Finding Out About Mr M

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Finding Out About Mr M Page 8

by Matt Tims

  She made her way into the living room to find him sitting on the sofa, working on his laptop.

  “All done,” she announced.

  He nodded, his eyes not venturing from the computer screen.

  “Is there anything else you need?” she asked.

  There wasn’t a response.

  She slowly made her way to the couch, running her fingers along the firm leather material when she arrived. “Anything at all…”

  A pen swiftly flew through her peripheral vision, landing on the floor only a few feet to her right. This was it. Her life could change at this very moment. The past forty-four years of her existence felt like a mere blimp on the radar. She could either ignore his most recent action and return home, or give into her deepest, darkest desire. Being good isn’t always so fun. Sometimes, it’s better to be bad.

  She sank to her knees and crawled to that pesky pen.

  The laptop previously on Ryan’s lap had been moved out of the way. He comfortably rested back against the exotic leather, eyeing her as she positioned herself in front of him—on her knees. She reached out and handed the pen to him.

  He took it from her, observed it for a moment, and held it back out. She moved forward and wrapped her lips around the plastic, her focus never straying from his dark, masculine eyes. That pen was promptly discarded and sent sailing to the other side of the room, his arms sprawling along the top of the sofa once again.

  Jen eagerly scurried forward, her hands racing for his belt buckle. Her husband, daughter, career, priorities: nothing else mattered at this very moment. This was her story. She was the star of her own erotic novel. Now, she was a single girl whose only concern involved seducing her unrealistically perfect neighbor. It was time for things to be about her for a change.

  She finally managed to unlock the steel of his belt after a slight struggle, and her attention quickly shifted to the button on his dress pants. Seconds separated her from everything she desired. Who needed a stud husband when the world’s most perfect man lived next door?


  Ryan raised his index finger in the air and tilted his body to the side to retrieve his roaring cell phone from his pants pocket. She patiently sat back on her knees, waiting to recapture his full attention as he accepted the call. The brief delay only built the tension in the room. She had no plans of being naughty. Behaving badly was child’s play compared to what she had in mind. The deepest, wettest, filthiest blowjob in the history of humanity was about to take place inside a man’s house who she barely knew, and she couldn’t possibly be more excited.

  Ryan answered the call. “Hey, Hank.”


  “He did what? Did someone tell him to do that?”


  “Hank, relax.”




  “He’s new. He’s only been on board for a few weeks. Mistakes happen.”


  “He’s at the client’s house now?”


  “Okay, I’m heading over there.”


  “Yeah, now. Send me the address. I’m on my way.”


  “No problem. Remember, he’s part of the team, Hank. Losing your shit over something like this isn’t good for anyone. I need you to set a better example than acting this way.”


  “There’s no need to apologize. I just need you to be more of a leader.”


  Okay, good. I’m leaving my house now.”



  Ryan slid his phone back into his pocket before revealing his change of plans. “I have to go.”

  “Now?” she asked, her voice full of disappointment. Her eyes possessed an even more devastated reaction. Her fantasy was about to happen before that stupid phone rang!

  He sat up and briskly headed into the kitchen. “Yeah, now. Make sure you lock the front door when you leave. The kitchen looks great, by the way.”

  The door slammed shut, causing her to scurry and retrieve the ballpoint pen to place inside her mouth. She needed to bask in the praise and approval of the man who lived next door. She wasn’t sure how or when, but Ryan would restore order in her life. She finally had a man worthy of acting like a woman for.

  Chapter 9 – Like Mother, Like Daughter

  8:12 PM.

  Dinner was late tonight for two reasons. One, Jen had spent forty-five minutes cleaning Ryan’s kitchen floor for a wide array of bizarre reasons. Two, she hadn’t exactly hurried home after he’d left to take care of his work-related issue. She’d decided to make herself rather comfortable instead.

  “Sorry dinner’s late, honey,” Jen apologized to her daughter from across the table.

