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Claimed by an Alien Warlord

Page 10

by Stella Dawn

  As the exchange goes back and forth, I get my eyes open a bit and try to see what’s happening. I can see Zerok in the doorway totally blocking our exit. His arms are folded, and he looks very sure of himself. He’s about the same size as Tsunis, but does that make him a better fighter? Considering his mechanic enhancements, it’s difficult to tell.

  He acts with the confidence of a god.

  Tsunis holds me tight, pretty confident himself for a guy who’s outnumbered in an enemy camp. I cling to him, desperately hoping for a miracle.

  “Just go.” My voice is so soft I can barely hear it myself. “Leave me and run.”

  “It’s good advice.” Zerok says with amusement. Tsunis actually laughs.

  Then I see Jecrome getting up behind Zerok, he’s rising up now like a puppet on strings. I feel Tsunis grip me even tighter and I hang on for dear life.

  Jecrome reaches out towards Zerok and pinches him on his one flesh shoulder. Zerok screams, blue bolts streak across his metal parts. Zerok goes down in a heap and we don’t wait to see if he’s getting up, we just run for it.

  My stomach and sore joints don’t appreciate the sprint across the clearing to the trees. Over Tsunis’ shoulder I can see dozens of Xoks chasing us down. They are gaining on us and for a minute I’m sure I’m going to see Jecrome go down under an army of feet as they charge on to swallow us, too.

  Small darts come firing out of the jungle into the ranks of Xoks. They fly over our heads and when they hit a target the Xoks go down. I have no idea what kind of poison they are using that can take down a cyborg and I don’t care. I just want to get the fuck out of here.

  As we hit the trees, I see all the Ih’il split up. Tsunis races through the jungle, fleet as a gazelle. I see the other men darting around, laying a false trail. Tsunis pays no mind to any of the action going on behind us and keeps running.

  I knew he was strong, but I didn’t know how strong he really was. The further he goes, the faster he gets. The jolting that was making me so sick evens out as he starts to stride with his whole body. I can feel him flexing through his legs, back and arms as he accelerates.

  The jungle flies by, like a wave of green. Tsunis takes ground obstacles at a jump and ducks under thick curtains of vines. I can’t help thinking about how fast he would be in the water.

  His rocking pace and thoughts of the sea start to lull me in his arms. I haven’t been diving in a long time. We don’t yet know if the bay is safe to swim in, but I know Tsunis and his people must be keen to swim. It had never occurred to me before that I’m here to study strange sea creatures, and I’m sleeping with one!

  I want to see him swimming free, in the widest ocean. I want to see how fast he can move in his natural element. If he can be this fleet and graceful on land, he must be truly magnificent in the water.

  We start to slow down and Tsunis begins to walk slowly, puffing loudly. I touch his cheek and he looks down at me.

  “Are you alright?” We both say at exactly the same time.

  He smiles and kisses me, just briefly as he tries to catch his breath.

  “You ran so far, so fast. Are you really okay?”

  He nods, breathless. “I just need some water to top up my strength and I’ll be fine.”

  I’m even more keen to see him in the water now.

  “Did he hurt you?” Tsunis looks urgently into my face. I shake my head.

  “No. He indicated he wanted me for breeding but also for my skills in science.”

  Confusion crosses his face. “That’s odd. I can’t imagine why they would need a human scientist. They are pretty savvy on their own.”

  I shrug. “I don’t care. I’m out of there now.” I reach up and kiss him. The rest of his Ih’il warriors start to appear through the trees. Tsunis greets them all, asking about their retreat.

  “We need to be careful.” Jecrome says quietly, pulling us together. “Zerok called his people back in when he figured out what had happened.”

  “Why would he do that?” Tsunis asks, mystified.

  Jecrome shrugs. “Could be any number of reasons, most likely, he has a plan.”


  “Well, he knows where our camp is. He knows she’ll be here.”

