Edge of Desire: (Let Me In, Book 3)

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Edge of Desire: (Let Me In, Book 3) Page 11

by Marin, Jessica

  “Here’s a shirt for you to sleep in. It should be long enough on you.” I grab the shirt from him and head to his bathroom. I use his toothbrush, but don’t dare take off my makeup, hoping that I won’t look like a raccoon in the morning. I take off my dress and bra, but leave my thong on. I pull the shirt over my head and see that it barely reaches the top of my thighs. I want to try to stretch the shirt past my knees, but it isn’t my shirt to do that to. I debate whether or not to put my bra back on with the way my nipples are playing peekaboo through the material.

  Screw that, I want Sean to want me.

  I open the door to see Sean sitting on his bed, the only thing he’s wearing is his boxer briefs. He rises and moves slowly toward me, my breath hitching as my eyes take in his six pack, moving down to his muscled v that disappears into his underwear. The room feels stiflingly hot from the lust that has taken over my body. My gaze makes its way back up to his face to see his eyes fixated on my breasts. I know he can see how hard my nipples are with the way they ache to be touched.

  “You look damn fucking sexy in my shirt,” he mutters and stops only inches away from me. “Get into bed, I will be right there.” He walks past me into the bathroom and closes the door.

  I pull back the blanket and get in, the coldness of the sheets against my legs causing me to shiver. I bring the comforter all the way to my chin, feeling self-conscious about not having more clothes on. I rub my thighs together, the friction of my thong against my core reminding me just how thin the piece of material is and that it is the only barrier covering the one place that is aching to be touched by him.

  I hear the door to the bathroom open and follow Sean’s movement as he walks to the light switch to turn off the lights. The room is engulfed in darkness, the only light being from the moon as it shines in between the cracks of the curtains. I make out Sean’s silhouette as he walks around to his side of the bed. I keep staring at the chandelier hanging from the ceiling as I feel the bed dip from his weight.

  “Turn on your side, facing the other way.” As soon as I do as he commands, he wraps his arms around me and pulls me against him. My back collides with his chest and I feel his hot breath against my neck as he inhales my scent. Wetness pools at my core as I push my butt against his growing erection. He inhales sharply and gently nips at my shoulder with his teeth. “Stop moving or I won’t be able to keep my promise of holding you while we sleep.”

  I smile into the darkness, feeling powerful in knowing that I can make his body react to me. I sigh in contentment and squeeze his forearms as they wrap tighter against my waist.

  “Sweet dreams, my little Izzy,” he murmurs, his voice gruff with sleepiness.

  For once in a very long time, I don’t hate hearing the sound of my nickname anymore.



  The aching throb coming from my dick causes me to moan out in discomfort as I open my eyes to get a bearing of my surroundings. I am lying on my stomach, my arm draped over Isla’s waist as she’s on her back, fast asleep. Her face is turned away from me, the scent of her floral shampoo annihilating my senses. I lift my upper body up and rest on my forearms as I reach for my phone to see what time it is. Six a.m. - Isla will need to go soon if she doesn’t want anyone to see her walking from my room. I lie back down and watch her as she sleeps. She looks so beautiful, so peaceful. It is as if an angel has graced me with her presence.

  My eyes leave her face and notice that her shirt has bunched up around her stomach. I see glimpses of a tight tummy, her nude thong covering up what I am really interested in seeing. I can’t help the wicked smile that crosses my face as I think of the perfect way to wake Izzy up.

  I lift up the covers and gently push them down toward the end of the bed. My hands softly touch her stomach, my finger circling gently around her belly button. I lightly trail my fingers up, bringing her shirt along with them, exposing the bottom of her breasts. I lift her shirt higher and my cock hardens at the sight of her beautiful, pink nipples. I rub the pad of my thumb against the bud and watch in desire as it hardens under my touch.

