A Little Bit Cupid: A Collection of Short Stories

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A Little Bit Cupid: A Collection of Short Stories Page 40

by Lady Boss Press

  She wanted romance.

  Not a lot, but she needed the little things.

  If only he could have left her romantic notes on the vanity before he’d left for the base on their anniversary or on Valentine’s Day. It didn’t have to be a creative poem. All he had to do was put a heart on it. Maybe say he loved her. A smiley face would have done the trick. Not once in the two years she’d dated him did he ever send her flowers or chocolates on Valentine’s Day. At the very least, he could have taken her to dinner. But no, Axel couldn’t be bothered to take the time to do the tiniest gesture that most would consider considerate. Nope. His idea of being a good boyfriend was putting the toilet seat down.

  Or the fact that he was a good cook and never expected her to have dinner on the table when he came home, much less do the dishes. He did his own laundry, including the ironing of his shirts, as well as hers. He also knew how to make the bed, and not once did he complain about all her throw pillows.

  She appreciated all those things about Axel. So, why did he dig his boots into the ground when she asked for a few cliché romantic actions on Valentine’s Day and anniversaries?

  “There is no us anymore,” she said.

  “I don’t believe that.” He closed the gap between them. “You still love me.”

  Oh, how she wished that wasn’t true. Better yet, she wished he would have said he still loved her, but that would be too much to ask.

  “I’m back for a couple of weeks. I’m going to show you.”

  Before she had a chance to say anything, he turned on a dime and marched right out of her floral shop.

  “Oh, my God. That man makes me nuts.” Shelly gathered up her things as quickly as she could. She just wanted to get home, put her feet up, and have some wine. But she wouldn’t even be able to do that for long because she had a stupid engagement party to go to.

  “I want to know what he’s going to show you because he didn’t make that clear at all,” Kendra said.

  “Probably that he’s still an arrogant, stubborn man who thinks romance went out with woman’s liberation.” Shelly pulled the store door closed and locked it up for the night. “So glad he and I are done.”

  “Maybe, but you’re still in love with him,” Kendra said as she strolled down Beach Shores Drive in a military neighborhood outside of San Diego across the Bay from the Naval Amphibious Base Coronado.

  Shelly’s father had become a Navy SEAL instructor ten years ago, and this had been the longest she’d lived anywhere. She’d seen Navy men come and go, and she always thought she’d be following one of them to bases across the globe. Actually, the second she’d met Axel, she knew she’d found the one.

  Until he wasn’t.

  “Being in love with someone isn’t enough,” Shelly said.

  Kendra patted her belly. “I disagree. You’re being as stubborn and childish as he is. Axel hasn’t once asked you to change a single thing about yourself, and it’s not like he has some horrible habit like drinking too much or gambling.”

  “It’s not about that, and you know it. Love is about compromise and mutual respect. He has none for me, or he’d understand why his actions are so hurtful.”

  “So he’s not romantic, who cares. He’s still got a big heart, and we miss having you both over at the same time.”

  “I’m sorry I broke up our perfect foursome, but I can’t be with him if he’s not going to consider some of my feelings. And it goes beyond what I’m asking for myself.” They stopped in front of Shelly’s condo building. It was nice to be able to walk to work, but she missed the townhouse on the beach that she used to share with Axel. It was a shame that it went unused when he was deployed. “We were starting to talk about getting married and having kids.” Shelly smiled as she placed her hands on her friend’s swollen stomach. “Axel just doesn’t think about his actions, or lack of actions, and how they make others feel, and I won’t be in a relationship with a man who won’t at least acknowledge that he’s heard me. I mean, what kind of an example would that be for kids?”

  “I swear to God, woman, you watch way too much Dr. Phil.” Kendra pointed at the bench in the lobby. “You’ve got a package.”

  Shelly glanced around the lobby. Usually deliveries were left at the desk. She picked up the box. “It’s from The Fruit and Nut Tree in downtown.” She searched the package for a shipping label, but there wasn’t one.

