Saving Their Trainer

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Saving Their Trainer Page 9

by Nikki Dean

  “Don’t worry, princess, we’ll do it again soon,” Greg promised as he pressed his hips against her ass one last time, then pulled himself free. He made sure to wipe most of the lube from her skin, taking special care with her sore backside before cleaning himself up.

  “You promise?” she asked, earning a laugh from each of them.

  “Absolutely,” Trevor replied as he leaned down to kiss her cheek. He ran a hand over the smooth arch of her back, then squeezed one of her hips. “I’d love to try it out too, if you’re up for it sometime.”

  “I think that can be arranged,” she replied. “But what about Bentley? All you got was half of a blowjob,” Allie realized with a twinge of regret.

  “Don’t worry about me, I’m fantastic,” Bentley drawled, still lying on his back. “I don’t think you could move even if you wanted to, and honestly watching you come that many times made it perfect for me. I’m sure I’ll get plenty of opportunities to play with your sweet pussy soon, but don’t worry about anything tonight. I will call dibs on cuddling with you, though, to make up for it,” he said with a wink.

  Allie laughed, touched that he was the kind of guy who would not only cuddle after sex, but said it made up for not getting any more action than he did. She nodded and looked down as Abel finally moved, hugging her tightly before sliding free of her tight channel. He grabbed the last hand towel from the bed and tucked it between her legs, cleaning up whatever Greg missed before he rolled them to their sides.

  “I want to cuddle too,” he whispered against her hair before kissing her temple. “But they’re right, we have plenty of time to all share. Thanks for agreeing to this, Allie. You won’t be disappointed.”

  Chapter 11

  Allie woke the next morning in a tangle of arms and legs, surprised to find herself being spooned by Abel, who was being spooned by Greg, with Bentley’s arm flung across all of them from her other side. He had scooted lower in the bed so that his face was level with her chest and his feet hung off the end. Trevor was nowhere to be seen, but she could hear the shower on in the bathroom.

  Did I really just have a foursome with all of these guys last night? Literally the same day that they helped me kick Xander out of the apartment? She expected to feel ashamed, and while she couldn’t imagine telling anyone about this little foray, she wasn’t unhappy that she had done it, either. In fact, if the growing dampness between her legs was any indication, she wouldn’t mind doing it again once all the guys were up.

  On the other hand, she felt sticky from the night before, and couldn’t imagine that her bedhead hair and dragon breath were as big of a turn-on as she hoped.

  Plus, she really needed to pee.

  But Trevor’s in the bathroom, and no matter what we did last night, I’m not so sure about invading his privacy like that. But there’s only one in the apartment. What I wouldn’t give for just an extra half bathroom right now.

  Allie tried to detangle herself as gently as possible, but couldn’t help smiling when Abel pulled her back against him, kissing the spot where her neck and shoulder met. She arched into him, rubbing her ass against his hard cock.

  “Mmm, you keep doing that and there’s no way I’m letting you leave this room for the next hour,” he threatened. “It’s been a long time since I’ve woken up with a beautiful girl at my side.”

  His hand skimmed over her side to cup one of her breasts. She gave a breathy moan as he pinched her nipple, giving it just enough force to elicit a shiver of pleasure. Unfortunately, her bladder chose that moment to remind her of the urgency of her other situation, as well.

  “I really have to pee,” she whispered back to him. “Let me up to do that and brush my teeth.”

  The water turned off, indicating that Trevor was finished with his shower.

  “And maybe take a shower too,” she said quickly.

  Bentley stirred on her other side, blinking in confusion as he opened his eyes to find Abel’s hand right in front of them. He quickly figured out what was going on and took her other nipple between his lips, flicking his tongue over it.

  Allie gasped as pleasure shot through her, nearly overriding her need to get up.


  “As fantastic as this is, it’ll be a lot less sexy when I pee the bed,” she declared as she wriggled away from Bentley’s clever mouth. She grabbed Abel’s hand and moved it aside to clear a path for herself, then scooted to the end of the bed. Allie shot them a victorious grin before knocking on the bathroom door.

