She started to pee. It rapidly filled my mouth and down my throat went the first mouthful. I didn't intend to swallow it, but instinct tells you to swallow when your mouth is full to prevent from choking. Instinct is a bitch to deny. Something happened in that moment. Something I've read about but never truly believed possible.
My hands wrapped around Mistress Terri's behind and I pulled her harder against my gaping mouth as the orgasm struck me out of nowhere. I held her tight with shaking arms as I continued to swallow the acrid liquid filling my mouth. But there was something else too. My tongue. With a mind of its own, my tongue was working its way up and down Mistress Terri's slit, probing deeper. I fell back onto my ass as the orgasm subsided.
"OH GOD MISTRESS!" I gasped, staring up at her through horrified eyes. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. I've never done that with another woman before."
"It's alright, Sonja," she almost purred. "It felt really nice. And I am proud you swallowed it all down. Not many people go that far. How did you like the taste?"
"It tasted amazing, Mistress," I replied. "The pee wasn't too bad either." I smiled as best I could and we both broke out laughing.
Chapter 5: The Tests Continue
Mistress Terri and I took a shower together to wash away the pee. I added it to my list of likes and added licking another woman to my list of soft limits. Until I could experiment with it more, I didn't think it fair to put it on the hard limit list considering what I had done.
"What's next, Mistress?" I asked. I was feeling incredibly bold all of a sudden. My mind was opening up to new things in ways I never thought possible and I liked it. I wanted to do everything the visual test indicated I had a liking for.
"Next is your punishment followed by a little bondage and toy play," she answered as we left the bathroom to another location in the house. When I envisioned Mistress Julie's dungeon imaged of a dank, dark place filled with torture equipment and rats filled my mind's eye. I really wasn't expecting an entire huge house to be the dungeon. Every door we passed was marked with a different fetish, some, such as bondage and humiliation, had more than one room dedicated to them.
"Yes Mistress," I replied as I once again found myself naked walking down the halls of Mistress Julie's Dungeon.
"I have to say that I am extremely proud of you Sonja. You are taking commands and even the thought of punishment with incredible grace for one new to the game. And that little experiment in the bathroom shows me you are willing to go outside of your comfort zone to please the one you serve. There's one thing I want you to never forget. No matter whom it is you serve you are the one in control."
"What do you mean Mistress?" That statement threw me for a loop. It was the exact opposite of what I was always led to believe.
"To love a submissive is to feast upon her form, appreciate her strength, cherish her mind, recognize her pain, understand her fears, admire her will, and treasure her submission. It is not your Master or Mistresses job to dictate your every action. He is there to guide you down the road of submission, to treasure and cherish you and all that you do for him. And remember, without you, he's nothing just as without him you are nothing."
"I think I understand Mistress."
"Good, because most people think all a submissive does is crawl around naked all day doing her master's every wish. That is not submission. That is slavery. Your Master will have only as much power and control as you are willing to give him."
We entered a room more akin to what I imagined a dungeon to look like. There were ropes and chains hanging from the ceiling, rows of whips, canes, paddles, and other spanking instruments hanging on the back wall and sex toys on the right. The entire left wall was mirrored so that I would be able to see everything that happened to me in full, vivid detail. I shivered with a little bit of fear and a whole lot of excitement.
She led me further into the room to a stool. It had a round seat covered in tiny rounded nubs. "Bend over the stool," she ordered me. I did so without hesitation. I knew what was coming and wanted it over with as soon as possible. "That is the punishment stool," she said as she ran her hand along my back. You'll see them in many of the rooms here. Stay put while I get the belt."
"Yes Mistress," I replied. I could feel the little metal nubs pressing painfully into my flesh as Mistress Terri took her time picking out just the right belt to deliver my punishment. After what seemed like an eternity, but was most likely no more than two minutes she returned to my side carrying a narrow leather belt.
"I am going to give you three swats of the belt for disrespecting me," she said.
"Yes Mistress," I replied a little too fast, cutting her off.
"Let's make that six swats of the belt for further disrespect. You will not interrupt me while I am talking to you. Is that understood?"
"Yes Mistress. I'm sorry Mistress."
"Apology accepted, but the punishment stands. After each swat you will thank me for punishing you and showing you the error of your way, is that understood?"
"Yes Mistress."
