Saving Their Trainer

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Saving Their Trainer Page 3

by Nikki Dean

  But it was hard to find a woman that was into anything like that. He’d never even tried taking one to a sex club, and he’d never really connected with any of the girls that he’d met there. He thought that having an open relationship could work but surprisingly enough, most of the women he’d dated didn’t really want him tagging along on the “open” part. They were either too self-conscious to let him watch, or afraid someone would get jealous, or a million other reasons.

  The only real girlfriend he’d had eventually agreed to add another guy to their relationship in an effort to fulfill Bentley’s needs, but she ended up liking the other guy more and they eventually went solo. Bentley couldn’t shake the feeling that it was his own fault that she had eventually left - hell, she’d even told him as much. He put too much pressure on her to perform during sex, giving him something interesting to watch instead of just enjoying herself. Plus Bentley was happy to participate when she asked, but was just as happy watching from the sidelines. She eventually said she didn’t want to be stared at so much, and he’d stuck to watching porn after that.

  But if Greg and Abel wanted Allie too, and she was into them… Well, that opened up a lot of possibilities. They seemed like OK guys, and thinking about watching Allie with not only one other guy but two had him sporting a painful hard-on.

  For real. The bulge in his jeans was ridiculous, and he was glad no one else was there yet, so he could reach down and pull his cock up, laying its hard length along his belly, where it nearly peeked out of his waistband. It was much more comfortable that way, as long as he kept his boxers pulled up over it too.

  He’d learned a few tricks over the years.

  Still, that didn’t mean he wanted his dick showing if his shirt rode up, so he tried to think of anything except watching Greg and Abel spit-roast their trainer, one cock in her pussy and the other in her mouth.

  Bentley groaned, leaning his head back against his headrest. “Think about anything else, Crensen. Literally anything else besides Allie. Think about her ex, or her dog, or what we’re going to get at her apartment. Dog bowls, chewy toys, balls, anything that could indicate that she has a pet living there that the leasing office doesn’t know about. Focus on helping her, not fantasizing about her.”

  A loud bang on the side of his truck had him jerking his head up in surprise. Greg and Abel stood there grinning, then came to his passenger door and opened it.

  “Is Trevor here yet?” Greg asked as he climbed in to sit in the middle seat. He wiggled his ass into the cushion and elbowed Abel. “How come you don’t buy me nice things like this?”

  “Shut up, dick,” was Abel’s only response.

  Bentley grinned. They were exactly like the friends he’d always wanted, but hadn’t gotten because his father kept them on the road a lot while Bentley was a kid. Even though they had money now, it hadn’t always been that way, and they had earned every dime through his father’s startup architecture firm. That being said, the old man had dragged his family along to live with him in whatever city he got a job, designing and overseeing some of the most amazing high rises in the States, then moved on to the next project afterwards.

  His mom had been less than thrilled and basically refused to have another kid until they put down some roots somewhere. That finally happened when Bentley was eleven years old, and his parents had three more children.

  Leaving him to basically act as their babysitter and occasional third parent while the kids all grew up together. He was glad they existed, don’t get him wrong, but it would’ve been nice to have a built-in friend when he was little, too. Instead, he had learned to rely on himself.

  Just himself.

  But these guys? They could be cool. He’d ask if they wanted to come over for drinks or go out after they delivered Allie’s stuff to her. Maybe she’d even come along, too. That thought in mind, he checked the clock. It was 4:25, where on earth was Trevor?

  Almost on cue, a leaner guy came up to the driver’s side window. He looked a little older than them, but could be the right guy. If Trevor was some kind of psycho with a seriously unsettling stare, that was. His gaze seemed to bore into the dark tinting and Bentley elbowed Greg to get his attention before he rolled the window down.

  “Is that him?” Greg asked. “Dude looks a little creepy, staring you down like that.”

  “I don’t know, I haven’t met him before. Hey, if he stabs me, you run over him, OK?”

  Greg laughed. “Deal.”

  Bentley rolled down the window. “Yeah?”

