Wild, Wicked, & Wanton

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Wild, Wicked, & Wanton Page 2

by Jaci Burton

  had to chase a woman before.

  Seth shrugged. "It could go either way. She was

  "So what do you think?" Seth asked.

  interested, though."

  Mike shrugged. "It's up to her."

  "Which way do you want it to go?"

  "We probably scared the shit out of her. Especially you.

  Seth laughed. "I want her for myself, asshole."

  You're a little...much, sometimes, Mike."

  "Selfish bastard," Mike said, then snickered. They were

  "What? My dick?"

  too close for Mike to be insulted. "Not if I can talk her into Seth snorted. "She hasn't been graced with the taking me first."

  Nottingham Monster yet unless you've been waving it at her

  "I think Abby will get whatever Abby wants. And if she behind closed doors."

  wants both of us, I doubt either of us will complain about that."

  He rolled his eyes at Seth and tossed a file at him.

  Seth was right. "We've never complained about

  "Right. You know better than that. I save the pussy pursuits for menage before. Just the thought of it makes my dick hard. So outside the clinic." A fact they'd both agreed to when they set stop talking about it before I have to walk down the hallway up the partnership. Business was business. Fun was for after with a hard-on."

  hours only. And it had worked well for them the past ten years.

  Mike shook his head and brought out a couple folders No personal pursuits at the clinic. No dating employees and for Seth to sign off on, but his mind stayed on the woman absolutely no fucking at the clinic. No entanglements with who'd captured their attention.

  clients, ever. A firm rule that neither of them had ever broken, If Abby agreed, he'd see to it that she had a really good much to the chagrin of many of their female clientele.

  time this weekend. He was already anticipating their party at the club, wondering if she could handle both of them or if 7

  Jaci Burton/ Wild, Wicked & Wanton/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

  she'd choose just one. And if she did choose one of them, Except Mike just wanted to fuck her. Okay, maybe which would she pick?

  Mike wanted more than that, he'd give his best buddy that.

  "We'll see how it goes, then," Seth said, handing Mike Mike was the smoldering sex god, though, and Seth was the the folders. "I'm heading to my office."

  one who used charm and persuasion to get the women into bed.

  "I'm out for the day. See you tomorrow."

  He was their friend first. Mike just used his sex appeal. They were completely different in their approach to women, and Seth sat down at his desk to finish up paperwork. He maybe that was one of the reasons they had never seriously liked nights after everyone left. Typically he was the last one pursued the same woman before. Maybe that was why their here. Mike always had a date. Or a fuck buddy, anyway. It friendship worked. But Seth had an idea they'd be competing wasn't often that he would go home without a woman in tow.

  over Abby, or possibly sharing her, which opened up endless Seth was more selective these days. And lately, he'd possibilities.

  had his eye on Abby.

  If she agreed to the party on Saturday night, this From her first day at the hospital, she brought change weekend could be really interesting.

  with her. Divorced from one hell of a bitch on wheels, Seth was convinced that no woman, and he meant no woman, could ever make him look twice again. Maybe for a quick fuck, yeah, but more than that? Never again.

  He'd looked more than twice at Abby, though. Granted, he wanted to fuck her. Hell yeah he wanted to fuck her. Up, down, sideways, on top, from behind, and every which way.

  God, his cock twitched just thinking about the ways he wanted to climb inside that woman. With her chin length blonde hair and sky-blue eyes, her creamy skin and lithe body, she was a walking wet dream. But he also found himself wanting to spend time with Abby outside the bedroom. She was totally and completely guileless, which intrigued him more than anything. She had no freaking idea how attractive she was, didn't know the first thing about using her beauty and knockout body to wrap a man around her little finger. Whip smart, funny as hell, and innocent, too. What man wouldn't want to get down on his knees and worship her?


  Jaci Burton/ Wild, Wicked & Wanton/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

  Drumming her long nails on the lacquered tabletop, Blair said, "You're killing me here, Abby. You know I hate waiting. Give me a hint."

