First Contact

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by Karin De Havin

  Tokyo Academy-First Contact-Book One

  Karin De Havin

  9 Yards Publishing

  The Tokyo Academy Series

  Tokyo Academy-Reality Strikes is available for preorder click here!

  Also by Karin De Havin

  The Time is Forever Series (A YA Time Travel Romance)

  Jin In Time Part One

  Jin In Time Part Two

  Love In The Time Of Jin

  The Katran Legacy (A YA Dystopian Heaven Series)

  Nine Lives One

  Nine Lives Part Two

  Heavenly Returns

  Heavenly Discovery

  The Shifter Vampire Alliance (A YA Paranormal Romance)

  The Girl Chameleon Episode One

  The Artist Vampire Episode Two

  The Girl Chameleon Episode Three

  The Artist Vampire Episode Four

  The Girl Chameleon Episode Five

  The Artist Vampire Episode Six

  The Girl Chameleon Episode Seven

  The Supernatural Genie Academy Series (A YA Historical Fantasy)

  The Genie Academy Book One

  The Genie Academy Book Two

  The Genie Academy Book Three

  Tokyo Academy-First Contact Book One

  Copyright © 2020 by Karin De Havin

  Published by 9 Yards Publishing

  Cover design by Lilly Luchesi of Partners in Crime Services

  All rights reserved

  This book is the property of Karin De Havin, in all media both physical and digital. No one, except the owner of this property, may reproduce, copy or publish in any medium any of this book without the expressed permission of the author of this work.

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, places, brands, and events portrayed in this book are products of the author’s imagination. Any similarity to real persons, living

  This eBook is licensed for your enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people.



  1. The Aliens Has Landed

  2. Who Stole My Dream Family?

  3. Music Appreciation

  4. Missing in Action

  5. It Just Gets Better

  6. Laundry Blues

  7. Reality Check

  8. A Walk in the Park

  9. Monkey Breast A Go Go

  10. Oops—I Missed the Last Train

  11. The Doghouse

  Thank You from the Author

  An Excerpt of Tokyo Academy-Reality Strikes

  Chapter One

  About the Author

  To Dave: Thanks for making me yummy snacks while I write!

  To Roku: I know you are proud of having six toes and being a polydactyl kitty, but you don’t need to use them on me!


  Dear Erin,

  I’ve decided to forgive you for winning the Seda Academy scholarship I so rightly deserved. Since you owe me big time for getting your butt to Japan, here’s a little something I want you to do for me.

  Erin’s Japan must-do list:

  1. Get a fantastic rock star boyfriend. (Okay, any boyfriend.)

  2. Make some great new friends. Find a new me. (Wait, that’s impossible.)

  3. Chronicle all your adventures. Even bathroom visits. (I hear the toilets are

  high-tech awesomeness.)

  4. Study under a famous artist. (Learn more than how to clean brushes.)

  5. Eat something adventurous. (If it’s breathing, kill it!)

  6. Buy the latest Hello Kitty must-have item. (I know the kitty makes you

  nauseous but do it for me.)

  7. Japan is a very spiritual and mystical place. Open your eyes to the mysteries

  around you. (If you have a close encounter get a picture!)

  8. Last but not least, visit my relatives and search for anything interesting hidden

  in the family’s closet. (If it’s something dead, run!)

  I’ll be generous and give you six months to get everything done. If you

  procrastinate (your favorite pastime), your precious portrait series might just disappear.



  Chapter 1

  The Aliens Has Landed

  September 3, 1:30 PM

  I’d been in Tokyo less than an hour and already managed to get lost. Endless

  suitcase-toting commuters inch shorter than my five-foot-seven height marched ahead of me as I tried to retrace my steps down Tokai Boulevard. I held my hand up against the glare of the sun and searched the crowd for the navy blue and white uniform of the academy counselor. Nothing. No sign of my fellow American high school students either. I was the lone blonde standing in a mass of dark-haired figures.

