A Dear Little Girl's Summer Holidays

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A Dear Little Girl's Summer Holidays Page 13

by Amy Ella Blanchard

  Transcriber's note:

  The following corrections have been made:

  p. 13: "mother take things so coolly." Period changed to question mark;

  p. 15: "Edna, "and I am" Removed the double quotation mark before and;"an she is just crazy" an changed to and;

  p. 24: "have another." A double quotation mark was added after another;

  p. 26: "At last the good-bys" good-bys changed to good-byes;

  p. 36: ""I didn't at first," she answered, but I do now. "Is it time toget up, Dorothy?"" Double quotation mark moved: "I didn't at first," sheanswered, "but I do now. Is it time to get up, Dorothy?";

  p. 47: "two. "Well, run along and" Double quotation mark removed beforeWell;

  p. 48: "ocean till now?" Question mark changed to period;

  p. 50: ""They soon found that" Double quotation mark removed;

  p. 55: "have a bazaar for her" bazaar changed to bazar;

  p. 56: "I know that, "but the doctor" Double quotation mark removed;

  p. 57: "with her two children a little girl" Comma added after children;

  p. 59: "remarked Dorothy;"I don't" Added space between comma and doublequotation mark;

  p. 63: "Cape, any you can" any corrected to and;

  p. 64: "all the time'" Single quotation mark changed to double quotationmark;

  p. 65: "for a porch-party and let" Hyphen omitted;

  p. 69: ""However, they were" Omitted double quotation mark;

  p. 71: "she said. "House-hunting" Inserted paragraph break after said.;"until Mrs. Ramsey cried." Period changed to comma;

  p. 73: "myself, "Why shouldn't Miss" Double quotation mark removed;

  p. 94: "boat belongs to, you know," Comma changed to period;

  p. 104: "It's body was reared" It's changed to Its;

  p. 108: "say. Why all this" Period changed to comma;

  p. 109: "for the sailing party?" Question mark changed to period;

  p. 111: "Please, dear Mr. Ramsey, go." Mr. changed to Mrs.;

  p. 112: "and one in a while" one changed to once;

  p. 118: "has something proper." Double quotation mark added afterproper.; "heard Mr. Ramsey say." Period changed to comma;

  p. 125: "Pippin. Nobody knows how much" Added double quotation markbefore Nobody;

  p. 131: ""show as she woul" woul changed to would;

  p. 133: "we are getting today" today changed to to-day; ""Some day," shesaid "" Added coma after said;

  p. 135: "Mrs Ramsey had telephoned" Added period after Mrs;

  p. 140: "thought of if if Miss" First if changed to it;

  p. 145: "give to Miss Eloise?" Why" Double quotation mark removed;

  p. 148: ""Mother," what shall" Double quotation mark after the commaremoved;

  p. 149: "The fish pond was" fish pond changed to fishpond;

  p. 153: "said Curley-Head holding" Curley changed to Curly;

  p. 154: "hundred dollars, Mother?'" Single quotation mark changed todouble quotation mark; "not carry for enough" for changed to far;

  p. 157: "the the little girls said" removed superfluous the;

  p. 164: "reached the proper station."" Double quotation mark removed;

  p. 172: "from the seashore." Double quotation mark added after period;

  p. 177: "with us to worry." Single and double quotation mark added afterworry.;

  p. 180: "better wait till tomorrow" tomorrow changed to to-morrow;

  p. 186: "fine as silk, "" Double quotation mark removed;

  p. 187: "was not telling somthing" somthing changed to something; "Someof his yatching experiences" yatching changed to yachting;

  There are some words at line-breaks in the original where it is notclear if they should be hyphenated or not: woe-begone, vouchsafe,fireplace, lobster-pots, tip-toeing, homeless, haystack, homecoming;

  Everything else has been retained as printed.


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