Dinosaur World

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Dinosaur World Page 18

by Logan Jacobs

  “You two should get going,” she said. “I’ll take that up.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked her. “It’s pretty heavy.”

  “Don’t worry.” She smiled. “I’ve got it. You aren’t the only one with muscles, you know?”

  “Okay, fine,” I said as I set the oven down onto the grass.

  “There’s not much time left to finish the barricade,” Hae-won said. “We really should get going.”

  “Alright,” I said and looked up at the sky. They were right, we had maybe two hours left of good daylight before things got a lot darker, and I really didn’t want to be out on the streets then.

  “Hop in,” Hae-won told me.

  “Can I drive?” I asked. “It looked like you were having a lot of fun there.”

  “No,” the Asian woman chuckled. “I’m driving, I did find the car, and you might need to shoot something.”

  “Good point.” I slid into the passenger seat.

  “Maybe you can get the next car,” Hae-won said as she shifted the transmission.

  “Yeah, as long as it isn’t as cool as this one, right?” I joked.

  “Exactly.” The woman smiled at me and we set off toward the main gate.

  I saw the barricade she had been working on while Becka and I figured out the windows, and I had to admit that the design and execution seemed pretty good when I saw it in person. It would be pretty impossible for anything to push past the wall of cars, and though a lot of things could probably get over the tops of them, it would be difficult and as long as they had no reason, I thought the barrier would work well to discourage anything from wandering in.

  “This is pretty amazing,” I told her as she parked the Audi along the row, getting so close to the car on the side that I could hear the faint sound of the metal sides scraping together. I winced when I thought of the damaged sportscar. “You said you already did one of these by the other gate?”

  “Yes,” The dark-haired woman replied, and she opened her door and stepped out. “It’s very solid. I think it’s the best we can hope to do at this point.”

  “Yeah,” I said as I tried to climb across the seat and out of the driver’s side door. She had parked way too close to the other car for me to even get the door open on my side. “Did you see the dinosaur corpse there? What did you do about it?”

  “Well, most of it was eaten,” she replied. “It was pretty cool, you could see all the ribs. I didn’t know how to move it, especially with all the blood that was on the ground, so I just drove over it.”

  “Hmm, I guess that’s alright,” I said as I tried to consider ways of getting rid of the mess. “Maybe we can hose the place down tomorrow. Or we could try to dump dirt over it and hide the scent.”

  “Yes, that could work,” the woman said. “We should do that tomorrow.”

  “Oh, actually,” I replied. “We need to get Becka a tetanus shot.

  “We do?” Hae-won asked. “You spoke of it before, but I’m not sure I understand the word.”

  “Well, that wound that Becka got,” I explained. “There’s a chance that it could get infected with tetanus.”

  “What’s that?” the girl asked.

  “It’s a toxic bacteria,” I replied. I figured she probably knew what it was by the Korean name, but it was easier if I just explained it. “If it gets deep into the skin, it can infect the wound and start to attack the nervous system. It can even be deadly.”

  “Why do you think Becka could have this?” she asked as her eyebrows scrunched together.

  “Well, we get vaccines for it,” I told her. “So no one normally gets it, but Becka never got her last vaccine. So if it is there, she’ll have no protection unless we can get her the shot.”

  “So you want to go get the shot tomorrow?” Hae-won asked.

  “Yeah.” I sighed. “I know it’s a set back, but I don’t want to wait and risk her getting the infection and dying.”

  “Yes.” Hae-won nodded. “I understand, we can get the medicine. It will be easier now than if we wait.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean,” I said. “If those shops were any indication, I’m sure people are going to start raiding places for medical supplies soon.”

  “It could be a good chance to get other supplies, too,” she reasoned. “We can get some antibiotics and more bandages, in case one of us is injured again.”

  “Yeah, those was my thoughts exactly,” I agreed. “So you’ll come with us?”

  “Of course, Jason.” The beautiful Asian woman smiled. “I’m not going to risk Becka’s life.”

  “Good,” I grinned. “Then let’s get this stuff finished for today, and when we get back to the gallery, we can make a plan for tomorrow.”

  “Okay, let’s go down that road a bit.” Hae-won nodded and pointed in the direction of a street that fed off the main one and away from the campus. “I was working my way that direction earlier.”

  “Great, you lead the way, then,” I said.

  I followed Hae-won down the street and kept a tight hold on my sword. I made sure to cast an occasional glance behind us, but the street did seem to be pretty empty, and I felt like Hae-won had made a good choice in location. About five minutes down the street, we came across a ford hatch-back parked on the side of the road, and Hae-won slowed down a bit.

  “I’ll show you.” The Asian woman motioned in the direction of the vehicle.

  We stayed entirely silent and glanced both ways half a dozen times as we crossed the street. It didn’t seem like anyone or anything else was around, and Hae-won took one final glance before taking the handle of her sword and smashing in the driver’s side window.

  “Is that how you’ve been getting into all these cars?” I asked her, my eyes wide in surprise.

  “Of course Jason, what did you think?” She grinned.

  “I don’t know, maybe that you found a lot of abandoned cars,” I replied. “If you’re just breaking in, how are you driving them? Are there just keys in some?”

