Lucky Baby (Crescent Cove Book 11)

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Lucky Baby (Crescent Cove Book 11) Page 29

by Taryn Quinn

  “So, how do you think Dad will react?”

  “Eh, he’s getting old. He might be excited about it.”

  “I hope so.”

  Cohen slung his arm around my shoulders, and we staggered down the hall. I noticed he left the cane behind, but I didn’t call him on it. With my brother, progress came in fits and starts.

  He was like his sister that way.

  “Uncle. Man.”

  “Shh. I didn’t tell Dad yet.”

  “Tell Dad what?”

  I winced at my father’s voice. “Hey, guys,” I said as we came out. My dad’s head was in the fridge.

  Lucky was sitting at the dining room table, a sweating beer in front of him. Immediately, he rose. “You need help?”

  Cohen waved him off and hobbled to the table. “I got it. So, you knocked up my sister, huh?”

  A crash came from the kitchen.


  I kicked Cohen in his good foot. “Way to go, jerk.”

  “Ow.” He dropped into a chair. “I’m injured, remember?”

  “Yeah, keep talking, and you’ll have another broken leg.”

  “Such a brute.” He crossed his arms and aimed a look at Lucky. “You going to make an honest woman out of her?”

  “Are you kidding me right now?” I whacked him in the back of the head as I passed him to check on my dad.

  “I plan on it,” Lucky answered.

  So, I wasn’t going to think about that right now.

  I rolled my eyes as I entered the kitchen. “Oh, Dad.”

  He was crouched down, cleaning up a jar of hot dog relish. “There’s glass.”

  “I think I can handle it.” I grabbed a roll of paper towels. “So, you heard.”

  “Baby? With him?” My dad gathered the yellow and green mess into a towel.

  The scent of mustard made my stomach roll. “Yep.” I nodded to the counter. “Yeah, evidently, relish is on my not a good idea list.”

  My dad frowned.

  “Don’t think you want to clean up two messes.”

  “Oh. Right. Yeah, I got this.”

  I opened the cupboard under the sink, grabbed the cleaner, and handed it to him.


  I leaned on the counter and craned my neck to make sure Cohen wasn’t messing with Thor too much.

  My dad threw everything away and came back to stand in front of me. “So…”

  I stepped into his arms. “Grandpa.”


  The scent of motor oil and sandalwood evened me out the rest of the way. “I love him, Dad.”

  He relaxed. “He seems like a nice guy. I won’t hesitate to put him in Connolly’s compactor if he hurts you though.”

  The last bit of tension I’d carried drained out of me as I grinned against his chest. “I’ll help.”

  My dad laughed as we went back to the dining room.

  Lucky got to his feet. “Sir.”

  “Stop calling me sir.”

  Lucky cleared his throat. “Mr. Burns.”

  My dad sighed and drew him in for a hug. “Welcome to the family, Lucky. I expect a wedding before the baby comes.”


  He let Lucky go and grinned at me. “What? You’re not going to marry him?”

  “Oh, she’s marrying me.” Lucky grinned and looked unbelievably happy.

  He wasn’t the only one, but I had my rep to consider. I’d still be a badass biker babe, just a badass biker babe toting a snuggly.

  “You think so, Thor?”

  He walked around my dad and stood in front of me. His gaze tracked over my face, then he curled his arms around my waist and lifted me up off my toes. “We’re totally getting married, Ruby.”

  I cupped his cheeks. “Your proposal needs work.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too, you idiot.”

  He swung me around, and miracle of miracles, my stomach didn’t protest. “Someday you’ll drop the idiot part.”

  I grinned. “Probably not.”

  He was right. We were totally getting married. But I wasn’t squeezing into another freaking dress.

  That’s it! We hope you enjoyed Lucky Baby. Turn the page to find out who’s next in our Crescent Cove Series!

  As a hardworking cop in small-town Crescent Cove, I occasionally indulge in some harmless fun with the occasional badge bunny. Then I sampled Tabitha’s special ingredient frosting. Now the only cookie I want is hers…even if she’s not sure our one-night-stand baby can lead to forever.

  One-click DADDY ON DUTY now!

  If you missed Lucky’s bestie’s story, you can grab Caleb and Luna’s book, WRONG BED BABY, now available!

  Maybe you’d like to take a trip into Kensington Square as well? Ryan and Preston’s story, HIS TEMPORARY ASSISTANT is live!

  Gage and Rylee’s story, PIT STOP: BABY is now available as well!

  All we had was one seductive night, New Year’s Eve. No names. No phone numbers. No second chances. Then I accidentally ended up working as his nanny...and I just found out I’m pregnant.

  One-click CEO DADDY now.

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  Now…turn the page for a special sneak peek of CEO DADDY now!

  CEO Daddy

  What was happening here? We weren’t even talking. Was this what occurred when under the influence of a lonely holiday meant for couples and some expensive champagne? I’d had a couple more sips in between rounds of Asher feeding me. Big, bolstering sips. The kind that made a normally shy, awkward woman feel bold.

  “No ring,” I said casually—or so I hoped. I’d had plenty of time to see his hand as it came closer to my mouth. “You’re single?”

  “Very. The kind of single that means I’m alone on New Year’s Eve, just as you are.” He lifted his thumb to his lips and licked off a stray crumb from the piece he’d just fed me. The movement was far more sensual than it had any right to be. “You are alone tonight, aren’t you, Hannah?”

