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Sons of Rome

Page 9

by Karrie Roman

  Drusus glanced up at Caius, who stood nervously above him, shifting from foot to foot. “Have you been elected to speak with me on behalf of my disgruntled men, Caius?”

  “No. I would speak with you out of concern for you.”

  “Concern for me?”

  “Yes, Drusus. Something troubles your mind—badly—and I would help you with your burden if I could.”

  Oh, by the gods, Drusus really didn’t need to be tormented with Caius and his kind words right now, nor did he have the heart to turn him away. Caius was earnest in his offer; that much was plain on his handsome face. And in the absence of Marcus, he really needed someone to talk with. Calpurnius’s presence at the far end of the table from him told Drusus he was yet stung from his earlier rebuke even if he had been somewhat appeased by Drusus’s reasoning. But here was Caius willing to share his burden.

  “Will you sit, Caius?” he offered, pleased when Caius took the seat beside him, even if it was with slight hesitation.

  “Did Cal speak to you of my worry?” Drusus began after a few moments of silence between them.

  Caius nodded. “Only briefly.”

  “I have been told of a potential trap being planned by some of the Germanic tribes. Our legate has chosen to ignore the warning. I am afraid, Cai.”

  Caius was watching him with growing alarm, but Drusus knew him well enough to know he would not panic. “Is there anything we can do?”

  “You believe me?” Drusus asked, only now realising there was little reason for anyone to believe him or Segestes, for that matter. Drusus wasn’t even sure why he trusted Segestes’s words, other than he’d seen sincerity in the man’s eyes. More than that, Drusus had a growing sense of foreboding. Evil was coming for the legions, and Drusus was terrified his men—especially his brother and Caius—would be caught up in it.

  “Why would I not?” Caius seemed genuinely puzzled.

  “No matter. All I can do is share the knowledge with the senior centurion of our cohort, and perhaps he will take it to the Primus Pilus. The senior centurion of the entire legion may listen to our cohort’s head. I will speak to the legions’ prefect also. I pray to the gods they believe me, and together they may be able to convince Varus. Other than that, all I can do is ensure my men are trained to their best. I would not lose you—any of you,” he quickly added.

  A warm hand rested on his thigh under the table and gave a little squeeze. “Such a burden you carry on your shoulders for us all,” Caius murmured. “We will not fail you, Dru.”

  Drusus covered Caius’s hand with his own and squeezed back. “I do not fear the shame of failure, Cai. I fear unbearable loss.”

  “We are soldiers of Roma. Loss will always be a part of our life. At least, that is what I have been told ever since the day I was conscripted.”

  Drusus had heard this also from the day he joined the legions. It was true. All soldiers seemed to do was lose something: a part of themselves, friends, even the family they had left behind. But Drusus also knew that for the first time he had something to lose that would be too much of a burden to bear.

  “I would not lose my brother…or you,” he whispered.

  Caius watched him with large owlish eyes. He blinked as though fighting to understand Drusus’s words. It was understandable. Drusus was tossing and turning in his words to Caius, so much so, that the young man must be confused.

  “Drusus, you must not say such things. I do not know your heart. You turn me away, but then you say such words to me. I cannot…”

  “Apologies, Caius. You are right. I must push you away, but it is not because I do not care.” Drusus swallowed, desperately trying to keep dangerous words from leaking out of his mouth, but failing. “How can you not know how much I want you, Cai?”

  “How can I not know? Because you have not told me. You turn away from me. You—” Caius’s voice was rising along with his anger.

  “Come,” Drusus commanded and stood away from the lunch table. He stalked to his barrack room, knowing Caius was following on his heels.

  He closed the door behind Caius, grateful for the barrack walls that would give them some privacy. Soon, they would be in tents made only from hide, for months, and living would be even harder. Drusus leaned against the wall, his gaze pinned to Caius who stood in the middle of the room similarly watching him.

  Now he was here alone with Caius, he wasn’t at all sure what he should do. It was clear what he wanted to do; his entire body itched to take this man and make him his, but something—maybe fear—held him back. The risk of loving and losing Caius continued to stay his hand.

