A Little Bit Cupid: A Collection of Short Stories

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A Little Bit Cupid: A Collection of Short Stories Page 33

by Lady Boss Press

  This place is way out of my range. I can feel Tyler’s gaze on me. I’ve always been attracted to him, and each time he’s looked my way, it’s felt as if his hands were on me. But right now, as he sits across from me, I find myself shy and unsure of what I want. It’s not who I am. I’m normally a confident woman, but something about him turns my stomach to knots of need, twisting and coiling.

  “Have anything you want on the menu,” Tyler speaks, causing me to lift my gaze. His blue eyes are darker, and under the soft yellow glow of the lights, he looks youthful, more so than his almost forty years.


  He nods. “Of course, Hope.”

  I sit back, setting the menu card down to look directly at him. “Why am I here, Tyler? I wasn’t expecting a date, or a relationship. To be honest, I know we made a mistake that night. I was drunk; so were you. We are both adults. We can agree to move on.”

  “What if I don’t want to move on?” he challenges me with a grin. There’s a glint of mischief in his eyes, and I can’t help but smile. For a man who can win any court case he takes on, who can talk to judges and police officers as if he was never burdened by their authority, there are times I’ve glimpsed the less serious man who’s still there, hidden beneath the designer suits and cocky mouth.

  “I’m not sure what’s gotten into you,” I tell him, shaking my head. “But I’m confused as hell by all this.” Waving my hand in the air, I gesture at the exquisite restaurant and between him and me.

  “Nothing’s gotten into me. I’ve wanted you since the moment you walked into my office three years ago for your interview.”

  “Even as you were going through your divorce?” This time, I challenge him. Those months were the darkest in the office, and I had only been working for him for three months at the time. His anger and the guilt I saw him bear was nothing short of painful for everyone around him.

  He cheated on his wife. And like my mother always says, once a cheat, always a cheat. I don’t want someone like that in my life. I would like a man who can keep it in his pants, no matter how pretty his secretary is. Which brings me back to the here and now, and the thoughts of just what I’m doing with him.

  “What’s going on in that pretty little head?”

  “Relationships and me, they don’t work, ever,” I tell him. “You’re not exactly well-known for your celibacy either.”

  He nods, leaning back against the chair. He runs his fingers through his dark hair, and I watch as the tousled strands fall into place, one curling over his forehead. “I wasn’t the best husband; you’re right. I never once denied it. The morning after it happened, I went home and told Diane what I did.”

  This is news to me, and my eyes widen in shock.

  “The guilt sat heavily in my gut, and I just couldn’t live with myself for what I did. I may not be in a relationship right now, or I haven’t been since I signed the papers and became a single man, but I’m not a cheater who enjoys hurting others.”

  His remorse is clear, written all over his face, and his eyes are filled with weariness. I’ve seen this man scream at staff to get their shit together, but I’ve never once seen him open himself up like this. I’m not sure my heart can take it. As much as I want to run from the feelings that are slowly stirring in my heart, I sit and wait for him to continue.

  “I wanted more, and when I had it, I fucked it up.” His voice breaks at the final words, but before I can say anything more, the waiter brings a bottle of sparkling water and fills our glasses before he takes our drink order.

  I wait until he’s out of earshot before I finally speak. “So, you mean to tell me you’d much rather be in a long-term relationship?” It sounds disbelieving after his confession, but I can’t help the doubt that sinks into my voice.

  “I would.”

  “And this date?” I ask. “I mean, we work together, Tyler. I can’t lose my job if people find out I slept with the boss. I also can’t have people thinking I’m trying to sleep my way to the top.” I’ve heard horror stories about women who’ve been thought of as climbing the ladder by using their bodies, and that’s not a reputation I want or need. Especially in a career where the law firms are adamant about following the rules.

  “Listen to me, Hope.” Tyler speaks once more, and I stop my worried tirade. “This isn’t some fling. I don’t know what it is just yet, but I’d like to find out. If you want to keep us a secret until we can figure this shit out, I understand.”

