Edge of Desire: (Let Me In, Book 3)

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Edge of Desire: (Let Me In, Book 3) Page 17

by Marin, Jessica

  My phone buzzes with a message from Danny, alerting me of his arrival in Paris. I send him a response back with my hotel information, telling him he needs to pick up a bottle of high end whiskey for Cal’s drink. Once he has confirmed, I start getting myself ready for the big event. I go to my suitcase to retrieve the lingerie I bought for this specific occasion. I take out a black lace babydoll negligee and slip it on. I then cover myself up with a matching robe that stops at mid-thigh. I keep my makeup on since it was already done for the press junket, but I run a flat iron through my hair to freshen it up. Next, I get my bottle of Rohypnol out of its hiding place in my toiletries case and start smashing one up. But Cal is a much larger person, so two might be best for him. I add the second one and smash it up with the bottom of a glass. Once the pills are in powder form, I pour it into the glass, ready for the whiskey to be added to it.

  Danny arrives ten minutes later with the whiskey and his camera. “So what’s the plan?” He asks, eyes narrowed as his gaze travels up and down my body. Suddenly, I am creeped out and conscious of the fact that I am alone with him in a hotel room.

  “The plan is for you to hide in the closet when Cal arrives and as soon as you see us kissing, you start taking pictures.”

  “How are you going to get him to kiss you? The man looks at you as if he doesn’t even like you, let alone him being madly in love with his wife.”

  “Don’t worry about how I get him to comply. Just worry about getting the shot.” I smile smugly at him, wanting him to focus on getting the job done right.

  “You’re right, the less I know, the better. How are you going to get him to come to your room?”

  “I’m going to text him, saying I’m concerned with the lack of jobs our agent has not been getting me and if he can come here and talk to me about how I should handle the situation. I’m banking on Cal’s kindness to want to help me. He will especially want to hear how Philip is not doing his job.”

  “Hmm, I don’t buy it. I don’t think he’s going to fall for that,” he says with so much conviction, that doubt starts to creep in about if my plan will actually work. I shake my head to get the negative thoughts out since I don’t have time for this. It has to work!

  “Well, let’s see who’s right by getting this show on the road.” I walk over to the table and pour the whiskey in its designated glass. I send Cal the text and wait with anticipation. He doesn’t disappoint and responds right away.

  Cal: Sure, be there in twenty minutes.

  I show Danny the text with a satisfactory smile on my face, loving the fact that I know Cal better than anyone.

  “This calls for a celebration!” I pour myself a glass of champagne and quickly put a line of cocaine together. I snort every last drop into my nose, throw my head back and then wipe off any remnants. “Want some?” I offer my rolled up straw to Danny, but he declines. I tidy up my mess and put away the evidence. Danny starts getting his camera gear ready and puts the bag in my closet where he will be stationed.

  “How long do you think this is going to take?” He asks, putting his camera strap around his neck, ready for action.

  “Why, have a hot date tonight? I’m paying you a lot of money to be at my beck and call here. It’ll take however long we need it to take in order to get the perfect shot,” I snap and before I can tear into him some more, a knock is at my door.

  “It hasn’t been twenty minutes yet, has it?” I whisper, wondering how much time has passed since our text message exchange. I tiptoe over to the door and look through the peephole to see Sean standing on the other side.

  “Oh shit, hide in my bathroom!” I softly hiss, trying to figure out what to say to get Sean to leave quickly.

  “Cora, I know you’re in there. Can I talk to you for a second?” Sean knocks at the door again, his voice muffled by the door.

  “Just a minute!” I shout as I watch Danny scurry into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. I tighten the sash around my robe, push my hair off my face and take a deep breath before opening the door.

  “Sean, what a nice surprise! What can I do for you?” I stand in my doorway, trying to avoid inviting him in.

  “These are for you.” He brings out a bouquet of flowers from around his back, the gesture making me genuinely surprised. “I was pretty harsh to you on the plane and it was uncalled for, so I wanted to apologize.”

