Serving Fallon

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Serving Fallon Page 3

by Kaely Steel

  He laughed down at me. “Slow down, Fallon. We’ve got lots of time.”

  I shook my head. How to explain. I needed it to be immediate- fast and hard without any forethought or else the nightmares rear their ugly heads and steal my pleasure.

  I was eleven the first time I was raped.


  Fallon turned into a crazy woman in my arms. Out of control-a contradiction for a woman famous for never losing it.

  “Hey, hey!” I softened my kiss. Lowered her to her feet. She gazed up at me with those emerald eyes, full of pain. Pain I recognized because it greeted me every day in the mirror. “I have to get a condom. I have to protect you.”

  She nodded. Pulled away from me to clamber up the ladder.

  And just like that I lost her.

  But I got her back. I caught up to her in two long strides and picked her up in my arms. She was light as air. I lay her down on the lounge and dried her tenderly, as if she was a small child just out of the bath. She lay unmoving. She seemed fragile. Vulnerable. Broken.

  Or was it all an act destined to manipulate me? To bend me to her will? To have me do her bidding without question?

  Her skin was warm as I knelt between her legs and buried my face against her taut belly, before I slowly moved my mouth lower, past her smooth Venus mound to find the quivering love nub buried at the front of her swollen inner lips.

  She jerked at the first brush of my tongue, then lay still, fingers digging into my scalp as I made love to her with my mouth. I heard her breath catch, felt an inner tremble as I slowly brought her back to me. Brought her back to the pinnacle of desire and held her there safe as I felt her clench and relax. With gentle strokes of my tongue I tasted the nectar that told me she was ready for me. Ready for me to love her.

  I entered her slowly, letting her adjust to my size. She was so tiny I was afraid I might hurt her. She turned her face when I tried to kiss her, then relented, allowing the double possession of my tongue inside her mouth as my cock moved inside her. She felt hot and tight and sweet. She wrapped her legs around me urging me deeper. I fought for control, needing to feel her orgasm before I found mine.

  I thumbed her nipples, kissed her neck, her face, her eyelashes. At the same time my cock stroked her till I found her G spot. Her scream of pleasure echoed through the pool house seconds before I let go so hard I felt the condom tear.

  Damn! I rolled off of her and ripped off the useless piece of latex.

  I lay back down and pulled her into my arms. “Sorry,” I whispered. “The condom broke.”

  To my amazement she laughed. “Seems that big black cock of yours is just too much for the average condom.” She reached up and traced the outline of my lips. “I’m confident you’ve been tested.”

  Of course I’d been tested. When I’d been overseas, my wife had been drilling my best friend and lord knows who else. I nodded, still trying to make sense of Fallon’s amusement.

  “I’m clean too. And I can’t get pregnant, so stop looking so serious. These things happen in an imperfect world.” Then she rose and went back into the pool in what looked like a cleansing routine. Washing my sperm out of her, I guess.


  After my post-sex dip I hit the poolside shower for a quick rinse. Kiernan sat where I had left him on the lounge, looking a bit befuddled. Sex often had that effect on men. Personally, I felt invigorated, having evaded the nightmares from my past.

  I stretched under the shower spray, then reached for the shampoo to give my hair a light lather. Kiernan made his way to his feet, towel looped loosely around his waist as I returned and shrugged on my robe. I stood on tip toe and tugged his face down for my kiss. He tasted like me. “I enjoyed our little interlude. I hope we can do it again sometime.”

  I was on my way downstairs after getting changed when Dare found me. “That item you’re interested in just went up for auction.”

  Finally! “That’s great! Who’s the host?”

  Dare shook his head. “Anonymous. Sealed bid only.”

  I blew out a breath. So much for my initial strategy. Time for Plan B.

  Plan B came together relatively quickly, all things considered. Dare was a godsend. We worked well together and as soon as this was behind us, I intended to find out just what else we did well together. I knew I was taking a chance that others from The Group would catch onto my game, but it was a calculated risk. I needed all hands onboard to make this successful and find out who was working with the General.