  Unable to help myself, I take that nipple into my mouth, groaning softly at how delicious it tastes. Isla moves her legs, her head thrashing back and forth as I slowly attack her nipple. I move my body closer, placing my right hand on the other side of her waist. I release her nipple, kiss up and down her sternum, and give my attention to her other breast. This time she whimpers and runs her hands through my hair. “Sean?” The question in her voice makes me look up to see her eyes filled with desire. That is all the encouragement I need to continue making my way down her body. “What are you doing?”

  “Helping you wake up so you can start your day off right,” I murmur in between kisses against her abdomen. I get to the valley in between her legs and stick my nose against her clit, using the material of her underwear to cause friction. She moans loudly and opens her legs up to accommodate me better. I kiss the inside of each thigh, noting one of her sensitive spots when she jerks against my touch. My attention zeros in on her core and I push aside her underwear with one hand and use the other hand to spread her wide. I nestle my chin into her opening as my tongue slowly moves up and down her most sensitive area. I moan into her, never before tasting someone as good as she tastes.

  “Sean,” she seductively pants, her fingers gripping my hair tight as she pushes my head harder into her core. My tongue continues its assault on her as I stick two fingers inside her, my cock twitching as I feel her walls tighten around them. I slowly move my fingers in a circle, then start gliding them in and out, exactly how I imagine I would with my cock. With the way she keeps pulsating around my fingers, it is not going to take her long to come. I pick up the pace with both my tongue and fingers as her hips start to move to the same rhythm. When her moaning becomes more frequent, I remove my fingers and put all of my concentration on her clit. Her thighs tighten around my head and her pelvis moves fast against me. I grab her hips and bury my tongue harder on her clit, lapping her up as fast as I can. This seems to bring her over the edge and I have to cover her mouth with my free hand to drown out her screams of pleasure as she explodes from her orgasm.

  I continue lapping at her until her body starts twitching and she pushes my head away from her overstimulated bud. I get up to see her chest heaving up and down from being breathless, her arm draped over her eyes, preventing me from seeing them. Her lips are swollen from her biting them, making me grin with egotistical satisfaction. I walk toward the bathroom, shut the door and start the shower, needing to provide immediate relief to my erection. As soon as I get in the shower, I grip my cock and work my hands up and down, imaging being inside her. I quietly come fast, knowing that it wasn’t going to take long since I can still lick my lips and taste her. I quickly wash my face, body and hair and pop right out of the shower as just the thought of her still lying in bed makes me ready for a repeat performance. I wrap a towel around me and go back out to join her.

  Disappointment douses my excitement as I see that the bed is empty, her folded up dress gone and in its place is my white shirt. I grab my phone to text her when I notice I have two missed texts already — one from Cora and the other from Cal.

  Cora: We need to talk. I would like to apologize for last night. Can you please meet me before I board my flight home?

  I re-read her text message again, making sure my eyes are not deceiving me since Cora never apologizes for anything. I decide to postpone responding back to her and click over to read Cal’s text message.

  Cal: I need to talk to you. Can you come meet me in my office?

  Shit, I hope he didn’t see Izzy come out of my room. I respond back, saying I will be down in five minutes and quickly get dressed, but before I leave, I send Izzy a text.

  Me: Good morning, beautiful! I wish you didn’t leave me while I was in the shower, but I understand you wanted to get to your room before anyone saw you. I hope to spend more time with you tonight.

  I decide a cup of coffe
e is needed before I see Cal, so I go to the kitchen first, also hoping I get to see Izzy. Unfortunately, the kitchen was empty and I had to brew my own cup of coffee since no one had started the pot yet. I pour myself and Cal a cup and walk to his office.

  He’s staring at his computer screen when I enter, captivated by whatever he’s watching. He’s shirtless, wearing only his pajama pants, making it evident that he came straight here once he woke up.