  “That is the secret I was going to show you,” she explained with a sly look in her eyes. “Just watch.”

  “Okay,” I said.

  Hae-won reached inside the vehicle and used the inner handle to open the door. The car alarm started blaring, but then she quickly pulled one of my knives out of her pocket, reached down under the steering wheel, and cut one of the colored wires underneath. Then the alarm stopped and the street was silent once again.

  She flashed the knife up at me, “You don’t mind, do you? I borrowed this from your things.”

  “No, I don’t mind,” I laughed. “Just ask next time.”

  “Sure.” She grinned at me.

  “What now?” I asked as I looked over the wires she had pulled out from beneath the steering wheel.

  “Now we start the car,” she replied.

  I watched as she took the knife and cut through two red wires, stripped away the coating on the ends, and twisted the two exposed sets of wires together. The car lit up, and the headlights and dash lights blinked on, but the engine stayed dead. She then cut through two more wires, this time more of a brown color, and stipped the ends off these as well.

  I noticed that this time she took extra caution not to touch the exposed parts of the wires. She then took the two ends and carefully touched them together before pulling them apart again. The engine sputtered and came to life, and she got her backpack, tore a piece of duct tape off of a strip she spread across the bag and finally used the piece to cover the ends of the two brown wires.

  “There,” she said as she stood up. “It’s mine now.”

  “Wow,” I said. “Why didn’t you tell us you could do that?”

  “I don’t know.” She shrugged. “I guess I didn’t want you to think I was some kind of criminal.”

  “Are you kidding?” I asked. “Hot-wiring a car? That’s badass. You’re incredible.”

  “Really?” She smiled, and her brilliant blue eyes flashed up at me.

I returned her stare.

  “Is that what you call it?” She asked and turned away from me again. “Hot-wiring?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure they have another name for it in Korea,” I observed.

  “Yes,” she replied. “We should start driving, though. We need one more car after this to secure across the front.”

  “Okay,” I said. “Let’s go, then.”

  Hae-won tried the steering wheel and it seemed locked in place.

  “Hold on, one more thing,” she said and took a screwdriver from her bag. She took the flat end and angled it toward the top of the steering wheel between the back of the wheel and the dashboard before jamming it down. She wiggled the tool around, moving the steering wheel as she did and soon it came unlocked and she could move it freely.

  “Nice,” I said as she grinned back at me. “Okay, let’s get this car into place.”

  We drove it back down the street, and Hae-won parked it into the last gap in the row of cars blocking the front entrance. She had driven one car vertically in front of two of the other cars, and it was clear there would be one more in front of the other two that we still needed to collect.

  “We should go back down that street again.” Hae-won detached the two wires she had twisted together and the engine came to a stop. “I think I spotted a car further down the road.”

  “Alright, let’s go get that last car,” I said. “Becka is probably about done lining up those panels, we should get back and help her.”

  “We’ll make this one quick,” the dark-haired woman replied.

  We headed back down the road and toward the spot where we had taken the other car from. When we reached the place, I spotted the car in the distance that Hae-won had seen. It wasn’t far, and as we made our way over to it, the street was still empty.

  Hae-won broke the side window, opened the door, quickly cut the alarm wire, and started to work on the other wires.

  I was watching her work, but then I heard a noise from behind us and I turned toward the sound to see a man running around the next street corner, waving his hands in the air. He was a ways off in the distance, and I couldn’t make much out about him, but his face was red and he seemed to be shouting something at us.

  “--criminals! That’s my bloody car! Get away from it!” I heard him shouting when he came within earshot.

  Behind me, Hae-won must have finished wiring the car because I heard it roar into gear.

  “Fucking pricks, get off it!” the man yelled, and I could see now that he was wielding a large kitchen knife as he ran toward us.

  Chapter 14

  “Hae-won, step away from the car,” I said and took a few steps away from the vehicle and toward the man in the distance.

  He was still nearly half a block away, but he was running straight for us. I needed to tell him we didn’t mean to steal his car, we were just looking for abandoned ones, but he didn’t look like he was in the mood for talking.

  “Stop, we’re not criminals,” I shouted. “We’ll leave your car alone.”

  The man slowed a bit. “Not criminals? Then what the hell are you doing?”

  I was considering how to answer him when I caught the blur of a massive shape overhead.

  “What the fucccccc--” I glanced up just in time to see a huge flying dinosaur swoop down and wrap his claws around the man off in the distance.

  The creature had huge bat-shaped wings, and it was a dim gray-green color. It seemed to have hook style hands on the top of its wings, but its back feet had full gripping claws. The thing was huge, nearly three times the size of the fully grown man it was clawing into.

  The dinosaur let out a screech that rang throughout the whole street as he hoisted the man up and into the sky. I could hear the guy screaming and shouting and saw that the creature’s claws had pierced through his stomach where it was holding onto him.

  “--ccckkk!” I yelled.

  “Get in!” Hae-won screamed and jumped into the driver’s seat of the car she had just started.

  I tore open the back door and slid into the seat as I slammed it quickly shut behind me.