  He looks so serious. There’s truth shining in his gaze, and I find myself wanting to dive into those blue depths and believe everything is going to be okay.

  “If it would make you feel better, I can move you to another well known firm of a good friend of mine,” he tells me earnestly.

  My mouth falls open, and I’m gaping at him in shock at his offer. “What? You’d do that?”

  “You can work as Oliver’s assistant,” he tells me. “My best friend would gladly take on a beautiful assistant to help me out.” A small chuckle vibrates in his throat, and I can’t help but roll my eyes. “He’s married to his partner, Chance, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

  “Stop reading my mind,” I bite out before rolling my eyes again at his amusement. I thought he wanted to share me with some other man, but it seems he’s thought this through. Which begs the question—how long has he been planning or thinking about this?

  “I rather enjoy delving into that pretty head of yours, Hope,” he smirks, leaning back in the seat as he picks up his glass and takes a long sip of water while watching me intently. His eyes simmer with heat and desire, and I find myself lost in the depths of blue.

  “I never wanted to be a notch on your bedpost. It wasn’t why I let go that night and . . .” My words taper off into the quiet hum of the public setting, and my heart kicks in my chest at my admission. I’m letting down my guard, showing him all my cards, and as much as I know that’s something I should never do, I can’t help it.

  “You know,” Tyler starts, setting down his glass and regarding me. “I may have a lot of those on my old bedpost, but if it bothers you that much, I can buy a new bed. Hell, I’ll have you pick out the goddamned bed if it means you’ll give me a chance.”

  “I just can’t understand why me,” I tell him with a shrug before picking up my water and taking a long drink, hoping to cool myself down. I’ve wanted Tyler for too long, but I knew that he wasn’t about to settle down again any time soon. I’m not sure I’m ready to settle down, but I wonder if he could change my mind.

  The waiter appears with our wine and sets a breadbasket on the table. He opens the bottle with a flourish before allowing Tyler a taste, then fills our glasses and takes our food order. I watch Tyler take charge, speaking to the waiter with authority, and it’s only when we’re alone that I realize he’s ordered an enormous amount of food.

  “I hope you don’t mind me ordering for you,” he says with a smirk. “I just wanted you to have options to choose from, and the food here is incredible.”

  I can’t help smiling. “Thank you. Normally, I would’ve been angry at your presumptuous nature, but I’ll let that one slide.” He chuckles, reaching over the table to take my hand. The contact sizzles through me, and it’s not long before I am squirming at the way his thumb is slowly circling my skin.

  “Your sass is going to get you into trouble, young lady,” Tyler warns, only to cause me to squirm once more, and soon, my panties are wet, my body aching for him again. I know what he feels like, and I want more, so much more.

  “Oh?” I arch a brow in challenge. I know he enjoys spanking me. He did it that night when I decided to let go of my inhibitions and sleep with my boss. However, I was two bottles of champagne deep in the situation, and I don’t think a herd of cattle could’ve dragged me out of that room.

  It was the best conference we had. Also, it was the night we got the news that one of our biggest clients had just hired us as their legal team which meant a hefty pay raise for me. I wa
s happy, ecstatic, and then the inevitable happened — my long-time crush on Tyler Masterson finally got to me.

  “And what is it you’d like to do about my sass, Mr. Masterson?”

  Tyler leans in close, his face inches from the middle of the table, and I meet him there. Our mouths are so close I can feel his breath on my lips. The corner of his mouth quirks, and I know he’s going to say something filthy.

  “I’d like to take you here, right now, in front of this whole fucking restaurant. Put you on the table, spread those long, lithe legs, and devour your beautiful pussy until you’re screaming my name and everyone in this place knows you’re mine. And then, when I’m done making you shake uncontrollably with my tongue, I’ll turn you over and spank your ass until it’s bright red, just before fucking you so hard you’ll feel me for months to come.”

