Finding His Unicorn

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Finding His Unicorn Page 3

by Alexa Riley

  “I’ll think about it.” I give in because she’s right. You really only live once.

  He was the first thing in forever that got me excited about something. Unlike Rie, I do believe in finding the one. What if Blaze is mine?

  Plus, it’s not as though I can make it any worse than I already have. Right?

  Chapter Six


  “Gotcha,” Chief says from nearby and I look up to see him holding his phone at me.

  “Did you just take my picture?” My smile falls as I walk over to him.

  “We need your pretty face to give our firehouse some love. You know my ugly mug can’t do it.”

  “It’s because you scowl so much,” I say before trying to take his phone from him. “What are you doing with that?”

  “Posting it to our social media. Why don’t you tell me what had you smiling so big?”

  “None of your business.”

  I turn around and go back over to the truck to start cleaning out some of the gear. My thoughts instantly drift back to that glittery unicorn covered in fire extinguisher foam and tears. It shouldn’t make me smile so much, but the way she fell right into my arms did something to me. It made her endearing and her clumsiness makes me want to follow her around so nothing bad happens to her.

  By the time we handled the call that took us away from her, it was too late. I went back to the park but everyone was gone, and disappointment hit me harder than I thought it would. It surprised me how my heart fell when I couldn’t find her, but I’m hoping for a phone call any moment that can point me in the right direction.

  As if my hopes have sprung to life, my cell phone rings.

  “I know why you’re calling me and we both know I can’t give you what you want,” April says, but I can hear the smile in her voice.

  “Come on, I know you had to write down her info somewhere. Just a phone number. I could call and do your follow-up for you.” I’m not above begging, and maybe even theft.

  She sighs and then there’s a long pause. “It’s against the law for me to share medical information with you, Blaze.”

  My hope begins to sink, and I’m already trying to think of another way to find her.

  “I appreciate you calling, but I’ve got a long shift today.”

  “I know, I just really—”

  “A really long shift.”

  “I heard you,” I say, but she keeps on talking.

  “I’ll be out of my office all day.”

  “Yeah, April, I know how your job goes.”

  “All day. And I’ve got so much paperwork to file. It’s just sitting here on my desk.”

  I straighten up as I realize what she’s trying to tell me.

  “Who knows when I’ll be back here to take care of it? I guess it will just sit here until then.”

  “That’s too bad,” I say as I walk over to my locker and grab my keys.

  “Yep, we’re leaving now, so I have to go. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “I owe you,” I say and she chuckles.

  “Just don’t let me down.”

  “Not this time.” I hear her laughing as I hang up the phone. “I’m out of here,” I call over my shoulder to Chief.

  “You’re leaving?” He sounds like I’ve just told him I’m from another planet. “But you never leave during the day.”

  He follows behind me as I get in my truck and crank it up.

  “I’m not even on the schedule today.” I wink at him as I throw it in reverse.

  “That never stopped you before. Where the hell are you going?”

  “To find my unicorn.”

  His eyes widen as I turn on the radio and blast the music.

  I can’t remember the last time I felt this good, and as I drive across town, the excitement feels so damn good. I don’t want to get my hopes up, but I know April wouldn’t do me wrong.

  When I get to the emergency services building I park my truck and walk in the back. It’s not unusual for firefighters to be here and I wave at a few people I know. I don’t take the time to stop and chat because I’m on a mission. April’s office is at the end of a long corridor so it provides a little bit of privacy. The door is closed and the light is off, but when I grab the handle it turns. I breathe a sigh of relief because I would have straight-up broken a damn window to get in there.

  I walk in and silently close the door behind me as I go over to her desk. Right on top I see yesterday’s cases and I flip the folder open. I read through until I see the word “unicorn” and stop.

  “There you are,” I say to myself as I pull out my phone and enter in her name and number.

  At the bottom she lists a work address as her home address and I see it’s a call center in town. I check my phone to see where exactly it is, but Google says it’s closed today.

  I debate texting her right now, but I need to see her. Those brown eyes have me all kinds of twisted up and I can’t get her out of my head. I can wait until tomorrow and then ask her out to lunch. But can I wait that long? An internal debate starts and then I hear voices on the other side of the door and I remember where I am.

  I close the file and then go to the door and press my ear to the glass and wait for the voices to fade. When they do I slip out and try to walk as calmly as I can back out to my truck. I get behind the wheel and I sit there for all of three seconds before I give in and send her a text.

  I was never one for patience.

  Chapter Seven


  I take another screenshot and send it to Rie. I have no idea how to respond to Blaze’s last text. We have been texting back and forth since last night and I’m all aflutter.

  Rie: He’s flirting with you! Chill out. He wants you bad.

  She’s been saying that since he sent me the first text. I click back over to the text Blaze sent me that says he still has glitter on himself and he can’t get it off.

  Me: Sorry! I had no idea how much my friend put in that tail and on me. I think I’m still wearing some myself. My hair might still be a little blue too.