  If anyone from The Group did show up for my little sting, the chances of them making the connection to G Force were slim. Precious few had ever met the members in person, and everyone there would be totally focused on the auction. On reclaiming the stolen property.

  Anticipation hummed through the house as we gathered, primed and ready for showtime. “The car will be here in a few moments. Does everyone have their role clear?”

  Their silence was the only reply I needed. My gaze paused on each one of them, resplendent in perfectly tailored dark suits, white shirts, dark ties. I was so proud of them; my heart overflowed with emotion. The excitement of what we were about to pull off had me elevated to a place of heightened focus. I knew they felt the same.

  We were one entity. One mindset. Working for one goal. Feeling at one with the G Force was hideously exciting. The power I felt as I guided my unit was intoxicating. How had I managed so long without my men? How much more could I accomplish with their skills at my disposal?

  Wedged in the back seat of the limo between Hart and Wulff I crossed my legs, aware I was damp with excitement on many different levels. Kiernan sat across from me, openly admiring the length of leg revealed by my short black skirt. I tugged at the blonde wig I wore, making sure it was on securely.

  The office I had arranged for our little sting was on the top floor of a massive glass-fronted tower identical to many others in the downtown core. Dare and I had leaked the intel that the original information for sale by sealed bid was false, then set up our own exclusive showing and invitation-only auction. We had created quite a stir, and there was a significant amount of interest, but currently only nine appointments booked.

  The double-glass doors bore a recently-added indecipherable logo. We went on through, and then Dare took his assigned place as my secretary. His job? To oversee the special equipment needed to monitor the proceedings and various surveillance cameras in the building. Kiernan, whose Russian was excellent, was already in place in the secure inner office as an interested buyer. Wulff, almost unrecognizable without his beard, was acting as seller. Ledger and Hart stayed discreetly in the background in the role of my ‘bodyguards’. As for me, my carefully forged on-line persona pegged me as an international agent who brought the various interested parties together. All in exchange for a piece of the action. With the help of the wig and some oversized tinted glasses, I felt confident I would not be recognized should anyone from The Group show up.

  I’d given up this cloak and dagger subterfuge for my law career. But, god, how I’d missed it! Luckily, I still knew all the right people. And before long our guests began to arrive.

  Dare greeted the newcomers and checked their identity. We had received responses from nine interested buyers. Kiernan was the tenth.

  From my place inside the inner sanctum I watched our guests make their way in and then warily eye the opposing bidders. I saw Lady Chen from the far east arrive on the heels of a well-known Saudi multi-billionaire businessman. The atmosphere was hushed as more people arrived and found seats. I could tell from the odd inclination of a head or the lift of a shoulder that several of those gathered were known to others present.

  I smiled inwardly, recognizing the General the second he arrived, despite his pathetic attempt to disguise his appearance. Of course he would be arrogant enough to show up in person- albeit under an alias- in an attempt to save face for having stolen information that had later been proven false.

  Ledger spoke low in my ear. “I coul
d take him out now. Put an end to all this.”

  I gritted my teeth. “Not until I know who he’s in cahoots with.”

  Across the room Kiernan was playing his role beautifully. He showed a tantalizing aloofness in the way he kept himself removed from the others, acting as if he was the only one in attendance. He was attracting a few curious glances as the others wondered at the identity of the unknown among them. Wulff, in his role as seller, greeted each guest by name, and in their native tongue. I was impressed. I personally spoke six different languages, but Wulff had me beat.

  Once the players were seated, the room grew quiet as a pin. A quick headcount showed we were still waiting for one last party to arrive. I glanced over at Dare, who was in consultation with Wulff. I nodded to their unspoken question. It was important these types of events adhered strictly to schedule.

