Bound To The Enemy Eternal Flames Maddox 3

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Bound To The Enemy Eternal Flames Maddox 3 Page 7

by Cree Storm

  "Me, either," Rune moaned as he pushed into Kerrick's hand.

  "I want you so bad, Kerrick," Rune rasped as he arched into Kerrick's body, slowly kissing his way towards the man's earlobe and nibbling lightly.

  Kerrick hissed with pleasure, whispering, "You are overdressed. I want to see you, Rune. I want to see and touch you everywhere."

  Rune couldn't hold back a whimper, replying, "I want that, too, Kerrick. But if I do that you know as well as I do we won't be able to stop at just this or at least, I wouldn't be able to."

  Rune could feel his balls pulling tight and his need to come was becoming harder and harder to hold back. Doing his best to not give in just yet, Rune moved to Kerrick's neck and nipped and suckled, wanting to mark his mate in some way. Needing to show others this man was his.

  "So fucking good. I'm too close, Rune," Kerrick rasped.

  "Come for me, mate," Rune murmured.

  Lifting his hips once more, Kerrick said, "Now, Rune. Come for me now!"

  Both men released at the same time. Rune immediately brought his lips back to Kerrick's. Moaning and kissing his mate as his seed spurted from the tip of his cock onto Kerrick's side and hand just as Kerrick's seed was doing to Rune. Once their orgasm had subsided, Rune brought both his and Kerrick's hands up, mixed their cum together, and licked some of the juices, savoring their combined flavors.

  Kerrick followed Rune's lead, then closed his eyes tight and groaned, "We taste beautiful together. If it is this good, I can't wait to taste what it will be like when Dain is added to our flavors."

  "Stop talking like that or you're going to make me hard again," Rune said almost in a whine.

  A loud knock on his door had Rune yelling, "One moment."

  Jumping from Kerrick's bed, Rune covered his mate and righted his clothing. Walking to the door, Rune opened it. One of Destrain's guards stood at the entrance. "The king needs you both in his office immediately."

  Hearing a rustling sound behind him, Rune closed the door a little more so the guard didn't see his mate's bits and pieces. "What is this about? Is there a problem?"

  "You need to come now. The king says do not dally. I will wait and take you to him," the guard said then turned his back on the fairy.

  Closing the door, Rune turned to see Kerrick dressed and looking just as luscious with clothes on as he did with them off.

  "Stop looking at me that way mate or we are going to never talk with Destrain," Kerrick warned, walking towards him.

  "If that is supposed to deter me, then you are going to be highly disappointed," Rune replied with a smile.

  Kerrick gently kissed Rune, saying, "As much as I would love to bring those naughty thoughts of yours into reality, the king does not request a conference just to say hello. I already washed up. Why don't you clean up a little and then we can go see what's going on."

  Rune washed and changed his tunic. Kerrick stuck his hand out to Rune and he joyously took it. How wonderful was it to be walking down these halls holding hands with one of his mates and not feel nervous that he or his mate would be killed?

  Making their way towards Destrain’s office, Rune noticed that people were scattering everywhere grabbing swords, shields, and other style weapons and cover.

  "What the hell is going on?" Rune gasped.

  Kerrick shook his head. "I don't know, but by the looks of it, Fallon if I had to take a guess. Whatever it is, Fallon is behind it."

  Destrain yelled out, "We need men in three different locations. Lamant, you and your men have been working with Wyndingo and his men on fire lines. Take your group here and meet up with Nick and his men to get that fire out before it spreads. It's too close to a residential area."

  "Yes, sir," A tall muscular blond guard said before exiting past Rune and Kerrick.

  Destrain looked up and seeing them, he waved them over as he yelled out, "Corbin, take your army to the docks. Norog is already heading that way and will meet you there. Be aware of every movement and surrounding. Dain said they saw a large black mass moving towards the Harbor area. He couldn't tell what it was, but he said it couldn't be good."

  "Yes, sir," another tall man said as he brushed past Rune.

  "Destrain, what the hell is going on?" Kerrick asked firmly.

