Tank (Dixie Reapers MC 9)

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Tank (Dixie Reapers MC 9) Page 9

by Harley Wylde

  “It is,” Torch agreed. “But I also think you’re too close this time. No one is disputing that you’re Sergeant at Arms, or the best choice for that position, but just this once we’re asking you to take a step back. At least as far as planning goes. You can be present at the meeting, as long as you keep your cool.”

  Right. Like two unarmed men wouldn’t be temptation for anyone? Especially the sick fuckers who would be seated at this very table? I wasn’t going to make that promise. If I saw my chance to take them out, then I’d do it. Anything to make sure Emmie was safe, as well as the other women that fucker Ernesto was selling off to brothels and butchers. The guy really made my stomach turn, and I could handle some fucked-up shit.

  “They won’t give up their weapons,” Flicker said. “I’ve been checking out these guys, and there is no way they’ll walk in here completely unarmed. If we’re going to meet them, I say we do it somewhere public. Remember when Josie was bait for her father?”

  “Yeah and a lot of innocent people could have been hurt,” Saint pointed out. “If anyone had opened fire, women and kids could have been killed. Too risky. I don’t trust those guys to give a shit about bystanders. A bloodbath wouldn’t matter much to men like those two. We might have done some fucked-up shit over the years, but only to those who deserved it. It’s part of why I love this club so much.”

  “I’ll second that,” Tempest said.

  “Whatever y’all decide to do, I’m behind you one hundred percent. When I needed space, you left me alone. And then I came here with Mara, and you stepped up to help when we needed it. Whatever it takes to keep Tank’s wife by his side, count me in,” Rocky said.

  “I want to know what VanHorne thinks of all this,” I said. “He took out Fernando Montoya. After having dealt with the family before, maybe he has some insight. We brought him in for a reason, right?”

  “I told you he’s already been checking into things,” Torch said.

  The doors burst open and Wire rushed in, a sheaf of papers in his hand and his hair standing on end. His gaze scanned the room and landed on me, then he vaulted over the damn table and dropped the papers in my lap.

  “Did you know about this?” Wire asked.

  I shuffled through the papers, and my heart nearly stalled when I realized what I was looking at. Had Emmie known? Or would this come as just as much of a shock for her? It explained why Luis had been ready to sell her off to the highest bidder and he hadn’t attempted the same with Lupita.

  “Emmie isn’t really a Montoya?” I asked.

  “No. Her mother had an affair with Carlos Gomez during a trip to South America. His family is relatively poor and runs a shop in Rio. It’s where he met Emmie’s mother. When Emmie was born, she wasn’t in Spain. She was born in a hospital in Rio, and as you can see, her father is listed as Carlos Gomez,” Wire said.

  “And then somehow, for whatever reason, Emmie’s mother got Montoya to adopt Emmie and give her his name?” I asked.

  “That’s what the papers show. There’s more. Did you notice the account information in the Cayman Islands?” Wire asked.

  “It’s in Emmie’s name. I don’t think she’s aware that she has all that money available to her. If she’d known, she wouldn’t have been working at the diner, right?” I flipped through the papers again. “So Ernesto wanted Emmie to get his hands on her money, Luis wanted to get rid of the bastard daughter his wife had birthed, and… what? Ernesto was just going to sell Em once he had her money? I’d have thought Luis would want to get his hands on the cash. Guess maybe he hated Emmie more than he wanted that damn money.”

  “Pretty much,” Wire said. “Although, to be honest, I’m not sure he’s aware of the account. Ernesto has some contacts and might have run across the information on his own. He wouldn’t want to share that knowledge with Luis, if he thought the man would try to keep the funds himself.”

  “Do you think Lupita knows all this? She’s older than Emmie and would remember her mom being pregnant. She may have heard something over the years,” Venom said. “I think we need to bring her in and ask some questions.”

  Flicker snorted. “Good luck.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Torch asked. “I know she came here and showed up at Tank’s place. And I know you took her home.”