  “Good morning,” Trevor said as he opened it. “Hope you don’t mind that I used your shampoo,” he began as she hooked her fingers into the towel that he had wrapped around his waist and pulled, tugging him into the bedroom. The towel loosened beneath her grip and nearly fell.

  “Oops, I’m sorry! I just really need to get in there!” Allie said as she went inside, then shut the door behind her. Trevor laughed in her wake.

  Finally alone, she locked the door and turned the shower on before sitting down onto the toilet. The relief was instant and she sat there for a minute, trying to contemplate the crazy turn her life had taken in just one day.

  She flushed, then thought better of her plan and turned off the water, wrapped a towel around herself and opened the door to say, “Hey, I’m going to jump in the shower in a minute but if anyone else needs to pee, I can wait until after you use the bathroom. There’s only one in the apartment.”

  Greg gave her a grateful smile and scooted around her to do his business, followed by Abel. Bentley just gave her a sleepy glance and rolled over.

  “You’re not really the one I would have guessed would sleep in,” she teased him. “You all worn out from last night?”

  “Just don’t wanna face reality yet,” he replied and pulled the covers up over his naked shoulder. “Come back to bed when you’re done and we can hide out together.”

  “Great plan, but you have to drive everyone back to their cars,” Greg reminded him as he jumped onto Allie’s king-sized mattress, bouncing Bentley a little. “And I have to get to work.”

  “There’s a bus that will take you back to campus, if you left your car there,” Allie said. “It stops on the corner every thirteen minutes.”

  Greg gave her a thumbs-up. “Mind if I hop in the shower with you then? My shift starts in an hour and I need to go home for some fresh clothes.”


  “Well, if you’re offering group showers…” Bentley trailed off, lifting his head from the pillow. “I might get up for that.”

  “Control yourself there, buddy, it’s a tiny bathroom,” she replied with a laugh. “There’s not enough room for three people, and two is actually pushing it.”

  Bentley scowled and lay back down, earning another smile from Allie. Of all of the guys, I expected him to be the one up first, coffee brewed to perfection and waiting on the other three to get their butts in gear so he could drop them off at their cars. I’m not surprised that he drove for the rescue mission yesterday because he seems a little controlling like that. It’s nice to see him relax, though.

  “So, who’s staying with Allie first?” Trevor asked from the doorway to the living room. “I told Xander that one of us will be with her around the clock, and I’d feel better if someone is here at least for the first few days of his eviction. He seems like the type to try to sneak back in if she leaves.”

  “Do you think he’ll get his own place? He has a job, so he should be able to rent something,” Abel asked Allie. “There’s not much of a reason for him to come back unless he’s just that much of a dick. Then again, I think Trevor scared him pretty bad yesterday, so hopefully he won’t try to mess with you.” He smiled at the last part.

  “But that doesn’t mean you should be alone,” Trevor interjected. “I don’t feel like we should dismiss his threat just because he’s an asshole. People do stupid shit all the time, and it’s usually from the ones you least expect.”

  Allie nodded uncomfortably. “I don’t think he’
d hurt me, but I wouldn’t put it past him to try to beg another week on the couch or something, and I really don’t want to deal with that. He’s a cheap bastard. Not that it’ll do him any good since I’m going to go apartment shopping this weekend. I like this place, but they’re increasing rent and I was thinking about sharing a place with a roommate. My financial aid runs out after graduation, so I’ll need something cheap in case I don’t get a job right away.”

  The guys all exchanged looks, but resisted the urge to throw out their invitations to move in again.

  “I’ll stay first if you guys want to take the bus,” Bentley said from the bed. “Or someone else can and I’ll drive you all back to the gym. I want to come stay again tonight though, if that’s cool with you. Do you have any plans or anything?”

  She gave him a long look and finally shook her head. “No, I don’t have any plans, but I’m sure Mads is going to want to know what happened with Xander yesterday. I was thinking about going back over there to fill her in.”