  Shaking his head, Destrain replied, "We aren't sure. It seems that Maddox is under an attack from unknown sources. Nick and his men are to the west. They were just sent out there to a major structure fire when Dain called about what looks like a large infestation of bats heading towards the town to the east. As he was getting ready to head out there to help them, he and Zen noticed another large black mass heading towards the dock area in the north sector. Dain is heading to the call center, I sent a group of men there to help him and another group to assist Nick and his men. I need you and Rune to come with me to the dock area. We don't know what the hell that mass is, but if―" Destrain's phone rang, interrupting what he was about to say.

  Rune didn't like this at all. Looking at the map, he felt that something was seriously wrong. More than just Maddox was under attack, it was as if it was planned to scatter them around the town.

  Kerrick pointed at the marked areas, saying what Rune had been thinking, "You are all being separated, or thinned out. For some reason, they want everyone scattered in all directions."

  "What do you mean they're Vambats? I thought all of those were killed in the fucking war?" Destrain yelled out.

  Kerrick gasped, "Vambats? Where are they?"

  Destrain ignored Kerrick, as he spoke to the person on the other line. "Dain, I am not calling you a liar, I'm just surprised."

  "Dain? What the hell is Dain doing around Vambats?" Kerrick hissed.

  Rune had no clue what the hell a Vambat was, but if Kerrick's fear was any indication, the creature had to be far more than dangerous to their mate. "What is a Vambat?"

  Kerrick firmed his lips, saying, "A Vambat is part human and part bat. They are known not only for their fighting ability, but also for their poisonous talons and sonar blasts. They are damn next to impossible to kill. Their hard bodies allow for a type of armor that no bullet or human weapon can fight."

  "Dain, back off! I'm serious, do not engage. As soon as my men and I take care of the docks we can―No Dain! I am ordering you to―Dain? Dain!" Slamming his phone down, Destrain turned to another of his men. "Contact the council immediately. Tell them we need them here like ten minutes ago. I need every available person they have."

  "What about Dain? What did he say?" Rune asked anxiously.

  Destrain turned to Rune, "He is going after―" Destrain's phone rang again, stopping him from continuing his sentence.

  "Destrain here. Harpies? What the fuck? No! Do not engage! Whatever you do don't allow them to touch you or even know you are there. I'm serious Norog. If they touch any of you they can either bespell you into doing what they want, or they will send a sound blast that will disable your ability to fight. Wait until I get there. Be aware of where they are at all times. They can also manipulate fire, and the last thing I want is for you to be cremated alive. Give me two minutes, max. I will meet you in the Harbor Master’s chambers."

  Once Destrain hung up the phone, Kerrick immediately said, "You and your men go to the harbor. Rune and I will go and assist our mate. I've fought the Vambat before and I may be able to stop them before things get really bad."

  Destrain looked at Kerrick intently. Rune sighed. "Destrain, you know we are not behind any of these attacks, but our mate is in danger. You must allow us to help."

  Finally, Destrain nodded and started to make a portal. "This will lead you to Dain. I must go and try and figure out how to stop the Harpies.

  Kerrick grabbed Rune's hand before saying, "They are most vulnerable in human form. However, a concussive blast can disable them long enough for you to cut off their heads. The best thing to do is make them transform to their human self and then you can take them out. Just like the Vambat, harpies are immune to human weapons. However, unl
ike a Vambat, a Harpy is also immune to fire. Also, be careful, Harpy's can transport. So, keep yourselves out of sight."

  "Great, how in the hell do you fight something that you can't let see you while you do it?" Destrain muttered.

  Kerrick shrugged. "Very carefully." Then walked through the portal.

  Chapter 10

  A Vambat swooped as Kerrick and Rune stepped out of the portal to join their mate in the fight against them.

  "Watch out!" Dain yelled as a large fire burst incinerated the reptile before it could latch its talons onto Kerrick or Rune.

  Rushing to Dain, Kerrick looked around to assess the situation, but Dain didn't seem happy to see them there. "Why the fuck are you two not with Destrain in his home?"