  "Uh-uh. We're waiting for Callie."

  "Who's late, but here. Sorry. Scoot over, Blair." Callie slid into Blair's side of the booth and grinned at Abby. "Casey Chapter Two

  was sick today, and she normally covers lunch, so I had to wait for Jolene to come in."

  When Abby walked into Torinos, her favorite Mexican

  "We could have rescheduled, Callie," Abby said. "Your restaurant, she spied Blair at their usual booth in the corner of shop is important. You didn't need to leave."

  the bar. A margarita was already waiting for her. Blair waved Callie raised her hand to signal the bartender for a her over, her wrists jingling with the tinkle of several silver margarita, then turned back to Abby. "Are you kidding? You're charm bracelets.

  important. When one of the ABCs calls a powwow, it's serious

  "Where's Callie?" Abby shouted over the loud roar of business."

  driving music. She slid into the vinyl seat across from Blair.

  "You got that right, honey," Blair said. "I canceled a They all loved Torinos, mainly for the killer margaritas, but bikini wax for you."

  also because they could gossip to their hearts' content without Abby rolled her eyes but grinned as she looked at Blair anyone eavesdropping. It was always crowded, noisy, and and Callie. Complete opposites, those two. Blair with all her nobody could hear what they were saying unless they were flash and beautiful mane of auburn hair, Callie with her practically sitting on top of them.

  gorgeous mocha skin and raven hair. One all style, the other

  "Running late. She had to find someone to cover lunch soft and subtle. Blair was an interior designer and Callie owned at the shop. She'll be here in a few." Blair took a sip of her a coffee shop. Her two best friends for the past twenty-eight margarita and grabbed a chip to nibble on. "So what's up?"

  years. Where would she be without them? Since kindergarten

  "I'll wait 'til Callie gets here. I don't want to have to they'd been known as the ABCs--inseparable, sharing every say this twice."

  joy, every pain, and every secret, and giving advice when Blair arched a perfectly shaped auburn brow. "Really.

  needed. Right now she really needed it.

  That good?"

  "I have a problem."

  "That...interesting." She took a long swallow of the

  "Figured that," Blair said. "So spill it."

  margarita, wincing at the tequila burn. Her eyes watered and After a couple long swallows of her margarita for she munched on a chip to soak up the alcohol.

  courage, she said, "You know the vets I work for?"

  "Mike Nottingham and Seth Jacobs," Callie said.


  Jaci Burton/ Wild, Wicked & Wanton/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

  "AkA Hot Stuff and Hotter Stuff," Blair added.

  Abby shrugged. "I don't know. It's beyond bizarre. I Abby nearly spewed her drink and launched into a mean, I wasn't even aware of their interest."

  coughing fit that brought tears to her eyes. Callie left her side

  "How the hell could you be unaware that two hot men of the booth and hurried over to Abby, patting her on the back wanted in your panties?" Blair asked, leaning back when the until she could breathe again.

  waitress brought another round of ritas. "Honey, that's every

  "You okay honey?" she asked.

  woman's dream."

  Abby nodded and used her
napkin to clean up the mess

  "Not mine." Abby picked up a drink and sipped. She on her face. "Fine," she croaked. "Jesus, Blair, give a girl some really needed cocktails and lots of them. This had been one hell warning next time."

  of a week. It had been one hell of a two year period, actually.

  Blair quirked a brow. "What did I do?"

  The past couple days had just been the topper. A pretty good

  "Never mind." How was she ever going to get this out?


  "Well?" Blair asked, once again tapping her nails.

  "Bullshit. Two guys, two prominent, rich, successful,

  "Okay." Taking a deep breath, Abby said. "I can't hot-as-hell and sexy-enough-to-melt-your-clothes-off guys tell believe this happened, but they asked me out. Sort of."

  you they want to take you out. And by 'take you out', honey,

  "They asked you out," Blair repeated. The tapping they mean they want to undress you, lick you all over, and fuck stopped.

  you until your brains ooze out your ears. And you're telling me Callie moved back to the other side of the booth to grab that's not something you fantasize about when you're patting her margarita and take a drink, her amber eyes wide as saucers.

  the ol' pussy?"