  Why did Tori insist I open her letter the minute I set foot on my first Tokyo street corner? I stared at the list. The whole thing seemed impossible to get done in a year, let alone six months. She couldn’t be serious about doing something to my portrait paintings? Tori said she forgave me, right? To be safe, I better get working on the list ASAP.

  My mind reeled from the sheer volume of skyscrapers wearing their neon like fancy hats that lined Tokai Boulevard. A rush of adrenaline shot through me at the sight of more people in one place than I’d ever seen. So, this was Tokyo. I hadn’t been anywhere more exotic than Disneyland.

  I stuffed the list into my skinny jeans pocket and felt like I’d put on twenty pounds. People weren’t kidding when they said guilt was a heavy burden. The noise of so many people talking at once buzzed louder than the cafeteria at lunchtime. At the moment I had bigger problems than Tori’s list. Where were my classmates? I pushed my way forward, trying to keep from being knocked to the ground by the morning commuter crowd. Sweat formed rings around the straps of my backpack as I barely managed to hang on to my roller bag. This would have been a great time to have GPS—too bad I didn’t even have a cell phone. My mom thought living without my iPhone glued to my hand would be good for me. The downside of having shrinks as parents. Except I think she also had a monetary motivation. She knew I was going to miss Tori like crazy. Letting me keep my cell phone meant one thing—astronomical phone bills.

  The sweltering summer heat caused what little makeup I wore to trickle down my face. A woman stared as I wiped away what was left of my eye shadow. I wasn’t good with strangers, but I really needed to find my way to the academy. “Excuse me, do you speak English?”

  She shook her head as the mass of people rushed around us. “Ego no hansimasu.”

  So far, my luck in Japan was batting zero. I should have known things were about to change when I won the academy scholarship that should have gone to Tori.

  Before I could ask anyone else for directions, the crowd swept me up and pushed me towards a bank of vending machines. I fell into the arms of something cold and metallic—a robot Coke machine. When a man stopped in front of the contraption, I thought he wanted to help me. Instead, he reached into his pocket and put a few coins in a slot and a bottle of Coke popped out of the robot’s mouth. As I watched him guzzle down half the bottle, my mouth suddenly felt dry. Too bad all I had were dollars. Somehow, I could never bring myself to exchange money before I left Idaho. Yen in my wallet would have made the reality I was leaving home for a year unavoidable.

  I untangled myself from the machine and approached the man polishing off his Coke.

  “Excuse me, do you speak English?”

  He nodded his head. ” Oh great, because I’m lost, thirsty, and need to get to Seda Academy.”

  He nodded his head again and smiled. Then he turned on his heels and fled down the street. Why didn’t I learn more Japanese before I left home? I kicked the robot several times hoping a bottle would pop out. Nothing. At this rat
e, I’d never get a drink, let alone find the academy. Didn’t anyone in Tokyo speak English?

  I looked at the office buildings lining the street and realized I’d wandered off Tokai Boulevard. In fact, I couldn’t even find the name of the street. I sure wasn’t in Magic Valley anymore. The place where I’d been born and spent the last seventeen years had turned out to be anything but magical. But by the looks of Tokyo, my life was about to change big time. Could there be a fairy tale in my future?

  Lost and running out of options, I leaned against a cigarette machine and reached into my backpack for the paper that had the academy address. My hand hit the side of something plastic. I’d totally forgotten about the water bottle I bought at the airport back home.

  I ripped off the cap and was just about to take a big sip when a woman hit my shoulder, causing me to pour most of the bottle down the front of my shirt. A guy in the crowd whipped out his cell phone and leaned in for a close-up. I glanced at my soaking wet T-shirt with my black lace bra clearly visible and knew why a throng of commuters had begun circling me. Would I be plastered all over YouTube by dinnertime?

