Louis: Supernatural Prison book 6

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Louis: Supernatural Prison book 6 Page 21

by Eve, Jaymin

  “I want to know everything about your society,” he said slowly, as if he was trying to reorganize his thoughts. “I want a direct liaison … one who can teach me and also … protect me from attacks. While I figure out how we’re going to coexist.”

  He clearly wanted a supe with him that he could study, to no doubt weed out our weaknesses. He then swung in Justice’s direction. “I want her!”

  Jacob’s growl ripped across the room, and I felt the heat of his fire before it even appeared in his hands. The president was fascinated with that, his eyes locking on the small flames. “I will not negotiate anymore,” he said, swallowing hard. “For now, I will keep this above top secret. I will allow you to go back to your way of life, but I expect to be involved in this new world. Which means you need to leave one of your people with me. One you trust. And I choose her.”

  “Not without me,” Jacob said gruffly, but he did extinguish the flames.

  The president seemed to consider this for a beat before he nodded. “Yes, okay, I will agree to that. You two will be brought into my Secret Service guard, and you will be with me day and night.”

  “For how long?” Jacob bit out. “I have another community that I’m a leader in, and I need to be able to check back in on them.”

  “Same,” Justice added.

  The president seemed to consider this, and even though I could sense his nerves, he was hiding it better now. “Three months. Then we can meet again. Figure out the future for both of our peoples.”

  Jacob turned to me, and I could read the worry in his face. He wanted me to say no, but for now I thought it was a good compromise. The president was going to realize quite quickly that he couldn’t control us like his humans, and that we were to be feared and respected. It was good for him to find that out now.

  “We agree,” I said. “For three months, Jacob and Justice will be part of your secret service. But—” I said, when he opened his mouth. “They will be free to leave in reasonably regular intervals. Both of them have lives and responsibilities in our world, and sometimes that will have to take precedence.”

  His jaw clenched again. “Fine. I agree. Now can you lower the barrier?”

  His people had stopped shooting at us some time ago, all of them clearly able to see that he was okay. I dropped my magic and wasn’t at all surprised by the hostility that was being directed my way.

  “I expect you to report to work this afternoon,” the president said. He then turned and jerked his head at one of the men closest to him.

  “Marcus will show you the ropes.” He waved the man over. “He’s a highly skilled soldier, and has saved my life more than once.”

  Marcus looked like he’d rather be doing anything other than assisting supernaturals, but he was a good soldier and didn’t argue with the president. Lowering his gun, he saluted his boss before turning cold gray eyes on Jacob. “Come with me. We need to outfit you in our suits so that you blend in.”

  Jacob just nodded.

  “What the fuck am I? Chopped liver?” Justice asked, hands on her hips. “I’m gonna need a suit too, asshole.”

  He snapped her a hard look, only backing down when Jacob stepped in front of Justice. Who immediately pushed him out of the way so she could eyeball the human. It was clear that Marcus wasn’t a fan of women soldiers, which was probably going to lead to some epic showdowns. Clearly, he’d never met a supernatural woman, because if he had he would not be discounting Justice. Not for a moment.

  “We probably have something for you too,” he said reluctantly, seeming to want to keep the peace.

  The president looked at me then, and he betrayed his nerves by quickly shooting another glance at my hands, like he was waiting for my power to appear again. “I’m hoping we can make this work,” he said slowly. “Our peoples coexisting.”

  I smiled, and I knew it wasn’t a nice smile, because he flinched. “Here’s something you need to understand, Mr. President. We’re not people. We’re supernaturals. And we don’t need you. We have existed outside of human control and rule for longer than you’ve been a civilized nation. Keep that in mind the next time you try to negotiate with us.”

  I dismissed him then, turning to Jacob and Justice. “Report back in relation to your treatment here. I’d hate to think someone was taking it upon themselves to try to break one of us.”

  I said this loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. Jacob just laughed. “I’m looking forward to their attempts,” he said, and I met his grin with one of my own. Yes, he was going to teach them a thing or two. Of that I had no doubt.


  Elizabeth Teresa Montgomery II

  Outside of my small community in Alaska, I hadn’t had much experience with humans. Not in the last twenty years anyway. The human president was no doubt a scary man in his world, but compared to most of the supes I’d met he seemed weak and … small. I could have taken him down so easily, and he was all bluster until Louis released just a tiny fraction of his power.

  “I don’t like leaving them there,” I said as we left the building. We were trailed by dozens of armed guards, and I felt the energy of many more on the buildings around us. “I’m not sure I trust that man, even if we do have him scared right now.”

  Louis kept me close to his side, and while his face was the picture of relaxed calm, there was turmoil inside of him. Our bond was thrumming with his energy, and the darkness was pushing forward.

  “We have no choice right now. I can’t go to war with the humans, not without speaking to the rest of the elders and council leaders. The situation has changed. My timeline shift did delay this knowledge to the wider population, but apparently fate has decided this is going to happen. One way or another.”