  “Who’s it from?”

  “I don’t know, but whoever sent it to me hand-delivered it.” She hit the elevator button five times, willing the machine to get to the lobby faster. “Maybe one of my neighbors left it for me as a thank you for leaving all the leftover fresh flowers in the lobby since I moved here.”

  “Or maybe it’s from Alan.”

  “I doubt that. No way did he have enough time. Besides, he doesn’t know where I live,” Shelly said, but part of her was hoping, just a little a bit, that Alan managed to pick her something sweet from her favorite sweet shop.

  The elevator doors dinged open. Her heart hammered in her chest as she tapped her foot on the tile floor. Excitement she hadn’t felt in years swirled around in her belly.

  “Aren’t you going to open it?”

  “Yup.” Shelly made a beeline for her apartment. Once inside her kitchen, she pulled down a wine glass and poured some white she’d been chilling in the fridge. She took a big gulp before fiddling with the edges of the package. If it was from Alan, she’d have to admit, she’d be more interested in that cup of coffee and maybe upping it to some wine.

  This was exactly the kind of thing she wanted in a man.

  She pulled the top of the box off. The note tickled her fingertips. Holding her breath, she slipped the piece of paper from the envelope and read the printed words out loud.

  “Three days to Valentine’s Day? Will you be my sweetheart?”

  “That’s it? That’s all it says?” Kendra asked.

  “That’s it.”

  “Looks like someone has a secret admirer.”

  Shelly smiled. Her heart melted like milk chocolate left under the warm summer sun. Whoever her secret admirer was, he understood the meaning of romance, and she would enjoy meeting him. Hopefully, he’d reveal himself soon.

  Chapter Two

  “Well, hello there, Shelly. You look pretty tonight,” Maverick said.

  Shelly lifted her wine glass and clanked it against his beer. “Thank you. You dress up nice.” She’d known Maverick for about ten years. He’d started his career as a SEAL stationed in Coronado but had been transferred shortly after. She’d only gone out on a few dates with him, but she’d been pretty smitten with him back in the day. Then about a year ago, he’d returned, but she’d been living with Axel.

  “I’ve always liked that dress on you.”

  She glanced down at the black-and-red floral dress she’d had for years. It had been one of her favorites. It was a classic piece that would never go out of style. “Flattery might get you places, but you don’t have to lie.”

  “You wore that dress when I took you to Ameil’s for Valentine’s Day,” Maverick said.

  “Even I don’t remember that I wore this dress on that date.” She smiled. Maverick had been a sappy kind of boyfriend. Sweet, but over the top and often not all that genuine. Sometimes she felt like he was doing it just so she’d feel obligated to invite him up, which never happened. “It was a long time ago.”

  “I have to admit, I was shocked to hear about you and Axel.”

  She shrugged. “It wasn’t meant to be.” It had gotten easier and easier to keep the tears from stinging the corners of his eyes every time someone brought up her breakup in public.

  Maverick shook his head. “Everyone thought the two of you would be getting married by now.”

  “That’s never going to happen,” she said.

  “Then would it be in poor taste if I asked you out?” He winked.

  “Oh no, you don’t,” Jet said as he draped his arm over her shoulder. “You had your chance ten
years ago. Give someone else an opportunity.”

  Oh, good grief. All she needed now was for a couple of SEALs to get into a pissing contest over her.

  “I’m not an opportunity or some kind of prize, fellas,” she said, patting Jet on the chest. “I need to use the little girl’s room. I’ll see you two later.” It was time for her to hit the road, but first she had to get her bag, which she’d left in the kitchen.

  She rounded the corner and paused midstep.

  “Having a good time?” Axel leaned against the kitchen counter looking all sexy in his jeans and dark V-neck shirt.

