Russian Doomsday

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Russian Doomsday Page 15

by S A Ison

  They planned on testing the meat in a few months. They’d seen videos and knew that the tough meat should be tender and delicious. They’d canned raw chicken the same way. They weren’t sure about hunting, as neither had ever done it. So, if they wanted meat, besides fish, they’d have to can their own until they got proficient at hunting.

  Pike would talk to Sayer about it when they came to visit.

  Maryville, MO, 20 October 2018

  Burgers and hotdogs were on the grill and the air was filled with delicious notes of beef, grilled corn on the cob, potatoes wedges and broccoli trees. Joy and Margo were setting up a table outside with plates, drinks, and condiments. A cheerful red checkered tablecloth fluttering in the cool afternoon breeze. Binx had stationed himself by the grill in hopes of an accidental drop.

  Once the food was ready, everyone sat around the table. It was sunny and warm with just the hint of chill in the air. It was quiet but for the susurrus of the wind in the trees, the soft clucking of the chickens and the distant hammering of a redheaded woodpecker that reverberated through the forest. Beneath that was the hypnotic buzzing of the cicadas.

  Binx was asleep at Margo’s feet, replete from guard duty at the grill. She rubbed her bare foot over his belly, eliciting an occasional staccato of hotdog-induced dog farts that exploded out on her foot.

  “I wanted to bring something up,” Pike said soberly, gaining Sayer’s undivided attention. “Margo and I were thinking. Your farm is within striking distance of Lincoln. Also, there’s that huge housing development nearby. If the world goes to hell, we think you might be right in the path of panic.”

  “What are you proposing?” Joy asked, her face earnest.

  Margo picked up the conversation. “We were talking about having bugout bags handy. I work only a few miles away and can get home fairly quickly, before most people have figured out what’s happened. We know you have your old Ford, and we’re kind of sure it’ll survive an EMP – at least, we hope it will. We thought maybe that, should something happen, you could both head here.”

  Joy and Sayer looked at each other. “You want us to come and stay with you guys?” Sayer asked slowly.

  “Yeah. The thing is, with just two people on each property, I think it will be more difficult to defend either your home or ours. Once people start moving, when they realize no-one is coming to help, I think your farm will be one of the first places hit, and hit hard,” Pike said, taking a sip of his hard cider. He wiped the back of his hand across his mouth.

  Margo watched him, and then her eyes went to Sayer and Joy, appraising their reactions. “We’re worried that they could burn the place down, even if you’re in your bunker,” Margo added, her face reflecting Joy’s concern.

  “That’s really kind of you to ask us to stay with you, Margo, but are you sure?” Joy asked, her dark brow furrowed with concern, her front teeth worrying her bottom lip.

  “We think that, with all of us here combining our resources and different knowledge and skill sets, and ability to hold the fort, as it were, we’d do better,” Pike said, shrugging.

  “We don’t want you to answer now,” Margo said, smiling. “I know we’re asking a lot. But have a think. If you move some of your supplies here, if we work to fortify and this property, then I think we will all stand a better chance. We aren’t near a big city, so it’ll take a few days for someone to make it out this far. And you know what we’ve already got here. The cabin has plenty of room for all of us.”

  Pike sat up straighter. “We also have hunting. I’ve seen deer around, especially in the mornings by the lake, drinking. I honestly have no idea how to hunt, but I believe you do.” He looked at Sayer.

  At Sayer’s nod, he continued. “We know we’re asking for a leap of faith, but… If the world explodes, you and Joy can come here. Others will head this way, no doubt, but you will be welcomed.” Pike ended, shrugging, his face a little pink.

  Sayer took a deep breath and blew it out. “You’re right, this is a lot to think about. I won’t argue about the city encroaching. When Joy bought the place a ten years ago, the urban sprawl was nowhere near our farm. The last few years have been tough for farmers and dairies and so they’ve sold their land, causing housing developments to spring up overnight. That was why I built the bunker,” Sayer said, his hand going over to hold Joy’s. What you say makes sense.”