  “Here we are, Centurion. What would you have of me now?” Caius demanded.

  “I… I can not…”

  Caius took a few steps toward him. He was so close now Drusus could see the flecks of gold in his rich brown eyes. Caius’s sweet breath ghosted across his face; his masculine scent pervaded his senses.

  “I know you are afraid for your heart. I know you will leave the legions—and me—too soon. I know the pain for us both will be hard to bear. But, Dru… Despite it all, I would have you if I could. Especially now that there will be great danger on this campaign.”

  In the face of Caius’s courage, Drusus felt shame for the lack of his own. He’d never cared for anyone in the way he did for Caius, nor had he ever wanted anyone as he wanted Caius. And he may lose him soon regardless of anything he may do to prevent that, including staying away from him.

  Drusus surged forward, cupping Caius’s face in his hands before slamming his lips down on the younger man’s. Drusus reached down with one arm, wrapping it around Caius’s waist before pulling his body in tighter against his own. He’d never experienced anything as arousing as Caius’s body pressed against the length of his own.

  Their breaths were coming in pants in between the press of their lips, but when Caius snaked his tongue into his mouth, Drusus growled, losing all control. He pushed against Caius’s body, walking him backwards until his legs pressed against Drusus’s bunk.

  Drusus pulled away from the warmth of Caius’s lips and allowed his gaze to travel the length of him. He was perfect. Strong, beautiful, and vulnerable all at once. Drusus grabbed one of Caius’s hands and pressed his lips to the palm. He looked into Caius’s eyes, searching for permission. When Caius leaned into him and gently pressed his lips to his, he knew he had it.

  Drusus tugged at Caius’s tunic, pulling it over his head and away from his body. His hands trembled as he worked Caius’s subligaculum from his body before gently lowering him onto his pallet. For a moment, he stood over Caius’s naked body, taking his time to look over his every inch of perfection. Caius’s cock was hard, evidence of his desire. Drusus’s mouth watered at the sight.

  He lay on top of Caius, covering his whole body with his own as they resumed their kiss. Caius’s hands roamed the length of his back, exploring his solid plains until they came to rest on his ass.

  Drusus pushed his body even tighter to Caius’s. Their hard cocks pressed together, a sensation unlike anything he’d felt before.

  “Dru,” Caius moaned, arching his body against Drusus’s.

  Gods, he would find his release soon if he didn’t do something to stop it. “Cai, I would have you.”

  “I am yours,” Caius whispered back.

  Drusus stood and quickly removed his tunic and subligaculum. He reached for the vial of oil on his nearby table. Even the way Caius was watching him so hungrily was pushing him closer to his release. “Roll over and spread your legs,” he commanded.

  Caius smirked at him before willingly complying. Drusus watched as Caius’s body writhed on the bed as he impatiently sought out the friction he so desperately wanted.

  “I will be gentle next time, Cai. But for now I have lost all control. It will be hard.”

  Caius turned and looked over his shoulder at him with such a look of temptation that Drusus nearly came where he stood. “Please, Dru,” Caius whimpered. It was such a heady feeling for hi
m to know that someone wanted him as urgently as he them. Drusus felt like one of the gods.

  He sat on the edge of his pallet and dribbled some of the oil over Caius’s hole. With his fingers he rubbed it around his opening before gently pressing first one and then another finger inside. “You are so tight, Cai.”

  Caius mumbled a response that Drusus did not quite hear. It occurred to him suddenly that perhaps Caius had not been penetrated before. He eased his fingers out of Caius’s pliant body and said, “Caius, look at me.”

  The younger man turned again to look over his shoulder. He was truly a feast for Drusus’s eyes. “Cai, have you had a man inside you before?”

  Drusus watched the flush grow on Caius’s cheeks, answer enough for him, though Caius’s words soon confirmed it. “No.”

  Drusus would be Caius’s first lover. The honour and weight of that slowed Drusus’s actions. He would make this first time something special for Caius, even if it tested his patience and control. He leaned down, pressing open-mouthed kisses along the length of his spine, eliciting whimpers and moans from the man beneath him.