THWACK! There was no warning as the belt bit into the tender flesh of my ass. I jumped forward, the metal nubs of the seat digging deeper into my chest and belly.
"Aahhggghhh," I yelped. "Th…thank you Mistress for punishing me and showing me the error of my way," I cried out. It had been more than twenty-five years since I felt the sting of a belt across my behind and I hated it as much now as I did growing up.
"OH MY GOD, THAT HURTS!" I screamed like a little girl. "Thank you Mistress for punishing me…and showing me the error of my way."
CRACK! This one hit where my legs met my ass. It also had the unfortunate displeasure of striking across my bare slit.
"Aahgh," I wailed like a banshee. "Please Mistress I can't take anymore. Please stop. Thank you Mistress for punishing me and showing me the error of my way," I said after sniffing back the tears.
"I will only stop when the punishment is over, or you give me the safeword. Do you want to say the safeword?"
"No Mistress," I replied. "I deserve my punishment for disrespecting you."
"You are still permitted to use the safeword," she replied caringly. "You are always permitted to use the safeword no matter what."
"Thank you Mistress," I found myself saying as I wiped away the tears on the back of my hand. "Please continue with my punishment."
THWACK! Another across my legs, behind, and slit. I cried out from the pain. "Thank you Mistress for punishing me and showing me the error of my way."
"Thank you Mistress for punishing me and showing me the error of my way."
"Thank you Mistress for punishing me and showing me the error of my way." And my punishment was over. I took it as best I could, like a disobedient submissive should.
"I am proud of you Sonja," Mistress Terri said as she rubbed her hands delicately on my sore behind. "You took the punishment well and completely even though I gave you the option of stopping it. You really do surprise me."
"Thank you Mistress. I don't ever want to experience that again."
"Just so you know, I gain no pleasure in punishing submissives. I am as far from a sadist as one can get, but there are times it is necessary to use punishment so that the submissive learns her lessons. I trust you've learned your lesson?"
"Yes Mistress. I won't be disrespecting you again that's for sure."
"That is good to hear. For the next bit of the test I am going to tie you in various positions and use some toys on you. I do not know how big you are comfortable taking, but the plugs you took in you during the visual test were one and a half, and two inches thick back and front. Are you ok with those sizes? Can you handle larger?"
"Those sizes were fine Mistress," I replied. "I am not huge on anal so the smaller the better."
"And what about your pussy? What's the largest you've ever taken in there?"
"A fist Mistress," I blurted out without meaning t
"Really? You certainly don't look loose enough for that."
"It's an embarrassing story Mistress. Not even my husband knows about it."
"Please, tell me."
"Yes Mistress. It happened while I was in college. A few friends and I were playing truth or dare, sex edition. All of the dares were of a sexual nature. One thing led to another and I took a dare to push as many golf balls into me as I could fit. I was able to get six in me fully, but only five came out. I had a humiliating visit to the ER where the nurse had to use some kind of muscle relaxant on me and reach her entire hand in me to get the last golf ball lodged inside of me."
"And how did it make you feel having her hand in you so deep?"
"It was the most humiliating thing I've ever experienced in my life, Mistress. I honestly think she enjoyed it and moved around in there much longer than needed. I couldn't prove it, but I swear she moved her hand in and out of me at least a couple of dozen times so I guess that counts as being fisted, right?"
"Yeah, I'd say that it does. And you have no desire to try it again?"
"No Mistress, at least not right now. It would be hard to explain to my husband why I am suddenly so loose down there."
"I understand sweetie. Are the sizes of the plugs you took during the test a good place to start?"
"Yes Mistress. Those would be ok, but…"
"But what?"
"I am not completely comfortable having you use them on me Mistress. I mean, it sort of feels like I would be cheating on my husband."
"And having another woman pee on you, spank you, and prepare to tie you up isn't cheating?" she replied with a bit of logic that I found hard to argue with.
"I'm sorry Mistress, I'm just really nervous. I've never done anything like this before. Go ahead and use the toys on me."
"Are you absolutely sure, Sonja? Don't do it just because you think it's what I want to hear from you. Remember your limits and the safeword. They are there for a reason."