  I rang the bell to officially begin the proceedings with a welcome in each of the languages I was fluent in. Before I got any further, Dare approached my side and flashed me his handheld surveillance screen from the camera downstairs. A quick glance showed Tomas and a group of Federal Agents in the lobby. So that was the game Tomas was playing. Trying to shut us down.

  Smooth as silk I voiced my apologies to our assembled guests. Explained they had done nothing wrong and but due to unforeseen circumstances today’s auction had to be postponed. As one body, they rose to exit. This type of outcome was nothing new to any of them. The room emptied in seconds, as if no one had ever been there.

  Quickly and efficiently my team gathered our equipment. We made our way to an elevator hidden behind a false wall where we were whisked to the parking garage. We were inside our limo before Tomas and his entourage reached the top floor.

  Dare looked at me across the car. “Who was that with the feds? Was he one of us?”

  How could I answer that? He was but he wasn’t. Tomas had betrayed me once. Clearly, he wasn’t finished yet.

  “I knew at least one person from The Group would show up,” I said. “It would appear that Tomas is the one working with The General.”

  “So now you know who you’re dealing with. What’s the next step?”

  I didn’t really like my answer, but it was the only one I had. “We must find out if he is the only one or if there are others.”

  Problem was, I had no idea how that might be accomplished.

  I heard the under-breath grumbling all around me. The G Force Five didn’t like waiting any more than I did. But the next move had to come from Tomas. It was the only way to find out who else from The Group was involved.

  “Why drag in the feds?” Hart asked.

  “He wants to stay on their good side. That way they won’t suspect him of being a traitor.”

  Wulff ran a hand over his clean-shaven chin. “Don’t tell me I shaved my beard for nothing.”

  I pinched his chin affectionately. “It was for the common good.”

  His big hand captured mine against his face. “Just so you know, I wouldn’t shave my beard for just anybody.”

  I couldn’t stop my smile, confident I knew who my next lover would be.

  Chapter 5


  From the limo’s back seat, I sighed with relief as the ranch came into sight. I didn’t feel like myself in the city and today’s adventure had been a far cry from our usual type of mission where, after receiving an assignment from The Group, we followed it through to completion. In those instances I knew exactly what I was doing and why, united with my team in our mutual need to see justice prevail in an otherwise corrupt world. That’s why I was here. It’s what kept me here.

  Fallon’s recent arrival had changed everything. I didn’t know much about the inner workings of The Group, except that I could get behind its mandate. I didn’t like knowing The Group was unraveling. Almost from the start I’d thrown my loyalty behind Fallon.

  If I needed a beacon in the dark, I’d choose Fallon. She was smart. She was accomplished. But what if I were wrong? What if she was the one destroying the very essence of everything I believed in?

  After what happened to my family, I badly needed something to believe in. Fallon seemed to be the real deal. Like me, no one on the team had hesitated to go along with her plans. But to some of us, trust came harder than to others.

  I was getting out of the monkey suit when she blew into my room without knocking, a bundle of pent-up energy and adrenalin, like a helium balloon threatening to break free. It was up to me to reach out and tether her to the ground.


  I couldn’t seem to stay away from Wulff. An instinct I felt powerless to control propelled me down the hall and into his room, a bottle of port in hand. By seeing him, perhaps sharing a nightcap, I hoped to wrestle back some of that control.

  He stood by the bed, shirtless and barefoot and incredibly sexy. His jaw was already shadowed by a new growth of beard. I liked him clean-shaven, but I also enjoyed this look. I could imagine the faint rasp of soft stubble grazing my skin as he kissed me all over.

  “Just so you know, I’m giving up anything to do with the stolen documents. They’re phony anyway, so who cares what happens to them. We know Tomas is involved with The General. We---”

  “Whoa.” He threw his hands up. I wanted them on me. “Slow down. Take a breath.”

  “You’re right.” I kicked off my shoes and flopped onto the bed, one arm flung dramatically across my eyes so I could watch him covertly. He had a child’s likeness tattooed on each of his pecs. His twins that he had lost. I hoped his wife’s image wasn’t tattooed on his cock.