  “The gods have truly blessed you with such beauty, Cai. I cannot turn my eyes from you.” Drusus cupped Caius’s ass cheeks before allowing his fingers to return to his hole. Caius’s body quivered beneath his touch.

  When Caius finally relaxed into his touch Drusus removed his fingers and poured some of the oil on his aching cock. He moved to kneel behind Caius, pulling a little on his hips so that Caius moved to his hands and knees. Drusus leaned forward, pressing a kiss to Caius’s temple, the back of his neck, his shoulder blades. His cock slid between Caius’s arse cheeks, the sensation stealing his breath.

  “Relax for me. Let me in.”

  Drusus dragged his hands down Caius’s body, leaving one gripping his hips, while his other gripped his cock and guided it to Caius’s arse. He pressed the tip to his hole and gently pushed inside. Caius’s body tensed around him.

  “Shh, easy, Cai. Relax,” he whispered. Drusus pressed slowly and gently farther inside Caius, every second happier that he hadn’t slammed into him as he originally planned.

  When he was fully inside, he stilled, allowing Caius a moment to adjust while willing himself to calm. “Are you well?”

  “Yes. Please, Dru. More,” Caius panted.

  Drusus held Caius’s hips with both hands and eased back almost all the way out of him before sliding back in. His movements were torturously slow, yet he felt overpoweringly good. He continued at this pace for some time until Caius began squirming under him. He gripped Caius’s hips tighter and began thrusting into him with almost punishing force.

  The pallet creaked beneath them and Drusus’s entire body shook. He was so close. He reached around and grabbed Caius’s cock, pumping him in time to his movements.

  “Oh gods,” Caius cried out.

  Drusus continued thrusting and stroking until Caius’s cock pulsed in his hand, and he heard the drawn-out moan that signalled his completion. Drusus thrust twice more before pushing hard into him. Caius’s arse gripped him unbelievably tight while his cock twitched and spurted his seed as he found his pleasure more fiercely than he’d imagined possible.

  They collapsed together onto the bed, their sweaty, spent bodies heaving for breath. Drusus wanted to lie this way forever.

  “By the gods, Dru,” Caius mumbled beneath him.

  Drusus rolled, allowing Caius some space despite it feeling so wrong not to be pressed against him. “Did I hurt you?” he asked, fearful that he’d done damage when he lost control.

  “Not at all. I’ve never… Drusus, that was beyond all imagining. Tell me we will do it again and again.”

  Drusus turned his gaze to Caius and found him smiling softly at him, no hint of pain or regret on his features. “I think we must do it many, many more times, Cai. Never has it been that way before.”

  Caius trailed his fingers through Drusus’s hair as they lay on their sides facing each other. “Would that it could be this way forever,” Caius whispered.

  Drusus endured a sharp spike of pain then. The pain of loss that would come too soon for him. And it would come inescapably now, because Drusus had tasted of the pleasures of Caius’s body—but worse, now he had opened his heart a mere fraction to him.

  Chapter Eight

  VARUS ARRIVED LATER the same day with the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Legions. Drusus had planned to spend the evening and all night in bed with Caius, but once he heard of their arrival, his duty came first.

  He urgently needed to speak to his camp prefect, perhaps even one of the other legions’ camp prefects if his would not listen to him. Reluctantly, he dressed and left Caius sleeping in his bed to go in search of Prefect Claudius.

  Drusus had always respected and gotten on well with Claudius; he was, after all, the one who had selected Drusus to become a centurion and he was an army man, not from the rich families of the senate. He hoped Claudius felt the same way about him, so there might be a chance he would believe the news Drusus brought to him now.

  Claudius was alone in his offices when Drusus found him. He was pleased because it meant he would not have to speak his words in front of others who may not believe him and actively attempt to turn Claudius’s thoughts.

  “May I enter, Prefect?” he asked after knocking quietly on the door.