  “Then you should also know she vanished by the next morning,” Flicker said. “I don’t know who picked her up or where she went. I haven’t heard from or seen her since. As far as I know, she’s not been in contact with anyone here. Tank? Has your wife heard anything?”

  “Emmie hasn’t had contact with her either,” I said.

  “Great. We have a crazy ass, deadly woman wandering around and no one knows where the fuck she is or what she’s up to,” Torch said. “Tank and I have discussed it, and we believe that Lupita came to our compound for a reason. Something other than keeping Rin safe. She wanted us to owe her favor, but it’s all a little too tidy. Why go to jail for a crime she didn’t commit? Considering the lengths we went to in order to protect Rin, she had to know we’d help Emmie if she asked.”

  “So we need to deal with Ernesto and Luis, and worry that Lupita has an agenda too?” Flicker. “Wait. You let me take a woman into my home that you think had ulterior motives for being here? Assholes!”

  “We didn’t realize that everything didn’t quite add up until after Lupita had been here and left,” I said. “I wouldn’t have let you put yourself in danger. Besides, Lupita seemed to get along just fine with you. She did seem a bit pissed that I was with her sister.”

  “Um, yeah about that…” Flicker glanced away before meeting my gaze again. “She liked you chasing her. The reason she asked Emmie to find you and not anyone else is that she thought Emmie wouldn’t be even close to your type. Even though she didn’t want to settle down, I think she’s ticked off you picked her sister over her. And now that we know Emmie is only her half-sister…”

  “This is getting too fucked up,” Torch said. “Whatever happened to the days we only had to worry about a gun deal going bad? No, we all have to fall for women who come with a shit ton of trouble.”

  “Seems to be working out just fine,” Tex said. “Kalani was worth it. I’m sure you feel the same about Isabella, and I know Venom is glad to have Ridley.”

  “And for the record, Kayla wasn’t in trouble when I claimed her,” Preacher said.

  “No, she was just knocked up,” Saint said.

  A few of the guys snickered. Saint hadn’t been patched in when Preacher had knocked up his sister, Kayla. He’d still been a Prospect at the time, but he hadn’t been the least bit happy. It had all worked out. Anyone who saw Preacher and Kayla couldn’t deny the man adored her. She’d been exactly what he needed. And as screwed up as this current situation was, I had to admit that Emmie was worth every bit of trouble. She might not be the type of woman everyone had assumed I’d be with, but she was perfect for me. Torch was right. We all ended up with women who came with a bunch of problems, but I knew none of the married men around the table would have it any other way.

  “We should let Casper know this latest bit of info,” I said.

  “He already knows,” Torch said.

  A shadow emerged from the corner of the room and every one of us around the table jolted. There were quite a few ex-military men I called brother, and it was unnerving the assassin had gotten the drop on us. It proved that he was right for this mission. If he could sneak up on an entire room full of Dixie Reapers, then surely he could handle Luis and Ernesto. And if he couldn’t, then I didn’t know what else to try, but I’d have to think of something. No way would I let Emmie become a victim of either man.

  Casper had aged a bit since I’d last seen him, but he apparently hadn’t lost his skills. The man was considered the best assassin in the world. Or maybe the deadliest would be an accurate description. It was often said that if Casper VanHorne was coming for you, then you’d better have your affairs in order. A gold band glinted on his finger,
but he was dressed head to toe in black aside from that bit of jewelry. I’d found it slightly odd that he’d gotten married a while back, but none of us had ever met his wife. As far as I knew, Isabella and Torch hadn’t met her either.

  “You let me handle Lupita Montoya,” he said. “And I’ll be taking care of the little problem of Ernesto and Luis too. With pleasure. There are plenty of people who want those two dead, and many who would pay for the proof they aren’t breathing anymore.”

  “When you say handle…” Not that I trusted Lupita right now, but she was my sister-in-law. I felt like I should be watching out for her, as long as she didn’t intend my wife any harm. If she came for Emmie, nothing would save her from my wrath.

  “I’m not going to kill her, if that’s what you mean, but she won’t bother you again. Not until I know for certain she doesn’t have something devious in mind,” Casper said. “I may not have met your Emmie, but my daughter lives here and my grandchildren. I want to make sure they’re safe.”