  I grab the bouquet and bring it to my face, taking a deep breath to look like I’m enjoying them, when in reality, I hate flowers. They are the most stupidest gift ever as they eventually die and you have nothing to keep in the end. “That’s so incredibly sweet of you, Sean. You truly didn’t have to. Like I said on the plane, I knew that wasn’t the real you talking and I forgave you.”

  “Well, thank you for that. Listen, can I come in? I would really like to talk more with you about Isla and my concerns on how we’re going to maintain a friendship if you two aren’t getting along.”

  I swallow and smile brightly, nodding my head for him to come in. I move to the side so he can walk past me into the suite. I close the door behind him and pray that Cal isn’t on time for once in his life.

  “Let me just go put these in water real quick. I will be right back.” I grab the ice bucket and take the bouquet into the bathroom, shutting the door as soon as I enter. Danny is standing right by the door, his eyes wide with panic. I hold up my finger to Danny to be silent as he tries to whisper something to me. I turn on the faucet and motion for him to go back in the corner. Once the bucket is full, I take it back outside and stop short at the sight of Sean pouring whiskey into another glass.

  Fuck, which glass is the right one for Cal?

  He smiles and comes towards me with both glasses. “I saw that you got one of my favorite whiskeys and were going to have a drink without me, so I poured another glass so we can each have one and toast to new beginnings.” He hands me a glass and I stare at it in uncertainty, not being able to tell which glass has the Rohypnol in it.

  “So here’s to new beginnings as friends!“ He clinks our glasses together and I can only stand there and watch in horror as he downs the whole drink.

  “Well, don’t just stand there and stare at your drink. Down it!” He sees me hesitate and looks at me in suspicion. “Don’t tell me you don’t like whiskey anymore? We were doing shots of that on the last day of our movie together.”

  I look down into my glass and pray to God that my drink is the spiked one. I give him a weak smile and down the whiskey. It burns going down my esophagus and for once, I welcome the pain that I deserve and so much more for what I am about to put Sean through if his was indeed the wrong drink.

  He grabs my glass from my hand and heads back over to the table where he pours two more glasses of whiskey. I have to somehow distract him from drinking anymore or he’s going to be in grave danger if his had the Rohypnol in it.

  “Sean, why don’t we sit down and you talk to me about what you wanted to discuss?” I sit down on the couch, hoping he doesn’t bring his glass with him, but of course, he not only brings his glass, but mine as well. He puts the glasses down on the coffee table and sits down next to me, twisting his body so that he’s facing me.

  “We’ve been friends for a long time, Cora, and I really would hate for that friendship to end just because you and Isla don’t like each other. Do you know what reasons she may have for not liking you?”

  I grit my teeth, not caring why that little slut doesn’t like me. If Sean did drink the Rohypnol, she’ll have even more reason to hate me. Fear is setting in as the implications of what could be happening start to dance around in my head. I’ve got to get Sean back to his room so Danny can get the hell out of here before things get really bad. One of us is going to be down for the count soon and an ambulance will be called. Danny’s presence in my bathroom will be a tough one to lie my way out of, because as soon as Cal and Sean see him, they will know that I have been conspiring with the man who is their enemy.

  “I don’t know why she
hates me, Sean. Maybe all three of us should sit down together and figure it out?”

  “That’s actually a really good idea. Maybe when we get back home, we can schedule a time together.” I watch him carefully, so far seeing no side effects from him or from me. I hear a knock on the door and my heart races with acknowledgement that it’s probably Cal, and that my moment with him alone is now completely ruined.

  “You expecting someone?” Sean raises his eyebrows in question.

  I give him a smile in defeat, knowing that all hell is going to break loose any moment now. “It’s Cal. I wanted to talk with him about my unhappiness with Philip.”

  “Oh really? I didn’t know you were unhappy with him.” Sean stands up, taking another sip of whiskey as he does.

  I slowly make my way to the door, not wanting to answer it, because as soon as I do, my living nightmare will begin.