  Sayer looked at Joy for a very long moment, raising an eyebrow. In that inimitable moment of silent communication between those who knew each other well, he knew she knew what he was thinking. She nodded, the movement perhaps imperceptible to onlookers, but it spoke volumes to him.

  “Joy and I are agreed. There isn’t much to think about, it’s a no brainer. If you want, each weekend we’ll bring a truck-load of supplies here, maybe dig another root cellar and put it there. I can also bring the small shipping container. If we can get a backhoe, maybe we can dig a huge pit and put the container in it, opened end up. We can put a ladder in there and fill it with nonperishables. I think we can make a ghillie suit for the ground to cover the top of the container. A backup for a backup,” Sayer suggested excitedly.

  “That is an excellent idea! That would be so cool, a hidden room. Safe and sealed,” Pike said excitedly.

  “If the crap does hit the fan, we’ll gather up our goats, chickens, and rabbits, along with our bugout bags, and head here. I’ll also bring our medical supplies here beforehand, things I think we might need, like sutures, bandages, saline, and so on,” Joy said, smiling. Her mood had improved visibly.

  Margo reached over to Joy and squeezed her free hand. “Thank you. It means a lot to us that you will come and stay with us. I truly believe we will survive better together.”

  “I hope we don’t have to, but the world climate is spiraling,” Sayer said. “Even it if isn’t POSEIDON that knocks us out, it would more than likely be something else. I give it five years before the whole world implodes.”

  He took a deep breath. “I don’t like to be a fear-monger. I am really hopeful things will work themselves out but I honestly don’t see it happening. I’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. I don’t want to gamble our lives on other’s restraints.” He shook both Pike’s and Margo’s hands, sealing their agreement.

  “Amen, brother, amen to that,” Pike said.

  Topeka, Kansas, 20 October 2018

  Dalton Chin backed out of the parking lot. A farmhand, he’d been working at Cooper Farm, a medium-sized farm over near Little Muddy Creek, for ten years. The farm produced a modest hard red wheat and hard white winter wheat crop. Most of Kansas was wheat country, so the Cooper Farm was among many competing for the dollar.

  He stopped at a light and looked over near the hospital. A tattered-looking man stood there, preaching, it looked like. A small knot of people had gathered around him, apparently hypnotized by his words. He turned down his radio and wound the window down.

  “Follow me,” the man shouted, “for the end will be upon us. Follow me, for I’ve dreamed of an end of times. An apocalypse will end us, but it isn’t too late for you.”

  Dalton reached over and turned the music back up, then rolled his dark eyes. Someone was always screaming about the world ending. He shook his head and he wondered what made people go mad like that. Was the man mentally ill? Had something catastrophic happened? The guy was a hot mess, making Dalton suspect the former. Most stable people were relatively clean about their persons. Though, he had to admit, some of the other farmhands were a little less than.

  Dalton had lived his whole life in Topeka, as had his parents and grandparents. His family went back six generations, about the turn of the century. His three-time great grandfather, Chin Zhang’Sun had settled here, having worked on the transcontinental railroad as a young man. He’d come over from China to San Francisco and then moved on.

  Zhang’Sun had liked Kansas so settled there, starting a family with a laundress, Lihua who he’d met along the way. They had seven children, all b
oys, and so it went, each generation adding to the fabric of Kansas.

  Dalton was due to meet up with his girlfriend, Peggy Booth. They were going to the dance evening at the Wild Bull Saloon; they both loved dancing. They didn’t go out often, but he did enjoy being with her. She worked as a hairstylist, and most of the time her feet hurt too much to go dancing. But she’d said she wanted to go tonight, so they were going.

  Dalton considered himself easygoing. Sadly, his parents didn’t approve of her, and she didn’t like his parents in return. He didn’t mind that. He liked keeping his life private from his parents and brothers. They were always trying to get into his business. Sometimes it was tiresome.