  “How are you going to handle Ernesto and Luis?” Flicker asked.

  “Everything is already in place for those two. By tonight, they won’t be a problem for anyone. Nothing I do will trace back to the Dixie Reapers, so you’ll all be in the clear. Keep Emmie close tonight, Tank.”

  I nodded, having every intention of doing that very thing.

  “Casper, not that I doubt your prowess when it comes to this sort of thing, but how exactly are you taking care of them?” Rocky asked.

  “They’ve been spending their evenings at a strip club in the seedier section of town. I’ve paid off the owner to give me access to the men. When they aren’t looking, I’m slipping them a bit of arsenic. I know it seems like a classic murder mystery novel or film, but it works. I’ll be gone before they even know I’m there,” Casper said. “And the dose will be high enough they’ll die quickly.”

  “You aren’t worried about it being detected in an autopsy?” Preacher asked.

  “No. Those two have enough enemies, the police will never narrow down who killed them. And I’m not even on their radar as a possibility. Everything will be fine. Just keep Emmie safe until then,” Casper said.

  “Who’s with Emmie now?” Torch asked.

  “Fenton. He wanted to make amends for sending her away the first night she came here,” I said. “Calder said he’d hang around the outside of the house just in case something went down.”

  “Go check on Emmie,” Venom said. “We can wrap things up here, and someone will be touch to let you know if anything new is discussed in your absence. She’s your number one priority right now.”

  “Thanks, VP.”

  I hauled myself out of my chair and left the clubhouse. The bike ride to my house was short, and I found Fenton and Emmie in the living room. The Prospect was staring out the windows and Emmie was reading a book Mara had sent over. Once the Reaper ladies had heard Emmie liked to read, they’d started leaving books on our porch at random times. Even though Mara tended to keep to herself, she’d left several books in the last few days, each with a note for Emmie to keep hope that everything would work out.

  “Thank fuck you’re here,” Fenton muttered.

  “Trouble?” I asked, my body going tense.

  “No. Not for me anyway,” he said, glancing at Emmie.

  She hadn’t lifted her nose from the book yet, even though she knew damn well I was here. It wasn’t like her not to greet me, and I knew something was off. The tension in my body didn’t ease as I studied my wife, wondering what had happened while I was gone.

  “The two of you need to talk, so I’m going to head out,” Fenton said. “And um… Calder and I won’t say a word about…”

  He glanced at Emmie again and I stared at my wife once more, hard enough she finally glanced up at me. I heard the front door slam, then Fenton’s bike start up a moment later. Emmie set her book aside but didn’t move. There was a nervousness to her that I hadn’t seen since that first day I’d brought her here. I knew her father and Ernesto hadn’t gotten into the compound, so what could have her fidgeting and not wanting to hold my gaze? Whatever it was, Fenton and Calder knew about it. They’d have told me immediately if she were in danger.

  “Something I need to know?” I asked.

  “Maybe?” Her hands twisted in her lap.

  I moved closer and sank onto the couch next to her. Reaching for her hands, I stilled her fidgeting. Her hands were cold, and I could feel the tension coiled inside her.

  “Emmie, whatever it is, we’ll face it together. What happened today?” I asked.

  “I noticed that… I’m late.” She stared up at me, almost expectant.

  “Late? For what?”

  She blinked. “Are you serious right now? I’m late. You know, late? As in I missed my period? It was due a week ago.”

  All right, so maybe I hadn’t been that quick on the uptake with that one. I still didn’t understand why she seemed so nervous. It wasn’t like I’d made it a secret that I was in this for the long haul.

  “Calder went and picked up some pregnancy tests for me. I know those over the counter ones aren’t always that accurate, but I took three different brands of those early detection ones. All three came back positive.” She squirmed in her seat. “Did you hear me, Zach? You’re going to be a daddy.”

  Yeah, I’d heard her, and I still didn’t understand why she was so nervous. Maybe finding out she was pregnant while her dad and Ernesto was still running loose wasn’t exactly ideal, but I wasn’t going to let those fuckers anywhere near her. They’d have to get through me, and all my brothers.