  Kerrick turned to their mate, just as firmly saying, "Because our mate is trying to fight a group of Vambats practically alone! We are here to help."

  "Besides, King Destrain went to the docks to assist his men against the harpies currently assembling there," Rune answered, then shouted, "Fuego!", forming a large fire ball and tossing it over Dain's head, torching a Vambat attempting to charge at their mate.

  Kerrick could see Day and his men were flying and breathing fire on the enemy, but there were so many Vambats, there was no way that they were going to be able to kill them all.

  A loud scream had Kerrick turning as a Vambat latched its talons into one of the pixie warriors. Not hesitating, Kerrick yelled, "Espada de fuego!"

  A fire sword appeared in his hand, just as he made it to the pixie warrior and swung it, severing the Vambat's head, killing it instantly.

  Dragging the pixie to a safer location, he checked the man, then called to Rune, "Do you know how to make the anti-venom for a Vambat bite?"

  Rune gave Kerrick a look of disbelief. "I didn't even know what they were, Kerrick. How in the hell would I know how to make an anti-venom for one?"

  Dain stood up, shooting fire balls at three more, yelling, "In my lab there's a potion book on my desk. What Kerrick is asking for is there. We can hold them off so you can fly there. The energy from the portal seems to attract them, so it is far more dangerous."

  Shaking his head, Rune replied, "I will be fine."

  Dain practically growled, "Rune, don't argue. Fly to my place and―"

  Rune turned away and Kerrick could see the pain in his mate's eyes. "Rune what is it?"

  Shaking his head, Rune muttered, "I can't fly because I don't have wings."

  "All fairies have wings, Rune. It's one of the biggest parts of vanity they have is the pride they have in their wings," Dain said with a roll of his eyes and another fire blast at the Vambats.

  "Fallon cut mine off when he left me to die after I freed the vampires," Rune said shamefully.

  Dain and Kerrick's eyes widened, then Dain snarled, "I will so take pleasure in killing that fucker."

  Kerrick sighed. "Okay, we will hold the Vambats back, make your portal and take this man with you. You must hurry, he only has about thirty more minutes before the venom completely takes over and he dies."

  Nodding, Rune started a chant. Kerrick was surprised at how quickly the portal formed and how it appeared just big enough to fit Rune and the warrior through. The damn thing didn't even attract the Vambat.

  "How in the hell did he do that?" Dain asked in shock.

  "I have no idea. We can ask him later," Kerrick replied.

  Nodding, Dain shouted, "Right now, we have a bigger problem."

  Kerrick turned as a large swarm of Vambats raced towards them, claws extended and their intent to kill in their eyes.

  * * * *

  "Hold that line! Damn it, Devonte don't let that fire past you or I swear you will have latrine duty for the next year!" Nick yelled over the roar of the fire.

  "I'm trying, Chief, but the water line is weak," Devonte shouted back.

  Turning around, Nick noticed a small leak in the lower valve plate nut. "Ronin! Get that fucking plate nut tightened!"

  "Yes sir!" Ronin shouted back, rushing to the engine to get the tools needed.

  Turning back to the fire, Nick noticed that the men Destrain sent were doing their best to stop the fire from spreading, but the hose wasn't in the right place. "Lamant, aim the hose lower! You're too high and that isn't going to stop anything."

  Logan approached Nick. "We are going to lose those houses if we don't get more men on that line, Chief."

  Pursing his lips, Nick nodded. "The water pressure isn't what it should be. That is the third hydrant with a loose lower valve nut, Logan."

  "You're thinking this was started on purpose? We don't know that, sir. I mean, it could also be loose debris in the lines. With all the code updates we've been doing, we haven't had time to clean the hydrants," Logan stated.

  "True, but what are the odds that every lower valve has been loosed at this exact spot where a major structure fire suddenly appears? We got lucky that this is an old warehouse, but it's also too close to the residential area. No, Logan, something is off here," Nick stated before yelling, "Lamant, lower that fucking hose! Hit it low, it has to go! Remember that!"

  "Yes, sir!" Lamant shouted back.

  A young man with long black hair approached Nick, it took a second, but then he remembered him. "Jensen, you need to get back."