  Ashley didn’t respond.

  She was still riding high from Ryan’s compliment after he’d left to handle his business affairs; and like some horny teenage girl with an oral fixation, she ran upstairs with his pen in her mouth. He could still help her out without being in the room. Her imagination had been doing the job for well over a decade, after all. This wasn’t anything new.

  A minute later, she was introducing herself to his king size bed, completely naked with a dress shirt she’d retrieved from the laundry pressed against her face. It smelled so manly. There wasn’t a hint of cologne or deodorant permeating from the cotton. The scent radiated one of pure testosterone.

  She didn’t need any help from her dildo or vibrator this time. Her only requirements were his dress shirt, and her fingers frantically rubbing her clit. The fantasy of what Ryan could do to her was more than enough fuel to help her cross the finish line in record time.

  “And I’m sorry,” Jen apologized.

  Ashley made eye contact with her mother for the first time in two weeks.

  “I overreacted that night, and—”

  “I’m so sorry, Mom!” Ashley passionately interrupted. “I acted like such a bitch!”

  “No, no, no, I did,” Jen argued. “I was out of line.”

  The young girl was quick to shake her head in disagreement. “No, it’s my fault. You were just looking out for me, and I don’t know why I got so mad at you. I’ve missed talking to you!”

  A smile swiftly covered Jen’s face. The past two weeks had been rough for a number of reasons, but her immense loneliness took the cake. Tom and her had basically been roommates for years. They usually greeted each other with a slight nod and went about their days. She hadn’t realized just how important Ashley was for her sanity until they weren’t on speaking terms.

  “I broke up with Mike.”

  Jen’s smile turned to shock. “What!?”

  “Two days ago,” her daughter admitted.


  “Because of you,” Ashley answered.

  “Because of me!?” Jen reacted, stunned.

  “Yeah, because of you,” nodded Ashley. “Okay, so I’ve been spending a lot of time just thinking lately. You know, there’s only so much Netflix a person can watch…”

  Jen looked on, taken aback from this surprising revelation. She should’ve kept her big mouth shut. Here she was, thinking she was doing her daughter a favor, but all her advice did was cost Ashley a relationship.

  “Sure, Mike and I FaceTimed every night, but we hadn’t seen each other outside of school in two weeks,” Ashley went on. “And do you want to know the craziest part? He seemed fine with that.”

  Jen set her fork down on her plate before adding her thoughts. “Oh my God, me grounding you is the reason you broke up with Mike?”

  “Kinda,” Ashley responded. “Actually, no, it opened my eyes. Well, a conversation we had a while ago was really what did it. Remember when we talked about your college boyfriend, Bill?”

  Jen nodded.

  “Okay, so I’m sitting in my room the other day and it finally hit me,” Ashley said. “Your relationship with Bill sounded like so much fun. It wasn’t over-the-top, Hollywood movie type of s
tuff. I’m not delusional. I don’t expect a guy to do some amazing, unimaginable thing every day; but on the other hand, I don’t want some boring relationship. I couldn’t stop reflecting on the fact that Mike hadn’t made one attempt to see me for an entire week.”

  “Because you were grounded,” Jen reminded her.

  “Yeah, but…”

  “Yeah, but?” Jen asked with a smirk. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Ashley glanced down at the table with a giggle. “I kept waiting for him to try sneak me out somewhere, or to show up one night and sweet talk you into letting him hang out for a little while, or something like that. I know you, Mom. You act like a big hardass, but you’re a giant softie at heart. You totally would’ve let him in.”

  “Yeah, I probably would’ve,” Jen confessed.

  “And then I had a dream three days ago where a rock kept hitting my bedroom window in the middle of the night,” Ashley continued. “I get out of bed to go see what it is, and Mike is sitting in our front yard in a lawn chair. It’s like twenty degrees out and lightly snowing, but he doesn’t care. He’s just waiting for me. Guess what happened after I opened my window?”

