Tank (Dixie Reapers MC 9)

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Tank (Dixie Reapers MC 9) Page 6

by Harley Wylde

  As he pulled out, he looked down between my legs and cursed.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, leaning up on my elbows.

  “I forgot protection,” he said. “I never fucking forget.”

  It felt like a weight settled in the pit of my stomach. Was he upset because he didn’t want kids, or was he upset for some other reason? I hadn’t really thought about protection either, but he’d said he wanted to keep me. If that were true, then kids would eventually happen, right?

  Zach got up and went to the bathroom. I heard the water running and tried to swallow the knot in my throat. Maybe it hadn’t been as perfect as I’d thought. I started to get up and grab my clothes, but he returned with a rag in his hands, his brow furrowed when he saw me.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “I thought…” I looked away.

  Zach came closer and knelt at the side of the bed, his hand on my thigh, and then he gently cleaned me. My pussy was sore and it stung a little as the warm, wet cloth swiped against me.

  “You thought what?” he prodded.

  “I thought you were mad and wouldn’t want me in your bed anymore.”

  He reached up and cupped my cheek. “I’m not mad, baby. Not at you anyway. I’m upset that I didn’t think to protect you against pregnancy. We haven’t even discussed anything like that. I know some of the guys in my club got their women pregnant on purpose, but I would never do that to you.”

  “It wasn’t because you don’t want kids with me?” I asked.

  “No, sweetheart, but I think it’s too soon for either of us to be thinking about a family. We have plenty of time for that.”

  My hand splayed across my belly. “What if I’m already pregnant? Since I wasn’t sexually active, I’m not on birth control.”

  “Then I hope we have a little girl as pretty as her momma,” he said softly, giving me a smile.

  He tossed the rag into the bathroom and I heard it hit the floor, then he nudged me farther onto the bed. Zach stretched out next to me and pulled me against his chest, cocooning me in his embrace.

  “I promised to take care of you,” he said. “Using a condom would have been a good step toward that. I can’t change it now, and I can’t say I’m all that sorry. I loved feeling you, all of you. I’ve never gone bare inside a woman before. And just so you know, I get tested regularly. I haven’t been with anyone since my last test and I’m clean.”

  I snorted. “Obviously I am too since I’d never even kissed someone before you.”

  He pressed his lips to my forehead. “And you have no idea how happy that makes me, to be your first for everything. You’ve given me a gift I will always cherish, Emmie. Even if you decided to walk out of here tomorrow, I’d always remember this moment.”

  I lifted my head and looked at him. “You’d let me leave?”

  He arched a brow.

  “Yeah, I didn’t think so,” I said. “You don’t seem like the type to give up something you want.”

  “I’d let you go. Give you a head start; then I’d come after you. By the time I was done, you’d never want to leave again.”

  I smiled. Maybe I should have been scared or creeped out, but it made me feel warm and tingly that he wanted me to stay. I had a feeling I was already losing my heart to him. I only hoped that one day he’d give me his too.

  Pressed against his side, his fingers toying with my hair, I felt more content than I’d ever been. Being with Zach felt right on so many levels. Even if my sister wasn’t happy about it, and I still had the dark cloud of my father and Ernesto hanging over me, in this one moment I was truly happy. I knew it wouldn’t last, but I wanted to bask in the afterglow a little longer. I’d heard so many stories of how my friends at college had hated their first time. It had hurt, but once the pain had faded, it been an earth-shattering experience, one I would remember the rest of my life.

  Someone pounded on the bedroom door, making Zach curse and get out of bed. He pulled his jeans on, then tossed his shirt to me. Once I was covered, he opened the door and glowered at a ginger-haired man on the other side.

  “What the fuck, Wire? There’s such a thing as a damn phone.”

  The man glanced at me before focusing on Tank again. “There are some things you need to know, especially since it looks like you slept with her already. Maybe we should step out of the room.”

  “Is this about Emmie?” he asked.

  “Yes, but I don’t think she needs to hear this. The news isn’t good, Tank. Hear what I have to say, then if you want her to know everything, you can tell her.”