  Once more his thoughts went to the unsettling man on the street. It gave him an uneasy feeling, but he didn’t know why. He tried to shake it off, but it kept creeping back into his thoughts. He hoped Peggy could remedy that. He smiled at the thought.


  Maryville, Missouri, 22 December 2018

  Joy smiled to herself as she watched Margo take another sip of her coffee. She was taking a well-earned break from cooking. The woman would be hard-pressed to butcher animals, especially the rabbits they’d brought over. She’d been all over the youngsters – which were cute, Joy had to admit.

  It was warm indoors today, especially with the woodburner going. The warmth spread the aroma of resin from the Christmas tree and baking bread throughout the house, making for comforting memories. Margo had even made little gingerbread men, which hung on the tree out of Binx’s reach.

  She and Sayer really liked the couple – and a couple they were. They just hadn’t made it real yet. Joy had seen the way Margo watched Pike, her eyes following the young man. It was also blatantly apparent that Pike was in love with Margo. The two kids were made for each other. She mentally shook herself. Here she was calling them kids when she was only a few years older than them. She was an old soul for sure.

  That all said, she was glad they were taking it slow. If what Sayer said about POSEIDON was true, then she figured it would be better if they cared about each other first. Forced friendships and romances were never a good idea.

  Over the last month and a half, she and Sayer had brought over most of their suppliers, filling the back of her pickup truck and transferring them into the shipping container, which was now buried in a pit. Sayer and Pike had made a large camouflage rug. Then they’d placed sealant-treated plywood over the doors and laid the rug over the top. With dirt shoveled around the edges, Joy was hard-pressed to see where the container was. Located fifteen feet from the rear of the cabin, it was be the protection of the cabin. The pit itself was lined with gravel and larger rocks for drainage.

  The boys had spent a few days coating the inside of the container with a rubbery compound that would keep it waterproof. They had also drilled holes in the very bottom in case water did get in. They had then put metal brackets in the bottom, followed by shelving.

  It was surprisingly large and held quite a bit of their nonperishables. They had decided it would be okay to store the food sealed in mylar bags, but made sure it was also put into large plastic containers, double waterproofing it. Margo had been busy buying beans, rice, pasta, dried onions, dried garlic, dried peas, and anything else she could get her hands on. She’d even gotten powered milk.

  Joy was amazed at their motivation. A few months ago, she’d had no idea what all went into prepping, but she was learning fast.

  Sayer and Pike had also dug several smaller pits near the cabin, in which they’d buried heavy plastic containers containing boxes of ammo. They were only about six inches under the ground. If they wanted fast access, they could dig them up quickly. There were also a number of large PVC pipes buried around the cabin in which several weapons, all wrapped in waterproof bags and sealed, then wrapped again, had been placed.

  “I can’t believe we’ve been in this cabin for over four months now,” Margo said, her voice tinged with wonder. “It almost seems like a dream. If I hadn’t read that article by Dr. Rhy, I don’t think we’d be here.”

  “Life sure has a funny way of working out. I think God gets us where we’re supposed to be, whether we want to be there or not. It is only through hindsight that we see it was meant to be,” Joy grinned

  “I’d say you’re about right on that one. Thank you for the extra medical supplies. Pike and I have been making a false wall in the basement. We are putting some of your medical supplies down there, along with toilet paper and other non-perishables. We put some in the shipping container too. We’re going to hinge the wall so it will swing out easily, and put latches in several hidden places. We’ll also build shelves onto the wall, so it looks solid. Besides, we can always use the storage space.”

  “What did you get Pike for Christmas?” Joy smiled as she mashed the potatoes in the pot with the old-fashioned wire masher. Steam from the potatoes wafted up around her face.

  “I got him an old radio set so that, if anything happens, we can maybe listen to transmissions and even send, if we want. I was able to get a long antenna as well. Once he’s learned to use it, we’ll wrap it up in heavy foil and put it in the battery room. I also got him a new Geiger counter, a modern one. That too will go into the room, wrapped up in foil,” Margo said.