  She waited for her daughter to fill her in on her dream.

  “We just talked—for hours,” said Ashley. “We had a conversation where we shouted back and forth to each other in the middle of the freezing cold, all because he just had to see me. And then I woke up and-and-and…”

  “And what, honey?” Jen asked, her interest peaked even further from Ashley’s sudden stutter.

  “And I realized that would never happen,” the young brunette finally got out. “That he would never make a moment like that with me. That he would never do the kinds of things that Bill did with you; and at that very moment, I realized I didn’t want him in my life anymore.”

  Jen questioned, “So, now what?”

  “Well, now I kinda look at guys differently,” Ashley announced. “I don’t judge them by looks, or athleticism, or whatever—at least not as much. I kind of find myself drifting toward the creative types. And maybe even some of the bad boys.”

  Jen didn’t like the sound of that. “Oh, no…”

  “Not like drug dealers or anything, Mom!” Ashley laughed. “Just like…I don’t know…guys who have an edge to them. Guys who I wasn’t giving a second look to in the past. And I can tell you this. I’m done asking men out! If a guy wants me, then he better make a move on me, because the kind of guy I need doesn’t wait for me to make a move on him!”

  Jen could only shake her head in amazement at what she’d heard. Ashley was only eighteen years old, but she was already armed with the knowledge most women don’t acquire until their thirties or forties. This girl certainly wouldn’t have any problems when it came to dating.

  What about you?”

  Jen looked up at the sound of a question being fired her way. “What?”

  “You and Dad,” Ashley clarified herself. “What about you guys? Have you been working on things?”

  “Some things can’t be fixed, honey,” said Jen.

  “It can’t be that bad, Mom,” Ashley voiced her opinion.

  It can’t be that bad? She’d come unbelievably close to giving Ryan a blowjob just a few hours ago. If that didn’t qualify as bad, then she didn’t know what did. “It certainly isn’t good.”

  “I’m sorry,” Ashley sighed.

  “It’s not your fault,” Jen told her. “You want a little advice? Try out as many guys as you can, and I’m not talking sexually. In fact, that’s the last thing I want you doing. I’m talking about getting to know men. You want to be able to tell if he’s reciting lines, or if his personality and conversational abilities are really naturally effortless. The key to long-term happiness in a relationship is being with someone you respect and admire. It’s finding a man who can push you to better yourself. You want someone who possesses qualities that you look up to.”

  Jen couldn’t believe that had just come out of her mouth. Not only did she pretty much admit to Ashley that she didn’t look up to or respect Tom, but she’d essentially repeated what Ryan told her at his kitchen table the other day. Her neighbor was right: she needed guidance.

  “Duly noted,” Ashley said with a nod. “And by the way, men kinda suck.”

  “No, they don’t,” Jen chuckled, thinking back to all the times she shared a similar view of the male race. “Men have it tough, honey. They’re raised being told that they need to treat women like princesses; when in reality, nothing turns a woman off more than that kind of behavior. You wouldn’t have a problem finding a great guy if more boys were raised by real men because they would be everywhere. The problem is the world consists of thirty and forty-year-old boys who can’t figure out why flowers and chocolate don’t gain a woman’s undying love and loyalty.”

  Jen caught herself again. Holy shit. Ryan was right.

  The two girls resumed enjoying their salads—Ashley pondering if any of the guys at school met her new criteria, while Jen was busy reflecting on the staggering amount of information that Ryan had been correct about. The mother and daughter did share a mutual problem; however, and that involved the lack of a real man in their lives. Eighteen and forty-four years old, and they were both after the same exact thing.

  “What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done sexually?”

  Salad almost fell out of Jen’s mouth as her eyes bolted across the table. “Excuse me?”

  Ashley looked up from her dinner and said, “You told me that you and Bill did all kinds of crazy stuff that you still think about and remember. Like what?”

