Inside Affair

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Inside Affair Page 16

by Ella Frank

  It was new, a little strange, and a whole lot overwhelming. But when he flattened his palm against my abdomen and shoved me away from the stove, there was no way I was about to stop him. I’d wanted this from the second I’d heard his bedroom door open this morning, and when my ass came up against the kitchen island, I took a nice, long look at him.

  Dressed for the blistering heat forecasted for today, Xander was in a cool white shirt and a pair of shorts that molded so well to his body that I had no problem making out his erection. I was aware that should probably freak me the fuck out, but it didn’t. Not with the way he was looking at me.

  “It seems,” I said, finally getting back to Xander’s original question, “everything about you makes me hard these days.”

  Xander licked his bottom lip, and I nodded.

  “Yeah, especially that. Don’t ask me when it changed or why I can’t stop thinking about anything other than your mouth. But fuck me, it’s the truth.”

  Xander angled his head so he was looking up at me, and I wondered how I’d gone through life not realizing just how perfect his face was.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Sure that I want to kiss you again?”

  Xander looked me directly in the eye. “If that’s all there is to it, then yes—”

  “It’s not.” The words were out of my mouth before I could think them through. But ever since he’d stepped into the kitchen, I’d been craving a reconnection that had nothing to do with a kiss and everything to do with being as close to him as I could physically get. “I mean, the kissing is part of it. I feel like I’d walk through a fire to kiss you again. But it’s more than that, and I think you know it. Otherwise you wouldn’t be worried about this getting so…complicated.”

  “Right.” His fingers crept under my shirt, and when they touched my skin and I sucked in a breath, Xander asked, “And this? Are you sure you want me touching you like this?”

  There was more to that question than what he’d just asked. Xander wanted to know if I was okay with a man touching me. It’d been one of the main reasons he’d put a stop to this last night, and I couldn’t blame him.

  Two weeks ago I never could’ve imagined having this conversation. But something had changed in that time. Being this close to Xander felt like second nature, allowing a transition from friend to much more to be easier than I had ever expected.

  But how was he supposed to know that unless I told him? Unless I showed him exactly what I was feeling.

  I shoved away from the counter and turned us until he was up against it. Then I took his chin again and lowered my head until my lips were ghosting over his. “Why don’t you touch me again, and I’ll let you know.”

  Xander’s eyes blazed as he drew his fingers across the tight skin of my stomach.

  “Oh yeah, I definitely want you to keep doing that.”

  Xander’s lips curved, and the smile was so sensual I had to brace my hands on the counter behind him to keep my legs from giving out under me.

  “You do, do you?”

  “Fuck yes.”

  He leaned forward a fraction and placed his lips against my jaw. “And what about this? Do you like this?” He slid his hands up my torso, my shirt moving up with them, as he began to kiss and bite his way along my jaw line.

  I pressed my fingers into the granite countertop as he continued to tease and torment me, and fuck, never had I been so close to falling at someone’s feet. He moved in to kiss behind my ear, and when his hands slid around to my back and down to my ass, I had to grind my teeth together to control myself.

  “Sean,” he said, then Xander raised his head, flames flickering in his eyes. As our lower bodies bumped up against each other, I ground myself on him, and the hard pressure against my aching shaft was the best thing I’d felt in my life.

  “Convinced I want this yet?”

  Xander wrapped his arms around my neck and rocked into me. “Nearly.”

  I growled against his lips and reached for his hips, still wanting him closer. When he raised a leg to wrap it around one of my thighs, an idea struck. I smoothed my hands down to the back of his legs so I could get a good grip, and then I lifted him up onto his counter.

  When his ass hit the granite, Xander spread his legs wide, and I gripped his waist to tug him as close to the edge of the counter as possible.

  Xander smoothed his hands down over my chest and slowly shook his head. “Damn, I really wish you didn’t feel this good.”

  “It’s a bad thing?”

  “No. It’s a frustrating thing. But I’m done pretending, Sean. I’m done trying to hide how I feel around you. I want you. I’ve wanted you for days now. But I don’t want to rush you into anything.”

  “You’re not.”

  He chuckled and then nipped at my lower lip, and I couldn’t stop my groan. “Maybe not right now, but if we keep going, I will.”

  His raspy tone made my knees feel weak, not to mention all that he was implying, and just as I was about to ask him for specifics, the lights in the kitchen flickered.

  Xander frowned and looked up at the three that hung over the counter. “It must be the heat. They said it would be bad today—”

  “I don’t care about that.” And I really didn’t. I wanted to know where he would push me if we kept on with the kissing.



  Xander laughed, and the sound did crazy things to my already tripping heart.

  “You might change your mind if you get stuck in the elevator.”

  “Not if I get stuck with you.”

  As he gave me a thorough once-over, my cock stood up tall and paid really close attention. Oh yeah, there was no doubt about who it wanted to be stuck with.

  “Are you flirting with me?”

  Unbelievable as it was, my cheeks heated at Xander’s question. I went to step away so he wouldn’t see he was right, but he wound his legs around the backs of my thighs and grabbed onto my hands.

  “Wait, are you blushing?”

