Flawed Choices: A Bully Romance

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Flawed Choices: A Bully Romance Page 6

by J. L. Ostle

  I walk around her, and this time I take hold of her hands. “Again, I think fate brought us together because I’m not right in the head either. I have some serious mental issues. I am one stubborn bitch and I hate not having the last word if I’m talking back at someone. I don’t take shit, and I don’t let people walk all over me. Hence why I got myself into this situation.” I grip my hair, my head falling back as I groan up to the ceiling. “What am I going to do?” I ask her. “You know, if you ever want to bail, to keep away at any time, just say. I won’t get mad.”

  “I’m not going to bail on you. We are friends now, right? That means we go through thick and thin. The bad and the good. But Kimberly has probably put a bullseye on you now and when I saw Axel, he looked a little out of sorts.” She waggles her eyebrows at me.

  Yeah, Kimberly, the one who is meant to end up with Axel, the same guy who I grinded with in a public place. Something I said I wouldn’t do. At least it wasn’t as worse, as they could have taken photos of us, but I guess it was a little unexpected. I should have bitten his neck before I let the sensation take over.

  My hormones taking over.

  I groan again. “I kind of ended up straddling him and we got a little heated but I pushed him away… eventually. Then I ran.”

  She blinks a few times. “Are you into him?”

  God, no.

  Hell, no.

  “No,” I say, but it sounded hoarse. “No. Yeah, he is good-looking and he is a charmer, but that’s all it is. I would never let a guy use me, especially for sex. I am picky about who I let between my legs. A part of me thinks I should probably just sleep with him so the three dicks can finally leave me alone.” I take a seat on the floor, not caring it’s the girls’ toilets. It looks clean.

  Aisha takes a seat opposite me, her eyes frowning a little bit. “Finally leave you alone?”

  “Yeah, they gave me options. Once I do one of them, they will back off. I either join them at their table, be one of them until they decide to kick me out, to restore order type of thing. Or, I sleep with one of them, or for Lucas to punish me. His punishment is to annoy me, to be in my life, my personal space until he gets bored. Until they get bored.”

  “Or until you give in. I’ve known them practically my whole life. I know that Lucas would rather have power restored. They thought by adding two shitty things to the list you would go for the easy option and join them, sit with them, but of course, I’m sure he didn’t expect you to not choose it.”

  I ponder over what she said. “Yeah, that actually makes sense. But why go through all this to just restore order? Surely no one will mess with them. I just stood up for myself. But it seems that everyone else knows who has the power.”


  She chuckles. “Look at yesterday. You had so many people follow you. All it takes is someone to push them off their thrones, for people to fight back and they will all be nothing. Yeah, they have money and know people in high places but that doesn’t necessarily mean it will help them here. I think they’re scared you will be the one to put them in their place and change the status quo. For you to join them, it will look like power is back to them again.”

  “I really want to stay clear from them all, but I know if they try and fight me I will fight back, but in the past things have gotten messy to the point where I have had to move to another school. I just want to graduate, but I know that it's going to be hard. I am not the type to just keep my mouth shut and roll over. I don’t want them to think they can walk over me, they click their fingers and I will do what they say. But I know if I do what they want thigs will be easier. I even fight with myself.”

  She stands up quickly, grabbing our cans and passing me one. We both open them, taking a sip. “So what happened at your last school…”

  “Schools,” I correct her.

  “Schools. Is it basically this kind of situation? The way you talk about bullies, yeah, no one likes them, but you obviously feel stronger about it.”

  I take another sip. I don’t want to bring up everything. I can’t. I don’t want to see the look on her face, the judgment. I know, for now anyway, I can only tell her so much. “I seem to attract bullies. I guess my mouth doesn’t help, but if I see someone get bullied, I feel like I have to help them. I get in the way, and like always, bullies don’t like people to fight back. They try and break you. Over the years, different bullies have tried to hurt me. Every time I fought back, the nastier they got. The pranks they have pulled… things have always gotten a bit too far. I will tell you more one day, but for now is it okay if you just know I’m not a bad person?”

