Hold On

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Hold On Page 5

by Dani Wyatt

  Before I can move, she leans down, her lips next to my ear, and she whispers, “I want to know what it feels like to be kissed. For the first time. By you.”

  Her words release me from my self-imposed cage, and I grab her, standing and lifting her into my arms, crushing my mouth to hers as I sit her on the edge of the kitchen island, leaning in, taking her. The kiss is wild, and her flavor races through me, branding me with the memory of this moment for eternity.

  If her lips are pure heaven, I don’t know what I will do when I get my mouth on her cunt.

  As our tongues wind and tangle together, I no longer remember any kisses before this one. She feels like my first, and in my mind, she is in all ways that matter. I’ve never loved anyone before. I want to give her my soul, and I only hope she wants to take it because I know it belongs to her already.

  Her body softens and melts against mine as my embrace holds us against each other, so close, I feel her heart beating against mine. The softness of her tits molding into my hard chest has me nearly whimpering at the perfection of it all.

  She moans into my mouth, the vibration of the sound moving through me like a sonic wave, and I don’t know how much longer I can control this animal she’s brought to life inside of me.

  Images of her pregnant, a little boy on her hip holding his arms out to me calling me Daddy, ignite a raging possessiveness inside me that is momentarily frightening and at the same time an epiphany.

  As though she feels the shift in my energy, she pulls from our kiss, soft breath coming from her lips as she looks at me with shock in her eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” I dare ask, cold with fear that I’ve hurt or frightened her.

  “I just...” She shakes her head, her hands running up the sides of my ribs until they are on my cheeks, her thumbs moving in small circles under my jaw. “I just felt something weird. Like the world did this little hop or something under my feet.”

  My entire body is shaking.

  I’m on a hair-trigger. If I kiss her again, I doubt my ability to stop myself from taking her completely. I’d strip her naked right here, lay her out on the countertop and drive my tongue deep into her soaking sex to drink from the well that I know is mine already. But, like with the kiss, I want her to be ready. No matter my own crazed need.

  “It feels like I screwed it up. I’m stupid sometimes, I feel things. I don’t know if they are real.” She drops her head with a shake, and I reach down and pinch her chin, bringing her back to my eyes.

  “You didn’t screw anything up, little one.” That unfamiliar nervous feeling comes over me again, not wanting to fuck this up. “You made the world shift under my feet the moment I opened my door and saw you standing there.”

  “Really?” Her lips curve into a sweet, pink smile, and my heart leaps. Seeing her smile is my new favorite thing. “You’re full of it.”

  “Really. Now, I have another deal to make with you.”

  “Oh? What is that?”

  “You liked that kiss. So, you’re going to let me kiss you wherever I want, and after that, you get to decide if you want me to fuck you or not. Deal?”

  It’s bold. Probably too bold, but it’s out there now, and my instinct tells me it was the right move, though I can’t be sure.

  Microseconds feel like months before her lips curve into a smile, her eyes twinkling as she reaches down and takes my hand, moving it to her mouth and sucking my middle finger between her lips.

  “On one condition,” she says after she pulls my finger from the wet warmth, nearly stopping my heart.

  “What’s that?”

  “I get to kiss you, too.” She leans to my ear. “Wherever I want.”



  THE ROOM FEELS LIKE it’s spinning.

  I don’t know who this girl is that’s taken me over since I landed on Marshall’s doorstep, but I finally understand the word 'slut.'

  And I like it.

  There’s an aching between my legs that surges with my thundering pulse as Marshall’s arms scoop me up off the counter before he carries me out onto the expanse of the stone patio. Outside, the sun is warm, and I hear the surge of the lake’s waves against the shore as the breeze brings the clean scent of freshwater and summer dreams.

  “I want you here, where God can see us, because I have to believe you dropped straight from heaven, and I want Him to see how much I appreciate the gift.”

  My head falls back as he lays me over a double chaise lounge. All the other problems in my life evaporate as I lose myself in the moment for the first time in as long as I can remember.

  Being around Marshall, my mind clears. Something tells me he will make sure everything is okay. That I’m okay. And as strong as I am, it feels so right and perfect to know that this incredible, dominant man I’ve just met seemingly has my back like no one has before.

  As much as I loved my grandparents, as wonderful as they tried to be as parents, I still never had a full sense of security. Money was always a struggle. They did their best, but they didn’t really understand what it meant to grow up in my generation. I spent so much of my life telling them everything was okay, when it was far from okay.

  Being the nerdy, goofy girl with grandparents instead of parents that looked so different from everyone else set me up for a lot of ridicule. From the moment I arrived at kindergarten with them looking straight out of that American Gothic painting and me wearing a hand-sewn dress matching my grandmother’s, life at school became a battle to keep my head down and, at best, be ignored.

  I’ve never felt beautiful or desirable before, not until the first time Marshall Rogers looked at me.

  Now, I’m lying here and he’s standing over me, the sun at his back creating this glow around him like a golden lust that makes me feel powerful in a way I don’t ever remember.

  I feel so small and beautiful under his gaze, so tiny in comparison to his enormity, even though I know I’m never going to walk a runway. Again, those insecurities I’ve always had about my size melt away, and I feel sexy for the first time in my life.

  The throbbing between my legs is nearly unbearable as Marshall’s hands come down and he opens the button and zipper on my jeans, tugging them down my legs without a word.

  He rips them off, taking my flip flops along with them, and I realize he’s staring at my crotch, at the plain white strip of fabric covering my pussy.

  “Fuck, that’s so beautiful.”

  The desire I see in his face makes whatever remains of the shy girl I used to be evaporate, and I let my legs fall open like I did the other night when I touched myself for him.