  None of them said anything, and she finally asked, “Are you sure you guys want to do this? I understand you have lives and all. I don’t think I need a babysitter around the clock.”

  “We don’t think you need a babysitter, princess. Just want to make sure you’re safe. That asshole threatened you, and no one likes that. Plus he probably still has a key, and might try to get back in when you go to class, or to Mads’ apartment,” Greg said with a peck on her cheek. “If one of us stays here while you’re gone, then he can’t get back in.”

  “I guess that’s a good idea. I took his key before I tossed his stuff out the door, but that doesn’t mean he won’t try to come back anyway.” Greg’s hair was wet and she squinted at him, her head tilted to the side. “Did you just take the fastest shower ever?”

  “Of course. Didn’t wanna use up your hot water, and I thought it’d be selfish to wait, since you need to use it, too. I can let you watch me scrub down some other time,” he said with a wink.

  She laughed and swatted his ass. “Some other time, then.”

  Abel went in next and was back out within five minutes as well.

  “Wow, it’s a good thing you guys aren’t always this fast.” The words popped out of her mouth before she thought better of them, earning her grins from them both.

  “You seemed to enjoy how slow we went last night,” Abel said. “Until the end, at least.”

  Allie blushed. “Shut up,” she muttered, thoroughly embarrassed by the reminder. Did I really just sleep with all four of my clients at once? And let Greg put it in my ass, which I’ve never done before, while Bentley and Trevor watched? What on earth do they think of me now? “We are never talking about that again.”

  “Never talking about it again?” Greg feigned heartache. “But how else will I tell you how incredibly hot it was, and how much I want to do it again?”

  Abel punched him in the shoulder.

  “Don’t make her uncomfortable,” he ordered. Greg just hit him back, then wrapped his arms around Allie and rubbed his damp hair against her cheek, making her squirm.

  “Don’t feel bad, princess. You’re spectacular, and I’d keep asking you to move in so we can hang out all the time, but apparently that’s considered pushy, according to some people.” He rolled his eyes and jerked his chin toward his roommate, who scowled.

  He really does like me. Even after insanely hot group sex. Go figure. “As much as I appreciate that, I’d like to shop around a little. I’ll put your place on the list of possibilities, though,” she said to appease him. The slow smile that lit his face, and Abel’s, was totally worth it.

  She wiggled out of his grasp and went to take a shower, closing the door on them discussing who was going to stay with her first. It was a good thing she’d had so many orgasms the night before, or she would have been annoyed by them discussing taking turns staying at her apartment like her objection didn’t even matter.

  Truth be told, it was kind of sweet, and she didn’t really like the idea of Xander trying to weasel his way back in if he knew she was alone. Hell, he might even still have a key if he’d made another copy at any point. Maybe someone staying with her until she got a new place wasn’t a bad idea after all, but she couldn’t help but wonder if they’d keep up the rotation after that.

  Are they all serious about this dating thing? They all want a relationship with me, together? But why? I know Trevor said he leaves a lot, and hates to be lied to, so that makes sense if he just wants to know about another guy, and still hang out when he’s home. I like him a lot, and Greg and Abel are just great. They’re pretty self-explanatory, since they’ve already given me the rundown on that situation, and I’m really curious about how it would work. The only one I don’t get is Bentley. He’s funny, handsome, lives in the nicest part of town so he clearly has money, and yet he wants to share me with three other guys? I wonder if he’s bisexual too? He said no in front of them, but I’m going to have to ask him about it.

  Done showering, she turned the water off while it was still warm and got out, intending to leave as much heat as she could for him. She heard the front door slam and assumed that was the other three leaving to catch the bus that would take them back to the gym.

  “Damn, I forgot to bring any clothes in here with me.” She immediately blushed, feeling stupid for even worrying about something like that when Bentley had already seen more than his fair share of her.

