Eternal Gate [ Special Edition ]: The way of the Sword

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Eternal Gate [ Special Edition ]: The way of the Sword Page 1

by William Bill

  Eternal Gate

  The way of The Sword

  Book 1

  By William Bill


  Chapter 1: Death Is Just The Beginning

  Chapter 2: Damien Godwin

  Chapter 3: Warmup Match

  Chapter 4: Damien Vs The Grey Wolf

  Chapter 5: One Vs Three

  Chapter 6: I Want Him

  Chapter 7: I Don't Need Your Help

  Chapter 8: Princess Lily Rong

  Chapter 9: Rong Imperial City

  Chapter 10: The Ethereal Girl

  Chapter 11: Destiny Laws

  Chapter 12: Shard Of Essence

  Chapter 13: The Origin Seed

  Chapter 14: New Ethereal Core?

  Chapter 15: Conditions

  Chapter 16: Reborn

  Chapter 17: Luna

  Chapter 18: Forming the Core

  Chapter 19: Soul Cultivation

  Chapter 20: Elemental Seeds

  Chapter 21: Teach Me

  Chapter 22: Call Me Master

  Chapter 23: Beauty And Strength

  Chapter 24: The Empress

  Chapter 25: Shall We Start?

  Chapter 26: Sparring With Lily

  Chapter 27: Sword Will

  Chapter 28: She's a Dual Wielder?

  Chapter 29: Etheric Flame

  Chapter 30: Pseudo-Origin Flames

  Chapter 31: Fallen Flame

  Chapter 32: A Rank 3 Pill?

  Chapter 33: I Am No God

  Chapter 34: Anti-God Forbidden Arts

  Chapter 35: Death Laws?

  Chapter 36: Luna's Origin Laws

  Chapter 37: I Can Skip Grades?

  Chapter 38: Elysian Lightning Of Retribution

  Chapter 39: Tri-Elemental Mystic Constitution

  Chapter 40: Vanishing Sword Prince

  Chapter 41: The Weakest Empire

  Chapter 42: You Know Me, Right?

  Chapter 43: The Boy and The Girl (1/2)

  Chapter 44: The Boy and The Girl (2/2)

  Chapter 45: You Can Take Them All

  Chapter 46: I Promise You

  Chapter 47: Feelings Of The Heart

  Chapter 48: Celestial Heart

  Chapter 49: It's Dead Already?

  Chapter 50: Luna's Soul Space

  Chapter 1: Death Is Just The Beginning

  A young man who seemed to be in his twenties could be seen running from a mob of people.

  Heavily wounded by the mob, he was forced into a dead-end at the edge of a cliff. Some of the people in the mob were his friends and people he cared about and protected in the past. Feeling betrayed, he resentfully looked at them with hatred and shouted.

  "You bunch of heartless bastards!...All these years of protecting you people, is this how you pay me back? By killing my wife and my unborn child who had nothing to do with 'The Great Calamity'."

  The mob's shouting immediately rebutted him,

  "You devil! You got the guts to talk about the 'The Great Calamity' after being the one who caused it claiming billions of lives."

  "Yes, you almost annihilated our human race, and you dare talk about your wife. Thanks to you, we have lost many or all of our loved ones and families. Killing off anybody related to you, including your devil spawn, will be a favor to the world."

  "Of course, the whole world will remember this day and us for burning the devil's wife at the stake."

  The mob kept on throwing remarks filled with hatred at him. The young man tilted his head upwards and laughed like a maniac.


  "I am the cause of the calamity? No matter how many times I say it wasn't me, you people will never believe even when I didn't even possess that kind of power before."

  "Done the world a favor by burning the people I love? The true devils are you all who burned an innocent woman and child. Thinking about it, I guess the extinction of the human race doesn't sound so bad. I regret you all survived, as the world would be a better place without a race which pays back kindness with vileness."

  His voice had started becoming weak and hoarse. But he had a mocking grin on his face. The mob grew angrier hearing his words, but the baleful aura around the young man made them reluctant to rush towards him to cut him down.

  However, one of them, who seemed to be the leader of the mob, came forward.

  "Everyone!!" He shouted at the top of his voice to the crowd. The crowd immediately let down their voices and stopped their charge to look at the mob leader with a curious gaze wondering why he suddenly stopped them.

  "It seems like torturing you for all those years has been futile, seeing that you still haven't learned your lesson." said the mob leader looking at the young man.

  The leader continued, "Don't be in a hurry to kill this devil, my people, as death will be an easy escape for him. Do not worry about his devilish powers, as we all already know he has lost it because of his grievous sin. Otherwise, this devil would have escaped our grasp already. The heavens are giving us this chance to make sure that the rest of his life is a living hell by torturing him more. Only then would our loved ones in heaven rest peacefully."

  The mob got more excited, apparently showing their approval to the idea, and threw back all ideas of ripping apart and killing the young man instantly. Instead, they were preparing to capture him.

  "As if I would let myself be tortured at the hands of lowly scum like you all. I decide my own death, not you cowards!"