  Tank looked at me, his gaze assessing.

  “It’s okay,” I said. “Go see what he found out. I trust you.”

  He left Wire standing in the doorway and sat next to me on the bed. Tank pushed my hair back behind my ear, then kissed me softly. The look in his eyes was tender and he gave me a slight smile before he got back up. He opened a dresser drawer and pulled on a fresh shirt, then followed Wire out of the room, pulling the door shut behind him.

  I leaned back against the headboard and stared at the opposite wall. I didn’t know what Wire had found that he thought might upset me, but I knew it had to be pretty bad. I already knew who my father really was, and I had no doubt that Ernesto was just as evil. Did they have a plan for me that I hadn’t heard that day? Something other than a marriage? I’d thought having to live with that man, having to sleep with him, would be the worst thing I could ever live through. Now I had to wonder if my worst fears were more like a vacation compared to what the two of them had in store for me.

  Lupita had believed that the Dixie Reapers could protect me, that Tank could. But she’d mentioned someone else. Casper VanHorne. Was he the key to everything? I wasn’t familiar with the name, but if Lupita knew of him, and if he could handle my father, then it meant he wasn’t a man to be trifled with. I didn’t understand his connection to the Dixie Reapers, or why he’d help me. Maybe I should have asked more questions, or at least paid more attention to what happened around me before I’d left Spain.

  My virginity had been important to Ernesto. That part had been clear in his comments at the diner. Was it just that he wanted his wife to be untouched? Or was it something more? Possibly something sinister? A shiver raked my spine as I thought about the kind of pain I’d have felt at his hands during my first time. No matter what happened, I was glad that Tank had been my first.

  I looked over at the door and hoped that whatever Wire had found wouldn’t change things with Tank. After what we’d shared, my heart would break if he tossed me out. He’d promised to protect me, and I hoped that he’d meant it, but what if Wire’s news made him reconsider? My hands twisted in the blankets and my stomach churned as I waited. Lupita would have charged in there and demanded to know what was going on. But I wasn’t Lupita.

  I was just Emmie. Naive, timid Emmie who jumped at shadows.

  I had a feeling that if I was going to survive whatever was heading my way that I would need more of a backbone. I hoped that deep down I had a lioness hiding inside me, but I worried I was more like a mouse.

  Only time would tell.

  Chapter Five


  Wire’s first bit of news had been concerning. No one was searching for Emmie, which meant her school hadn’t reported her missing. I had a feeling her father had something to do with that, and it made unease claw at me. If he’d known where she was, why had he waited until now to come for her? She’d been in the US for the last three years, but he’d kept his distance. It didn’t make sense, unless Lupita had managed to hide her that well. Even then, I thought something more might be going on, but unless we had a discussion with them it was doubtful we’d ever know. I had a feeling something big was happening now, and I didn’t like it. Not with Emmie in the middle of it. And how had he known to find her at the diner today? Or that she’d been staying at the motel? Just how long had he been watching and waiting?

  “What am I looking at?” I asked,
flipping through the grainy pictures Wire had somehow obtained. They were from the first of three folders he’d brought with him. The man was always thorough with every investigation, but I wasn’t certain what these buildings had to do with Emmie. I knew we didn’t have any place like this in town.

  He tapped on one. “See this? It’s the compound of Fernando Montoya.”

  “Why is that name familiar?” I asked, brow furrowed. I knew Montoya was Emmie’s last name, but I didn’t remember meeting a Fernando Montoya.

  “He’s the man who bought Ridley from her stepdad, the one who sent her running straight into Venom’s arms.”

  I looked from the picture to Wire, waiting to see if there was more to that statement. I remembered the asshole who was going to hurt Ridley, and I also knew what had happened to him. He’d been from South America, or so I’d thought.

  “He’s dead,” I said.

  “Yeah, but his brother isn’t.” Wire handed me another picture and my gut clenched. Now this man I had met, even though we hadn’t shared names. “Meet Luis Montoya, father of Emelda and Lupita… and brother to Fernando.”

