Stella's Corpse- Investigation Begins

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Stella's Corpse- Investigation Begins Page 2

by Samuel Kris

  “Sorry, sir. What part of the investigation is this?”

  “I’m the officer in charge of Stella’s disappearance.”

  “Oh. I heard that. I’m sorry I took the charge yesterday. That’s why I didn’t comprehend it.”

  “So, who was in charge before?”

  “To my knowledge, this hospital has not had an HR manager for the past two weeks.”

  “Then Mr. Ajith?”

  “He is in charge of our college. Since the hospital and the college were the same, he was looking after things for two weeks. He had performed a brilliant job. If not, I would not have had time to sit and talk to you.”

  “It’s okay. Mr.? I’m sorry I didn’t ask for your name.”

  “I am Sajan. You didn’t mention why you came to this wing Mr. Anwar. “He asked, looking at the nameplate on my chest.

  “Sorry Mr. Sajan. I am hither to see Dr. Mrinalini. I doubt she might deliver a significant statement about Stella's disappearance.”

  “Oh, that’s so. May I call her here?”

  “That’s very kind of you.”

  He quickly picked up the telephone and dialed a number looking at the chart lying on the table.

  A little later a charming woman came into the room. Being a doctor, though, seemed to experience no sense of manners, she went in without knocking. Sighting me, she looked shocked. Then asked Sajan.

  “Sir, why did you say you wanted to see me? There are plenty of patients out there.”

  “I know Doctor it's rush hour. This officer wants to ask you something. It is because of his gentleness he asks you to come in here and discuss. You can sit here if you want to.”

  I asked Mrinalini, “If you find it difficult, we can talk at the station as conveniently. Why?”

  She sat in the chair with nothing to say. “Look Inspector... I have done nothing wrong. Why then?

  “I believe I did not accuse you of wrongdoing. Isn’t that so? I only need to ask one or two things. And that’s because it’s something that I demand to know urgently. I’m sorry.”

  My words seemed to soothe her down.

  “Ask Inspector. What shall I convey?”

  “Do you recall Stella?”

  The look on her face suddenly seemed to change. Under those circumstances she said as usual.

  “Obviously, not in this hospital, but I think everyone in the neighborhood knows her better.”

  “How are you together? Were you in friendship?”

  “No. I know her, though.”

  “Okay. Do you know Stella is Missing now?”

  “Eh?” There was a shock in her.

  “What? Didn’t you know?”

  “Indeed, inspector, I did not know. I saw Police Jeep lying out there, but did not think that was the cause.”

  “Okay. When was the last time you saw Stella?”

  “I don’t remember.”

  “I’ve got credible witness statement that you met Stella on the Wednesday before the last one.”

  “Eh?” Her face turned pale. It felt like it was too hard for her to breathe.

  “No. I didn’t see Stella at the time. Whoever said that is lying.”

  “Why are you tensed? You seem as if you are the one hiding Stella.”

  When I said that, she looked away from me.

  “Dr. Mrinalini. Why did you go to Ajith’s room that day?”

  She thought about something. “I was just going to talk about a day’s cut in my salary. But… yeah, I remember. Thither it is. Oh yeah! Was it Stella? How can I say that?”

  “Please tell me everything. I might gain some clue from it.”

  “I’ll brief you, Inspector. What I witnessed there that day was definitely a shame. I hastily opened the office room and saw Stella and Ajith hugging each other. I was in shock so I went back. Later in the evening, I could meet Ajith. Perhaps because I saw him in an awkward situation in the morning, he quickly resolved my case.”

  “Why did you think they were in an embarrassing situation?”

  “When you see your coworkers bound to embrace one another, and they were married to someone else; what would you think?”

  “Okay. You’ve never met Stella again. Isn’t it?”


  “How was Ajith’s behavior that evening?”

  “He said not to be mistaken and not to tell anyone about what I saw in the morning, because Stella did it so because of mental agony. Since my matter resolved without any fuss, I didn’t discuss anything about it.”

  “Okay Doctor. Sorry to bother you. To make things clearer, I shall call you some other time. There shouldn’t be any annoyance in that.”

  Chapter 06

  As I was leaving Sajan, I went to Ajith to inquire him to find out if Mrinalini was telling the truth. It was a feeling that she was concealing something. When she confirmed that she had not seen Stella at that day and then doubted whether it was Stella herself, she was in a panic.

  Because in the conversation with Ajith that evening, she could have understood it was Stella. I was in deep thought; didn’t notice I dodged my way. I reached in front of Mortuary. As I was wondering where to go, a woman came up the steps. Looked like cleaning staff.

  When I reached out, she was frightened. One of the most familiar types of fear that occurs when you see the police. Sought the way to Ajith’s room, she assisted.

  “Go straight and turn right, and if you step up, the corridor will split in two. Going straight till the end of the two-room, you will see a staff room board. When it is over, first turn to the right. Ajith Sir is in the second room.”

  When she spoke in such detail, I felt she was in the most educated and conscious group. On the way she mentioned I went to Ajith’s room, I have my doubts, maybe Stella got out of class and took this way to get out. One of the rooms I came across was the classroom where Stella had taken the lecture that day, validating that suspicion. I briskly walked back to the mortuary. While standing there, I saw the cleaning staff who had come earlier.