  “Let’s not go there,” Jen told her.

  “God, why do you always do this?” Ashley huffed, rolling her eyes in the process.

  “Do what?”

  “Act like you don’t want to talk about sex,” the teen stated. “But then you always cave and get really into it the second we do. Can we just skip the act for once?”

  Jen smiled at her daughter before digging at a carrot with her fork. “Craziest thing I’ve ever done?”

  “Craziest thing you’ve ever done,” Ashley returned her mother’s smile. “Be honest too!”

  It took a moment, but a particular memory eventually came back to her. “Bill and I spent Christmas at his parents’ house one year. They had a pretty big house; but it was older, and you can hear everything in older houses.”

  Ashley’s smile swiftly grew. She liked where this was headed.

  “His parents, brother, both sisters, and two cousins were all there,” Jen continued her story. “So, we go up to our room for the night, and I honestly just wanted to go to bed. You know, we’re in a strange house full of people I’d just met. It wasn’t not my ideal place to get romantic.”

  Ashley was grinning now.

  “But I start feeling hands on me,” Jen said. “I slap them away all playfully thinking Bill’s just teasing me; when suddenly, there’s something around my neck.”

  Ashley took a quick bite of her dinner before inquiring, “What was it?”

  “His belt,” Jen answered. “He didn’t ask or give me a heads up that it was coming either. He just wrapped it around my neck and pulled…tight.”

  A belt? Just how crazy was her mother? “Jesus…”

  “Jesus is right,” Jen smirked, taking herself back to that night. “We had a safe word and everything, so it’s not like I couldn’t have put a stop to it.”

  “What was it?”

  “What was what?” Jen asked.

  “Your safe word,” Ashley specified. “What was it?”

  “Vandelay,” Jen revealed.

  Ashley was lost. “Vandelay?”

  “Yeah, I was dating a Seinfeld fan,” Jen said with a giggle. “Anyway, so the next thing I know, I’m on my hands and knees and he’s hammering away at me from behind.”

  Ashley’s eyes were on the verge of bulging out of her head. Her mother had always been open with her in the past, but this was wild. She loved it!

  “And every time he pulls back on the belt, I can’t breathe,” Jen went on, able to recall every specific detail from that memorable night. “So, there I am, instinctively reaching out for something to grab onto, and I end up knocking the lamp off the nightstand and it breaks. A minute later the alarm clock follows. And they both smashed onto the floor. Remember, it’s like three in the morning and everyone’s sleeping.”

  “What happened next?” Ashley inquired excitedly.

  “I’m getting kinda loud. I don’t know, it’s how I’ve always been, I guess,” Jen divulged in sexual details that had previously been off-limits. “So, he stops, takes off one of the socks he’s wearing, and stuffs it into my mouth before getting back to business.”

  “Ewwww!” Ashley reacted, placing her hand over her mouth in disgust. “That’s so gross!”

  “Nothing’s gross when you’re in the moment,” Jen shook her head. “The actions picks up again and I’m seriously considering using our safe word for the first time in our relationship. I trusted Bill, but he was the most sexually aggressive person I’ve ever met. A bomb going off wouldn’t have stopped him when he was in the swing of things, but I knew our safe word would bring our session to a halt. I reach out and grab the bed headboard, and it’s instant relief. Finally, I have something to hold onto, you know? But nope. Bill yanks me back and slaps my ass—hard!”

  Ashley gulped.

  “Like, really hard,” Jen emphasized. “I spit his sock out and yell, ‘What the fuck!’ completely forgetting that we’re in a house full of his relatives.”

  “You did?” Ashley laughed, amazed that was privy to all these juicy details from her mother’s past. Bill sounded like fun!

  “Yeah, my ass is stinging when suddenly my neck snaps back. I look up and Bill’s face is hovering over mine. He peers down into my eyes and says, ‘How dare you disobey, Daddy!’”


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