  “You Bentley? I’m Trevor. Sorry I’m late.”

  Bentley nodded as he checked the time again. It was only 4:27. “Nah man, it’s all good. You’re not late. You wanna get in?” He hit the button to release the locks, expecting Trevor to climb into the extended cab’s backseat.

  “It’s cool, I can just ride in the back. You know where we’re going?”

  “Just the complex. I was gonna tell the leasing office I have flowers or something for her.” He nodded at the bouquet in the backseat that he’d picked up in case the others didn’t know the address either.

  “Save ‘em for when we see her. Her apartment is 236C, building 23, second floor.”

  “All right, man. Hop in wherever you want, but we should go pretty soon,” Bentley said as he started the truck.

  Trevor nodded and went to the back, then vaulted over the side of the truck. The other guys just stared at him, impressed.

  “He didn’t even use the tailgate,” Greg whispered loudly. “Can he fly?”

  Bentley rolled up the window. “The truck has a lift kit installed, so it’s taller than most. That was a really good jump.”

  “I wonder how he knows where she lives,” Abel mused. Bentley was discovering that while Abel rarely spoke, the times he did were usually to point out something important. “Do you think he’s been over to her place before? Or figured it out some other way? I doubt she’d invite him when she was still dating Xander.”

  “You think he followed her some time?” Greg asked uncomfortably. “He gave me a weird vibe, but I don’t think he’d hurt her.”

  “I doubt it,” Bentley said uneasily. “But I know what you mean. I didn’t get a malicious feeling from him, or anything like he’s after Allie.”

  “Not like us, you mean,” Greg joked. “We called dibs on her first, man.”

  Bentley lifted an eyebrow and Greg scowled. “Not like that. We’re going to take her out, show her a good time and make sure she has fun. She’s been upset a lot over this douche she was dating.”

  “That’s fine with me, I’ll just sit and watch,” Bentley shot back, testing the waters. Greg laughed and elbowed him while Abel glanced at him from the corner of his eye.

  “If she’d even be into it, of course. I just want to know someone’s treating her well after all she’s done for us. She deserves it, and if that means she wants you two or just one of you or all three of us, or fuck, throw Trevor in too, it’s whatever. She deserves to be happy,” Bentley muttered.

  “I’ll agree to that,” Abel nodded decisively. “But do you mean like a relationship, or just fucking around a bit?”

  “Whatever she wants. I’m not a jealous person. I’ve been on my own a lot.”

  “Hell, we don’t get jealous either, huh, Abel? We’ve been around the block a few times so it’s all good. Long as the lady is happy, who cares, right?” Greg said with delight. “Gotta say though, man, I’m surprised to hear that you’d be down. I figured you’d be one-on-one only, no extra guys.”

  Bentley took his time answering as he turned down the street that would lead them to Allie’s complex. “Yeah, well, sometimes people will surprise you.”

  “That is the truth,” Greg replied as he leaned back with a happy smile. “Now we just gotta get Allie on board.”

  “But first we have to deal with her cocksucker of an ex,” Abel grumbled. “I guess we’re lucky he’s such an asshole though, or she never would’ve accidentally emailed us to begin

  “Hey, there’s nothing wrong with sucking cock,” Greg protested as Bentley parked the truck in front of her building. “Don’t act like you don’t like it.”

  Abel elbowed him again, making him grab his ribs. The door was already open and Trevor was standing outside, lifting his eyebrows at the conversation.

  “You got a problem?” Abel growled.

  Trevor gave him an evaluating once-over, then shrugged. “Nah, I don’t care who sucks your dick. But I wouldn’t advise trying to coerce Allie into it, unless she wants to. Don’t think I’ll let you try to use this to your advantage if you just want to get into her pants and break her heart.”

  “You don’t know me, what the fuck do you think you’re doing making some kinda statement like that?” Abel demanded, taking a step forward.

  The edges of Trevor’s mouth kicked up in a shit-eating grin. “You wanna do something about it?”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, no one is going to try to make Allie do anything, or talk her into anything! She’s awesome and none of us would try to make her feel like she owes us anything!” Greg shoved his way in between them and held the other two guys apart. “It’s not like that, man.”