  “That’s just awesome for the confidence, bro.” Tsunis says darkly. Jecrome shrugs.

  We start to walk slowly through the jungle towards the camp. I can’t stop looking into Tsunis’ face. He glances down at me frequently, smiling. I’m enchanted by the small lines on his face, a scattering of pigmentation near his eye that look like freckles, but they are dark blue. It’s as if all these details about him have only just become visible to me.

  “Are you really okay?” He whispers.

  “Sure.” I smile back. “I mean, I’m not a doctor or anything, but I feel fine.”

  “We’ll get someone to look at you. They can’t have had many humans to test their serum on. We have no idea what it’s done to you.”

  I snuggle closer, resting my cheek against his chest. All I care about right now is that I’m warm and safe. I don’t ever want to be apart from Tsunis again. Today was too damn close.

  I’ve never been in love before. I’ve never met anyone I thought I could love. Now that I have it, it means more to me than I ever knew it could.

  My heart swells with so much joy, I almost cry. I have love now and I am free to give my love. It’s the most amazing feeling in the world and I’m never letting it go.



  I carry Eliana to my hut and she’s already starting to fade out again. I’m terrified that the drug was too strong for her and it will have poisoned her in some way. Those Xoks know nothing about humans, not from what I’ve seen, anyway.

  When I lay her on my bed her skin is overheated and is puffy under her eyes. She is already unconscious, and I hurry to find a medic.

  We still have plenty of technological capabilities, but the majority of the village have come here to get back in touch with our traditional way of life. Hunting, swimming, building. We’ve lost a lot of that along the way, especially after taking to the stars.

  I’m not about to leave her alone, so I ask a guard to bring me a medic or nurse. We have healers here that know traditional medicine. They’ll probably give her an herbal drink to help her cleanse her system.

  But right now, I need a real doctor. With relief I see Jecrome approaching with a galaxy certified medic. He works here on and off, learning more about all the races as he spends time in different colonies.

  “Thank you for coming.” I shake his hand with relief.

  “No trouble at all. You’re the clan leader’s son, aren’t you? The woman got hit by a Xok dart? I will need a blood sample, if you don’t mind.”

  I usher him into the tent, and he pulls out some instruments. He’s humanoid but doesn’t look entirely human. It’s impossible to tell who is what type of alien these days.

  He handles the instruments with ease. He takes her blood pressure, temperature and checks her breathing and pulse. He looks at her eyes, pulling back the lids. She doesn’t stir and I get more and more anxious.,

  Finally, he pulls out a little syringe and takes some blood.

  “I won’t know for sure until I’ve tested it, but I think it just sedated her very heavily. She definitely couldn’t take another dose. I’ll take this to my lab and get it tested. Then I’ll let you know.”

  He hurries away, excited by his new medical data.

  I sit down beside her and watch her. The sun sinks and still I don’t move.

  My father and Jecrome stop by. Both of them tell me to rest and eat but I won’t. I just stay by her bed and watch her sleep.

  She doesn’t move much and her breathing switches from fast to slow quite frequently. It’s terrifying, not knowing if she can cope with the drug. She could die any moment and there would be nothing I could do.

  The doctor passes through some time later to tell me the stuff is toxic, but she is clearing it fr
om her system.

  “It’s a nasty poison son. They only gave her a small dose, but the neurotoxin has really knocked her about. Keep an eye on her. She should be fine.”

  I shake his hand, barely restraining myself from yelling at him. I know the situation is not his fault, but I was hoping for better news.

  After a while I find I can’t sit still. I pace around the cabin, stopping to talk to some of the women that stop by to see if Eliana is okay. Even in a short time, they have gotten to know her and enjoy her company. Everyone is concerned for her.

  One of the women gives me a small melon to eat and I’m grateful. I’m not really hungry but I eat it anyway, knowing that I expended way too much energy getting Eliana back here and I haven’t even tried to replenish it yet.