  "Both of them?"

  Leave it to Blair to give it to her in graphic detail.

  "At the same time?" Blair clarified.

  "Okay, maybe I have fantasized about being screwed by more

  "Yeah. Sort of. I think. I'm not really sure, but yeah, I than one man. But that's fantasy. And beside the point, since really do think they did." She drained her margarita this time, Mike and Seth didn't say anything about a threesome anyway."

  then signaled the waitress for another round.

  "They don't have to say anything about one," Callie

  "When? How? I want a play by play of every word,"

  said. "You know it's on their minds. I'll bet they wouldn't Blair demanded, her eyes glittering with excitement.

  mind sharing."

  Grateful for the noisy atmosphere and blaring music,

  "Oh, God." Abby laid her head in her hands. "I can't Abby gave them a recap of her bizarre conversation with Mike deal with this."

  and Seth.

  "You can, too. I'd love to be in your shoes. Wanna

  "Holy shit," Callie said when Abby finished. "Girl, you trade?"

  might as well go buy a lottery ticket, because your ship has Abby lifted her head and cast beseeching eyes on Blair.

  come in."

  "Sure. You go instead."


  Jaci Burton/ Wild, Wicked & Wanton/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

  Callie snickered. "She'd eat those two up and spit them

  "I love when you grin like that," Blair said. "It's so evil.

  out like she does all her men."

  Reminds me of the old days."

  Blair grabbed a chip and waved it at Callie. "Yeah, but Abby couldn't help it. She had actually started to they thank me for it." She popped the chip in her mouth and visualize events, from the country club to what might happen grinned as she chewed.

  afterward. But could she go through with it if dining and Abby laughed.

  dancing led to something else with Mike, or Seth, or even, God

  "Seriously, Abby, what have you got to lose?" Callie help her, both of them? It hadn't occurred to her that they asked. "It's been forever since you dated. And it's the country might be into that kind of action until Blair mentioned it. She club. Isn't Chad a member?"

  was hardly a woman of the world. She didn't have experience


  with kinky sex like this. Not that she hadn't fantasized about it.

  Blair laughed. "Even better. Wouldn't he just die to see But fantasy was one thing. Reality was something entirely you walking in there with Mike and Seth? I mean literally die different.

  with jealousy?"

  "I'd sell my soul for a hot night with two men like Mike

  "Please. Chad didn't care what I did when we were Nottingham and Seth Jacobs," Callie said with a sigh. "Or even married. Why would he care now?"

  one of them. Sex has been virtually nonexistent in my life for,

  "Because he always thought he owned you. You know well, you know. A long time."

  he still does," Blair said. "And it would kill him to see you Callie stared into her margarita like a crystal ball. Abby happy. He wants you pining away and miserable without him, knew she was thinking of Bobby. She slid her hand over the rotten, cheating bastard. I think you should go just to stick Callie's. "You miss him."

  it to him, show him you've moved on. That you've got a career

  "Yeah." Callie smiled. "It's time to move on, though.

  and not one man, but two to take his place."

  It's been long enough."

  It would be worthwhile to see Chad's face while she

  "And Bobby would kick your ass if you pined away too celebrated with Seth and Mike. Not that she had a single long," Blair added, moving her hand on top of Abby's and vindictive bone in her body. She took what she was entitled to Callie's.

  by law in the divorce, and nothing more, much to the irritation Callie's eyes glistened with unshed tears. Abby knew of her attorney. She'd just wanted it to be over, wanted to how much Callie had loved her husband. Losing him to cancer forget the shame and embarrassment, the public humiliation had been a harsh blow. But Callie was one of the toughest Chad caused her with his overt cheating. But just once she women she knew and had weathered it well. She'd kept on would like to show him she'd made a decent life without him, going, because that's what Bobby would have wanted her to and that she could get another man. Maybe even two.

  do. But Callie was right. It had been long enough. She had to start living again.