  Cal is in the same clothes he was in during the press junket, looking devastatingly handsome in a charcoal button down shirt and black slacks. I take a moment to memorize his face, the sharp edges of his cheekbones, the cleft in his chin, his strong nose and lastly, those blue eyes. Those eyes that I wanted to stare into forever.

  Goodbye, my love.

  He greets me with a nod of his head, walks in and is surprised to see Sean. “Oh good, I didn’t realize Cora invited you here too. We can all talk this over together about Philip and what problems you are having.”

  Just as I’m about to close the door behind Cal, I notice Sean starting to blink rapidly.


  He starts to sway where he stands, his hand going over his heart.

  Oh my god, no!

  His eyelids start to droop and he stumbles.

  “Sean, are you okay?” Cal watches in concern as he slowly makes his way toward him.

  I’m so sorry, Sean!

  Sean shakes his head back and forth and takes one last look at me.

  “What did you do to me?” he whispers before his legs give out.

  “No!” I scream as I watch in slow motion Sean falling to the floor, his head bouncing off the corner of the coffee table. Cal runs forward, yelling to dial for an ambulance.

  Tears start streaming down my face as I place the call for help, running into the bathroom to get towels to stop the blood that is coming out of Sean’s head. Danny springs out of the bathroom and races straight for the door. Cal watches him in stunned silence and then looks at me, understanding starting to set in his eyes.

  I just played Russian Roulette with my life… and lost everything.



  I was inconsolable during the hour long flight to Paris, so much so, that I threw up three times at the thought that Sean might be dead. Jenna tried her best to comfort me, repeating over and over again that he’s going to be fine, but I refuse to believe it until I see him for myself.

  “What if he’s not, Jenna? That stuff is so dangerous by itself, but mixed with alcohol?” I start to cry again. “Why would she do this?”

  “We just have to keep praying that he’s going to be okay, Isla,” Jenna says as she continues to rub my back, her eyes red from crying as well.

  Robert has a car waiting for us when we disembark from the plane. He has been texting Jenna non-stop, giving her the play-by-play of what is happening at the hospital. It has now been three hours since Sean ingested the Rohypnol and is still unconscious. The longer he stays that way, the likelihood that he might stay in a coma.

  I refuse to even think about that.

  Forty minutes later, we pull up to the hospital, a grave looking Robert waiting outside for us.

  “Is he awake?” I ask the second I’m out of the car.

  Robert gives me a sad smile and shakes his head no. He motions for us to follow him and walks us through the hospital to the elevators. “I must warn you both, Cora is still here with a police escort. She’s requesting to see Sean, but Cal won’t let anyone in the room until you arrive. He has a guard standing outside Sean’s door. Danny Salari has been released already from custody and is at the airport to go back home. Since he wasn’t the one who provided the drugs to Cora, they couldn’t charge him. He claims he had no idea what her plans were. Just that he was told to hide in the closet and take photos of her in compromising positions. He was told the person was going to be Cal.”

  I gasp in shock and look at Jenna. She’s staring at Robert, at first in disbelief, but then her face changes to stone, her eyes giving away the rage that is brewing, like molten lava ready to erupt from the peak of the volcano. The dinging noise of the elevator’s arrival to our destination brings her out of her trance.

  Once the doors open, the first person we see is Cora. She is flanked with two police officers on each side of her. Her wrists are in handcuffs in front of her, her mascara caked down her cheeks from crying, her eyes wild with fright. She’s wearing her silk robe that is open, exposing a sexy negligee underneath. I ball my hands into fists at the sight of her, refusing to look at her as we walk out of the elevators.

  “Jenna… Jenna, wait! I need to see Sean! Please convince Cal that I need to see him.” She is out of her chair faster than the policemen can stop her and runs to stand in front of Jenna, blocking her path. She grabs Jenna’s arm with her cuffed hands, begging her to listen.

  “Get out of my way,” Jenna warns, her voice cold, menace in her eyes. She refuses to look at Cora and focuses past her to the guard that is stationed outside of what we presume is Sean’s room.