  Something about the question and his use of my name made my throat tighten to the point that if I hadn’t gulped more champagne, I might’ve choked. This time, I didn’t mind the floaty feeling that overtook my body, or the resulting wave of warmth.

  “I’m alone far too much these days. But right now? No. Neither of us is alone.”

  He nodded, lowering his head for an instant while his jaw locked. He finally took a few sips of coffee before he met my gaze once again. “I have a room upstairs. Just for tonight.”

  Questions flitted through my mind.

  Who are you, Asher?

  Why did you pick me to talk to?

  Was it just that I looked lonely, so I must be an easy target for sexual advances?

  In the end, I didn’t really care. We were both alone, and no one was waiting for me at home. What did it matter if I chose this handsome man to spend the evening with? No one would be hurt. And I would finally be able to cross one thing off my bucket list.

  Sex with a gorgeous man, check.

  Sex, period.

  But that didn’t mean I’d make it easy on him.

  “Who were the flowers for?” I stroked the downy soft petals of the pink tulip on top of the bouquet in my lap.

  “My grandmother.” He smiled wryly. “She thinks I need to get out more, so she’ll approve that I gave them to the most beautiful woman I’ve seen since…” He trailed off, looking uncharacteristically unsure. Even with only knowing him a very short while, I was quite certain Asher rarely faltered. “Ever.”

  “I believe you don’t get out much after that statement.” I rested my cheek on my fi
st. “My hair isn’t really blond, by the way. I put in a rinse today. Truth in advertising and all that.”

  “It doesn’t look blond. Not exactly. More like the color of honey.” His voice deepened. “Rich and luxurious.”

  “Glorious Tones hair color thanks you.” I toyed with the stem of my now nearly empty champagne glass. “When is the last time you approached a woman with that line about your room upstairs?”

  “Never. I’ve never had a room upstairs here before.” His lips twitched. “And to be honest, I don’t have one now. I wasn’t planning on staying until I saw you. Writing so furiously in that.” He nodded to my abandoned journal. “What were you writing?”

  “Where were you going after this?” I countered.

  “To my grandmother’s. She was going to be who I counted down to midnight with.” He finally reached for his champagne and took a single sip. Easing back in his chair, he licked his lips, slowly and surely. “I’d much rather kiss you once the ball drops.”

  “Which balls are we referring to?”

  I didn’t know if he’d find me funny or crude. It was usually half and half, depending on my company. But his laughter was quick and appreciative. “You’re different than I expected.”

  “Oh, really? What did you expect? A meek little mouse who’d trot after you and hop right into bed?” Okay, this had to be the champagne talking, because this was next level, even for me.

  “No. I wasn’t even thinking about bed when I came over here. I just wanted to hear your voice. To see if you ever smiled. You still haven’t, you know. Not at me.”

  “Smiles are earned. Keep trying. You might get there.”

  Would you like to read more?

  One-click CEO DADDY!

  Crescent Cove World

  What started out as a duet about twin brothers has now evolved into a small quaint town full of hot DILFs and baby mamas…P.S. watch out for the water.

  The who’s who of Crescent Cove

  Crescent Cove World Character Chart

  Crescent Cove Reading Order

  Crescent Cove Reading Order

  Sometimes our worlds collide…

  Rockstars & Babies Reading Order (no spoilers)

  Rockstars you say…

  Oblivion World Character Chart

  Have My Baby

  Claim My Baby

  Who’s The Daddy

  Pit Stop: Baby

  Baby Daddy Wanted

  Rockstar Baby

  Daddy in Disguise

  My Ex’s Baby

  Daddy Undercover

  Wrong Bed Baby

  Lucky Baby

  Daddy on Duty

  Crescent Cove Standalones

  CEO Daddy

  Crescent Cove Bites

  Fireman Daddy

  Mistletoe Baby

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  Find the rest of our books at

  Kensington Square

  His Temporary Assistant

  My Boss’s Secret

  Afternoon Delight

  Dirty Distractions

  Drawn Deep

  Deuces Wild

  Protecting His Rockstar

  Guarding His Best Friend’s Sister

  Shielding His Baby

  Wilder Rock

  Rockstar Daddy

  Rockstar Lost


  Bad Kitty

  Filthy Scrooge

  Holiday Sparks

  Jingle Ball

  Saving Kylie


  Kensington Square

  Kensington Square's office park is a hot bed of sizzling legal briefs, occasional dick-tation, and lots of hot sleepless nights! Never know what will happen in this small town romantic comedy series, but beware of the steam fogging up your glasses...

  Meet the residents of Kensington Square

  Kensington Square World Chart

  Quinn and Elliott

  Rockers Reading Order

  Lost in Oblivion

  Winchester Falls

  Found in Oblivion


  Rock Revenge

  Brooklyn Dawn

  Smoke & Glass

  Tapped Out

  Love Required

  Boys of Fall

  About Taryn Quinn

  USA Today bestselling author, Taryn Quinn, is the sexy and funny alter ego of bestselling authors Taryn Elliott & Cari Quinn. We've been writing together for years, but we have found a love of small town romance that doesn’t quite fit with our crazy rockers and romantic suspense.

  And so…Taryn Quinn was born!

  Do you like…

  * Ultra sexy—check.

  * Quirky characters—check.

  * Sweet mixed in with the sexy—check.

  * RomCom shenanigans—check.

  * Office romance—check.

  * A crazy baby town that has exploded into a few side series—check.

  So, c’mon in. Pour a glass of wine—or grab a coffee if you’re like us—put your feet up, and lose yourself in one of our books.

  For more information about us…

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