  I reach up, touching my hair and wanting him to have that small warning before he sees me. Rie said we could dye it back to my normal color but she thinks it looks good on me. I’m not sure how I feel about it yet. It’s different and fun but it isn’t helping me fit in around the office, that’s for sure.

  Blaze: I love the blue but I think you could pull any color off.

  He even adds a winky face to the text, making me smile so big it almost hurts my face. I was so shocked when I got a text from him. I don’t know how he got my number but I don’t care. I was about to go down to the firehouse and try and find him myself with Rie’s encouragement. It made me feel good that he found me first. It turned my crappy, depressing night into all smiles.

  “What are you smiling about?” Carrie asks as she stops in front of my cubicle.

  I look up from my phone that I probably shouldn’t be on, although I see the others on theirs all the time. Besides, it’s almost lunchtime.

  “Nothing.” I put the phone down on my desk and she rolls her eyes. I wait, wondering why she came over to begin with. It’s not like she ever wants to chat. It puts me on edge that she might be up to something and I don’t trust any of them after what they did to me at the picnic. I’m still upset with myself for being so gullible. Rie says it’s my heart and that I’m sweet to the core. Fuck these assholes for trying to mess with that.

  “You leaving your hair like that?” She gives me a look that lets me know she doesn’t approve of it.

  “Yep,” I chirp.

  For the first time I don’t care what they think of me. I’m here to do my job. I’m still looking for a new one but I’ve come to terms with the fact that these girls will never like me and I don’t want to be their friend. Why would I after the way they’ve treated me? I’m sure they do the same to others, and who wants friends like that? Not me. I’d rather have no friends at all. I’m never giving up Rie but I don’t need new
ones, nor will I be going out of my way for any of them now. I’ve always been extra helpful around the office for anyone that needs it, but not anymore. I’m going to keep my eyes on my own paper until I find a replacement.

  “So you want to look like a Smurf?” She laughs at me and I hear a few more chuckles from behind me. I don’t have to look to know the other girls are enjoying this.

  “What do you care?” I meet her gaze and she looks taken aback by my question. Or maybe it’s because I’m actually challenging her. I wish Rie were here. She’d be cheering me on.

  “I was just nicely trying to let you know it’s not a good look on you.” She narrows her eyes at me as if giving me a silent warning not to mess with her.

  I don’t want to mess with her. I want to be left alone. They are the ones that aren't getting that message.

  “Well, I didn’t ask if you liked it so keep your opinions to yourself.” I stand up from my desk, open my bottom drawer, and grab my bag. I’m going to enjoy my lunch date with Blaze and put this out of my mind. I’m nervous and excited about it all at once and I’m not going to let her sour my mood.

  “Are you really this pissed about the costume joke?” She gives me another one of her eyerolls and it’s then I see she has a folder in her hand. I’m guessing there’s something she wants me to do for her, which is the same something that would have me working through my lunch for her.

  “You guys lied to me and did nothing when I caught on fire.” I want my words to have more power to them but they don’t. I can’t help the hurt that bleeds through and I don’t understand how people can be so mean to one another.

  She starts to respond but I walk away, not listening to her. I’m sure I’ll get her two cents when I get back but she’s not worth it.

  I walk to the front doors to meet up with Blaze, but my excitement fades when I see Mike standing there. His eyes are tracking me and I know there’s no escaping him. I dodged him this morning before I ducked into the bathroom. Now he’s right in my path with a smirk on his lips.

  Dang it. He comes right toward me, getting into my personal space and making me feel uncomfortable. I really have to find a new job.

  Chapter Eight


  “Rosabelle,” I say again to the woman at the desk. She’s not looking up from her computer and it’s not exactly the best customer service.

  Rosabelle told me she worked at a call center and it was nothing fancy. I got here a little early and thought I could go see where her desk is, but apparently the receptionist doesn’t know who I’m talking about.

  She clicks away on her keyboard and my frustration begins to build. I walk away from the desk to look down the hall and see if I can spot her. Blue hair can’t be that common in a room that’s almost entirely beige.

  It’s one gigantic open room with cubicles throughout. There’s a row of windows on one side, but other than that it’s fluorescent lighting with nothing worth looking at. It’s a little depressing as my eyes scan the room and I think about being trapped in here all day long. I couldn’t do it, but maybe some people don’t like being outdoors.

  Just then I see a shock of blue hair coming around the corner, but then it stops. Ignoring the unhelpful woman at the desk, I walk through the doorway and down the side of the room so I can get a better look. I’m almost around the corner to where she is when I hear her voice.

  “Excuse me, Mike. I’m running late.”

  “Where you headed off to?” Mike asks.

  I’m surprised by the jealousy that hits me, but I guess meeting her the way I did made me feel protective of her from the start.

  “An appointment.” She sounds irritated and my eyebrows draw together. Is she annoyed she has to meet me or because she has to talk to this guy?

  “I like the new look.” Mike’s voice is low and smooth and I involuntarily clench my fist at my side. “What are you doing after work? Why don’t you come by my place and watch me workout?”

