Bitten Magic (Bloodborn Academy Book 1)

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Bitten Magic (Bloodborn Academy Book 1) Page 1

by Emera Rose

  Bitten Magic

  Bloodborn Academy Book One

  Liz Knox

  Emera Rose




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24


  Available Now From

  Liz Knox

  Series: Bloodlines Trilogy

  Fated by Blood (Free Prequel)

  Series: Nightshade

  Blood Oath (Prequel)

  Series: Lone Wolf MC

  Origins (Free Prequel)

  Series: Hells Gateway MC

  Caym’s Fated Mate

  Series: Bloodborn Academy

  Bitten Magic

  Anthology Stories

  Romanticizing the Gods

  Coming in 2020 From

  Liz Knox

  The Elementals

  Shax’s Destined Mate

  Available From

  Emera Rose

  Slave of Froize

  Bitten Magic

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are all products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblances to persons, organizations, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

  Bitten Magic. Copyright © 2020 by Liz Knox & Emera Rose. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the authors, except in the case of brief quotations used in articles or reviews. For information contact E. Knox & E. Rose.

  Cover Design: Daqri Bernado, Covers by Combs

  Editing: Kim Lubbers, Knox Publishing

  Proofreading: Rebecca Vazquez, Knox Publishing

  Formatting: E.C. Land, Knox Publishing

  Created with Vellum


  Our Alpha Team—We love you all so much. Thank you for continuously going through our books, giving us the feedback we need, and telling us the hard stuff we need to hear.

  Our Beta Team—You guys are our last line of defense, and man, y’all shoot it straight. Thank you for finding last minute errors, giving us invaluable feedback, and helping us to make sure this is the best book it can be.

  Daqri Bernado—As always, thanks for helping us create the best covers ever.

  Jen L. Grey—We of course have to thank you. While it was sad your co-write with Liz didn’t work out the way you two hoped with your varying styles, we both feel this book really turned into something phenomenal on its own. Thank you for your support and for helping welcome us to the paranormal community.

  Our Bloggers—Without you, we wouldn’t be able to get our work out to as many readers as we can. Most of you have come from our contemporary pen names, so thank you for following us over to the paranormal world. We’re forever grateful to you for this.

  Our Editor, Kim—Thank you so much for dealing with our crazy schedule. We know we’re probably one of the hardest clients you have, but we appreciate your hard work and dedication more than you know.

  Our Proofreader, Rebecca—Thank you so much for jumping on this crazy train and reading our paranormal co-writes. We can’t wait to see what you think of what we’re coming up with next, and thanks for fixing all our screw ups. You have eagle eyes.

  Keep on going, even if the world tells you to stop.

  Much love,

  Liz & Emera

  Trigger Warning

  This book is intended for mature audiences only. The authors include intense violence, murder, explicit sexual situations, and much more. Please proceed with caution.



  I pull myself up the steep incline, suck in a deep breath, and lay against a thick tree. When I look toward the horizon, I see that the sun has very nearly set. I have been hiking all day. I need to get camp set up soon if I want to sleep semi-comfortably tonight. I stretch and my back rings out in pain. My backpack is durable and efficient, but after slugging around everything I own for more than twelve hours, it’s become rather painful.

  I check my map and squint to see the small writing in the dark. It says there’s a campsite not far from here. I readjust the straps on my pack and make my way to it. I can’t wait to eat and just relax a little bit.

  The campsite is all but abandoned when I get there. That’s fine with me. In all my time backpacking through the woods and mountains, I rarely find anyone else on my travels. I’m usually alone, secluded just like I fucking like it.

  I pull my tent out and quickly set it up. I start a small fire and open up one of my few canned meals. I’ve been backpacking across the Appalachian Trail for the past four months. Even the crap I have been shoveling in my mouth the past few months is better than what I used to eat at the foster home. Thank god I’m finally out of there.

  A large whooping sound breaks into my peace and I look around to find the culprit. In all my time, I have come across all species of predators—bears, wolves, foxes, and even a few snakes. But it’s these predators that I despise the most. People.

  I finish my meal quickly and rush to put my equipment away. Hopefully, if I get set up inside my tent before they show up, they’ll move along. I really am not in the mood to make friends. I’ve always been a loner and I prefer to keep it that way.

  A loud crash shocks me and I drop my little pot, the sound bringing the small throng of people closer in my direction.

  “Oh, lookie here, it’s another hiker,” a small woman dressed in shorts and a cut-off shirt says as she makes her way through the trees and into the campground where I am.

  “Hello,” I say, trying to be polite. I don’t want them stealing my shit while I’m asleep.

  “Hey, bro,” someone says from behind me.

