Rise of the Alphas

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Rise of the Alphas Page 64

by Alexis Davie

  “You think I’m interesting?” Cleo said. “I hate to disappoint you, Zane, but I’m really not. The most interesting thing about me is that I like to read. Other people have these cool hobbies and interests and shit, and mine is reading. So, I’m sorry to disillusion you.”

  “The wolf shifter girl who refuses to turn really thinks the most interesting thing about herself is a love of books?” Zane said with a raised eyebrow.

  Here it comes, Cleo thought to herself. He doesn’t find me interesting. He just wants to give me a lecture about letting the pack down or whatever.

  She started to stand up again, but Zane grabbed her wrist. She went to pull away from him, but her skin tingled where he touched her, and suddenly, all she could do was sit in place, her wrist in Zane’s hand, and look into his eyes. His beautiful eyes.

  “I think it’s pretty noble that you refuse to turn,” Zane said.

  “Yeah, right,” Cleo snorted.

  Zane released her wrist, but she made no effort to move now. Part of her still thought Zane was making fun of her, but if he was, this was a whole new way of doing it, a way she had never encountered before, and Cleo thought she had heard it all already. She was curious as to where he was going with this.

  “I’m serious, Cleo. I love that you refuse to bend to pressure, even if that bothers some people. You are yourself and you refuse to become someone you don’t want to be just because other people are telling you that you should. I wish I was that brave,” Zane admitted.

  “You mean you wouldn’t have turned, given the choice?” Cleo asked, an eyebrow arched.

  Zane laughed softly at the look on her face.

  “Oh no, I would have. I actually like being a wolf. But there’s more to our lives than just that. If I was brave enough to go my own way, I’d be going to study architecture at college. But my father doesn’t think that’s suitable for an alpha, and he gave me a choice. Harvard for law or Yale for medicine.”

  “You should do what makes you happy, Zane, not what makes your father happy. Eternity is a long time to be anything but happy,” Cleo stated.

  “I wish I’d had the courage to talk to you years ago, before it was too late to change my mind,” Zane said.

  “It’s never too late to change your mind,” Cleo said. She felt her stomach whirl. “Wait. You’ve wanted to talk to me for years? Why didn’t you?”

  “I guess I thought you would laugh at me,” he said, looking down into his lap. Cleo could see his cheeks reddening slightly.

  “What? Why?” Cleo said.

  “Because you’re smart and you know who you are, and I’m just a dumb jock whose usual tricks don’t impress you,” Zane said.

  “Well, for one, you’re not dumb if you can get into Harvard or Yale,” Cleo pointed out.

  Zane looked back up at her and she felt her stomach whirl again when he gave her a sexy little half-smile.

  “But the rest was true?”

  “Honestly? Yeah. I have to say I don’t find two guys play-fighting impressive,” Cleo said with a grin. “But that doesn’t mean I would have laughed at you. It’s funny, because for years, I assumed you were like the rest of them. That you didn’t know I existed.”

  “Oh, I knew, Cleo. Trust me, I knew. I could hardly keep my eyes off you,” Zane smiled.

  “Really?” Cleo asked.

  “Really. Jeez, Cleo, are there no mirrors in your house? You’re drop-dead gorgeous. What guy wouldn’t notice you?”

  Cleo felt the blood rushing to her cheeks, turning them pink. She wanted to look away from Zane’s eyes, but suddenly, she found that she couldn’t. His gaze held her in place, his eyes boring into hers, and she felt as though he was seeing her, really seeing her, in a way no one ever had.

  He reached out and gently caressed her face with his hand. Cleo felt her body responding to his touch in a way she had never responded to anyone’s touch before. She had dated guys before, but she had never dated anyone seriously, and this sensation, this lust she felt, was all new to her.

  Zane’s fingers seemed to awaken a new side to Cleo. A side that took her breath away and quiver between her legs. She could feel a delicious sensation throughout her core and in her lower stomach.