  Desperate for a place to hide, I dove through the mob and dashed beside a red kiosk, frantically wringing out my shirt. As I peeked out to make sure my audience had moved on, I stared down at a counter filled with super-sized chocolate bars with wonderful names like Lotte, Jade and Meiji. My frazzled nerves called out for a luscious dark candy bar.

  My mouth watered as I grabbed a Meiji bar from the top shelf. I’d never stolen anything before. I jumped when someone behind me said in perfect English, “You might want to try something smaller. Bigger doesn’t always mean better.”

  A Japanese guy a little older than me with a mop of long hair and a goatee blocked my way. Dressed in a black leather jacket and skinny jeans, all he needed was a guitar and the rocker look would be complete. I was speechless. This kind of guy never talked to me back home.

  He stretched out his hand. “Name’s Kenzo.”

  How strange. There was something so formal about shaking his hand. It was totally not a rocker move. More like something someone twice his age would do. “Erin… Um…American who’s totally lost,” I managed to squeak out.

  Just as I was about to let go of his hand, water dripped down my arm onto his fancy watch.

  “Hey, I know it’s a sizzling summer, but you’re soaked.”

  Terrific. He thinks I’m drowning in sweat. “I had a little accident with a water bottle.”

  His eyes moved up and down my body like a scanner. “I can see that.”

  Kenzo’s stare confirmed I still looked like a wet T-shirt contestant.

  “I’m headed to Seda Academy and got lost. I haven’t found anyone who can speak English to help me. Until…now.”

  “You don’t speak Japanese?”

  “Only five words.” I gave him a smile and said in Japanese, “Excuse me, eat pretty idiot.”

  A huge grin spread across Kenzo’s face. “Well, that’s a start.” He grabbed my roller bag. “Lucky for you I happen to know the way to the academy. I’ll be happy to take you.”

  His old school charm proved too hard to resist. I betted my eyelashes as if he’d just asked me to the prom. “Thanks. Can I ask for one more favor?”


  “I really want to get a Meiji bar, but I don’t have any yen.”

  “You sure aren’t very prepared.” Kenzo reached over and paid the clerk just as a flood of people descended on the kiosk. He grabbed my hand. “Let’s get out of here. Seems a lot more people need their chocolate fix.”

  Not only was he great to look at, but he also had a sense of humor. A lethal combination. Besides, he had number one on the list written all over him. We walked towards the swarm of commuters. An arm waved madly from across the street. The person broke through the crowd and the navy and white uniform was unmistakable—the academy counselor. I felt like I was five and had wandered away from my mother in the grocery store.

  “What are you doing? Come over here right now.” He glared at me as I raced across the street with Kenzo. “Mr. Ishigawa, I see you’ve managed to rescue one of my new students.”

  So, our meeting was more than a coincidence?

  Kenzo bowed in front of the counselor. “You know I’m always at your disposal, Mr. Shinji.”

  Who is this guy? He’s dressed like a rocker, but he acts like someone who works undercover for the academy.

  “Students, this is Kenzo Ishigawa.” A group of twenty American juniors hovered around the counselor. “You’ll be seeing a lot of him this semester. He’s our number one tour guide.”

  Talk about having your ego stomped on. I was totally right about Kenzo working for the academy. That confirms he didn’t hit on me at the Kiosk because I was cute. So much for a potential candidate for number one on the list.

  Kenzo waved to the students, and some of the girls sighed. “Thanks, Mr. Shinji.” He gave a broad smile to the girls in the group. “Looking forward to seeing you all on campus.”

  A brunette next to me whispered under her breath, “Me too.”

  Kenzo handed me a business card before he disappeared into the crowd. “Call me the next time you get lost.”

  With my sense of direction, he’d be getting a call sooner than he thought.