  I lie beside her and watch the night pass. As dawn breaks above our heads and the grey light starts to turn gold, she opens her eyes.

  “Thank you,” she whispers.

  I lean forward, touching my lips to hers. It’s such a tender moment, full of emotion. I can see the need in her face, and I know it must be showing on mine.

  I let her lean towards me, almost too scared to touch her. She presses her hands to my chest and leans forward until our lips touch again. I feel her weight against me and turn so she falls on top of me. Compared to last night she looks a million times better, with a liveliness to her face and sparkling eyes.

  “Feeling better?” I reach up to stroke her hair. She smiles so sweetly it seems I can feel it in my chest. She just nods, beginning to rock on my lap. My cock has been huge since she first slithered on top of me and by her face, I know she can feel it.

  Her grin widens as she grinds on top of me. I can feel her rubbing her clit on the hardness of my shaft and she begins to leave a slick trail as she pleasures herself.

  I can barely breathe as my cock gets bigger and harder. I’m determined to let her finish but the urge to grab her and hurl her to the bed is extreme. Every single one of my male cells is demanding to dominate and penetrate her now.

  I let my hands rest loosely on her knees and watch her face. With her eyes closed she works her hips, feeling all the sensations without using sight.

  Suddenly she covers my hands with hers and grips me tight. She throws back her head and cries out, screwing her eyes shut. She makes a few savage jerks with her hips and collapses against me, breathing hard.

  I wrap my arms around her, holding her tight. I don’t want to break the moment, but I have to ask.

  “Having a good time?” My voice is very soft in the silent hut. She nods emphatically and turns her head to me, giggling. Her cheeky face is too much for me and I grab her upper arms, turning us over so I land on top of her. She shrieks in pleasure, wriggling under me.

  I grab her shoulders and kiss her hard, feeling her bend and give as I press down, stroking her mouth with my tongue.

  Little sighs of pleasure escape around our lips as she squirms. I can’t keep my instincts in check anymore and wrap an arm around her shoulders to bring my hips up against her. When I feel how wet she is, I gasp and double over like I’ve been shot.

  My cock is so hard that I literally cannot think. My entire consciousness has narrowed to the hot, wet place between her legs and my need to reach it.

  I tug at her shoulders again, bringing my hips up. The full length of my cock slides right in, she cries out as pleasure radiates through her. Hearing her cries only excites me more and all the stress of the previous day comes peaking through me.

  I almost lost her, in so many ways. The anxiety had been riding me this whole time and I have managed to set it aside, but now I can’t push it away.

  I kiss her fiercely, needing to feel every single part of our bodies join together. I can feel her smiling as her body responds to my touch and my kiss. It only makes her slicker between the legs and the more she loosens up, the harder I thrust.

  She wraps her legs around me and starts grinding as much as she can between me and the mattress. I feel her coming again and as her pussy clenches against me, pouring waves of cum as I drive my cock as far as it will go. My orgasm follows close behind hers and we lay together, breathless and sweaty.

  We end up completely tangled in each other’s limbs, not knowing which parts belong to whom and having no need to find out.



  A couple of hours later, I get my gear together. Tsunis and I got up early and had breakfast in front of his hut. He went off to see his father and I came back to my place to get my instruments.

  When Tsunis finds me he’s not happy. I can tell he has no idea how to approach the subject. He would find it easier if he could just tell me what to do, I think. He already knows that won’t work.

  “Eliana, should you really go out today? The doctor said that stuff was really poisonous. You should take a few days rest.”

  “I’m okay.” I smile brightly for him. “One of the older ladies, Iliantha, gave me some lovely antioxidant tea. I feel great.”

  “But yesterday you almost died.” His face is so serious and sad I have to stop and look at him. This isn’t a man working his macho act. He’s really scared.

  “Tsunis.” I stand up and touch his cheek. “I have important research I need to do. I have to collect data every day. I promise I won’t do any swimming or rock climbing. I’ll take it easy. Just a few hours and I’ll come back and rest.”