  The young man sneered. He suddenly turned around and ran towards the edge of the cliff. He jumped into the abyss and was long since covered by the fog.

  "What the fuck?? He just jumped to his death like that?" A man shouted from the crowd.

  The young man, while falling into the abyss, thought, 'What a joke. I didn't even get to find out who brought this disaster upon me. Is this what being virtuous and kind-hearted leads me to? Sofie, I am sorry for not being able to protect you. If there is a next life, no matter what or who I am, I will join you soon and make sure we never suffer.'

  He slowly closed his eyes, making himself ready to embrace death.

  "Doesn't matter. We won't let him go that easily." The mob leader said while looking deep down into the abyss.

  He turned towards one of his followers and ordered him, "Find his body, no matter what. We have to hang his body for everyone to see and let everyone rest easy knowing that the devil is dead."

  'The Great Calamity' was an earth-shaking event that happened in 2030. It almost destroyed the human race by claiming ninety-five percent of the earth's population.

  The young man had been their guardian, protecting the world from disasters and saving people.

  But to this day, some of the survivors still remember his crimson red eyes and wings when he extinguished all those lives as if they were nothing. They didn't know why he did it or how he got so ridiculously powerful like a god on the day of the calamity.

  "To think all those years that devil lived among us with his innocent looks and ways." A woman who seemed to be the leader's right hand scoffed.

  "But back in those days, weren't you head over heels over him saying how ridiculously handsome he looked and all. I still remember how badly you wanted to be his woman." The leader mocked her.

  The woman poked her finger at his chest, pretending to be aggrieved. "Dear, how could I have known that he was a wolf in sheep's clothing. He really seemed to be innocent and treated me like a very good friend. Hell, he even forgives his enemies, and I haven't ever seen him kill a single soul."

  The leader had a mocking grin on his face and said, "Don't tell me you are that st
upid. The more power a person has, the more corrupted they are. Anyway, it's for the best he died, he had unfathomable superhuman abilities, they were nothing compared to his. I was always jealous of his powers."

  "Exactly. It's like he wasn't from this weird. I— " She got cut off when a subordinate came up running. "Sir, the ones we sent to search for his body, haven't returned, and they are not responding on our comms."

  "What?? You can't even find a dead body, and those idiots are not even responding?" The leader fumed and was about to say something when suddenly the air around them became suffocating, finding it difficult to breathe.

  A murderous aura spread around them, making them all cough out blood.

  "And here I thought maybe I killed too many of you lowly humans."

  A girl's ice-cold voice came accompanied by a snort. It was just a simple sentence, but those words sounded beside their ears and penetrated deep into their hearts. They all got tensed and looked around but couldn't make out where the voice came from.

  Everyone was struggling to even stand, and their bodies were trembling as that unknown girl's aura was getting heavier. The woman beside the leader woke up from her daze.

  She stammered, "Tha...that voice, it...seems…" She felt that she found the voice familiar, but she couldn't remember whose it was no matter how much she tried to recall.

  Suddenly a girl who looked about sixteen years appeared before their eyes hovering in the air. Her snow-white ice-cold eyes, radiating with a bluish tint looking at them with a gaze that seemed to pierce into their souls.

  Her face was so beautiful that it could steal souls away just by a simple look, causing people to be unable to shift their gaze away from her.

  Her body emitted a noble and ethereal aura that seemed as if a goddess had descended into the mortal realm.

  She was clad in a pristine black attire that blended well with the night sky. Her silver-white hair reaching her waist reflected the moonlight as it danced in the air. But it was her eyes and her mesmeric snowy skin that made her figure look more bewitching and alluring.

  Even the most beautiful woman on the planet would feel inferior in front of her.

  Everyone standing there was stunned and dazed, seeing an otherworldly beauty in front of them, causing them unable to even utter a sound.

  But the malevolent aura she was exuding made everyone's hearts palpitate with it could only mean one thing - Death.

  Seemingly a horrible one considering her bad mood. And apparently, her mood couldn't be any worse.

  The leader couldn't even muster any strength to ask her who she was. Everyone was confused and apprehensive seeing such a powerful being who apparently seemed to be angry with them. They had no idea who she was and why she was here.

  Her killing intent mixed with anger and pain permeated the whole surroundings. Some weak-willed people even died just from that and exploded into pieces.

  She lifted her hand with an indifferent expression and said in a voice filled with bone piercing hatred, "Be damned for eternity."

  Each of those words resounded like thunder to their ears and souls.


  They all let out miserable screams as they felt like their skin, muscles, and bones were tearing from inside out. It was the pain of their soul tearing apart. Soon they turned into dust and became one with the air with nothing left as proof of their deaths.

  The bright full moon was shining among the heavy, black driving clouds. It's light reflecting off her as she slowly shifted her gaze filled with melancholy towards it.

  Soon time passed, and the sun was slowly rising. Her body suddenly lost all strength as she dropped down to the ground. Her skin was slowly cracking like glass as her face contorted with pain.

  Changing her gaze towards the rising sun, her eyes misted over with tears as she muttered, "It's time...I am sorry, Damien, I couldn't find a better way. Next time, I hope it would be different so that you can live the life you always wanted and not lose anyone you love...If you still find me worthy enough for your love, I will gladly be with you again and forever."