  “It better not be.”

  “Why? You gonna ask her out, now that she’s single?” Bentley asked. “And how’d you know where she lives? You been here before?”

  “Nah, I’m not really the relationship type. I’m not in college like the rest of you, I work in the oilfield and I leave a lot. I could get a call and be on a rig tomorrow, then be gone the next six weeks. It’s unfair to expect a woman to be OK with that.”

  “That’s understandable, but doesn’t really explain how you knew where she lives,” Abel reminded him.

  “Facebook. I went looking after I got your email, since I figured this wasn’t exactly something you ran by her first. She’s got pictures of her and Daisy, her dog, all over her wall. One of them had her door in it and you could see the apartment number. Not a smart move if she’s trying to keep the dog a secret, but whatever. At least her caption didn’t say it was hers, so she could always play it off,” Trevor said with a shrug. “So what’s our plan here? You two are about the size of the truck, and you’re not exactly small either. What do you guys do, anyway?”

  “Abel and I are linebackers for the Wildcats, which is how we met Allie. She offered to train us for credits in one of her classes,” Greg replied. “How do you know her?”

  “And you?” Trevor ignored the question and looked at Bentley.

  “I’m a wrestler and do martial arts on the side. Allie took a few trial classes at my jujitsu dojo and we started talking. She offered to train me so she got credits, too. You?” He purposefully left out his actual job, which was helping to manage real estate investments with his dad’s mutual fund.

  Trevor nodded as though their answers were acceptable. “One of my friends used to use her for personal training and referred me. She pulled some strings and put me in the train-for-credits thing even though I’m not a student. I guess she felt bad for me because I’m a veteran.”

  “Oh, yeah? What branch?” Abel asked.

  “Navy. I was training to become a SEAL and blew out both of my knees in a stupid accident. So I had the option to do a desk job or just not reenlist, and I took the second. Allie’s good people, though, and tries to take care of me. She’s way better than the rehab place I went to.”

  “Yeah, she’s the best trainer I’ve ever had too,” Bentley agreed. “She knows what she’s doing. So, I was thinking we just knock on the door and tell him to get out before we make him. He can’t call the cops on us because he’s technically not even supposed to live there,” Bentley said. “We’re just here for Allie’s stuff right now, and the dog so she can have him evicted through the leasing office.”

  Trevor nodded. “Or we can just make him leave.”

  “I don’t know how she’ll feel about that. She doesn’t know we’re here.”

  Trevor shrugged. “Then we’ll just make sure he doesn’t want to stay.”

  Chapter 5

  Greg and Abel went to the door first and pounded on it until Xander cracked it open just enough to see who was there. The security chain stopped them when Greg went to push it open.

  “Get the fuck out of here,” Xander ordered.

  “Why don’t you? We’re just here for Allie’s stuff since you’re too much of a shit-for-brains to let her get it on her own. Open the door,” Greg demanded.

  “Fuck off.”

  Xander slammed the door in their faces and they heard whining on other side. “Shut up, mutt!”

  “And he’s a dick to the dog? Oh, no, he’s gonna pay,” Greg cracked his knuckles as Bentley came up behind them, reached through and knocked again.

  It took a minute of determined pounding, but Xander finally opened cracked the door again. “I said fuck off.” His eyes widened a bit when he saw the third behemoth standing on the doorstep, but he didn’t undo the security lock.

  “Look man, we just want to get Allie’s stuff, then we’ll leave,” Bentley said loudly. “Don’t be a dick. What could you possibly want with her clothes anyway?”

  Xander slammed the door.

  A neighbor opened their door, looked out, gave a thumbs-up and promptly closed the door again.

  “Looks like the neighbors don’t like him either,” Abel said with a grin. “They’ll probably be glad when he leaves.”

  “He’ll open it in a minute,” Trevor said, making everyone jump. “Just wait.”