  There was no way I was admitting to that. “No.”

  “Yes, you are.”



  When I glared at him, Xander arched a brow, and the move was so uppity, so him, that I found myself reaching out and tracing my finger over it just because I could.

  “Why are you embarrassed?”

  “I don’t know, it’s just…” I let out a sigh. “I don’t do this kind of thing.”

  “What, flirting? Hmm.” Xander pulled me back in close to him. “Well, I liked it. The flirting and the blushing.”

  I gave him a pointed look, and Xander grinned and slid down off the counter. He placed a hand on my chest and said, “I also kind of like that grumpy Detective Dick isn’t all that grumpy around me.”

  “I don’t know about that. You keep up with this kissing and stopping bullshit and I might get grumpy real quick.”

  Xander slipped out from between me and the counter and snagged a piece of bacon, then he looked down to my still-erect cock.

  “I don’t think so. But if that happens, a simple kiss should cure the problem. As far as I can tell, they make you much more agreeable.”

  “Uh-huh, except there was nothing simple about that kiss.”

  “You’re right,” he said, and then stepped out into the hall. “That’s why I’m going to go and do some work. But I’m really glad we had this little…talk.”

  As he went to walk off, I quickly moved out in the hallway and shouted, “That’s it?”

  Xander looked back at me and grinned. “Definitely not. But it was a really good start.”

  He then bit into his bacon and disappeared down the hall, and the second he was gone, everything became crystal clear.

  I wanted Alexander Thorne, and by some miracle of fate, he wanted me right back.



  “WANT TO GET out of here for a bit?”

  I looked up to see Sean in the entry
way of the seating area I’d run away to earlier. I wondered how long he’d been waiting to come and ask me that.

  I loved this space. It was at the east end of the building, and in the winter it benefited from all the warmth of the morning sun. This morning, however, I had the shades drawn. I was curled up in a plush oversized chair with my feet propped up on the matching ottoman, and as Sean walked into the room, I saved the document I was working on and looked up from my laptop.

  “Get out of here? There’s a heatwave going on today. Did you miss the memo?”

  “No, but I thought you might want to take a walk or something before it gets too hot. You know, get some fresh air.”

  My lips twitched. Not because it was a bad suggestion, but because the last thing I could ever imagine Sean wanting was to go for a walk to get some “fresh air.”

  “Feeling a little cooped up?” I asked as I closed the laptop and slid it onto the table beside me.

  “Hard to feel cooped up in this place. But it’s a nice day, and I thought you might want to get outside for a bit before you head in tonight.”

  That was a nice enough answer, but I thought this was more about spending time together than heading outside for a stretch. Sean missed me, and I had to admit, I missed him too.

  I smiled at the thought, and as I got to my feet, I noticed he was holding a book.

  “You read?”

  Sean lifted the novel and then smirked. “No need to sound so shocked. I can do basic math, too.”

  My mouth fell open, and when Sean chuckled, I shook my head. “I didn’t mean it like that.”


  “No. I guess I didn’t expect it, that’s all.” When Sean just stood there staring at me—or judging my, what did he call them? Upper-class ways—I snatched the book from his hand.

  When I flipped it over and caught sight of The Stand, I raised a brow. “Stephen King, huh?”

  “Yep. It’s one of my favorites. I love the epic battle of good versus evil in a post-apocalyptic setting, and the plethora of well-developed characters is just mind-blowing. I’ve read it several times now. Both versions.”

  Completely and utterly gob-smacked, I stood there for a moment trying to reconcile this Sean with the one I’d grown up with. But I was starting to realize that those two people were very different. Or maybe they’d just never been in my presence at the same time before now.


  “Sorry. I’m…” I paused and tapped my fingers on the front cover of the book. “I’m just trying to wrap my head around the fact that you used the word plethora in a sentence.”


  I was. I was also ashamed that I’d had such a narrow-minded view of him. What other secrets was Sean hiding? “Maybe a little.”

  “Bullshit.” Sean grabbed the book out of my hand and tossed it on the couch. “You’re totally fucking impressed. Admit it.”

  His smug smile was hard to refuse, but I bit down on the inside of my cheek and tried for my most serious expression. “I’m innocent, detective. I swear.”

  Sean’s eyes darkened and my blood began to hum. Then he stepped in close to me and reached for my hand. When his fingers interlaced with mine, my breath got caught in my throat.

  “Come for a walk with me.”

  How could I refuse? I glanced at the clock over on the wall; it was just going on ten. “Okay. But we can’t be gone long. I have to get back to head in—”

  “By eleven. I know your schedule, anchorman. I’ll get you where you need to go on time.”

  My stomach flipped at this new nickname Sean had been using around me the past couple of days, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like it.

  I did…a lot.

  “Then let’s go. There’s this little place on the corner that I always—”

  “No,” Sean interrupted, which made me automatically bristle.


  “No. When are you going to understand that you can’t go to the places you always go, Xander? Which reminds me, we need to have a talk about who can, and cannot, come here while this is all going on.”

  I tried not to take the dressing down to heart, but the condescending tone after such a personal moment made my hackles rise. “Oh? And who might that be?”