  “It’s been a fun party.” Shelly remembered the first time she’d ever laid eyes on Axel. He’d been playing volleyball on the beach with a bunch of other SEALs when he waltzed over to her and boldly told her that he planned on taking her out to dinner that night. When she told her father who she was going on a date with, her father more than enjoyed showing up at her apartment to give Axel a hard time.

  Only Axel held his own.

  Another reason she fell head over heels in love with him.

  “They make a cute couple,” Axel said.

  “I’m still shocked that Tyler actually pulled the trigger and asked Erica to marry him,” she admitted. “He came to the shop the day he proposed and bought all the roses I had in the store.”

  “That’s your kind of proposal,” Axel said. “Although, I heard he nearly botched the entire thing.”

  “Yeah, putting roses with thorns on a bed you plan on seducing a woman in isn’t really a good idea.” Shelly laughed. “But he said it was still very romantic.”

  “But you probably thought it would have been better if it was done on Valentine’s Day, right?”

  She rolled her eyes. “No. Not necessarily.”

  Axel took her hand and raised it to his full lips. “I still don’t understand why you need that one day so much when I’ve always been a gentleman. Haven’t I always treated you with the utmost respect? I buy you gifts on your birthday, which I’ve never forgotten. Isn’t this considered a little bit romantic?”

  She yanked her hand away. “You don’t understand and worse, you’re still not hearing me.”

  He wrapped his arms around her, crushing her chest into his. “I hear you. I’ve always heard you. But you’ve never once asked me why I don’t want to celebrate Valentine’s Day.” Firmly, he pressed his lips against hers, giving her mouth a quick sweep with his warm tongue that tasted like whiskey and chocolate cake.

  Pounding her fist into his chest, she struggled to break off the kiss.

  “I love you, Shelly. That’s never going to change. And neither am I. Give me a chance to explain why those things that mean more to you than our relationship isn’t in my wheelhouse, and if you still want to call it quits with me, I’ll walk away and never bother you again.”

  Before she had a chance to say anything, five other people entered the kitchen. Next thing she knew, Axel was outside smoking a cigar, sipping whiskey, and telling dirty jokes with all his SEAL buddies, and she was getting into an Uber.

  She opened her purse to find her keys, and instead, she found a single candied rose with a typed note.

  Her heart skipped a couple of beats, and when it resumed, it pounded out of control at the base of her throat, making it nearly impossible to swallow. She held the envelope up between her shaky fingers. Who could have slipped this into her purse?

  More importantly, who were the single men at the party?

  Axel. Jet. Maverick. Benning. Cannon.

  No Alan.

  And she could rule out Axel, even though he’d been close to her purse at the end of the evening. But who knew how many of the other single men had been through the kitchen?

  However, she had to ask who would know which purse was hers? Axel never noticed shit like that. Another thing that bothered her.

  Maverick made the most sense. Then maybe Benning. He was quiet, but he noticed every little detail, something that her father really appreciated at work but drove him batshit crazy off the base.

  God, not knowing who was leaving her things was going to make her insane. She pulled out her phone.

  Shelly: I’m five minutes from my apartment. Where are you?

  Kendra: Sitting with my feet up while Houston rubs them, why?

  Shelly: I think I got another note from my secret admirer, but I don’t want to open it alone.

  Kendra: I’ll have Houston open the front door. Just walk on in.

  Shelly: Thanks. Just pulled into the circle.

  Another nice thing about living in this particular building was her best friend and her husband rented the penthouse. Of course, Kendra came from a shit ton of money and didn’t need her job at the floral shop, and Houston could retire from the military, but Houston recently took a position just under Shelly’s father, and Kendra would leave her position after the baby was born, but she keeps saying she’ll be back.

  And that was fine with Shelly.

  She raced through the door and into the family room where Houston greeted her with a glass of wine and a tray of cheese.

  “Oh, my God. You didn’t have to do that,” she said.

  “My wife would have my head if I didn’t.” He bent and kissed Kendra. “I’m off to bed. Don’t stay up too late.”

