Then he stood up. The bulge in his jeans was impressive. “Do you have a room, or shall I get one of my own?”

  Candy grinned. “I have a room.”

  The emotion behind her joyous smile wasn’t forced or fake. Candy and Emily were the same person now. Both desperate, greedy and more than ready. It was liberating not to have to hide her desire, to show Paul how she felt about him – even if he didn’t know who she really was.

  Shifting restlessly, Emily swallowed. Orgasms didn’t usually come easy for her, not without serious foreplay. But just now she wondered if she’d peak screaming, the moment Paul touched her. She was so primed and hot for him.

  Paul met his friend’s gaze.

  “Don’t worry about me,” Jai said, surveying the mass of young women in the Cantina. “I won’t be lonely. Send me a text. I’ll come to you, if I’m not otherwise engaged.” Jai’s accent was sexy. The white flash of his grin was boyishly charming. The combination was devastating. Emily knew that the man would hook-up with ease.

  Paul pulled her body possessively against his, stroked her hair and trailed his hand down to her lower back. His touch was electrifying. Emily took in a deep steadying breath, trying to keep it together until they were alone.

  Picking up his duffel, he said, “Ready?”

  There was no mistaking the gleam in his eyes. He fully intended to be inside her, to bury himself deep inside her. Soon. Raw need clawed at her. She shivered with the just thought of it.

  “Yes, I’m ready,” Emily said. Another understatement. She’d been waiting her whole life for this. Now, it was all coming together. Sex. Scratching her never-ending itch. Getting fucked by Paul Jarman – hopefully all night long. Her strategy was moving along perfectly, exactly as she planned.


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