  My anger swells to the point that there’s a ringing in my ears and I have no choice but to step out from around the corner. As soon as I do, I see Rosabelle looking up at him and the instant I see how uncomfortable she is, I go to her. It’s then I realize the guy she is talking to is the shirtless douchebag from the park.

  “Blaze,” she calls when she sees me and I watch her face transform from worry to utter relief and that does everything to calm my insecurities.

  “Hey, beautiful,” I say, and without a second of hesitation I open my arms and wrap her up in them.

  I watch her cheeks flush with color, but I don’t care. I can’t wipe the grin off my face or describe how damn good she feels in my arms.

  I hear Mike clear his throat, but lions don’t wait for sheep to tell them what to do.

  “Miss me?” Those big brown eyes of hers are so soft and warm as she smiles and bites her lip. “Me too,” I say softly as I hug her again.

  What is it about her? I’ve never wanted to just hold a woman before, and with Rosabelle, the feel of her soft body in my arms heats every inch of me. It’s like Christmas morning and going on a roller coaster all at once. It’s excitement and happiness and I don’t want it to stop.

  The sound of my stomach grumbling makes her laugh, and when I look up I see Mike is gone. Good.

  “Let’s get out of here.” I grab her hand and we walk out of the building to my truck. “It’s a bit tall so let me help you up.”

  When we get to the passenger door I open it and grab her by the hips. She lets out a little squeak as I place her inside and then walk around.

  “Where are we going?” she asks as she buckles up and I do the same.

  “How about tacos?” I offer, and she nods, her smile getting bigger.

  “Awesome. There’s a taco truck near the park. We can sit and eat afterwards.” At the mention of the park I can see the grimace on her face. “Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “Well, I’m not wearing an exploding tail today, so that’s helpful.”

  “I bet you looked great before you caught on fire.” I wink at her before I reach over and grab her hand.

  “I thought I looked pretty cute too. Until I got there and no one else was dressed up.” She shrugs as she looks out the window.

  “Did they do that to you on purpose?” She nods but doesn’t look back at me, and I give her small hand a squeeze. When she turns to me I smile at her. “When I was in high school the guys on my lacrosse team stole my clothes and threw them on my car. I had to walk from the gym to the parking lot completely naked. While the state cheering competition was being held at our school. So I know a little about being embarrassed in front of a big crowd.”

  “Oh, God, I would have died. At least I wasn’t naked.” I see a smile tug at her lips as I stop at a red light.

  “Yeah, I might have had a different reaction to you throwing yourself in my arms if that were the case.” I lean over slowly as her lips part and I smile as I cup her cheek. “One day, little unicorn,” I whisper against her mouth right before I kiss her.

  The first thing that goes through my mind is how damn sweet she is. She’s like cotton candy and sunshine and it warms me from top to bottom. When I feel her tongue touch mine, I reach over with both hands and pull her closer. Instinct takes over and I want her against me, under me and wrapped around my body. My blood heats up and I can feel my heartbeat in my veins. Adrenaline spikes and the kiss has gone from soft and sweet to hungry and ravenous in a half a second. Her hands go to my chest and tighten in my shirt. That need for me only spurs on my efforts.

  The blaring of multiple horns behind us sound and I pull away to glare at them. I feel Rosabelle laugh in my arms and I look to see a sheepish smile on her face.

  “Later,” I manage to say, catching my breath. “We’ll do that again later.”

  She nods as she shyly tucks her chin and I drive forward. I need a cold shower or something because I feel hot and sweaty after just one kiss.

mn, this woman is magic.

  Chapter Nine


  Walking through the park, he held my hand and we talked for a while. He told me about himself a little bit but mostly asked questions about me. Thankfully it’s not too hot today and there are still seats in the shade. The trucks are crowded but the good ones are always busy and it gives us more time to talk. Or flirt, which is what it feels like. Every time he smiles at me his dimples show and it sends little waves of pleasure all the way down my body. How can just a smile do that?

  I’ve never talked so much to one person in my life other than Rei, and once we get our food I feel like maybe I should slow down a little.

  We find a small bench to sit down and enjoy our food together, and as soon as I look at the four yummy tacos in my lap I think maybe lunch wasn't the best idea.

  My mouth still tingles from Blaze kissing me and I’m not sure if it's food I’m craving or him. Either way, I have no clue how to eat this without being messy. Can anyone make eating a taco look cute? I’m guessing not.

  I glance up at Blaze, who is sitting in front of me with his eight tacos in front of him. “Do you want something else?” He looks down at my basket that I haven’t touched yet.

  “No, they’re fine.” I go to pick one up and he gives me a big smile before shoving a whole taco into his mouth at once. I fight a laugh before digging into mine. I guess I don’t have to worry about being ladylike.

  “Sorry. When it comes to food my control isn't great,” he tells me before going for another one.

  I eat mine and no longer care that my mouth is likely covered in sour cream and salsa. I let out a small moan at the delicious taste of them. There is nothing better than a taco truck. I don’t know what secret ingredient they have in those things, but it’s addicting.


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