  I patted the bed next to me. “Tell me about your children.”

  I saw the way he hesitated. Gnawed his lower lip, teeth clenched in indecision. Yet I knew he was accustomed to obeying. Which was what I needed from him. Loyalty and obedience. Even if it cost him. Muscles flexed as he crossed his arm over his bare chest.

  “Ever wish you had kids, Fallon?”

  I started as if stung. Narrowed my gaze. How dare he? I kept my Achilles heel well-hidden, yet with that one short sentence he had reached inside me and exacerbated my pain. Maybe because it was close to his.

  I shook my head, blinked as a sudden mist clouded my gaze. Knowing he saw it all.

  I took a breath and raised my chin. He stood over me like a tree in the forest, straight and strong. “I found out a long time ago that I’m unable to have children. But in no way do I feel that makes me less of a woman.” It was a lie that came easier over time.

  “Of course not.” He lowered himself next to me, contrite, caring, taking on my pain and adding it to his own. He caught my hand in both of his and raised it to his chest. “This was Alex, my daughter. She was born first.” He moved my hand to the other side. “This was Adam. Alex always bossed him and he let her. Secretly he looked after her. Or tried his best.”

  His silver eyes darkened to a stormy grey behind the memories. “I shouldn’t have gone away so much. Left them alone so often.”

  “But they were with their mother,” I said. “You were working.”

  He nodded grimly. “She had a tough pregnancy, carrying the twins. I never quite got her back.” He sighed. “And I’ll never know if it was because of that, or because the town was slowly poisoning the people who lived there.”

  “You did what you could.” I drew closer as we spoke, the warmth of his breath kissing my face, propelling my need to get even closer. As close as two people can who have loved and lost and read each other’s pain.

  I stood before him and disrobed, my movements as deliberate as my intentions.

  I reached between my thighs, stroked myself and felt a rush of heated nectar before I moved to straddle him on the bed. I smiled as his hard, aroused cock pulsed against me through his jeans. l felt myself respond and a fresh outpouring of sex juice dampened us both. I was hot for Wulff. Wet for Wulff. Needed Wulff, and nothing else mattered.

  “I watched you with Kiernan the other day in the pool house.”

  “I know. I
was imagining how it would feel if it was you.”


  “It added to the excitement,” I said. Wulff did that to me. Stripped away the veneer of polite society, moral expectations, peeled back everything until I was exposed and vulnerable, with no place to hide, no refuge from simple truth. From shocking raw honesty.

  “I became unbearably aroused watching you,” Wulff whispered as he nuzzled my neck, tongued that sensitive cord near my shoulder, then plundered the soft indentation of my eve’s trough.

  “Good.” I reached for his cock, touching his hard length through his jeans. He felt immense. “Did you touch yourself.”

  “Of course.”

  “Did you come?”

  “I thought I’d save it for you.”

  “How very noble.”

  His face lightened with his smile. “It required immense self-control on my part.”

  “Such self-control ought not to go unrewarded.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  When he laid me on the bed and lowered his lips to mine, I gave myself over to the simple pleasure of kissing. I adored the way his lips molded mine, at once firm yet soft, coaxing, demanding. The hot slippery warmth of his tongue invaded my mouth as if he had exclusive rights to every one of my hot, wet, and oh so willing orifices.

  He slid two fingers inside of me, the motion mimicking that of his tongue as it ravaged the softness of my mouth and I whimpered into him, raised my hips invitingly, tugged at the fastening of his jeans.

  “You are an impatient little thing, aren’t you?” Wulff said.

  I couldn’t bring myself to tell him why. Let him think it was him fueling my impatience, not past indignities. I eyed the bottle of port that had appeared in his hand. “Are we having a nightcap?”

  “The best kind.” As he spoke he drizzled a thin amber stream of the liquor onto my breasts and my belly.


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