"Thank you Mistress, but I'm sure. Please continue with the tests." My juices were dripping down my inner thighs so there was really no reason for me to deny that I was excited. Everything Mistress Terri did to me brought me pleasures. Pleasing her brought me pleasures. And as she moved me towards two ropes dangling from the ceiling and I became even moister, I knew that I really was a submissive.
Chapter 6: Happy Birthday Master
My husband's birthday was six days away and let me tell you, keeping back his gift was a true test of my will. I wanted to kneel at his feet and proclaim him as my Master once and for all every time I laid eyes on him. He had no clue of my visit to Mistress Julie's Dungeon. As promised, all of the marks were gone within a few hours – even the ones from the light floggings she gave me.
For six days life at home went on relatively as normal. We did our morning routines before heading to work in opposite directions. We came home and did our nightly thing. As the special day approached I thought of how I was going to break the news to him. I wanted it to be special, not just a 'hey honey, I'm submissive now so dominate me.' I wanted him to know the real me without having to say a word.
"Happy birthday dear," I said on the morning of his birthday.
"What, no gift?" he said mocking despair.
"It'll be waiting for you when you get home from work. Don't worry, I didn't forget your birthday gift."
"I know you wouldn't," he smiled. "I was only teasing. As long as I have you, I don't really need, or want, anything else."
GOD I love that man. We left for work as usual, but I took a half day in order to make sure I had the time to get everything I needed done before he got home. I elicited the aid of Mistress Terri with whom I became sort of friends with over the last week. She was a fountain of knowledge that I could turn to whenever I had questions.
It was partly her idea to do what I was going to do to surprise my husband. I dressed in a sexy new corset and panties and crawled into bed. Mistress Terri put the ball gag in my mouth and secured my hands to the metalwork of the headboard with strips of cloth tied into bows. She placed on my chest a folded card that I had written out earlier and then spread rose petals around me on the bed and on the floor, leaving a trail of them down the hall, down the stairs, and to the front door. Now all I had to do was wait.
I heard Greg pull into the driveway at 5:35. Every nerve in my body was on fire with excitement as I heard the door open and then close. This was the moment of truth and I hoped he liked my gift to him.
"Honey, I'm home," I heard him call out from below. I could hear his heavy footsteps as he walked across the living room towards the kitchen. He could never make it as a burglar I always teased him. They'd hear him coming a hundred yards away.
"Babe, you home," he yelled out again. I would have called out to him but for the gag in my mouth. Perhaps it wasn't such a good idea after all. Didn't he see the damn rose petals? As if to answer my thoughts I heard him say "what the hell?"
I heard him approaching the bedroom, my heart was beating through my chest. The card had fallen over and was now lying flat on my belly as the bedroom door opened. The look on his face is one I will never forget as long as I live. His eyes grew wide, his mouth gaped open wide enough to drive a train through.
As he wordlessly approached the bed my eyes moved down to the folded card moving up and down on my belly. He lifted it. I could see his hands shaking as he read it. "Honey," he said softly "this…this is the submissive's prayer. Are you…"
I nodded my head slowly and kind of moved my eyes down to the gag in my mouth hoping he got the clue. He did. He popped the ball out of my mouth but left the gag on me. It now rested around my slender neck.
"This is my gift to you, my love," I purred. "I belong to you, body, mind, and soul. I will serve you faithfully for as long as you will have me."
"I…I really don't know what to say," he said nearly on the verge of tears. In the eleven years of our relationship the only time I ever saw him cry was when his father died. This looked like it could be a second time.
"There's more to the gift," I said as I motioned with my head to a flat box sitting on the nightstand next to the bed. He opened it to reveal the slim black leather collar inside. It was really a gift from Mistress Terri to me, to give to my husband, but he didn't need to know that little detail.
"You've given me the greatest gift I could ever dream of," he said as he removed the collar from the box. "I will treasure and cherish this for as long as we live." He untied the strips of cloth binding me to the bed and sat me up. He hugged me tight to his muscular chest and kissed me. He kissed me hard, passionately.
"Happy birthday, Master," I said, clarifying without a doubt what my intentions were.
We made love that night. It was mad, crazy, passionate love they left us both breathless and wanting more. And I knew without a doubt that I had made the right decision in submitting to him. I knew without doubt that he would teach me, guide me, and dominate me to unknown pleasures. And I knew that my submission to him would only serve to increase those pleasures.
The Birthday Gift Page 3