  She looks into my eyes and leans over, taking hold of my spare hand. “I know you’re not a bad person. We all have our flaws.” She smiles. “I’m sure the people you protected thanked you for what you did as most people would turn their backs, walk away. Turn a blind eye. I won’t push about your past. I will wait until you are ready to talk about it. But now that you have made yourself known, you aren’t going to have a quiet life. You either put up with what they throw at you, or you join them. But I know they will expect you to do shit to make it look like you joined them. They throw parties, they treat people like shit, probably expect you to act like one of them.”

  Yeah, that is not going to happen. I shake my head and stand up, placing my drink on the sink counter. “I guess I have to put up with their shit. I am a strong person. I only see them in snippets. I can handle it.”

  You hope.

  Aisha stands, nodding. “You got this. Whatever they do, we will handle it together.”

  “You’re excited about what’s to come, aren’t you?”

  She jumps up and down. “I can’t help it. I feel so alive right now.”

  I just hope that she can handle all this and that the elite group doesn’t make this too ugly.

  I take a huge gulp of my Coke before emptying the rest in the sink then put it in the trash. I grab my things and open the bathroom door, and when I do, I have no time to react as I feel cold liquid hit my entire body. I open my eyes to see I have blue paint all over me.

  I glare at two guys with light brown messy hair in football jerseys. They laugh, raising their hands up, saying they were given orders. They take their phones out and I hear the clicking noises of the camera.

  I turn to Aisha, who luckily didn’t get as much on her as me, but she has her mouth hanging open, looking down at her clothing. “You were saying,” I say to her before looking at the guys.

  I grunt, charging at one of them, my hand going around his neck, pinning him to the wall. His eyes go wide in horror. His friend next to him is at his side, looking between us, unsure what to do.

  Smiling, I rub myself over the guy’s clothes, transferring some of the paint onto him. I fist his hair before gliding my wet hands all over his face. “Don’t you look so pretty?” I let go of him. “You tell those dicks that they are chicken shit for getting you to do their dirty work.” I step back and they scurry off, almost slipping while they walk away.

  I turn around and Aisha is leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. Some paint is on her arms and legs but I have it all over my hair, head to toe. I feel like Carrie from that movie; at least it’s not pigs’ blood. “You are a badass,” she shrieks. “You really do stand up for yourself.” She tucks some of my now blue hair behind my ear, giggling. “Should we go shower before we go to class?”

  I have got spare clothes in the locker at the girls’ locker room but that would be just too easy. I smile. “No. We are going to keep our heads held up high. I know no one likes a snitch, but once we are seen like this, it will spread and it will soon go back that the elite that did this. Are you happy to be my blue buddy?”

  She links her arm through mine. “I am happy enough to be your Smurf.”

  Chapter Ten

  Walking into class was hilarious. Everyone was whispering. I know by the end of the day it will be all over school. When the professor walks in, it takes him a good five minutes unti
l he spots us and he continues with his lesson, but once it’s over, he calls Aisha and me down.

  People are milling at the doorway, wanting to know what will be said. I excuse myself, walking over to them and shutting the door behind them. I walk back over Professor Borlos.

  Aisha is standing there looking like a deer caught in headlights. I stand at her side and pat her back, hoping to let her know it’s okay.

  “So, girls, would you care to explain why you are in my classroom covered in blue paint?”

  Aisha opens her mouth but nothing comes out. I take a little step forward. “We had a run-in with some paint. We didn’t want to be late for your class or we would have cleaned ourselves up.”

  He looks me over. “I know about you, Miss Parker. The faculty knows about what happened in your last schools. I don’t want it disrupting my classes and my students.” His eyes judge me. “I don’t want trouble in my classroom. I don’t need your shenanigans affecting my lessons.”