  “Jenna, please! I love Sean and—” Before Cora can finish her sentence, Jenna yanks her arm out from Cora’s grasp and in lightning speed, slaps Cora across the face. The force of the slap snaps Cora’s head to the side, causing her to lose her balance and fall. The two policemen pick her up and haul her back up to her feet. She stumbles and looks at Jenna in shock, blood trickling down the corner of her mouth.

  “You’ve never loved, Sean! You’ve never loved anyone but yourself! He has always been a pawn in your sick, delusional game. You deserve an eternity in hell!” Jenna screams as Robert and I block her from attacking Cora any further. Philip and Cal must have heard the commotion inside of Sean’s room, as they come racing down the hallway toward us.

  “What’s going on here?” Philip asks, looking between all of us for answers. Cal doesn’t say a word, just walks straight to Jenna and takes her in his arms.

  “She attacked me for no reason! I am going to sue you for everything you’re worth!” Cora shrieks as she tries to charge Jenna, but the policemen prevent her from doing so.

  “You have no case since it was self-defense. I have witnesses here who saw you touch me first, you stupid bitch,” Jenna says, her voice calm as she stays engulfed in Cal’s arms. If I wasn’t so distraught over Sean right now, I would hug Jenna for doing what we all have wanted to do for a long time.

  “Philip, it’s time for you to escort her to Qatar for her previously scheduled appearance,” Cal orders and then looks at Cora, his eyes completely void of all emotion. “Restraining orders have been placed against you. If you ever come as close as even an inch to me, Sean and our respective families, I will have you hauled off to a psychiatric ward, where you will be locked up in forever.”

  “Cal, please,” she whispers as she cries, looking completely broken and defeated.

  “Consider not having you being hauled off to a Parisian prison for you to rot in a parting gift.” He unwraps his arms from Jenna, grabs her hand and motions for Robert and I to start following him. “We’re done here, Philip. Please get her out of my sight.” The wails of Cora’s cries fill the air while we walk away from her to Sean’s room. All of us sigh in relief when the elevator doors close, indicating she’s gone.

  I truly pray that she’s gone from our lives forever.

  We approach Sean’s door and Cal introduces us to the guard so he knows we’re allowed into Sean’s room at any given time. I reach for the door handle, but Cal touches my arm to stop me. “Isla, I just want to warn you
that he doesn’t look good. He hit his head when he lost consciousness and when the medics arrived, his face was turning blue from lack of oxygen. They don’t know how it has affected him yet. You might want to try to talk to him as much as you can. It’s imperative that he wakes up, Isla.” Cal’s voice cracks, tears forming in his eyes. Jenna wraps her arms around his waist, squeezing him for comfort. Cal swallows and smiles at her to show he’s okay. “Let’s give Isla some privacy with him. We’ll be right out here if you need us.” He squeezes my hand and takes Jenna to where Robert and Kellan are seated.

  I close my eyes and pray that Sean doesn’t look as bad as I am picturing him to look. I grab the handle, slowly turn it and push the door open as softly as I can. I close the door behind me and walk to the bed to be closer to him. When my eyes focus on his face, I cry out in horror at the sight of him.

  He looks worse than I could’ve imagined.

  His head is wrapped in a bandage, dried up blood from where he hit his head showing through the gauze. From what I can see of his face that’s not covered by the oxygen mask, his color looks ashen. Sean is a strong, muscular man, but lying here in the bed, he looks frail and delicate. I pull a chair to his bedside and grab his hand, kissing every inch of his palm and fingers, my tears starting to make small puddles on his skin. I smear the wetness across his skin, praying that maybe the shock of the moisture might wake him up.

  “Sean, honey, you owe me a trip to Paris, because this was not how I was picturing my first time back here would be like.” I try to make a joke, but it’s hard when the situation is anything but funny. I keep rubbing my thumb across the back of his hand, trying to think of what to say when all I want to do is curl up in his hospital bed and hold him.

  “I need you to wake up, Sean. I need you to yell at me for running away again, or more preferably, kiss me and tell me you forgive me.” I study his face, watching his eye lashes closely to see if I can see any movement, but there’s none.


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