  “Was that a damn pterodactyl?” I asked as I sucked in heavy breaths from the back seat.

  “It was a dinosaur,” Hae-won said as she turned to face me, and I saw her eyes were wide from the shock.

  “Yeah, a fucking flying one,” I said. “What do we do now?”

  The bird-like dino screeched up from above us somewhere, and I thought I could hear the loud beating of its wings.

  “I think we should drive,” Hae-won stated, “That guy does not need the car now.”

  “You have a point,” I said as I slouched down in the chair so I could try to see up to the sky through the windshield. “I also appreciate your stoicism.”

  “What is that?” Hae-won asked as she put the car into gear.

  “Greek philosophy. Simple explanation is that you make decisions based on logic and don’t get too emotional.

  “Yes.” She nodded as she gave me a slight smile. “Don’t worry about things we can’t change.”

  “It’s good advice,” I chuckled, even though I’d just seen a giant flying dino make a meal out of a dude.

  Hae-won put her foot on the gas pedal, the tires chirped, and we rocketed off toward the gate. When we got there, she parked the car across from the two vehicles for the barricade support and switched off the engine.

  “Do you think we should head back to the gallery?” the Asian girl asked.

  “Maybe,” I said, but another screech rang out through the air. “Or, we could wait until that thing goes away.”

  “What about Becka?” the blue-eyed girl asked.

  “She had to have heard the dinosaur,” I replied. “I bet she ran back into the gallery already.”

  “Okay,” Hae-won said. “I guess that is probably true.”

  “I just don’t want to risk crossing the campus right away,” I answered. “That thing could just pick us up out of nowhere before we even realized it.”

  “Yes, it was really scary,” she agreed, even though she didn’t look a bit scared. “I would hate to get close to those claws.”

  “Let’s just wait for a bit, fifteen minutes, half an hour maybe,” I explained. “That will give it some time to clear off, and we’ll still have enough daylight left to finish boarding up the windows.”

  “Sure,” Hae-won agreed and started to take off the small pieces of armor she had on.

  “What are you doing?” I asked. “That thing could still attack us.”

  “I’ll put it back on when we leave,” she assured me. “I just need to breathe a bit, it’s making me feel like I’m tied up or something.”

  “Alright,” I replied. I supposed that there was no harm in it now since the car would protect us for the most part, and we were planning on staying inside of it for a while. I decided I would take a break from my armor, too, and pulled off the arm covers.

  “Can I sit back there with you?” Hae-won asked when she had removed the last piece of armor and set it in the passenger seat.

  “Um, yeah, I guess,” I replied.

  She crawled over the center console, and I admired the view of her clevage and the angle of her arching back. Then, she climbed into the seat and pushed herself in next to me.

  “It is nice back here,” she said and smiled at me.

  “Sure,” I replied.

  I wasn’t sure exactly what she was trying to do by pressing herself up against me, but I wasn’t about to argue with it. Instead, I lifted my arm so she could move in closer and wrapped it around her slender shoulders. “How are you doing? I know this is a lot, but it seems like you’re holding up pretty well.”

  “I’m okay,” she replied and laid her head down on my chest. “I am glad you’re here, though. I do not think Becka and I would have survived this long without you to help us.”

  “I could say the same for you guys,” I replied. “I mean, look at all the cars you managed to get to barricade the gates.
There’s no way I would have even thought of that.”

  She tilted her head so she could look up at my face. “It was easy, I’m sure you could have figured something like that out.”

  “I don’t know,” I laughed. “By the way, where did you learn to hot-wire cars like that?”

  “One of my older brothers,” Hae-won said and shrugged against my chest. “He had a lot of interesting hobbies.”

  “It sounds like it,” I said. “Do you have a lot of brothers, then?”

  “Yes, I have three older brothers,” she replied.

  “Wow, are you guys close?” I asked. I had never had siblings, but I assumed people who did were normally close with each other, like childhood best friends.

  “Not really,” she said. “I am close with Sun-hee, he is only four years older than me, but my other brothers are much older than that, so they never really hang out with me.”

  “That must be weird,” I said. “So, you’re the youngest in your family?”

  “Yes,” she grinned, “another reason why I don’t feel so bad about lying to my parents and studying music. They have three older sons to take over and run the company, they don’t need me to be like them.”

  “I bet you’re a great musician,” I said. “I’ll have to hear you perform some time.”

  She leaned back away from me so she could face me again. “Sure, I will play for you someday.”

  “Good,” I said, but I couldn’t say anything else as her eyes seemed to stop my thoughts in their tracks.

  I leaned in toward Hae-won, and she leaned into me.

  Then our lips met.

  Her mouth tasted like mint tea still, and her tongue curled up to touch my upper lip. She let out a soft moan, and my cock almost instantly went titanium-rod hard. Even though we were already close, I pulled her in toward me, and she swung her leg over my lap so she could straddle me while we made out.

  Her teeth gently bit my bottom lip, and I grew eager for more, so I reached around her back and slid my hands under her white blouse so that I could run my fingers across her silky-smooth skin. My touch was light, but she purred a bit in my mouth, and her hips began to gyrate slowly so that her crotch rubbed against the bulge in my pants.


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