  “Sir, do you lose again? If you want, I’ll come with you.”

  “It’s not the matter. If I ask you something, will you confess the truth?”

  “What is it, sir?" She asked with skepticism.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Meenu.” She replied with astonishment.

  I asked her about things in an amicable way. Some unexpected evidence came in my way and Stella’s disappearance has been exposed.

  On the day of Stella’s disappearance, Meenu stepped into the cleaning job as usual and saw Stella quickly opened the mortuary door and entered. Stella didn’t notice Meenu standing there. Naturally she became suspicious. There was no way to experience what was going on inside. However, when Meenu put her ear over the keyhole, heard some noises, something hitting. What’s more it was like a cry. After that, there were some husky conversations. For a while, she heard nothing. By then, she observed someone coming that way Meenu left.

  None of my conclusions were correct. Why did Stella get into a mortuary when she was feeling conflicted by emotion? The sound and cry that Meenu heard was presumably Stella’s. The aggressor might have battered her, and she cried in agony. Subsequently she was subdued. If so, maybe Stella?

  It was possible Stella went to the mortuary under threat from someone. The target of the attacker must have been an intimacy with Stella. Something that would force her to do so would be in his or their custody (the possibility of having more than one cannot be ruled out). He would apparently have convinced Stella in the car parking area. He may have said she should reach the mortuary at the right time, or when he called. She must have agreed without any other choice. Her actions in the classroom validate that theory. But why did she apply for two weeks’ vacation? On that occasion, the target of the attacker represented not an intimate relation with her.

  I thought I should check the mortuary as soon as possible. I went straight to Sajan’s room and requested help. He hastily arranged for it.

Nothing much came from checking the mortuary. It was hard to get anything out of there because it was cleansed two or three days ago. There was nothing suspicious, as was the case every month.

  I felt like things were getting more confusing. The mind was troubled. The mortuary inspection was exhausting. Hence, I required a little rest. I went down to the canteen and consumed something heavy. By then, Sajan was sitting in the chair opposite me.

  “Greetings Anwar. I think you have no obligation calling your name.”

  “As you would expect not. When you do so, it feels friendly.”

  “I also represented that. Did you obtain anything from the mortuary inspection?”

  “Sajan, I can’t reveal anything about that.”

  “Then, sir, I think you stated it out of formality that you felt friendly.”

  “Sajan, I didn’t mean it. Details are intricate to pin down until this case is proven. This case is more complicated than I thought.”

  “Do you think Stella has been executed?” Sajan asked with a gruff voice.

  “In the current situation, there are reasons to believe so. I’d like to hope she’s alive.”

  “I pray it may be so. If she died, it would definitely be a loss to men. I want to appreciate that beauty.”

  “Indeed, I also want to witness her.”

  “Did you think you’d get her for a moment? Anwar?”

  “I would say that those who do not feel that way is unmanly.”

  “That’s enough. She will be alive. And shall return. Ho! If got a chance, I will definitely spend a night with her.”

  “Sajan. You should remember you are talking to a police officer. To the officer who is seeking her.”

  “I’m sorry. I forgot everything. My feelings are not in my control since I saw her photo.”

  “Sajan, maybe if you get her alone, will you utilize that opportunity?”

  “Naturally. If she agrees to at least one percent.”

  “What if she doesn’t agree?”

  “I will try to persuade her. Probably by force. No, if I did assert it, you would apparently suspect me.”

  “Oh no. You’re the only one who came here yesterday. I see no possibility of associating you with Stella’s disappearance. Please, my friend, if you regain her alone in the mortuary, among the dead bodies, what will you do if she provides her consent?”

  “Oh. I will drink those lips without delay. Then I will try my best to get her a wonderful....”

  “Very well. That’s a remarkable thing.”

  “I’m certain there’s something substantial came out of the mortuary.”

  “Just think so.”

  “So said I.”

  “To whom?”

  “To Dr. Mrinalini.”

  “Tell me everything about her.”

  Sajan assured nobody would listen to us. “After you had questioned and went back, Mrinalini entered and asked why you were really there. Even though I told the truth, she seemed to have no faith. After sitting there for a while, she asked about it again. You must have noticed she was a gorgeous lady. Beauties have inevitably remained a passion for me. She entertained me like she grasped that fact. She exposed herself a little bit and asked again the same and went out.

  Belatedly, after you came to me to inspect the mortuary, Mrinalini came again. I think she arranged the nurse to watch if you were coming. She inquired me why you came back. I asked her what remained in it for me. She recognized my intention and gave me a kiss on my lips and asked me to reveal the truth, if I want it again. When the matter was revealed, she went out in a hurry. As I walked out, I saw her locking in her room. I tried breaking into her room, but the nurse stopped me. I was back, every time I called on the phone, it felt alike engaged. It was possible she just misplaced the receiver. But after some time, she called back and apologized for her actions. She added that when the opportunity arouses, the kiss could be added with interest. Thence I looked at Stella’s file. That beauty shattered my nerves. It was next I got my conscious back and realized the actions of Dr. Mrinalini seemed very suspicious.”