  Sean eyed me for a beat, my frosty response clearly making him second-guess his approach. But then he seemed to decide: in for a penny, in for a pound.

  “No fucking one, that’s who. It’s just you and me until this is all over.”

  Right. Pulling my hand free, I narrowed my eyes and said, “I think I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want to go for that walk after all.”

  As I went to step around him, Sean reached out and grabbed my wrist, hauling me back to face him.

  “Why are you so mad?”

  “Why are you such a…dick?”

  Sean’s jaw twitched. “I’m just trying to keep you safe. And letting people into your house right now is—”

  “Stupid, I know. Don’t you think I’m aware of what an idiot I was yesterday? Trust me, I got that loud and clear. But it’s hard to readjust your habits and your life with a snap of your fingers.”

  I let out a sigh. “I’m trying, Sean. I really am. But sometimes I forget things like letting my front desk guy bring up a flower delivery, or going to the corner park near my building…”

  “That’s why I’m here.” Sean gently tugged me back to him and grazed his thumb over the back of my hand. “If you’re not sure of something, wait for my cue.”

  My heart thumped at his gentle tone and sincerity. “And what’s this cue?”

  Sean looked down at our hands and shrugged. “I don’t know. Sorry I’m a jackass?”

  I chuckled. “That works.”

  “I just want you safe. I need you safe, Xander.”

  A shiver raced up my spine as we stood there toe to toe, and I knew if we didn’t get out of there, things were going to go from zero to sixty in a heartbeat. He was too close, he smelled too good, and the look in his eyes spoke of things I knew he wasn’t ready for just yet—no matter how convincing he might be otherwise.

  “I’m sorry I worried you yesterday.” I gently pulled my hand free. “I promise to think first and act later.”

  As I took a step back, Sean smirked. “Is that what you’re doing now?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Are you thinking before you act?” Sean moved toward me, and I took several steps back. “Or maybe you’re running so you don’t act.”

  “I’m not running anywhere. But if we don’t leave now, this little walk of yours isn’t going to happen.”

  It was a good enough answer, but I could tell by Sean’s smug look that he didn’t buy it for a second. That was too bad, however—it was the only answer he was going to get, because if I stayed here any longer, I couldn’t be held responsible for what I did next.



  “HEY, MAC, IT’S Sean. Is Nichols there?”

  Around fifteen minutes later, I found myself waiting outside a small boutique bakery three blocks west of Xander’s building, with the phone glued to my ear and my eyes scanning the street.

  Xander’s morning jogs usually took him up east, where there was a small park and a coffee vendor he frequented. But after discovering this little gem and seeing the delicious goodies inside, I had a feeling he would be putting in a few extra miles when he was back to his usual routine, just to make sure he passed by this place on the way back.

  “Sean?” Nichols barked through the phone, and I focused my attention back on the reason I was calling.

  Nichols was a buddy of mine back at the precinct, and had been helping me out by digging a little deeper on the car’s license plate from the attempted hit-and-run. He’d also agreed to attend tomorrow’s award ceremony, and for that, I’d owe him.

  “Yeah, it’s me. Listen, I was wondering if you could take a look at something for me today. This fucker showed up again yesterday.”
  “You’ve got to be kidding me. That’s twice in one week.”

  “Three times, actually. Seems I’m pissing him off.”

  “Well, we all have our strengths. Pissing people off is definitely one of yours. Of course I’ll help. Just know I’m writing all this shit down for an IOU later.”

  I didn’t doubt it for a second. “Florist shop. The Crimson Petal. Some flowers were delivered yesterday from there, but when I called the number on it, they said they closed at noon. I mean, who closes at noon on a Thursday? I don’t know. But could you go over there and check it out for me? I’d do it myself, but—”

  “You’ve got to keep your eye on your guy, I know.”

  My stomach did a somersault, and I quickly thought back over my words to see if I’d said something to make Nichols think Xander was more to me than just a client.

  I mean, he was, but—my guy? He wasn’t mine… Fuck. Stop reading into it. “That is the job.”

  “A lucrative one too, huh? Everyone’s buzzing about you taking care of the golden boy of the news world.”

  They were? Great, that was just what I needed. “Well, tell everyone to mind their own fucking business. Someone’s threatening his life. How would they feel if they were in his position and people were busy gossiping about them instead of giving a shit?”

  “Jesus, Sean. Calm down. All I meant was that they wished they were the ones trailing him. You’re gonna have a nice retirement egg after this. They’re jealous.”

  Fuck that. I wasn’t doing this for the money, and the idea that anyone would think that I was—that Xander might think that—made me want to punch something.

  “Can you check out the florist or not?”

  “Yeah, text me the address and what you want to know. I’ll call you later today with what I find out.”

  I muttered a quick goodbye and then turned to look in the window of the bakery, where Xander was now perusing the baked goods behind the glass display.

  There were three other people inside the place with him: a woman stocked shelves at one end, while a young man behind the counter refilled the little cake boxes on the back shelf, and sitting at one of the small tables and chairs was the only other customer, a man who looked to be closing in on his seventies.


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