  “You might scare your employees showing off your ugly body like that,” I tease and set his cup of coffee down in front of him. Cal’s body is anything but ugly, being the envy of most men. There are hundreds of gifs and memes of him shirtless on the internet, the scenes pulled from some of his past movie roles. I have no doubt most of those were created by women.

  “Since it’s Sunday, that would only apply to Isla and it’s her day off.”

  “She’s gone already?” Shock registers on my face and he tilts his head to the side, looking at me inquisitively.

  “You tell me, Sean. Is she gone already? Don’t think we all didn’t notice your disappearance last night.”

  “I honestly don’t know where Isla is right now,” I answer truthfully, but choosing my words carefully to not give away that I used to know where she was earlier.

  He stares at me in silence, doubt showing through his eyes. “Let’s discuss the real reason why I asked you to come into my office. I wanted to show you the video surveillance from last night.”

  I move around the desk to stand at the back of him. The video camera from the far corner of the living room gives you visible access to the whole room, including the entrance into the kitchen. Cal hits play and after a few seconds, Cora appears, her face visibly distraught. We watch her make her way into the living room, look down at the tray of champagne glasses and purposely push the tray off the table.

  “So the story is true.” I narrow my eyes at the monitor, making sure I’m seeing exactly what I think I’m seeing. I didn’t want to believe that Cora would do this, but the evidence is right in front of me.

  “Appears so, but sadly, that isn’t what bothers me the most. Check this out.” He clicks out of that screen and brings up another video from outside of the house. The recording comes from the camera that is posted on top of their front entrance gate. We see a black SUV come up to the gate and watch a decent looking, middle-aged man come out and open up the back passenger door closest to Cal’s driveway. Cora quickly enters the scene, gets into the car and her car door is slammed shut. The driver races around the other side of the car and drives away. Cal rewinds a few frames back and pauses the video on the driver. He zooms in so we can get a better look at his face.

  “Take a good look at this guy. Have you seen him before?”

  I rack my brain, trying to recollect if I have ever encountered him before as a driver, but I am drawing blanks. “No, I don’t think I have.”

  Cal minimizes that video and pulls forward another one, this video of the side of the house. All I see are hedges coming up to the top of their fence, but Cal pauses the video and zooms in on a specific object. He crops the object out of the freeze frame and then zooms in some more. We can now see the side of the man’s head with a super wide lens camera. As Cal zooms in some more, the guy resembles Cora’s driver.

  “No way!” I stare in disbelief at the screen. “Cora’s driver is taking photos of the party?”

  “We are the number one trending topic this morning.” He pulls up his internet browser where he has multiple tabs opened to various gossip columnists, all showcasing photos from his wedding that was less than twelve hours ago.

  I blink a couple of times to regain my vision from staring so intently at the screen and look at Cal. He seems upset, but I have a feeling it’s not because his wedding is all over the news. “Do you think Cora knew about this?”

  “I got the license plate number of the car from the main entrance security guard and the vehicle is registered to a rental company, not to a transportation company.” I suddenly feel sick to my stomach as to what Cal is implying. I refuse to believe that Cora would do that to someone she’s supposedly in love with.

  “She wouldn’t do that, Cal,” I say firmly, trying to squash my doubts that are screaming like smoke detector sirens going off. When there’s smoke, there’s usually fire, and this fire might be in the form of Cora Gregory.

  “How do you know that? I never would have thought she would tip over a tray of glasses out of spite at my own wedding, but she did. There’s no excuse for her behavior, Sean. I think she’s on drugs. Her mood swings are uncontrollable and she’s thinner than ever.”

  There have been rumors for years of people saying that Cora is using cocaine. I questioned her once about it, but she vehemently denied it, saying she wouldn’t jeopardize her career that way. Since I’ve never personally seen her partake in it, especially with the amount of time we spent together on our last movie, I accepted her answer.

  And now I feel like a fool for believing her.