  His elicit promise has most certainly gotten my attention. I don’t doubt that Tyler Masterson will do that. He wouldn’t care who’s watching because that’s just who he is. He doesn’t allow people to dictate his life, and I respect that about him.

  “Anything else I can clarify for you, Ms. Silverton?” His cocky smirk tells me he knows exactly what he’s done to me. My panties are soaked through, my body pulsing wildly with the need to be filled exactly how he just told me he would do.

  “Thank you, Mr. Masterson. You’re very thorough in your explanation. I think I can take it from here,” I tell him as I sit back, resting my hands on either side of the plate that’s soon set in front of me. The waiter doesn’t notice how flushed I am, or at least I hope he doesn’t.

  As soon as he’s gone, I attempt to focus my attention on my food, but nothing can stop the loop of filthy promises Tyler just proposed to me. We eat in silence for a short while before I feel Tyler’s gaze locked on me.

  “What?” I ask, looking up to meet his stare.

  “I’m just enjoying watching you, Hope.”

  I’m not sure I’ve ever been comfortable having a man watch me eat. It makes no sense why having Tyler stare at me doesn’t bother me as much as I thought it would. “You know, Mr. Masterson, people will start to wonder if you’re going soft.” Again, it’s my sass, and I know I’m earning myself more punishment later. If there is a later.

  “Oh, sweetheart,” Tyler smirks, “there’s nothing soft about me right this moment. If you’d like to investigate further and confirm my admission, you’re welcome to reach under the table and check for yourself.”

  Chapter Four


  Her blush is stunning. The hue on her cheeks makes my cock throb against my zipper. I promised myself I’d behave tonight, give her a proper date, but her sassy mouth and exquisite smile are making things difficult.

  I want nothing more than to take her home right now, to show her exactly what I mean when I say I want her, but I smile and regard her as she sips her wine.

  “You know, that overconfident attitude isn’t about to get you anywhere,” she informs me coolly, but I can tell she’s lying. Her expression is painted with need and desire, and I know it matches mine.


  “I may have let my guard down once before, but I can’t do it again, not until I’m no longer your employee,” she tells me adamantly, and I know it’s a lie because soon, she’ll be beneath me. As I wave the waiter over and ask for the check, I can’t help but smile at the thought.

  “Darling, if I want you, I will have you,” I tell her. “And you cannot tell me that you’re not sitting there squirming for my touch.” Her cheeks darken to a rosy shade, and I can’t help but smile. She knows it, I know it, and if she wants to deny it, I’ll show her that she’s only lying to herself.

  The waiter appears with the check, and I slide my card into the folder before he turns and heads off to charge it. When he returns, I pocket my wallet after slipping my card back in.

  I’ve been here a few times before, but never with a date. This is the place I bring my business associates when I need something from them. Wine and dine and have them sign on the dotted line. Smirking to myself, I slide out of the booth and offer Hope my hand.

  “Come,” I tell her, and she obeys, slipping her delicate hand in mine. I escort her from the restaurant with my fingertips possessively trailing along the base of her spine. Her slight trembles are evidence that I’m affecting her, just like she is me.

  Once we’re in the car, I start the engine and pull out onto the road. She doesn’t speak as I make my way through the neighborhood and head straight for my penthouse. The moment I come to a stop in the parking garage of my apartment block, she turns to me, and I know I’m in for a lashing.

  “Me coming here with you doesn’t mean anything,” she admits, but once again, it’s a blatant lie. I love watching her try to justify this. Granted, I’m breaking all my rules as well, so I understand where she’s coming from.

  “I didn’t ask you for anything,” I tell her honestly. “Perhaps a nightcap, and I can take you home after.” I meet her gaze, hoping she can see the truth in my eyes. I haven’t brought any women back here before. All those one-night stands were transactions done at a hotel where they couldn’t walk into my personal space.