  I know I can’t speak back at a teacher, but God, if I could, I would give this idiot a few truths. “Well, it's not like I planned to be covered in paint, to be sitting in the middle of a room where I look like an idiot. You are speaking to me as I did this to myself, even though you know someone must have done this to me. I have been told this is a non-tolerant to bullying school. As two students, one who has never gotten into trouble before, it feels like you are condoning who did this and blaming us.” I try and keep my voice steady. “I guess I could go to the dean and repeat what you have said to us, as I feel like this is a sign of bullying already. You are judging me by my past. If you read the records you would know the whole story. I bet you know who my parents are. I am very close to them and I have no issue bringing it up with them too.”

  I know most teachers don’t read their students’ records, they skim through them, but when I see his face pale, I know he read the part about my parents. Yeah, I may not see them as much as I would like, but I know they would do what it takes to look after their baby.

  He loosens his tie a little, rubbing the back of his neck. “I was just stating that I don’t want issues in here, but if you are willing to say who did this to you, I could take it further.” Kiss ass.

  “I won’t be saying names as we both know who did this, and I won't be walking these halls as a snitch. I will try and not bring drama to your door, but as you know, I have only been here a couple of days and drama is already at mine.” With that, I take hold of Aisha’s hand and we walk to the door. When I open it, a group of students quickly runs away. I know they were trying to listen.

  I take out my hairband, letting my hair fall down, running my fingers through it. The paint has mostly dried. This better wash off. I look over to Aisha while we continue to walk and she is watching me.

  “You aren’t going to tell me who your parents are, are you?”

  I shrug. “I will. One day.” I wink at her. “If you promise to be my Smurf.” I laugh, making her laugh too. I have to admit, I haven’t smiled or laughed as much until I met her, and I hope it continues.

  She huffs. “I can’t believe Mr. Borlos talked to you like that though. Talking like you did this yourself. That it was your fault.”

  I shrug again. “I’m used to it. Teachers assume I’m this bad girl, a trouble maker. Once they read what is on my record, they don’t see me as anything but that.”

  “You don’t even look like a bad girl though. You look sweet and innocent.”

  I press my hand to my chest. “Aww, I’m glad I look all sweet and innocent. Remember, never judge a book by its cover. I have learned that just because something is pretty and nice on the outside, it doesn’t mean that’s what they are inside.”

  “Yeah, I guess that’s true. Still, though, it was good that you stood up to him. Teachers shouldn’t speak to students like that.” We walk into our next class. I almost trip over myself when Aisha pushes into me, stopping us. “Shit, I forgot they are in this class.”

  I look up to see the trio smiling down at me. I also notice the two guys who threw the paint at me. I know I said I wouldn’t retaliate, but what I have in mind doesn’t really involve doing anything to them.

  “I have an idea,” I say to her, grabbing her hand, walking up the steps until we reach their row. The guys look up at me, waiting for me to do or say something but I look past them to the guy I pinned. He is looking at me like I’m about to bite his head off. I lean over, smiling sweetly at him. “We still up for round two?” I whisper, but say it loud enough for the guys to hear. “Sorry I got paint on you. I didn’t expect it to get that heated.” I kiss his cheek and I stand back up. “You have my number.”

  I don’t look at the three guys, I just link my arm with Aisha’s until we reach our seats.

  “You made it look like something happened with him.”

  I pop my lips. “I know. Why do you think I covered him in paint? I knew it would come to my advantage. They are going to wonder if what I said was true or not. The guys’ punishment for what they did to us is what they are going to do to him.”

  Aisha grins from ear to ear. “You are a mastermind.” She turns around, looking behind her then leans close to my side, facing forward. “Yeah, they are arguing right now.”

  Yeah, I know guys are small-minded when they see something they think they own or want to own, and right now I know they don’t want anyone to get close to me. I hate that I can’t have my payback on them. They want me to do something back, so they can do something so much worse.