  Dripping with sweat after the hour commute, I stood inside the stifling heat of the Seda Academy gymnasium. A few minutes and several dozen raging hormone teen bodies ratcheted the temperature up to sauna-like proportions. Even worse, the gym smelled like a sweaty pair of Nikes. One of the academy staff handed me a packet full of maps and a handbook titled, “Everything You Need to Know About Japan.” The book fit in the palm of my hand. Way too small to answer half the questions I had already. I sat down next to two girls that looked like fellow seniors.

  Mr. Shinji walked to the center of the basketball court and clapped his hands. “Students, welcome to Seda Academy. I look forward to working with you for the next year. Will you please stow your belongings in one of the available lockers and then get some lunch?” He scanned the bleachers until he recognized me. “Please stay close to campus. We don’t want to have another lost student episode. Then come back to the gymnasium and wait for your host family to pick you up.”

  Was he going to keep nagging me about getting lost?

  Compelled to capture my first moments at the academy, I reached down to get my sketchbook out of my backpack at the same time as my benchmate crossed her legs—her foot just grazing my forehead.

  “Oops, sorry.” She gave me a shy smile. “My name’s Gina Tanaka.” She pointed to the girl sitting next to her. “And this is Setsuko Katani. We’re both juniors at Bellmore Academy in San Francisco. Better known as Japanese-American paradise.”

  Gina could have easily been a model with her tall lanky body and mirror perfect long hair.

  I gave her a weak smile. “Erin Van Horn. Senior at Elkridge Prep in the Spud State.”

  Setsuko sat on the bleacher looking away with her arms crossed. Maybe she was having second thoughts about the bright pink ruffled outfit she had on. Tori and I had laughed our asses off when we saw the same pink fashion disaster on the cover of Seventeen Magazine.

  Gina looked down sheepishly. “Sorry about my big feet. We were just talking about stashing our stuff and heading out to grab a bite and look for cute guys. Would you like to join us? I have to warn you, I’m addicted to Joyful Meals.”

  Setsuko rolled her eyes. “I can’t think of anything more stupid than coming all the way to Japan just to eat at Heavenly B’s. Even if it’s filled with hot guys.”

  Gina shrugged her shoulders. “What’s wrong with a little Joyful Meal addiction along with some eye candy?”

  I had a sudden pang of homesickness. I missed Tori already. She used to drag me to Heavenly Burgers to buy Joyful Meals too. I thought once she hit sixteen the habit would stop. Wrong. Why didn’t the school have two scholarships? I turned towards Gina as she chatted away with Sets
uko. The last thing I wanted to be was a third wheel. Growing up with twin sisters, I’d been one my whole life. “Thanks for the invite, but I think I’ll stay here. I’m totally jet lagged.”

  Setsuko picked up her purse. “No problem. Guess we’ll see you around the academy.”

  Gina ignored her friend. “Come on. The least I can do is buy you lunch after I almost knocked you out.” She kicked her friend in the ankle. “Right, Setsuko?”

  Setsuko tried to hide the look of disappointment on her face by playing with her shoulder-length hair. “Ah…sure.”

  My instincts told me to stay put. Setsuko had cheerleader written all over her. I instinctively hid my sketchbook. Back home, the Elkridge Aristocrats made it clear they thought artists were almost as low as techno geeks by the mustaches they drew on our artwork. “Really, guys. Thanks so much. I’m good.”

  Setsuko almost pranced out the door. Gina wouldn’t let it go. She came over to where I stood and looped her arm through mine. ” Don’t be silly. You’re coming with us.”

  Besides, Setsuko speaks fluent Japanese. We have a built-in translator.”

  I hung on to Gina’s arm while she steered through the crowd, making sure we didn’t lose sight of Setsuko as we searched for the elusive golden halo that hung over every Heavenly Burger. Fate was giving me a helping hand with number two on the list. Besides, a new set of friends would come in handy in a strange new place. Especially since Setsuko could speak Japanese.

  After walking several blocks, we hadn’t struck gold yet. If Gina was anything like Tori, we better find it fast.


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