  Her using cocaine would explain her erratic behavior. She has always been thin, but I believe that has been ingrained into her since she was a child, courtesy of her mother. Appearances have always been a number one priority to Cora’s mother. I sigh heavily and decide to sit down. As I walk around Cal’s desk to one of his chairs, I suddenly feel overwhelmingly tired.

  “So what do you want to do, Cal? Stage an intervention? She texted me this morning, asking if I would come meet her so she could apologize. Did you get the same text?”

  “She asked if she could come over to apologize, but I told her no, that she was no longer welcome in my house.” He stares one more time at the computer screen before leaning back in his chair, his gaze staring outside of the window closest to him. He is lost in thought for a brief moment before turning his attention back to me.

  “I think after our press tour, I need to file a restraining order against her.”

  I sit up straighter in my chair, his words sending shock waves down my spine. “What? Cal, no! That’s not what friends do, especially with how long all of us have been friends for. That drastic action might put her over the edge, making her feel outcasted by you.”

  “Sean, I don’t trust her around my family. She has been nothing but disrespectful to Jenna from day one. She always shows her disdain for my children whenever she’s around them. Any act of kindness is fake. She can’t even pretend to be happy for me. If it wasn’t for you yesterday sitting with her, who knows what kind of stunt she would’ve pulled.”

  If it wasn’t for me, she wouldn’t have been at the wedding in the first place.

  “I had to keep my wedding a goddamn secret from everyone just so she wouldn’t ruin it!” He pounds his fist into his desk, his eyes blazing with anger.

  “You don’t know that she would’ve done something to ruin it. Maybe she was hurt that she didn’t know about it? I know I was a little bothered by not being involved.” I shrugged, trying to play devil’s advocate so that he can maybe put himself in our shoes about being left out from the details of his wedding. “I didn’t even get to be your best man.”

  He leans forward and places his forearms on top of his desk. “Sean, you’ve been my best man for close to twenty years now. No one else has had the privilege of that title. Cora never even came close to being my best friend. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, but I have no regrets about not including you in the wedding planning.”

  I slowly nod my head in understanding, since I know Cal would never do or say anything to intentionally hurt me. Our bond is thick as thieves and although we aren’t related by blood, we have always considered ourselves brothers.

  “Cal, let me go talk to her today and see what she says. She is going back home until the press tour. Let’s see if she lays low and how she acts during the tour. If you feel you still need to file a restraining order by the end of it, then do it.”

  He analyzes my intentions with his normal intense stare. He looks at his computer screen once
more before nodding to me. “Okay, I’ll go with your advice. But Sean, I need you to start paying closer attention to her. Pay attention to what she says, what she asks you about me, what her next move is. Can you do that for me?”

  “Absolutely!” I firmly respond, determined to get to the bottom of Cora and her actions.

  “Thank you,” he responds and I visibly see his shoulders relax. ”Be careful though, Sean. You don’t need to fall deeper into her rabbit hole.”

  “I have no intentions of going back into any of her holes. Not that I literally have ever been fully into one of her holes,” I smirk at him, trying to lighten the mood with a joke. He shakes his head at me, but not before I see the corner of his lips raise up in a half smile. I use this opportunity to change the subject since we have a plan on how to deal with Cora.

  “Since you’ve told me last night your honeymoon plans for next week, I was thinking that it might be a good idea for me to go to Disneyland with your family while you’re gone.”

  “Is that so? And why is that?” he asks in amusement and places his hands behind his head. This time I get a knowing smile from him since he knows exactly why I want to go to Disneyland with his family.

  “Isla has never really spent alone time with your family like I have, so it might be nice for her to have a familiar face around, helping her with the kids and being a nice buffer. Also another male presence might make her feel safe since there is so much estrogen in your family.”

  “My father and two brothers-in-law will be in attendance, not to mention that both of our bodyguards will be escorting everyone. If my math serves me correctly, that means there will be more testosterone than estrogen on this trip. Any other reason you might want to be going?”


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