  Isn’t there a saying where if you ignore someone for so long they get bored and move on?

  In this case, I hope it's true.

  I look at my phone, checking the time. One more class after this and then I can go home, wash all this crap off me and cozy up on my couch. I want hot chocolate with loads of whipped cream.

  I was expecting something to happen during class but nothing does. I stay in my seat until I know the guys have gone. I watch them walk past me and out the door. Then I leave.

  Nothing interesting happens in the next class, and when it reaches home time, I am ready to do a happy dance. I’m drained.

  When we get outside, the sun blares down on me. The paint on my skin is started to crack and peel; it's starting to irritate me a little bit. It feels like I’m wearing a body face mask. Aisha gives me a ride to my place; I didn’t want to chance walking into anyone.

  Mainly them.

  I invite Aisha up, told her she can hang out with me.

  I let her take a shower first, and I place some spare clothes on my bed for when she comes out. After I get washed, I get dressed into my pj shorts and tank. I grab two blankets from my wardrobe, passing them to her while I make us a hot chocolate.

  We have been talking about today and the paint. Aisha keeps bringing up Mr. Borlos while I make our drinks. Once they are ready, I place them on the coffee table, I snuggle under my blanket, tucking my feet underneath me.

  My hair is still wet from my shower, but I just tied it up in a high ponytail. Aisha tells me more about herself in high school as well as the elite crew. It seems that they haven’t changed since then.

  I hope the real world kicks them in the ass once they graduate.

  We are talking when there is a knock on my door. I freeze with my cup in my hand, my heart beating faster. Aisha looks at me, holding the blanket closer to her like it will protect her.

  I stand up hesitantly, walking slowly to the door, looking through the peep hole, but of course, it's blacked out.

  I lean my back against it. “I am not answering this door. If you try to break in, I have no issues in calling the cops!” I shout out. I wait for a reply. I know they must have heard me. I jump when the door knocks again. “I think you need to stop stalking me and get a life. I’m tired.” No reply but a knock.

  They aren’t going to stop. The knocking gets persistent and I walk over to Aisha, telling her to hide in my bathroom. I don’t want her to get caught up with whatever they have planne
d. She refuses to go, but with my pushing her in that direction, I don’t give her a choice.

  I straighten up my posture and answer the door but I’m surprised at what I’m seeing.

  There is a man who looks to be in his thirties holding a huge bouquet of white and purple roses. They are absolutely breath-taking. I look at the guy, confused, while he gives me a sheepish look.

  “I’m sorry, Miss. I was told to not say a word and to make sure you couldn’t see what the surprise was.” He hands me the flowers.

  “I think you may have got the wrong place.”

  He shakes his head. “Miss Parker, apartment 7D.” I nod. “Then these are for you. If you could sign for them please.” He hands me his clipboard. I look it over but it was paid by cash so no name or details from the buyer. “Have a nice evening ma'am.” Then he is gone.

  I walk in, calling out to Aisha that it's safe. I walk over to the kitchen area, taking a vase from under the sink and filling it up with water. I place the roses in and admire the beauty. They look so flawless.

  “They look expensive,” Aisha says, coming over to my side. “You know they are from them, don’t you?” I do know. I just don’t understand why. Why spend money on me?

  What is the point in that?

  I touch the petals; they feel like silk. “You think they’re poisoned or covered in itching powder or something?” I half-joke. I inspect them and notice a card. I lift it, seeing my name written on the envelope in fine penmanship.

  Just a taste of what it would be like if you joined our side

  I crumple up the card. “They think buying some flowers will butter me up. I don’t think so.” I lift the vase.

  “You going to throw them away?”

  “Hell no. They are beautiful and I’m not stupid. They’ll die in a few days anyway. At least I can enjoy them before they start to wilt. It’s bittersweet though.” I place them on the windowsill near the TV.


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