  “I won’t be here long, I promise.” Shelly made herself comfortable on the sofa, tucking her feet under her butt. “This time I got a candy rose and this note.” She placed it on Kendra’s lap. “Will you read it?”

  “Sure,” Kendra said with a little too much excitement. She ripped open the envelope. “Wow. You look amazing tonight. But you could make a flannel shirt look like a wedding dress. I hope you’ll be my Valentine. I have a great night planned for us. I’ll be in touch Valentine’s Day morning with the details on where to meet me. Love, Your Personal Secret Admirer.”

  “It can’t be Alan because he wasn’t at the party.” Shelly tossed her head back on the sofa. “I’m thinking it’s Maverick, but I’m kind of hoping it’s Benning.”

  “He’s so socially awkward, though,” Kendra said.

  “That’s what makes this so bizarrely romantic.”

  “If you say so.” Kendra leaned forward and handed her the note. “Let me ask you one thing though. What if this is all coming from Axel? What would you do then?”

  “It’s not him. I know that for a fact.” Shelly laughed, but her pulsed raced. She wanted to believe Axel could change, but she knew he hadn’t. “He kissed me tonight and told me I should have asked him why he doesn’t do Valentine’s Day or some of the other stuff. He actually thinks we should talk about it.”

  “You never asked him for a specific reason?” Kendra asked with a raised brow.

  “Of course. I mean I asked him why he didn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day, and he said he showed me he loved me all the time. The first year we were together and I pressed, he got angry, so last year, I didn’t press. I just got mad and moved out a few months later.”

  “You two broke up for the dumbest reasons,” Kendra said.

  “All he had to do was take me to dinner, get me a rose, and put a chocolate on my pillow. What’s the big deal?”

  “The big deal is you’re both stubborn. I think you should hear him out.”

  “I will, but not until after I find out who my secret admirer is. I’ve never had one before. I’ve always wanted one. It’s so romantic and for it to be on Valentine’s Day.” She hugged herself. This is all she’d ever wanted. Just a little attention from Cupid. “I’m not going to let Axel’s return ruin this chance for me.”

  “I don’t see how talking to the man is ruining anything. Besides, do you really see yourself dating any of the single SEALs from the party tonight?”

  “You never know. Stranger things have happened.”

  Chapter Three

  Shelly did her best to keep her disappointment from rising to the surface. It shouldn’t matter that the entire day had gone by and she hadn’t heard a single t
hing from her secret admirer. Well, the day hadn’t ended yet. Maybe he’d left something at her apartment.

  The bell over the door to the shop rang, and Axel stepped through. “Hey,” he said. “How are you?”

  “Fine. What can I do for you?” she asked, trying not to sound too annoyed, even though she knew she did.

  “We need to talk.”

  “So you keep saying.” She let out a long breath. No way did she want to do this now, but she knew him, and he wasn’t going to let up.

  “I know I said some pretty mean things when you moved out.”

  “Ya think?” She folded her arms across her chest and glared at him. Of course, she said her fair share of deplorable words meant to cut him where it could hurt him the most.

  And it had been successful.

  “I’ve had some time to think about things, and I want to apologize.”

  She closed her eyes for a brief moment. “For what exactly?” She’d been waiting for this moment for what seemed like forever, believing it would never come.

  “Can we go for a walk? Or maybe go get a drink or something?” He tossed his hands to the sides.

  She noticed he carried a small package. “What’s that?”

  “Oh. Sorry. I found this shoved halfway in your mailbox out front. Just has your name on it.”

  “Oh. Thanks.” She raced around the counter and snagged the package, ripping it open. “It’s taffy.”

  “You love that stuff,” he said with a chuckle.

  She nodded as she lifted the card, making sure there was no way in hell Axel could see the words on the page.

  Do you have any clue as to who I might be? I suppose if you did, you’d call me out. Enjoy the taffy. Save a piece or two for me. Your Secret Admirer.


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