  I spin around quickly, my eyes focusing on the guy there. He has a bat in his hand and he is wearing a varsity baseball jacket. “Hey, uh, yeah, I’m about to hit the sack. See you guys in the morning,” I say, bending over to get inside my tent.

  “Oh no, bro. Why don’t you come hang out with us? It’s gonna be awesome tonight.” Another of the group steps out from behind me and grabs my shoulder. I stand and pull away. Suddenly, I realize that I’m surrounded. I take a few steps backward.

  “Listen, I don’t want any trouble.” I put my hands out and keep taking steps back, trying to put some space between them and me.

  “Trouble? No, you won’t be any trouble at all,” the woman says.

  I look at her, and even though it’s dark, I swear that I can see fur growing on her face and her teeth protruding out of her mouth.

  “What the fuck?” I lean in a bit. There is no way that I am seeing what I think I am.

  A deep growl comes from the side of me and the kid that had the bat is now hunched over. “Time for a snack.” He speaks through his elongated snout. His tongue snakes out and licks his lips. A loud roar erupts from the side of me and that is all I need to hear.

  I take off in the opposite direction, leaving all my stuff at the site. I run and jump over all the obstacles I come across. I hear them running behind
me, but no matter how fast I move, it seems like I can’t get away from them.

  Something sharp swipes at my ankle and I fall down to the ground.

  “Ahh fuck!” I grab my foot.

  When I look to the side, I see someone or something. It’s changing. Tufts of fur are tearing through its clothes, then in a rush, it turns into a big wolf, almost double the size of a bear.

  “What the hell?!” I try to crawl backward, but all of them have changed into these monsters.

  They lunge at me and I put my hand up to stop the attack, but instead just give them a piece of me to take a bite out of first. The monster to the side throws its head back and out of its mouth comes a sound I have never heard in real life. It cackles like a hyena.

  The pain is unbearable and a flash of heat burns through me. I try to pull away, but my arm is lodged in a sharp set of teeth. It feels like my head is swimming, and even though I try to fight harder, I feel myself losing consciousness. Before I know it, everything goes black and the pain is gone.

  Chapter One


  I should feel excited, but instead, the only feeling I have is anxiousness. For goodness sake, I’ll soon be on my way to the best Lycan college in the world. Yet here I stand, leaning against my father’s Tesla, wishing he wasn’t dropping me off. He would never do such a thing, though. You see, he’s the type of man who wants to make an appearance whenever it’s possible.

  Meanwhile, my best friend, Kori, is jabbering away beside me, telling me about this new European makeup she’s been trying for the last week and how it’s a blessing for her skin. See, Kori’s different. Her parents are very important like mine, but they aren’t part of the Grim family, which means they aren’t feared and ridiculed the moment they step into any Lycan establishment. Sometimes I feel like we’re the Malfoy family from Harry Potter.

  I nod my head at Kori’s jaw flapping, acting like I’m paying attention, but in all honesty, I’m not. I’m too freaked out about how I’ll have to act like a Grim, maintain order, be an ice queen and all that. Grims don’t show weakness, and the only thing they do let others in on is their demand for power.

  It was bad enough keeping up this facade in front of my parents, or at dinner parties with one of the other families. Add in being at a college where everyone will be watching me and I’m just . . . exhausted. This is supposed to be one of the most special times of my life, and yet it feels like a job I need to do out of obligation.

  I should be thrilled, but instead, I’m loathing getting in this very car. Thank goodness for Kori, though. We’ve been best friends since we were little and, fingers crossed, she’ll make this a little more bearable for me.

  My father comes rushing out of our home, clad in his three-piece black velvet suit. He’s already prepared to make a statement just by his clothing, and every thought of having a somewhat normal drop-off goes flying out the metaphorical door. He claps his hands together. “You ladies ready for this?”

  “Heck yeah, Mr. G. I was born ready for this,” Kori sassily replies, smiling from ear to ear.

  God, what I wouldn’t give to be part of her family. She has no idea about the things I have to do, the secrets I have to keep, the way I’m watched. I mean, I’m sure she knows, but not to the deepest extent.

  “I’m sure you were, Kori,” he comments in a smug manner.

  He’s never been a fan of Kori, but he tolerates her because she’s my best friend. I’m the quiet, serious one and she’s the fun going, life loving one. We compliment each other very well. Heck, as kids, I remember there was a time where he didn’t even want Kori and I seeing each other, worried that her personality would negatively impact me. My mom lost her crap on him and said it would be a shame to tear us apart after we’d grown so close. My mom and I aren’t the closest, but I’m grateful she stuck her neck out for me back then. Otherwise, who knows how I would’ve turned out.