  Jaci Burton/ Wild, Wicked & Wanton/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

  "So I guess you're the only one getting any these days,"

  Abby was almost afraid to ask. Blair had 'that look' in Callie said with a grin.

  her eyes. And when Blair had that look, it meant trouble.

  Blair arched a brow. "Honey, I'm always getting some.

  "What does that mean?"

  Though I have to admit, the pickings have been rather slim

  "We need a bet."


  "Oh shit," Callie whispered.

  "That's because you keep turning down all those

  "Double oh shit," Abby added.

  marriage proposals, and the ones you do accept, you dump at

  "Cowards. You know damn well it's what we all need.

  the altar at the last minute. If you'd just jump on Rand McKay And another round." Blair shifted on the bench and searched like you should have done fifteen years ago, your sex and love the now crowded bar, frowning when she couldn't find their woes would be taken care of," Abby teased, knowing it would waitress. "I'll be right back. Start thinking."

  irritate Blair, but then again, Blair needed to hear it. She'd After she left, Abby cast a desperate look at Callie. "I carried a torch for Rand since high school. And everyone knew hate when she does this."

  it, including Rand. But for some reason, Rand was the only guy Abby nodded. "Me, too. God only knows what kind of Blair refused to have anything to do with.

  bet she's going to come up with. I'm too old for this shit."

  "Sheriff Rand McKay is not on my radar at the Nevertheless, they both giggled like they had back in moment," Blair sniffed. "And frankly, he isn't my type."

  high school at the thought of having to endure a bet. Though Abby looked at Callie, then turned to Blair, both of frightening, they had always been fun. Blair was usually the them bursting into laughter. "Not your type? Not your type?

  instigator. And she was nothing if not inventive.

  Puleez. He is so your type. You practically drool every time he When Blair returned with a sli
ghtly irritated waitress in walks by."

  tow, she had that gleam in her eye. "I've got it. And margaritas,

  "I do not."


  "Do, too," Abby insisted, glad the subject had shifted to

  "You've got what?" Callie asked.

  someone besides her.

  "The bet, of course."

  "Okay, so maybe I do need sex. Which does not by any

  "Aren't we a little too old for this? I mean, we're way stretch of the imagination mean that I need Rand McKay, past high school." Callie cast hopeful eyes in Abby's direction.


  "Callie has a point. We can't very well toilet paper

  "Got it," Abby said, though she and Callie exchanged anyone's house at our age."

  another knowing glance. Oh yeah. Blair had it bad for Rand.

  "For heaven's sake, that's not at all what I'm

  "I guess we all need a good fuck," Blair said. "You suggesting and you know it," Blair said. "And you're right. We know what that means, don't you?"

  are past the days of egging and TPing. But the gauntlet's been 12

  Jaci Burton/ Wild, Wicked & Wanton/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

  thrown, and I've suggested a bet, and you know damn well you mayhem, then Callie and I get to pick the guy who gets the can't back out now."


  Callie mumbled under her breath about some people

  "You're joking." Abby's eyes widened. "What if we never growing up.

  don't like the man?"

  Abby groaned. She needed advice and commiseration, Blair cast a sly smile. "If you can't trust your best not a damn bet. Sometimes she wondered why she bothered friends to choose a man for you, honey, who can you trust?"

  asking for help when all she'd get in return was more chaos in Callie looked as shocked as Abby felt. Sometimes her already frenetic life. "Okay, what is it?"

  Abby wondered if Blair had a screw loose somewhere. Then


  again, Blair had always been the most daring of the three of Abby waited, but Blair didn't say anything else. "That's them. Abby shouldn't be surprised by this bet.

  it? Sex?"

  "I don't know, Blair. This is pretty risque, even for

  "Well, where's the rest of it?" Callie asked.


  "There is no more, you morons. God, isn't that what we

  "Oh for the love of dick, Callie. We're not plotting all want? One weekend of no holds barred, unbridled sex."

  espionage here. It's sex. One weekend of sex. Orgasms galore.


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