  Her body emitted a brilliant white light as her body finally turned into nothingness.

  Chapter 2: Damien Godwin

  'Why is it so dark? Am I dead already? Hm, I can feel my body but... Arghhhh! What is this splitting headache?'

  He slowly opened his eyes and sat up only to find out he was in a dark cell that seemed like a prison.

  He slowly got up while clutching his head and looked around and finally at himself. His clothes were torn and shabby, as dirt covered his body.

  'Wait...Did I survive the fall? No...that's impossible. This clothes...'

  Suddenly some images and events were pouring into his mind non-stop, like playing a video recording of his whole life.

  'Wait...these memories...are they even mine?...everything seems different. Then was my last twenty-five years of life a dream? can those unforgettable memories be a dream.'

  Through his memories, he found out his name was Damien Godwin, coincidentally the same first name as in his previous life. He was the son of the Patriarch of the Ward Family located in one of the cities in one of the Four Empires of the Rising Sun Continent—-Moonstone City.

  'Did my soul transmigrate to this world after I died? What the hell is going on?'

  He calmed himself down and settled his thoughts.

  What surprised him was that the world he saw in his memories was nothing like the world he knew.

  It was a Cultivation world where people strove to be the strongest, and all laws and rules are made by the strongest.

  There was no technology, no electricity or cars, or anything he was familiar with. Instead, it seemed similar to the medieval ages.

  Cultivators are people who absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth around them into their bodies and cultivate ethereal strength.

  Cultivation is a way for people to strengthen their bodies, minds, and souls by cultivating ethereal

  energy and breakthrough to greater heights through meditation and adversity.

  He was named Damien Ward during his life in the Ward Family. A kind and gentle kid who, despite being crippled, never lost himself in depression.

  Even though he was the Patriarch's son, he didn't put on any airs before people. He was always benevolent and helpful to others, no matter their status.

  And no one in his family dared to disrespect him, including his uncle and cousin brother, because his father was the strongest in the family.

  Since he never had parents as far as he knows in his previous life, he felt a strange feeling when he saw the fatherly love shown to Damien Ward in his memories. He felt envy and thought how lucky Damien Ward was to experience it.

  He had seen fathers express their love to their children in his previous life but seeing it through memories can evoke some feelings and emotions even though he didn't experience it by himself.

  But due to a conspiracy by his father's younger brother, his father was poisoned. And when his father was on his deathbed, he told his son that he was his adopted son and his real name is Damien Godwin.

  Apparently, a mysterious, powerful woman entrusted Damien as a baby to his adoptive father. She had told him his real name and left a black colored amulet with the name carved on its back, which Damien always had around his neck.

  But before he could process the truth he just learned, his uncle and cousin brother took over the family since the patriarch's wife was long dead and his only son was a cripple.

  Then they plotted to kill him off by poisoning him and then dispose of him in a quiet place. His uncle then sent his son and his servant to bury him, but on their way, they were ambushed by bandits.

  Since his son was in disguise, the bandits mistook him for a poor kid and killed him and his servant. But they were disappointed when they found only a fifteen-year-old poisoned kid who was in his dying breath.

  The bandit leader was frustr
ated to gain nothing when he thought he would get some riches when he spotted a caravan with two people.

  So he decided to sell the dying kid to human traffickers in a black market where they either sold off people as slaves or made them fight to the death in entertainment matches for money.

  And if there were some exceptional warriors who performed well in their matches, they would be purchased by people from various sects or families who had the capital to buy them as henchmen or servants to do their dirty work.

  The bandit leader thought that the kid could at least be used for those entertainment matches where they are pit against beasts, and he would at least gain some money through that.

  'And so here I am. I can't believe my previous self was a wimp and a fool, just like the old me. It just can't be more coincidental.' He scoffed to himself.

  He closed his eyes and slowly smiled. He couldn't believe the things that had just happened to him. He had only heard these kinds of things in fantasy stories. But now, he was actually reincarnated in a dead body after jumping off from the cliff.

  In this world, ethereal strength was most important. Although he was the Patriarch's adopted son, he was still at the first level of the Initial Ethereal Realm.

  Still, the Patriarch treated him as his own son since he couldn't have children of his own and wasn't stingy on his resources when it came to his son's cultivation.

  He was examined by many top-class doctors he could find to fix his meridians or to find out if there were any problems with his ethereal core.

  The ethereal core holds and helps channel ethereal strength throughout the body. There are forty-seven ethereal core points spread out in the body from head to toe.

  When someone starts their cultivation journey, their ethereal core points absorb ethereal energy from the air, and this energy is collected together to form an ethereal core, which converts the raw ethereal energy into a different form of ethereal energy that they can manipulate.

  The ethereal core serves the purpose of helping to channel ethereal strength throughout the body.

  Afterward as they cultivate, the ethereal core points absorb the ethereal energy from the air and feed it to their ethereal core; where they are converted and assimilated to increase their cultivation.


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