  “You have to be fucking kidding me.”

  Was it a coincidence that Lupita had come here that December two years ago? Had she known about the connection with us and her uncle? Worse, did she know exactly what had happened to him and our part in all of it? Emmie had said that Lupita went to prison over Wraith’s massacre to ensure the Reapers would give our aid, but what if it went deeper than that? It made me question the federal agent’s motives in coming here, and for sending Emmie straight to me. I’d always listened to my gut, and right now, it said something was really wrong with all this.

  Wire slid another picture my way. “Ernesto Lopez. One of the highest paid assassins in Spain, and also the owner of several brothels around the world, some underground clubs, and this little gem…”

  I flipped over the next picture and stared in horror. I’d done some fucked-up shit in my life, but this? Holy hell! Bile rose in my throat and I turned the picture back over, not wanting to look at it another moment. What kind of sick monster could do that?

  “What does all this have to do with Emmie? Her father wanted her to marry the guy. You don’t think he’d…” I waved a hand at the offensive picture.

  “I more than think.” Wire sighed. “Once I found out who he was, I did some digging, and managed to hack into one of his email accounts. I also poked around in the bank accounts I could find, but I’d be willing to bet he has a bundle in some unmarked offshore accounts. It seems he woke up from the love tap you gave him and was pissed as fuck. He ranted about the whore he was supposed to have married and made arrangements for her. Bidding has already begun. Looking at his bank records, he’s done this sort of thing several times this year already. I’m not so certain that Emmie wouldn’t have been auctioned off once he was finished with her, even if she had been a virgin when she’d married him. Or maybe he’d already had a plan in place, if she’d been innocent.”

  “Her father won’t allow that. Will he?” I asked.

  Wire pulled out a sheet of paper. “Luis Montoya. How do I put this? Let’s just call him the most feared man in all of Spain and leave it at that. There isn’t much he isn’t dabbling in, and he honestly makes Ernesto look like a cherub. From what I can tell, Fernando was a decent guy in comparison to his brother. I honestly have no idea how your Emmie isn’t scarred beyond belief from living with someone like Luis. We need to know what she’s heard or seen.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ,” I muttered. “We needed Casper VanHorne to take down Fernando. How the hell am I supposed to keep Emmie safe from two men who are even worse than the one Ridley ran from?”

  “I know you like handling this type of thing on your own, but maybe this time you need to take a step back. You’re obviously involved with Emmie, which I honestly saw coming. You’ve wanted her from the moment you first saw her. I knew it was only a matter of time before you gave in, but how far are you willing to go?” Wire asked.

  “How far?” I asked.

  Wire drummed his fingers on the table a moment, then slipped more documents my way. It took me a moment to realize what the hell I was seeing. I looked from the papers to Wire, who was staring at me with a challenge in his eyes.

  “What the fuck? Are you serious right now?” I asked.

  “She needs protection, right? And you’d go to any lengths to make that happen?” Wire asked.

  “You hacked the county and state government systems and fucking married us? Jesus, Wire. You didn’t even talk to us about it. What if she doesn’t want to marry me?”

  “Too late,” Wire said. “In the eyes of the law, you’re now legally married, and have been for the past week.”

  “This is fucked up and you know it. Sleeping with her is one thing, but this?” I slapped my hand down on the papers. “You need to undo this, right now.”

  “Don’t want to marry her?” he asked.

  “It’s too soon! We don’t even know each other.”

  “Pretty sure Venom and Ridley would tell you that’s bullshit. And what about Torch and Isabella? Rocky and Mara? Need I go on? The Reapers know when they meet the right woman. In your gut, you know that Emmie is it for you. Forever. I just saved you some time and paperwork.”

  “And took the decision completely out of her hands,” I said. “What the fuck does this solve anyway? Do you honestly think either of those men are going to care if she’s married?”

  “No, I don’t. But now that you’re legally married, we can pull in Officer Daniels, and even the Feds, and tell them that your wife is in danger. Your possibly pregnant wife. If we put enough eyes on her, then it’s going to be damn hard for either Luis or Ernesto to make a move. I know it’s not an ideal situation, but I honestly think this is our best shot, at least until reinforcements can get here.”