  Jensen Manner was a young homeless boy that tended to stay in the abandoned warehouses around Maddox. Nick and his men had tried to take the young one in, but he was not the most trusting man Nick had ever met. However, he was a key witness to an arson case they had just wrapped up. Nick was still reeling that one of his own had tried to burn down the town just to keep Nick from being with his mate.

  One of Lamant's men walked up as Jensen spoke, "Nick, I can't say I completely understand what is going on around this town, and I know I might sound crazy when I say this, but I thought you might want to know that there was a small man here a few times this past week. He had shoulder length white hair and couldn't have been more than five feet maybe five one."

  "Son of a bitch. He's describing Dwarden," The pixie warrior snapped.

  "Who is Dwarden?" Nick asked in confusion.

  "He is another pixie we have tried our best to locate for many years. He used to be Regent Dain's apprentice.”

  Turning to Jensen, Nick asked, "Did this man you describe start this fire?"

  Shaking his head, Jensen answered, "No sir, but he was messing with the hydrants. I scared him off a couple of times, but like I said, he kept coming back. Then this evening, I was making my way into the building just across the street when I heard a loud ear-piercing sound that shattered more than a few of the windows. When I turned, what looked like giant birds started shooting fire balls at the building and it went up like a Roman Candle."

  Logan gave Nick an odd look, then Nick asked, "Was their anything odd you noticed about these birds?"

  "You mean besides the fire balls shooting out of their ass? Well, I would say the fact that their heads looked really odd, I mean they weren't birdlike, they were almost human like instead," Jensen replied trying to sound unphased, but Nick could hear the shaking in the young man's voice.

  "Harpies?" Logan asked.

  Nodding, Nick replied, "Yeah, Logan, watch over the men. I need to contact Illan immediately."

  Nick went to the fire truck and grabbed his phone.

  * * * *

  “King Destrain, we have already lost twelve men. Ten others are pinned in that boathouse, and another twenty are in the water under the dock. We need more help.”

  "There is no more help right now, Norog, this is it. We have to do what we can for now," Destrain replied, making sure to stay out of sight of the harpies flying overhead.

  Norog replied in concern, "Our fireballs are not working on them, and neither are our swords. How do we kill something that seems immune to all of our methods of attack?"

  Thinking about what Kerrick had said, Destrain replied, "Kerrick told me that the best way to kill them was to have them in human form or by
a concussion blast."

  "A concussion blast could cause a great water disturbance, sir. With our men in the waters below the dock that could kill them as well."

  Nodding, Destrain replied in concern, "I realize that, Norog, but we may have to sacrifice a few to save the many."

  A sound caught Destrain's attention. Turning, he could see a group of humans making their way towards the docks with guns and other weapons. "What are they doing? They're going to get themselves killed. Norog, take some of your men and get those people the fuck out of here."

  "Yes, sir!" Norog replied and went to do as his king ordered. However, before he could make it more than two feet, the harpies turned and flocked towards the humans. The loud scream had Destrain and the others rushing to cover their ears. The humans dropped where they stood and fell to the ground.

  Destrain hissed, "Norog, we'll cover you, go check on those people immediately. “Norog rushed to do as his king ordered. Destrain shouted, "Arrows only!"

  Immediately Destrain's army stood and began to shoot glowing arrows towards the harpies. Taking a moment to watch Norog, he watched as he and his men began to move the humans into another boat house. Thank the Gods, that meant they were alive. Now, hopefully, Destrain and his men could keep the humans as well as themselves that way until he could come up with a plan to destroy the fucking pesky bitches.

  Chapter 11

  Rune entered Dain's lab with the injured man. Rushing to the desk, it didn't take but a second to locate the book Dain had told him about. Going to the experiment table, Rune read the ingredients and carefully added the items it instructed. A moan had Rune looking over to the injured warrior, laying on the couch. "It will only be a few more minutes. I promise I will do what I can to insure you stay alive."

  "Thank you," the warrior rasped.

  "What's your name?" Rune asked.

  "Borger," the warrior replied.


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