  When Zane leaned closer to her, she didn’t resist him, not even for a moment. She leaned into him, and when their lips touched, Cleo felt like she had died and gone to heaven. She had kissed guys before, but she had never felt like this about it. It had always been something almost mechanical, something that was expected of her, but this felt different. This was something she was doing just because she wanted to, because her body wanted her to.

  Zane’s hand slipped up her cheek and into her hair as their kiss deepened. Cleo turned her body so she was facing Zane and wrapped her arms around him, draping them around his neck. Zane’s other arm was around her waist, his hand moving up and down her back, bringing her body to life touch by touch.

  Zane moved his hand down her body, sliding it over her hip and down her leg. She gasped slightly when he reached the hem of her dress where it sat at mid-thigh. He pushed his hand beneath it, moving it up her thigh and Cleo felt goosebumps erupting over her skin where he touched her.

  His hand kept moving, going back to her hip, but now, it was beneath her dress, and the only thing separating them was Cleo’s lacy panties. Cleo wanted to do this. Zane was having the same effect he had had on her at the game. She felt empowered, strong, like she wanted to make love to Zane, to be a real woman.

  But she was nervous too. She didn’t know if she would do it right, and the thought of him laughing at her afterwards made her insides shrivel up. She pulled her mouth away from Zane’s and he frowned. His hand stayed on her hip, but it was no longer caressing her skin. His other hand came out of her hair and moved back to her cheek again, his touch gentle.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked her.

  She couldn’t look at him when she answered his question and she looked down at her hands, which were back in her lap.

  “I’m a virgin,” she whispered.

  Zane’s hands flew off Cleo’s body and he jumped to his feet. Cleo felt as though he had ripped her heart out. She hadn’t expected him to so blatantly reject her now that he knew she was a freak who had never even been with a guy,

  “Shit, Cleo, I’m so sorry,” Zane said. He was still on his feet, but he wasn’t making any attempt to leave. He paced the sand in front of her and she dared to peer up at him. He didn’t look disgusted; he looked nervous himself suddenly. “I came on way too strong, way too fast. I’m sorry I made you feel uncomfortable.”

  Cleo smiled to herself when she saw the truth of the situation. She hadn’t scared Zane off in the way she thought she had. He had assumed this was her way of saying no to him.

  “You didn’t make me uncomfortable,” she said. He looked at her finally, and she could see the turmoil on his face. “I want to do this. I just… I thought you should know. You know, in case I do it wrong or something.”

  “You don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with,” Zane said.

  Cleo knew for sure in that moment how horribly she had misjudged Zane all of these years. He wasn’t some jock asshole. He was a genuinely nice guy. She smiled and got to her feet, standing in front of Zane and stopping him from pacing.

  “I want to do this,” she said again, more forcefully this time. “I want to do this with you.”

  She could almost see the indecision on Zane’s face. He wanted to do this too, but she thought maybe he was worried that she would end up regretting it. She knew she wouldn’t regret it. She knew it with every instinct she had.

  She smiled at Zane and reached down for the hem of her dress. She pulled it up and over her head, dropping it to the sand beside her. She stood before Zane in her bra and panties, sending up a silent thank you that she had chosen to wear nice black lace underwear that matched.

  She saw Zane’s throat move as he swallowed hard, and then with one long stride, he covered the g
ap between them and pulled her into his arms. He moaned her name and then there were no more words as their lips came together to do a different kind of talking.


  Zane felt his cock hardening as he kissed Cleo. He still found it hard to believe that a girl as stunning as Cleo, a girl as quietly confident as Cleo, could possibly be a virgin. And he couldn’t quite believe his luck that she had chosen him to be the one to take her virginity.

  He broke his mouth away from Cleo’s long enough to pull his shirt over his head and throw it to the ground. Their lips came together again, and now he could feel Cleo’s bare skin against his own. He moaned as he kissed her.

  His wolf stirred inside of him, the lust running through his veins waking it up. He knew what his wolf wanted. It wanted him to throw Cleo onto the ground and fuck her brains out. He wanted the same thing. He wanted to pound into her, knowing how tight her center would be. He wanted to claim her as his own, and she would truly be his, only ever his.