  “Why were you worried about telling me you’re pregnant?” I asked.

  “Like you’ve pointed out before, we’re strangers. We might be married, but… what if things don’t work out between us?”

  I smiled a little. “Sweetheart, I’m here, right beside you, until the end. I’m not going anywhere, and I’ll never want to either.”

  Chapter Eight


  Tank sat beside me, looking like I hadn’t just dropped a bomb on him. I was pregnant. That was a huge thing, right? The kind of thing that sometimes sent men running. He looked completely calm and like we’d just been discussing the weather and not life-altering things like babies. I would have thought a big biker like Tank would be impulsive, might even be volatile, and definitely not the type of guy to calmly hold my hand when I told him we were having a kid together. He wasn’t anything like I’d thought he would be and was constantly surprising me.

  The phone I’d brought with me started ringing in the other room. It was the first time I’d received a call since I’d landed in this small town, and my pulse leapt at the implication. No one had that number, except Lupita, as she’d been the one to give it to me. Well, I’d given it to the guy at the front gate, but he’d thrown it away. I hadn’t heard from my sister since she walked out of here two weeks ago, nor had she tried to come see me. If Lupita was calling, did that mean she was in trouble?

  I jumped off the couch and went running for the guest room, where I’d left the phone on the dresser. I picked it up and saw a number I didn’t recognize. My hands shook as I answered, hoping it wasn’t bad news but fearing for the worst.



  The sound of Lupita’s voice made me clutch the phone tighter.

  “Just listen,” Lupita said. “Don’t say a word, and don’t tell that hulking giant who you’re talking to.”

  Why did she want to keep Tank in the dark? My brow furrowed as unease settled in the pit of my stomach. Lupita didn’t sound like her usual self. There was tension in her voice, and an urgency. But more than that, she sounded… almost like she was on some sort of drugs. Her words weren’t slurred, but her speech was faster and choppier. Almost like she was spitting the words out.

  “I was wrong,” Lupita said. “The Dixie Reapers can’t save you, but I know someone who can. You need to leave, Emmie. Now. Right now. Meet me ou
tside of the compound. When you leave the gates, turn left and head into town. At the first stop sign, hang a right and you’ll see a park. I’ll be waiting at the picnic tables. Get out of there before it’s too late.”

  The line disconnected and I stared at the phone. What was going on? It was strange that she wanted me to leave the compound. So far, my father and Ernesto hadn’t been able to get to me. Why would she want me to leave? Wouldn’t I be in danger if I were out in the open? Something felt off, but Lupita had never done anything to hurt me before. At least, not before she’d showed up at the compound. Until that day, she’d always been my loving older sister. Maybe she really did know something and thought she was helping me. Should I have told her about the baby?

  “Who was that?” Tank asked as he filled the bedroom doorway.

  Lupita had said not to tell him, but that felt wrong. Tank had protected me, cared for me… hell, I was married to him. Why would she want me to leave and not tell him?

  “It was Lupita,” I said, putting someone ahead of my sister for the first time in my life. “She… wants me to leave the compound and meet her at a park.”

  “Did she say why?”

  “She said the Dixie Reapers couldn’t protect me. She asked me to sneak out and not tell you I’d spoken to her, or where I was going.”

  “And yet you’re telling me everything,” he said.

  “It felt wrong, what she asked. And she didn’t sound right.”

  Tank nodded. “Did you know that Lupita is your half-sister?”

  I blinked, then blinked again. What?

  “Wire found a birth certificate that had been buried deep. Your real father is from South America. Your mother had an affair with him, and for whatever reason, Luis Montoya adopted you and gave you his name. Lupita would have been old enough at the time that she may know about it,” Tank said.

  “Why would they keep that from me?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. But the way Lupita acted when she was here, her sudden break from prison when she should have been locked up longer, and now this phone call? It’s not all adding up, Emmie. I don’t know what your sister is up to, but I don’t like it. I’m not sure she’s really trying to help you, and I won’t put you in the path of danger.”


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