  “What the fuck, man?” Greg demanded, turning to stare at the last member of their little group. Trevor sat perched on the railing, his knees near his shoulders like some kind of Batman wannabe. They each looked at him, shook their head and turned back to the door.

  Greg reached up to knock again.

  “Just wait for it,” Trevor said again. “Give him a minute.”

  All of a sudden, the door jerked open, revealing an irate Xander standing behind it. His hair stuck up in all directions and there were weird orange stains on his shirt, which Greg immediately identified as Cheeto dust.

  “What the fuck did you do to the internet, you assholes?” Xander demanded.

  Trevor twirled a screwdriver through his fingers. “Must have been disconnected somehow. You should probably have the person whose name is on the account call your service provider.”

  Xander glared and crossed his arms over his not-insubstantial chest. All four of the guys on the porch grinned and mimicked him, including Trevor from his perch.

  “Fine. Whatever, fucking take her stuff. But don’t touch my shit.”

  “Take the dog for a walk if you want the internet turned back on. We’re taking Daisy to Allie’s new place with us.”

  “Her new place with you? All of you? What the fuck, now I know you’re lying. She’s frigid, always too tired from working out and shit to do anything fun.”

  “Ha,” Greg said as he pushed his way into the apartment, not bothering to correct Xander’s mistaken assumption. “That’s just because you’re useless. Man, you need to clean this place up, it’s a wreck, and it smells like shit.”


  “So, if you leave so much as one stain on the carpet that might keep Allie from getting her safety deposit back, I’m coming for you,” Trevor said menacingly. “And then I’m going to make sure your entire family and all of your friends know what a dipshit you are.”

  “You don’t know my family, or my friends,” Xander scoffed. “What are you going to do?”

  Trevor rattled off some names, watching Xander’s face go white. “And don’t think I won’t tell your new chick that you’ve been cheating on her the whole time, too. It’s pretty fucking obvious.”

  “No, I haven’t!”

  “Holy shit, you’re right,” Abel said. “It’s written all over his face. Bet the other side chick is on his Facebook too, isn’t she?”

  Xander’s eyes slid away as he tried to protest again.<
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  “Just get the leash and take Daisy for a walk. You don’t fuck with us and we won’t fuck with you. We’re only here for Allie’s stuff. Got it?” Trevor snarled, then grabbed Xander’s wrist when he went to grab his phone, as well. “Leave it. It’ll still be here when you get back, but I don’t want you calling your friends for backup. This will get real bad for all of you if you do.”

  Xander glared, but did as he was told and left the phone. He snapped the leash to Daisy’s collar and all but dragged the poor dog out of there.

  “Was any of that true?” Greg asked hesitantly. “I mean, I’m not OK with him cheating on the next girl, even though he probably is, but how’d you know about his family?”

  Trevor rolled his eyes. “The douchebag has a fake Facebook account and pictures up with a bunch of girls. I found it poking around last night, and figured she might need the ammunition to get her place back peacefully. Then you guys emailed and I decided this would be more fun.”

  “All right, sounds good.” Abel opened the cabinet under the sink and grabbed several trash bags, then a box of random stuff that was by the wall. He dumped out the junk and tossed the box to his roommate. “Greg, do your thing, everyone else, take a bag and fill it with anything you think she’ll need for the next few days.”

  They all agreed and made short work of the place. Abel went straight to her closet and grabbed as many of her clothes as he could, plus any shoes he thought she might want. Her dresser was next and he emptied it into another trash bag.

  Bentley had gone for the bathroom and was grabbing her toiletries - shampoo, conditioner, soap, shaving stuff, makeup and anything else that looked feminine. He opened the cabinet and found a box of tampons and pads, and threw that in too. Greg came in beside him with another trash bag and began throwing everything else into it, including the Axe two-in-one body wash and shampoo bottle that was clearly not Allie’s.

  “What are you doing?” Bentley asked.

  “Taking out the trash, of course. Is there anything else under there that Xander might use to bathe with? I want him to pay for how he’s treating our girl, one way or another.”


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