  But he knew he had to hold himself back. The last thing he wanted to do was to hurt Cleo. He knew he had to take it slow, get her nice and wet and relaxed and ready for him. He wanted her to enjoy this as much as he was going to, and if that meant reining himself in and being gentle with her, then that was what he would do.

  He ran his hands up Cleo’s back and unhooked her bra. She unwrapped her arms from around him and shook the bra loose, and then her arms were back around him, pulling him closer to her.

  Zane kissed down Cleo’s neck, moving his hands around to the front of her body and onto her breasts. He kneaded them gently and then he ran his thumbs over her nipples. She gasped in a breath as he brought her nipples to life, making them stand to attention between his fingers. He kept kissing down her body. He moved his hands to her hips and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. She moaned as he flicked his tongue back and forth over it and then traced a circle around it. His wolf howled inside of him, but he ignored it.

  He moved his mouth back up to Cleo’s and kissed her gently on the lips.

  “Lie down,” he whispered to her.

  She did as he said, lying on her back on the sand. He knelt between her legs and she propped herself up on her elbows, smiling up at him. He smiled back at her.

  “Are you ready?” he asked her.

  She nodded, biting on her bottom lip. Zane wished for a moment he was that lip. He ran his eyes down Cleo’s body, her beautiful, olive-colored skin, her flat stomach, her pert breasts. He couldn’t help but wonder once more how he had gotten so lucky.

  He leaned down and kissed Cleo’s stomach, and then he hooked his fingers into the sides of her panties. She lifted her ass from the sand and he pulled her panties free, tossing them aside. He ran his hands up her legs, concentrating on her inner thighs, running his nails lightly over them until he saw faint pink lines appearing on her skin.

  He lay down between Cleo’s legs and shuffled closer to her. He pushed her thighs out, opening her up. Her center was glistening, already wet from their kissing and the promise of what was to come, but Zane wanted her wetter. He wanted to drive her wild, to show her how good her body could feel before he penetrated her.

  He ran his tongue from her opening to her clit and he felt the shiver going through her body. He concentrated his efforts on her clit, licking her expertly, moving his tongue in circles over her and then making a figure eight shape with his tongue.

  He listened to Cleo gasp and moan and he knew by the way she pulsed against his tongue that she was getting close to orgasming. He increased the pressure on her clit, feeling her body shiver again. She moaned his name as he worked her. He felt her tense up and then she said his name again, her voice strangled, like she was struggling to breathe.

  She managed to suck in a deep, gasping breath and then she moaned again. Zane felt her spasm. He heard her panting softly as her orgasm passed. He kissed her clit and got to his knees. He kissed her stomach again and slowly kissed his way up her body until his lips were on hers. She wrapped her arms around him, clinging to him, kissing him as desperately as he was kissing her.

  He pushed his fingers into her slit, finding her clit again. She made a whimpering sound and he knew she was tender, her clit already swollen from her orgasm, but he needed to make her come again. He needed her to be wild with desire, begging him to take her.

  He pulled back from her kisses and looked down into her eyes. She stared up at him, her eyes cloudy with lust, her gaze never leaving his. He worked her clit with his fingers, moving a little faster, putting on more pressure.

  He could feel his wolf threatening to overwhelm him, to force him to take Cleo right then and there, but he pushed it down with a force of will greater than he had known he possessed. His cock was pulsing, so hard now that it felt uncomfortable in the confines of his jeans, but he ignored his discomfort, caring more about Cleo’s pleasure than his own in that moment.

  He saw Cleo’s face twisting slightly, her lips parting a little as he continued to increase the pressure on her clit. He worked her side to side, making her gasp. Her breath came in a series of little gasps and each exhale was a whimper of pleasure.

  “Oh God, Zane,” Cleo moaned in a breathy voice that sent a shiver through Zane.

  He loved that he could make her come undone this way, that he could make her appreciate her body in a whole new way. He loved the way she was writhing beneath him, the way she was moving her hips, pressing herself against his fingers harder and harder.