  “What reinforcements?” I asked.

  “I filled in Torch before I came here. The other clubs are sending help, and Torch put in a call to his father-in-law.” Wire smiled. “I still can’t say that with a straight face since Torch is older than Casper. Either way, the top assassin in the world will be arriving before long. We can use all the firepower we can get.”

  “And I’m supposed to do what? Keep Emmie locked up in this house indefinitely?” I asked.

  “Not exactly.”

  I rubbed my forehead, feeling a pain starting to pulse in my skull. I didn’t know how many more surprises I could take, not when it came to Emmie. Nothing had ever fazed me, but the thought of losing Emmie, of her being hurt or killed made me want to rip someone to shreds.

  “Just tell me what the fuck else you’ve been up to while I was otherwise occupied.”

  “You won’t like it,” Wire said.

  “I haven’t liked any of this shit so far. It hasn’t stopped you yet, so by all means, continue with the awesome news.”

  “Does she know you’re an asshole?” Wire asked.

  I flipped him off and watched as he pulled more shit out of his folders.

  “This looks like a fucking fortress,” I said, studying the pictures.

  “Because it is. It’s a secret government base, or it’s supposed to be a secret. Let’s just say that in exchange for me not letting the world know how easy it is to hack certain US government files, we have free use of it for as long as we need. Or rather, as long as Emmie needs it. I’ve made arrangements for you to take her there. Not to mention, I’ve been assured that if Luis Montoya and Ernesto Lopez were to vanish, then both our country and Spain would owe us a debt of gratitude. It seems they’re trying to reach into the US now, and the Spanish have been trying to find a way to get rid of them for years.”

  “No,” said a soft voice behind me.

  I turned and saw Emmie, dressed only in my shirt. I had the insane urge to cover her up so Wire couldn’t see her bare legs, or the fact she was braless. She came closer and looked at everything spread across the table.

I’ve run whenever trouble came my way,” Emmie said. “I don’t want to run anymore. I’m tired of being a scared little rabbit.”

  Her gaze landed on something and locked. Slowly, she reached out and slid a paper closer. I groaned when I realized what the hell it was.

  “We’re married?” she asked. “How? I’m pretty sure I’d have remembered walking down the aisle, especially a week before you even spoke to me.”

  Wire waved at her. “That would be my doing. You can thank me later. I like cookies and pies, if you’re into baking.”

  She blinked a few times. “You married us? I’m so confused right now.”

  “Just a few keystrokes,” Wire said, which I knew was bullshit.

  She reached for the gruesome picture and I grabbed her hand long enough for Wire to remove it. I didn’t want that image in her mind. Bad enough I knew what that picture held, but Emmie? She’d have nightmares the rest of her life. Even if I hadn’t known her long, I knew that she was a gentle soul, and that kind of brutality would be more than she could handle. Or at least more than she should handle. If I could protect her from the ugliness of the world, then I would.

  I knew Wire was wondering just how innocent she was, now that we knew she was connected to Luis and Fernando Montoya. I didn’t doubt for a moment that she was every bit as sweet as she seemed. Whatever Luis had done in his lifetime, I didn’t think it had ever touched Emmie, until now. She was smart to run from Ernesto. Coming here may have saved her life. No, I knew it had. If she’d remained in Spain and married that monster, she would have died a horrible death at some point. I wasn’t even convinced the man had ever intended to actually marry her.

  “Emmie, what do you know about your father and Ernesto?” Wire asked. “Did you ever overhear anything? See anything?”

  “Just them planning my engagement to Ernesto. I was never consulted. It was after I saw how cold he was that I decided to investigate a little. I discovered who he was, and who my father really is. My father had never been a caring sort, but I’d never realized he was a monster. It scared me and I ran to Lupita, hoping she could keep me safe,” Emmie said. “And she did, for a long time. Even after she went to prison, she still managed to keep my dad away. I don’t know what changed recently.”


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