  “Maybe we figure out the best way to reveal ourselves? A way that will make the humans less fearful of us.”

  He shot me a slow smile. “Like we turn into superheroes and start trying to save them?”

  I snorted. “Imagine Braxton in tights and a cape.”

  Louis laughed out loud. “He would shift into a dragon and chargrill anyone who suggested that.”

  We were outside of the imposing fences now, and I couldn’t help but turn back and stare into the huge white building. The armed forces were still lined up across the grass, watching us, waiting for us to completely leave. They were drawing a lot of attention from the humans walking past and gawking through the fence. We were getting just as many looks, and I knew they were wondering who the hell we were to require such a strong armed presence.

  Louis and I walked away casually, not doing anything to draw more attention to ourselves, and thankfully by the time we got a few blocks away no one was looking at us. Well, women were looking at Louis, but that was in the normal “there’s a six and a half foot supermodel dude with purple eyes” way, not in the “they’re terrorists” way.

  Louis made sure that we were completely out of sight before he opened the step-through back to Stratford. When we arrived, we went straight to the Compasses’ place. “Are they going to be angry?” I asked, already thinking of them as friends and family.

  Louis’ jaw tightened. “They won’t be angry, but they don’t like members of their family to be missing. They’ll want Jacob and Justice back.”

  When we got there, the others were waiting, and I knew Louis had called them. “Where’s Jake and Justice?” Jessa demanded as soon as we walked into their main living area. “Your message was confusing.”

  Louis told them everything, including the thinly veiled threats to use and abuse supernaturals to win human wars. I could feel the growing unease amongst them all.

  “Are there any weapons they have that would work against us?” Maximus asked, his voice rumbling as his fangs flashed. He was not a happy vampire right now. “I mean, just using my compulsion alone, I could control humans with ease. I’ve done it before. We can’t really have anything to fear from them, right?”

  “They outnumber us,” Mischa said softly, hugging her child clos
e to her chest. Lily was sound asleep, her perfect little face relaxed, completely oblivious to the worry in the room. “They outnumber us by a lot. Could sheer strength in numbers best us?”

  Louis laughed, and suddenly he had everyone’s attention again. His power trickled around in a swirl of icy energy, and on instinct, I wrapped my hand around his, pulling him back from the darkness. “Humans cannot best us, not even if they had ten billion more people than us. I could kill a million of them without even breaking a sweat. Elizabeth could probably kill two million. Whatever army they bring at us, they cannot win, but…” The silence was heavy. “We don’t want it to come to that. We don’t want to fight or enslave or control the humans. But the way they fear, and the way that fear makes them do stupid things … I’m mildly concerned about the future.”

  Grace seemed contemplative, her gentle features relaxed. “This might be a good thing. The president will see firsthand through Jake and Justice that we are much stronger than them and that we can’t be controlled.”

  “We should also visit them. A lot,” Jessa added, looking unhappy. “I don’t like the thought of not seeing them for three months.”

  I agreed with her. “He will allow them to return home at different times as well,” I reiterated, not sure if they missed that part in the discussion before.

  Some of the anger and tension faded from the group then, and they all relaxed. Braxton held the only awake child, Jackson, who was playing with a small dragon toy, waving it around.

  “So … what do we do now?” Tyson asked, pulling Grace to him. I noticed that all of the Compasses kept their mates close to them, especially during stressful times. We were the calm to these powerful men.

  Louis shot me a slow grin, and my blood started to heat. I smiled back. “Now we go about our normal lives. We wait and see. I’ll organize another meeting with all council members and elders. They need to be informed about what has happened, and then … we wait for the next demand.”

  Because we all knew there would be another one. The president would not give up his end goal so easily. Only time would tell.

  * * *

  Louis wrapped his hands over my eyes, and I laughed. It was such a happy, carefree sound, and part of me couldn’t believe my contentment.

  “Where are you taking me?” I asked, not really caring where it was as long as we were together.

  His hands blocked my eyes as he guided me forward. “You’ll see,” he murmured close to my ear, his lips grazing my neck and sending goose bumps across my skin.

  I was desperate for some alone time, and I was really hoping this place included a bed and … a bed, pretty much.

  The cold danced across my skin a moment later, and I smelled the familiar scent of my home. Louis lifted his hands, and I let out a happy sigh. “I’m surprised,” I said. “I didn’t think you’d bring me back here.”

  We were standing in front of my log cabin, and it looked absolutely beautiful in the low light. Pretty soon the sun would set and not rise again for months, and I loved the cozy half light of Alaska in winter.

  “This already feels like home to me,” he said softly. “I spent a lot of years coming up here, watching you live your life. Missing you.”

  My throat got tight and I couldn’t speak, but Louis understood, pulling me back into him and wrapping his arms around me. We stood like that for a few moments, until I couldn’t stand it any longer. I spun in his arms and threw myself at him. Our lips met, both of us desperate for the same thing. We might be on the brink of a war, but that didn’t mean we stopped living. No one knew how many days they had left on this world, and we had to live for each moment.