  “I’d like that,” she finally tells me, and I watch as she exits the car. I wanted to open the door, but I’m too fucking mesmerized by her beauty. I follow her out, pressing the key fob to lock the doors, and I lead her to the elevator.

  The ride up is filled with the shitty classical music that streams through the speakers, and thankfully, we’re quickly stepping out into the hallway which empties into my penthouse. Unlocking the door, I step aside and allow her to enter first.

  A soft gasp tumbles from her lips when she takes in the view. My living room is the first thing you see when you walk in, and the floor-to-ceiling windows offer a panoramic view of the city below. Yellow twinkling lights sparkle in the distance, the dark, inky night attempting to swallow them whole.

  I’m not sure what to do. Seeing her in my home is different, and I find myself standing rigid at the threshold between living room and kitchen. When Hope turns to me, she smiles, shyly I have to admit, before she steps out of her heels.

  “Are you going to stand there staring at me, or would you like to offer me a drink?” she quips. Sassy little tease.

  “What would you like?” I ask, finding my voice as she nears me. “Wine, whiskey, beer, or water?” She stops inches from me, and all thoughts of a drink fly out the window when she leans up on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on my cheek.

  She whispers, “I’ll have a glass of chilled white wine, please?”

  I make my way to the kitchen, hoping to calm the raging hard-on I’m sporting, but when Hope joins me, I know there’s no way this woman is going to ease my ache until I’m inside her. She settles on the high stool, watching as I fill a glass for her. I don’t need more to drink; all I want is to taste her again.

  “Open your legs,” I tell her as she sips her wine. Those beautiful eyes widen at my words, and I offer her an arched brow in challenge.

  Silently, she slides her legs wide, and I drop to my knees between them. She’s looking down at me as I nudge her panties to the side and take a deep inhale of her sweet, musky scent. My mouth is watering as I lean in further and press my mouth against her mound. She’s drenched, and her whimpers are the soundtrack to my tongue delving into her heat.

  Her fingers are tangled in my hair, and she’s tugging me closer as she moans my name, over and over again. I don’t relent when I feel her pulse. Instead, I suck her clit into my mouth and graze the bud with my teeth.

  Her body shudders, and I have to hold her steady to keep her from falling. Her juices coat my tongue, and I revel in her flavor. It’s the taste of her that I want more of, and I know this won’t be the first orgasm I give her tonight.

  “I thought you only wanted a drink?” I challenge her.

  Her wide, hazel eyes are glossy as she comes down from her high. A small smile taunts her lips and teases me, just
like she does every single day since the moment she walked into my office.

  “How about you take me to your bedroom, and I’ll have something else to drink instead?” she quips, causing me to chuckle at her brazen, flirtatious comment.

  “Oh, darling, you’ll definitely be having much more than a drink in the bedroom.” I carry her bridal-style through my apartment until we reach the bedroom. “I hope you’re planning on calling in sick tomorrow because you’re not getting any sleep tonight.”

  She smiles as I set her down on the mattress, and with a laugh, she tells me, “My boss might not like that, but I’ll coax him somehow.” I lean in, needing to claim her mouth. Our lips fuse in a kiss, and her tongue darts out to tangle with mine. My cock hardens, needing more, needing her, but I know I have to take this slow because I want to savor every moment.

  And I know my Valentine’s Day has just gotten all the more pleasurable.

  About the Author

  About Dani René

  Dani is a USA Today bestselling author of a variety of genres, from romantic suspense to dark erotic romance and even BDSM romance. She loves to delve into the raw, emotional journeys her characters venture on, and enjoys the dark, edgy, and sensual scenes that fill the pages of her books. Dani’s stories are seductive with a deviant edge with feisty heroines and dominant alphas.

  Dani lives in the beautiful city of Cape Town and is a proud member of the Romance Writer's Organization of South Africa (ROSA) and the Romance Writers of America (RWA). She has a healthy addiction to reading, TV series, music, tattoos, chocolate, and ice cream.


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