  He gives me a stern face, raising an eyebrow.

  “Okay. But I’m coming with you and we’re bringing another guard.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Because I’m never letting anything happen to you ever again.”

  I stare at him for a few moments, completely baffled. I really don’t think the Xoks would try again.

  I may be underestimating the value of human females in this part of the universe. I also think about Zerok and his easy confidence, his calm grace. He’s like a dangerous snake that moves slowly until it’s time to strike, hypnotizing his prey with his eyes and power.

  I swallow a hard lump and keep putting my gear together. I won’t have my life ruled by fear. I will not sit in this hut trying to avoid things that may never happen. I’m going out to do my job, the work I’ve waited my whole life to do.

  I expect that Tsunis and I will walk up the ridge together like we always do, but Tsunis hurries ahead and scouts. He does a thorough job, checking in a wide sweep both on and off the path. Behind us, one of the older hunters, Malcheck, follows stoically.

  Malcheck is covered in scars and has much paler blue skin than Tsunis. His hair is long and dark blue, messily held back with a leather strap. He glares into the vegetation as he walks past, daring enemies to come rushing out. He carries several strange weapons on his belt.

  When I start walking towards the rock pools Tsunis comes over to ask if I need help setting up. Malcheck stops nearby on a high point and stares into the distance, adjusting his direction every few minutes.

  “What’s with this guy?” I whisper to Tsunis as we pull out containers and vials.

  “Father’s personal guard. Was a top hunter and warrior back in his day. He survived an encounter with a giant squid once. Toughest fucking bastard in our entire race.”

  “So, you brought the best with us today, huh?”

  Tsunis looks up the hill, watching Malcheck turning every few minutes like a weathervane.

  “There is nothing his eyes don’t see, in the water or out of it. Zerok had better think twice before going up against him.”

  “You don’t think this is a bit extreme?”

  He shakes his head, leaning back on his heels.

  “You have no idea how valuable you are. I’m puzzled about them needing your skills, but I’m betting you are the only breeding female those Xoks have ever seen.”

  “But I’m not breeding.”

  “You could be. That’s the point. I think every male on the planet must be able to smell you.”

  “Huh.” I never thought about that. It
bugs me a little that I’m not connected to those senses. “What does it smell like?”

  He grins and takes a deep breath. “Spicy. Musky. Deep. Rich. Fertile.”

  “Fertile has a smell?”

  “Yes. I can’t explain it. It’s more a sensation than a scent. An excitation in my nerves. Urging me to mate with you.”

  He’s so serious but I can’t help shrieking with laughter. He smiles, pulling a hand over his face.

  “Really, it’s that funny?”

  I sit up and kiss his lips lightly. “Only because you are actually mating with me.”

  We share a soft kiss for a few seconds before I get back to my equipment. I do want to get some work done and the sun is taking it out of me.

  “I’m going to scout around a little. Just to make sure we aren’t being watched. Malcheck won’t let you out of his sight.”

  “Do you really think they will try again?”

  He nods. “I’d count on it. Just because I can’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there.”

  It’s hard to swallow all of a sudden, remembering the Xoks in the trees on our way here. I saw them but I’m not sure Tsunis did. They could be anywhere.

  Zerok was not furry and jungle fit the way those others were. Could he hide himself as if he were part of the forest? I hope not. I hope he sticks out like a big silver broken thumb.

  “This is really creepy. I don’t know how I’m supposed to concentrate.”

  “Don’t look at me.” He grins. “I told you to take the day off!”

  Tsunis laughs as he turns and jogs down the beach, waving. I turn and see Malcheck still standing straight as a flagpole, slowly turning every few minutes to scan the surrounding area. He gives off a feeling of menace, of experience with wounds and fighting. Just his scars alone would be enough to make anyone pause.

  I go about my work, collecting water samples and seaweed cuttings. I record some movements of fish and other sea creatures.


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