  I didn’t even realize Louis had lifted me until we were inside, my alarms all disabled by the powerful mage. I let out a low cry when he kissed down my neck and across the top of my breasts.

  “I’m going to need you to get more naked,” I said breathlessly, sending my magic out to strip us both. Louis groaned into my skin, and I could feel the hard length of him pressed against my stomach. We dropped down together onto my bed, and he didn’t let me go for a moment. His fingers traced along my body and slid across my center. As soon as he hit that spot, pleasure spiraled inside of me.

  I was ready. So ready.

  Louis lifted himself above me, our eyes meeting as emotions crashed inside. There was so much in that look. So much—

  “Love,” he said, reading my mind. “I love you, Tee. You’re my world, and I will make sure you’re always safe.”

  As he slid inside of me, a low sob choked out of me, and I reached up and threaded my fingers through his hair. “I love you too, Louis. No matter what life throws our way, we will always be together.”

  Further conversation was cut off as he loved me in ways I’d never felt before. Every touch carved his name further into my soul. The last time we’d been together, it had been fast and passionate and filled with a desperate need to sate our lust. This time … this was about love that went deeper than tragedy. Deeper than the lost years between us.

  This was our second chance love.

  Forever love.


  Stay Updated

  For a free copy of The Siren’s Alpha and to be signed up for exclusive content from my newsletter (including another serial free story), click here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/7godch557k

  Blurb: Every year Lettie makes the trip back to Hotel Paranormal - a hotel which is used exclusively by a multitude of supernatural beings. This is her one chance to release her glamour and spend time with her siren sisters.

  This year the wolves are there too. Including Axel, an alpha wolf, who leads his people with a iron fist and a darkly captivating presence.

  The last time they were at the hotel, Lettie and Axel spent one night together, and this year he plans on tracking her down again -the siren who sung a song around his soul.

  Only sirens don't settle and alphas don't mate outside their pack. There is no white picket fence in their future.

  It's a battle of the wills, with explosive chemistry, and two alpha supernaturals who will learn that above all else, love is worth fighting for.


  Wow! I mean, really, wow. I almost can’t believe I finally wrote Louis’s story. This has been a long time coming in the Supernatural Prison world, but I just couldn’t get his story out the way I wanted to. Until now.

  Louis and Tee, their story is decades in the making, and it was always hard for me to convey the emotions and history between them. Honestly, their love gave me both tears and goosebumps.

  I’m so grateful to all of the readers that have stuck with me since 2013 on this series. Following the lives of my favourite supes. It isn’t over now either, we still have Jacob’s story, and my new Supernatural Academy series is set in the same world (not with the same people etc, but same world building) so there is no need to say goodbye just yet.

  Thank you to my lovely editors and cover artist, for shining my words, and putting the most beautiful bow on the package. Tamara, Lee, and Liv … you absolutely rock!

  Thanks to my review team, for your love and enthusiasm. You’re part of my pack and I’m keeping you. No take backs.

  Thanks to Heather for tirelessly working to promote and support and inspire me. Your friendship means everything.

  Thanks to my Nerd Herd for being the most awesome group of humans on the planet. Legit. It’s science.


  About the Author

  Jaymin Eve is the Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling author of paranormal romance, urban fantasy, and sci-fi novels filled with epic love stories, great adventure, and plenty of laughs. She lives in Australia with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and a couple of crazy pets.


  Also by Jaymin Eve

  Supernatural Academy (Urban Fantasy/PNR)

  Year One (May 2019)

  Dark Elite Series (Dark contemporary high school romance)

  Book One: Broken Wings (March 2019)

  Book Two: Broken Trust (June 2019)

  Secret Keepers Series (Complete PNR/Urban Fantasy)

  Book One: House of Darken

  Book Two: House of Imperial

  Book Three: House of Leights

  Book Four: House of Royale

  Storm Princess Saga (Complete High Fantasy)

  Book One: The Princess Must Die

  Book Two: The Princess Must Strike

  Book Three: The Princess Must Reign

  Curse of the Gods Series (Complete Reverse Harem Fantasy)

  Book One: Trickery

  Book Two: Persuasion

  Book Three: Seduction

  Book Four: Strength

  Novella: Neutral

  Book Five: Pain

  NYC Mecca Series (Complete - UF series)

  Book One: Queen Heir

  Book Two: Queen Alpha

  Book Three: Queen Fae

  Book Four: Queen Mecca

  A Walker Saga (Complete - YA Fantasy)

  Book One: First World

  Book Two: Spurn

  Book Three: Crais

  Book Four: Regali

  Book Five: Nephilius

  Book Six: Dronish

  Book Seven: Earth

  Supernatural Prison Trilogy (Complete - UF series)

  Book One: Dragon Marked

  Book Two: Dragon Mystics

  Book Three: Dragon Mated

  Book Four: Broken Compass

  Book Five: Magical Compass

  Book Six: Louis

  Hive Trilogy (Complete UF/PNR series)

  Book One: Ash

  Book Two: Anarchy


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