  She closed her eyes when she came again, soaking Zane’s fingers. He kept them in place, still working her even as her muscles went stiff beneath him and her back arched, lifting her center up off the ground for a moment.

  Zane removed his fingers as Cleo flopped back onto the ground and her eyes opened again. She smiled up at him, a sated smile, and he leaned forward and brushed her lips with his. He pulled back a little and looked down into her eyes. He opened his mouth to ask her if she was ready for this, but she reached down to his belt and began to tug it open, answering the question before he even had a chance to ask it.


  Cleo’s whole body was alive. Zane had made her feel things she had only read about in books and seen in movies, things she had no idea were even real. She was a little nervous about what she knew would come next, but mostly, she was filled with lust, excited about what it would feel like to have Zane’s cock inside of her. If it felt half as good as his fingers and mouth had felt on her, then she thought she would be happy.

  She reached for Zane’s belt, opened it, and undid his button and fly. She pushed his jeans and boxer shorts down, and Zane took over, pushing them down past his knees and kicking them away. He kicked his sneakers off and Cleo took a moment to look at his body. He was in good shape, his chest and stomach defined and toned, his limbs strong and muscular. Cleo heard herself making an appreciative noise in the back of her throat, but the noise was cut off as Zane covered her mouth with his once more.

  Cleo responded to Zane’s kiss, moving her lips in time with his. She reached down with one hand as she kissed him, encircling his cock in her fist. She began to move her hand up and down, a little tentatively at first, but she soon found a rhythm, one that made Zane gasp as he kissed her neck.

  She kept moving her hand, enjoying the way Zane responded to her touch. After a few minutes, he took her wrist in his hand and gently moved her hand away from his cock. Cleo felt her cheeks reddening and she could barely meet Zane’s eye.

  “Did I do it wrong?” she asked, her voice a whisper.

  Zane kissed the tip of her nose.

  “No, it was perfect. But I was getting too close, and when I come, I want it to be inside of you.”

  Cleo felt another shiver go through her body at his words, her embarrassment forgotten.

  “I want that too,” she agreed.

  “Are you… you know… on any birth control?” Zane asked.

  Cleo nodded. Zane ran his lips over hers, his kiss light and teasing, leaving her
wanting more. So much more.

  “If you want to stop at any time, you only have to say the word, okay?” Zane said.

  Cleo nodded again, too nervous now to form words. Zane smiled at her and she felt herself relax a little. He took two fingers and ran them through her lips. Cleo sucked in a breath which she held when she felt the tip of Zane’s cock pressing against her center.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “More than ready,” Cleo rasped.

  She let out the breath she was holding as Zane began to push his cock into her. She sucked in another one when she felt her slit opening for the first time. She could feel herself stretching to accommodate Zane’s cock. The feeling stung a little, but it wasn’t completely unpleasant. When he was almost all the way in, she felt him pulling out again, and this time, he wasn’t so gentle. He slammed into her, making her cry out as her center stung again. He did it again, and this time, it didn’t sting so much. By his fourth or fifth thrust, it was starting to feel good and Cleo felt herself relaxing, her rigid muscles softening slightly.

  She began to move with Zane, meeting his thrusts with nervous thrusts of her own. Zane kissed her again as he moved inside of her and in that moment, Cleo felt different. She felt like his cock was bringing her to life, waking up the animal side of her that she had fought so long to hold back.

  She relaxed and listened to her body, letting it lead the way. Soon, she was slamming her hips in time with Zane’s thrusts, opening her thighs wider and letting him all the way into her. She could feel her body pulsing with energy, her pussy clenching around Zane’s cock as pleasure coursed through her body, lighting her up.

  She felt confident suddenly, like she had been waiting for this moment for her whole life. Her hands moved over Zane’s back, grabbing at his skin, kneading and twisting as she rode wave after wave of pleasure. She gasped and panted, whispering Zane’s name as an orgasm more powerful than the last two consumed her, sending her headlong into a wall of pleasure that smashed into her and made her body scream.


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