  “Very wise choice of gifts,” Joy said, tasting the mashed potatoes. She added a bit of salt, smiled and nodded to herself. She reached for the pepper and tapped a bit into the mix. “Sometimes, though, I wonder if we’re wasting time and money on all this. But then I think, what else would I buy? We have everything we need.”

  “I know what you mean. But I have to say, we are feeling better about it. We aren’t as fearful nor frantic. Every day back when I thought it was going to happen and I wasn’t prepared. I felt like I was suffocating in fear,” Margo said, her hands playing idly with her coffee cup.

  Joy’s dark eyes looked into Margo’s, and she smiled gently. “Well, we are doing something about it, and our men are making sure it gets done right.”

  Margo blushed and nodded her head. “I feel like I’m getting to know Pike all over again. It’ss funny. He was such a geeky kid, but I guess we all were. But he’s become a wonderful friend.”

  “When are you going to tell him you love him?” Joy asked gently.

  “You know?” Margo asked, her eyes widening. A deep blush crept up her face as her hand went to her mouth.

  “It’s written all over your face.” Joy laughed sweetly, and reached over and grabbed Margo’s hand and squeezed.

  “I just never thought it would happen. We were working so hard together. Then I began to realize he is a good man. He’s a couple years younger than me, but he’s so mature, not some scatterbrained kid. Most of the guys his age, and even mine, aren’t half as responsible.”

  “Honey, age has nothing to do with it, you know that. I’ve met men in the hospital in their fifties that come in injured because they were acting like kids. I think Pike has found his purpose in life.”

  “It is just so weird. I’d never have thought that my life would take this turn. And if POSEIDON is just a hoax, then I’ve turned my life on its side for a hoax.”

  “If you’re happy, what does it matter how you got here? Sometimes our paths don’t match what we had in mind. But you’re here, Pike is here, and the two of you are good together. If nothing ever happens, would you be sad that it brought Pike to you?”

  “No, not at all,” Margo shook her head emphatically. “I couldn’t be happier. With or without the threat, I’m where I want to be. And that is with Pike, here in this cabin.” Margo smiled sweetly, and she reached over and gave Joy a hug. “Thanks for listening.”

  Hamburg, IA, 22 December 2018

  Kalvin and Mikey both took a mouthful of their beers. Christmas lights were strung around the bar, turning it festive. It was a planning night. This was the time of the year when they made big scores.

  “I’ve got a list of homes that will be vacant between the hours of 8 pm and
1 am. There’s some big shindig going on and I found out these people are going to be there,” Kalvin said, showing Mikey a piece of paper.

  Mikey took the paper and looked it over. There were six addresses, all in the ritzy part of town. “Looks good. I say we start about 9 pm and hit and run.”

  “Yeah. I don’t want to hang around those houses too long. Nosey neighbors, you know.”

  “Hell yeah, you got that right. With the cameras nowadays, it’s getting harder and harder.”

  “We need to get in and out fast. Some of them have silent alarms. So, three minutes at the most. In, out, and gone. Cops usually get there in about five, so I want to be well away,” Kalvin said.

  “Just so you know, I got my eyes on a new source for some pills. I’m checking it out before I do anything.”

  “Good, Mikey. Let me know and I’ll get it to my guy.

  “I’d say this is going to be one of our nicest Christmases,” Kalvin laughed.

  “Merry Christmas, Kalvin,” Mikey laughed, and lifted his beer.

  Rowland, NC, 22 December 2018

  Harley and Christy sat on the couch watching the boys. They were playing with their Legos while the three dogs were passed out. The lights on the Christmas tree twinkled and, in the background, soft Christmas music played. He and Christy were drinking hot chocolate.

  Christy lay against him and he leaned down and kissed her head. She tilted it back and smiled up at him. He was dreading the next few months. He had a lot of trips planned. Thankfully most were only a couple days away from home.

  After Christmas was a busy time. He was glad he was able to spend this precious time with his family.

  “Thank you again for the bugout bag. What made you get it for me?” he asked his wife.

  “Well, with you on the road so much, and all the bad news, I figured why not.”


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