  “Of course, Drusus. Come in. Sit.” Claudius stood as Drusus entered the room and poured them both a wine. Most prefects had slaves to do these jobs for them, but Claudius had only one slave that Drusus knew of, and he rarely did such trivial tasks for his master. In fact, Drusus had often heard Claudius bemoan the laziness of having a slave pour a drink when he could just as easily—and with minimal effort—pour it himself. It was in stark contrast to the Governor who seemed to have a slave to do every task for him, even wiping his brow.

  Claudius held out a mug to Drusus who took it with a slight nod of gratitude. “I heard of your skirmish on your way here, Drusus.”

  “Yes, Prefect. We lost no one—unlike our enemy. Though a few of our men suffered some wounds, all are now recovered enough to march when the time comes.”

  “I am pleased, Drusus, though I would expect nothing less from you. You are a fine soldier.”

  “Gratitude, Prefect.”

  Claudius took a sip of his wine, his keen eyes watching Drusus the entire time. “What brings you here, Centurion?”

  Drusus appreciated his prefect’s directness, and though he had to swallow his nerves, Drusus immediately spilled Segestes’s tale to him. Claudius watched him, listening intently as Drusus spoke, yet his face remained unreadable. Drusus had no idea whether Claudius thought his words true or not.

  “Segestes himself told you this?” Claudius clarified when Drusus had finished speaking.

  “He did, and I believed him to be truthful when he spoke with me. At least he believes the plot to be true. I believe it to be true also, Prefect. Arminius is young and proud. I cannot seem to trust him. I believe he intends to fight against us. I believe he sets a trap for us.”

  Claudius paced the room while Drusus anxiously awaited his reply. Claudius could go to Varus with this, leaving Drusus in all kinds of trouble. Regardless of this prospect, Drusus knew he had done the only thing possible. He would do all in his power to prevent this looming tragedy, despite personal consequence.

  “Our legate, Varus, has chosen not to act on this warning? He does not believe Segestes?”

  “He does not.”

  “We will need to be cautious, Drusus. I will do what I can to persuade the tribunes and Varus himself to be cautious, but you know as well as I that he is a proud man unwilling to listen to those beneath him.”

  “Yes, Prefect.”

  “Gratitude for bringing this warning to me. I will speak to the other prefects and have word spread amongst the centurions. I am afraid the only option we have to defend ourselves is to remain alert to the possibility of a trap. Varus’s stubborn nature, while an advantage in ba
ttle, may tie our hands.”

  “Yes, Prefect. Gratitude.” Informing the prefect was likely all he could do to try to avert disaster, but it was something. In the absence of the emperor himself, the governor’s rule was absolute. A pity they had such a man as Varus for theirs.

  “Whatever happens, we will march out tomorrow. Make ready your men and remain alert. Dismissed, Centurion.”

  Drusus nodded at his prefect and then left him to take whatever actions he deemed necessary. Drusus thought it probable they would not be enough to save them from Varus’s foolishness.

  He went to find Marcus in the barracks. He would share his fears with his optio before he spoke to his century.

  Since he had left Caius’s warm body a short time ago, Drusus’s only desire had been to return to it. Never had he been so eager to take a man so soon after just having him. His cock stirred at the thought. Caius was truly like no other he had ever bedded. But, as had been the way for almost twenty years, his duty to Roma came first.

  “Drusus, it is good to see you,” Marcus said as Drusus entered his optio’s room.

  “And you, Marcus.”

  “I have heard of your journey here. I am pleased it was only one man who was badly hurt. And even more pleased he recovers speedily and well.”

  Drusus felt the tiny niggle that Marcus had chosen Caius for the purpose of seeing him wounded or worse. He quickly cursed himself for his unkind thoughts toward a man who had been his friend—his brother—for many years.

  “Caius fought remarkably well. Had his opponent not been a giant of a man, he would not have been wounded at all. He is a very fine soldier.” Drusus blushed at the praise he was bestowing on his lover, even though his words were true.

  Marcus looked him up and down with his penetrating gaze. Drusus wondered if he could tell what had happened between him and Caius, and if so, how would he react to the news? Drusus had no plans to keep it secret from his men because he planned to have Caius in his bed whenever possible. He trusted his men. He believed there would be no trouble from them because of Caius.


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