  “Let’s get cracka-lackin’, shall we?” Kori smiles brightly, opening the back door I’m leaning against and I go semi-flying. Shit, she found a way to jolt me into the present. Kori slides across the leather seat and sits behind my father while I sit behind the passenger side. My father gets in after a moment, but I don’t miss the way he’s shaking his head, already disapproving of her behavior.

  Securing my seatbelt, I take a deep breath, knowing this is going to be one of the longest rides of my life. We live in upstate New York, right by the Finger Lakes. If this trip takes twenty hours, we’ll be lucky. God, I wish I would’ve taken some CBD. Then I might be a bit relaxed.

  Kori continues yapping away, telling me how I need to try this new Vitamin C infused oil and rub it into my skin before bed. Apparently, it’s brightening and gives us this glow. It’s amusing how she’s always doing what the humans do. I want to scream ‘for fuck’s sake, we’re Lycans, we don’t need to use this shit’, but I don’t.

  I don’t think I’d ever say that to her. Why? Because she uses what she’s buying to diffuse the pain she feels from her parents leaving her with us all the time. It’s been happening since she was five or so. I’m sure they’re skiing in the French Alps or are on a yacht in the Black Sea.

  They’ve only ever treated Kori like a nuisance, like they never even wanted her.

  Our parents might be different, but man, we have so much in common when it comes to our issues. Maybe that’s why we get along so well. At the end of the day, we’re both screwed up.

  Chapter Two


  Something is digging into my back. It’s uncomfortable and I shift to move it. A drop of water splashes on my face and it’s enough to catapult me into consciousness. My eyes spring open, but I can see nothing but darkness and trees.

  “What the fuck!” I put my hands out to lift myself off the ground, but the first thing I come in contact with is mushy, wet, and hairy. “Ew, what in the shit?” I pull my hand away from whatever it is I’m touching and see that it’s an animal.

  A dead animal?

  I poke it one more time, but it doesn’t move. I watch and can see that whatever animal it was isn’t breathing. It has to be dead—there is no way that it isn’t. The smell coming off the small pile is gut churning. I flip it over to see the underside of the animal, maybe identify it. What I see sets my heart into overdrive. It’s only fur and muscle, only a tuft of hair from the animal, looking like it was recently ripped off, the blood still slightly warm.

  I drop the chunk of fur and push myself back, trying to take a deep breath and focus on what is going on around me. If the animal that the fur belongs to is still around, I could be seconds away from being its next meal.

  I look down at my clothes as I can feel a strong breeze on my legs. My jeans are torn to shreds. I examine further up my body and see that my shirt is also torn and there is blood everywhere. I run my hands along my body, trying to figure out where the blood is coming from. When I don’t find any injuries, I stand up and gather my stuff. I have to get out of here. I bend down and realize I don’t have my pack.

  I run back to the campsite and grab my pack, shoving whatever has fallen out back into the bag haphazardly. All the while hoping no one has decided to stay here, or if they have, hopefully they’re still asleep.

  It’s a mess, but that isn’t what has frozen me to the spot. I’m used to seeing many different people from all different walks of life at campsites, but what I’ve never seen is someone hiking in a three-piece suit.

  “Who the hell are you? What do you want?” I ask, sounding like the typical horror movie victim. All that is left would be for me to trip as I run through the woods.

  “Oh boy, what have you gotten yourself into now?” The man in the suit looks around the campsite and at my clothing.

  I look to the side to see what I can pick up as a weapon. He must be with those guys who were here earlier.

  The guys from earlier . . . they were trying to hurt me. Where did they go?

  “Look, man, I don’t know what the fuck you want, but you n
eed to get the hell away from me. I don’t want any trouble.” I see a large branch sticking up from the ground. It looks a bit rotted through, but it’ll just have to do.

  I look back up to the man, but he isn’t talking anymore. In fact, he is barely moving at all. He’s staring at me like he’s uncovering the secrets to life.

  “What the hell is your problem, man?” I ask, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

  “Impossible,” the man whispers and then his eyes light up.

  The man quickly takes a few long strides in my direction. I try to move back, but my foot gets caught on something and I fall to the ground.


  “Come on, we have to go now.” He walks up to me and puts his hand out for me to grab. I look at him like he’s out of his mind. Why the hell would I go anywhere with him?

  “Look, I’m not your enemy here, but if we don’t move, your enemies will find you.” He shakes his hand again in my face. As I look up at him, I realize that although his clothing and demeanor make it seem like he’s an adult, his boyish face lets me know he’s closer to my age.

  I don’t take his hand. Instead, I stand up on my own accord. “I don’t have any enemies. I don’t know what the hell you are talking about.”


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