  She stuck her head out into the bedroom to find it empty, the bed covers thrown back like he’d just gotten up. The door was open and she heard puttering from the kitchen, like he was trying to find everything to make coffee.

  “Bentley, is that you?” she called out after pulling on a t-shirt and some workout shorts. She stripped the sheets from the bed, opting to take them straight to the washer instead of adding them to the tangled pile of laundry that already filled her hamper.

  “Where are your coffee filters?” he called back.

  Carrying the armful of laundry, she wiggled by him to drop it all into the washer that sat in the tiny laundry room at the end of the galley kitchen.

  “Trying to get rid of the evidence already, huh?” Bentley teased as she tossed them in, then added soap and started it up. “And here I was, hoping we could take a nap if you don’t have anything better to do.”

  “I don’t know if I’ll have time,” she replied. “I need to finish getting this place cleaned up, then I have to be at the gym at three for Trevor’s session, and I need to study for an anatomy test coming up.”

  “You’re a busy girl. It sounds like you’re going to need a lot of coffee after staying up so late last night, then. Filters?”

  She opened a cabinet and got onto her tiptoes to pull them off of the top shelf, stilling when he wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her hair from behind, uncaring that it was still damp from the shower.

  “Mmm, you smell good,” he murmured. “Everyone else had to go, but said to tell you bye for them. I think they’re worried that you’re a little freaked out about everything, so they wanted to give you some space. They each want you to text them later though.”

  I’m going to have to text with four guys? Well, three, I guess, since Bentley is still here, but still, that’s a lot. Maybe we can just do a group chat. “That’s fine.” She stood there, enjoying the feel of him wrapped around her as she leaned her head back against his shoulder and hugged his forearms. “Listen, Bentley, I think we should talk.”

  Chapter 12

  He froze, then slowly released her so that she could turn to face him. “That sounds ominous. Everything OK?”

  “Why do guys always think that?” she teased as she put the filter into the machine and spooned enough grounds in for an entire pot of coffee.

  He shrugged. “Maybe because when something is good, people don’t usually give a warning? They just bring it up in general conversation?”

  “That makes sense. Anyway, this isn’t necessarily bad, I just need some help processing. You
up for talking about it all?”

  “You mean the four-way dating thing, or the amazing sex last night?” he asked with a grin.

  “While both are on my list, I was thinking more about the whole thing about the ethics of me training you guys for credit now that we’re dating, and this whole thing with Xander.”

  He grimaced and gave her a kiss on the temple, then went to drop into one of her dining chairs. “I was wondering how you would react to that. To both things, really, but especially having everyone around so much. I don’t have a good answer for you, but I’d love to talk about it. What are you thinking?”

  Allie blinked at his easy willingness to discuss it, instead of trying to tell her what he thought should happen, like most guys would. It was nice. But why’s he sitting there instead of the couch? I thought he was a cuddler?

  “I don’t know, really. I just feel like I’ve taken over your lives with my problems, first by needing you to retrieve my stuff for me, then helping me kick my useless ex out, and now trying to make sure he doesn’t come back. I’m a grown woman and it’s frustrating to be told I need someone to watch out for me, but even more frustrating is that I understand and completely agree. I don’t think he’d ever hurt me, but I know Xander would try to get back into the apartment and lock me out again if he could. I hate it.”

  Allie sat down in the chair next to him right as the coffee pot chimed, signaling that the brew was done. Bentley stood before she could, grabbing two cups and pouring the dark brew.

  “How do you like it?” he asked.

  “Light and sweet. I can’t stand bitter coffee,” she confessed. “The creamer is in the fridge, just pour some in for me.”

  He did and brought it to her, then sat back down and put his hand over hers. “First of all, you haven’t taken over anything. If anyone did that, it was me, for which I apologize. You didn’t ask us to get your stuff for you, we just decided to because we all think you’re amazing and you deserve better than how Xander was treating you. I understand that it’s probably frustrating for us to talk about arranging our schedules so that someone is here all the time, but we’re only doing it because we care, and we know guys like him.”


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