  “Even though its late, you received your senses back. And if she asks anything, mention it in accordance with your will. Offer her some clues so that she doesn’t express any doubts. Please retain my mobile number. If you find anything unusual, please inform. And if she asks again, say only ‘clobber among the corpses. If insist on more, tell her if she agrees to a secret meeting then it can be revealed. Then contact me.”


  “If things are as I think they are, then she will inquire about the possibility of if you meet me or speak with me. If so, you will secure all the chances of drinking those lips enough.”


  “I believe you will be grateful and to behave wisely.”

  Immersed in mental states, Sajan went out.

  When he was summoned her to the room at first, I felt he was an intelligent person, but a sentient being. He established the circumstances in favor of him. And he agreed. That’s why I said so. I randomly said about the phrase “clobber among the corps.” No wonder that word entered my mind from that conversation. Undeniably, from the mortuary, I didn’t collect any clue.

  If Dr. Mrinalini knew anything, she would fall into this trap. I hoped Sajan would act wisely.

  Chapter 07

  The questioning of the mortuary keepers and staff did not yield much. That day, no one went to the mortuary because Dr. Shenoy called them to his room and scolded them. As a professor of anatomy, his actions were suspicious. But he couldn’t be directly involved in the crime. They say after scolding with them for a while, he took out the mortuary’s keys and went out.

  Upon interrogation of Shenoy, it was reported that someone had been entering the mortuary for several days and suspected there had been atrocities on the corpses. He found the corpses were quickly damaged, although there was no evidence. It seemed like there were significant injuries. Another thing he said, was getting a condom from a woman’s corpse while the students were attending the exam. Fortunately, he was able to handle it without anyone noticing. Naturally he suspected about his assistants. That was why he called them the next day and questioned them.

  Things were getting more hectic now. On that precise time, when Shenoy was questioning his staff, who called Stella to the mortuary? Whoever it was, they were absolutely explicit about it. None of the mortuary staff was, because they were all in Shenoy’s room. The only key was in Dr. Shenoy’s custody. According to Meenu’s statement, the door of the mortuary was unlocked. Clearly someone else secured the keys.

  I came to Ajith’s office thinking about the possibilities. Suddenly something else emerged in my mind. I walked into the classroom where Stella was standing last time. The lecturer gave permission to speak to those students sitting near the window.

  One of them insisted on that day a lady stood by the window. He had seen her sari even though she was hiding. As soon as Stella left, he looked through the window and saw a woman was walking quickly. He had no doubt that it was Dr. Mrinalini.

  One thing was apparent, seeing Dr. Mrinalini here, Stella quickly checked her mobile and left in a hurry. If so, the person who told Stella should be at the mortuary at the time, might be Dr. Mrinalini. By overlooking her, she came seeking Stella.

  The question still aroused, why did Mrinalini not contact Stella on mobile? It seemed that her claim they were not close to each other can be trusted. On behalf of someone else, Dr. Mrinalini threatened Stella and ordered her going to the mortuary.

  Soon after, I started trying to get Mrinalini’s mobile number. When I arrived at Sajan’s room, luckily, he was there. Sajan was extremely disappointed that Mrinalini had not come anticipating him.

  Regardless, I informed him that knowing about my arrival would trigger an alert and she would be seeking reason. Sajan rapidly gave me her number by searching in the hospital records. He also contacted the IT Department and obtained the call details of Dr. Mrinalini’s landline
number. After instructing clearly what to do when she approaches, I went out. There was still time to put my plans into action. First, I need to find out what happened to Stella.

  I contacted the police station and arranged to investigate the numbers.

  I got a call right away.

  “Sir, I have just received a message from Stella’s Mobile saying ‘She’s safe with the guy she wants.’

  “OK, Augustine. Can you bring that phone to the station, otherwise to Stella’s college? I will attend you here.”

  "No. I can’t come right away. I have to perform an urgent surgery. While getting ready, I saw this message. You were directly informed. I can’t reach there before six o’clock.”

  “I can understand Augustine. I’ll contact you. The sole thing I can suggest that don’t delete that message. It is possible it’ll help finding Stella.”

  I felt like I was putting down a tremendous weight. However, I can’t flee this place without concluding the case.

  I called to the police station and told to inquire about the source of the message that came to Augustine’s number, and to go to the passport office and collect some information.

  I was thinking of Stella disappearing again. That SMS was merely a distraction. The attacker realized the police were after him. I felt my inquiries were in exact track. The SMS constituted a proof that Dr. Mrinalini was involved in the action and that she was delivering the details to the culprit. It was true Stella was in danger. Probably at the mortuary. According to Dr. Shenoy’s statement, the mortuary was opened the next day only. If so, the attacker could have hidden Stella in the mortuary that day. They may have steered her out at night or else without anyone noticing. Perhaps as a corpse or unconscious. If she was taken out late at night it would be easy to identify. Because only the front gate for the casualty was ajar at that time. They can’t get out without paying attention to the security there. I went straight to the casualty and contacted the security guard. He came suddenly because he had been interrogated earlier. All I demanded was a clear answer.


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