  “That’s my girl. That pleases me very much.” His voice is thick and almost pained as he drops a hand to the front of his jeans rubbing the length that presses outward on the fabric.

  I never thought about saving myself for anyone per se. I never thought that much about being a virgin until yesterday. Now my entire being feels focused on giving myself to this near-stranger who feels like the person I’ve known the best and longest in my life.

  It’s hard to breathe through the longing, and I want to tell him all my secrets. My pussy is pulsing close to orgasm from simply lying here as he looks down at me, his hand moving on his erection.

  A moment later, he surges forward, kneeling between my legs, and growls as he buries his face in the soaking center of my panties. The vocal vibration hits my sex, and it’s so erotic I arch and throw my head back onto the pile of pillows.

  “I want all of you,” I hear his voice gruff, and I want to feel this way forever.

  “Marshall...” It’s all I can say as I scoot an inch lower, needing whatever his mouth is offering.

  He licks the thin fabric, making me shiver as his hands jerk my knees apart until my hips ache.

  “Promise me.” He seethes as I look down to see anger in his eyes and wonder what I’ve done wrong.

  “Promise you what?” I plead, breathless, desperate for his touch. Desperate for the orgas
m that is already blooming inside of me to be released.

  “Promise me no one has been here before. You said last night...” His voice catches on the last words, and I see profound desperation in his eyes. “If anyone’s touched you before...”

  “No.” I shake my head. “No one. Not ever. Never even a kiss. No boy...man...no one has ever been interested in me.” I see the question in his eyes. “Or me in them. Until you.”

  “Good. I don’t want to sound like a caveman, but I don’t know if I could bear to know anyone has been here before me.”

  “You’re the only one.” My words seem to ease the strain I see on his face, and he kisses my inner thigh, sending a rush of wetness from me.

  “I will be the only one,” he growls as his hands grip my ankles and pulling my legs straight.

  Then, just as quickly, he tears my panties away and tosses them so hard they fly over the railing of the balcony, drifting on the summer breeze before settling on the expanse of grass that leads to the beach in the distance. “This body. This mind. This heart. This soul. They will all belong to me and only me, little one. So help me.”

  His face comes down and connects with my bare slit, his tongue sliding just inside me so slowly I want to scream out, but one long arm stretches upward and clamps over my mouth as the other reaches around the top of my thigh, spreading me open, his tongue moving upward to flick at my clit.

  “Shhhhh,” he mouths into me. “Just be quiet. I’m going to make you feel so good, babygirl.”

  The filthy words should horrify me, but they don’t. The taboo talk heightens my already spinning lust and nearly topples me over into the impending orgasm, but Marshall’s tongue stills as I look down and see his gray eyes focused upward on my face.

  “Please...” I plead into his hand and a smile spreads over his lips.

  “Not yet, Emmy. Not until I say.”

  I gasp as his fingers pinch my clit and his tongue works the sensitive nub. My entire body comes alive with sensation as he alternates between pinching, licking, biting and kissing me until I’m a puddle of begging desperation.

  “Promise to be quiet little one. We don’t want anyone to hear you cum, sweet girl. It’s our little secret, okay?”

  I nod because it’s all I can do, and I’ll do almost anything right now for him to push me over the edge and into the bliss I know is waiting on the other side.

  “Good girl...”

  It’s the last thing I hear before his hand moves, a finger pressing at my entrance as his mouth engulfs my pussy, doing so many things at once I see stars.

  “Make me happy now.” I feel more than hear the words. “Give it to me.”

  When his thick finger moves inside my opening, curving forward and touching a spot I’ve never felt before, I explode. His words release me, and I come so hard I scream his name and almost believe what he said about God watching us.

  It's as though I’m giving thanks to my heavenly father I shake and quiver, galaxies of stars dancing behind my eyelids.

  My body twists and convulses as his mouth continues its assault, sending me into orbit. His finger pumps inside of me as I hear the wetness being lapped up by his enthusiastic tongue.

  It’s too much. I need a minute. “Please.” I reach down and try to push his head away. “It hurts now.”

  The next instant, his hands are on my wrists, hard and tight, pulling them to the sides as his mouth redoubles its efforts, and my thighs slap against his cheeks as I raise my hips, trying to twist away.

  “Lie still,” he commands, and he pulls my arms downward, making my pussy lodge harder against his sucking mouth. I whimper and try to relax, but I’m so sensitive every touch of his lips and tongue has me whining and my hips involuntarily jerking. My body stiffens with the effort of trying to do as he says, and when his assault momentarily subsides, I let out a deep sigh.

  “We’re done when I say we’re done.”

  I look down to see the danger in his eyes, but I’m not scared. He lowers his face again and brings me to another screaming climax that has resting birds bursting from the trees.

  I’m begging for rest, but he gives me no break. The next round of orgasms come so hard, euphoric and painful at the same time, I feel myself gush, soaking Marshall’s face, and the next thing I know is silence and darkness as my body goes slack.



  “JESUS.” MARSHALL’S face hovers over mine as I regain focus. “You trying to kill me, babygirl?”

  I shake my head but can’t form words, the vibrations from the orgasms still humming through my body.

  “I think I passed out...”

  “I think you did, too. You scared the shit out of me.” His lips come to mine, gentle and loving, as warm palms cup my cheeks, holding me solid and steady.

  “Well, next time when I beg you to stop, maybe you’ll listen,” I whisper into his soft kiss as seagulls screech overhead.

  Next time. Please, God, let there be a next time.

  I don’t know what makes me do it, but I reach down and run my hand up the hard muscle of his thigh until I reach his crotch, giving what I’m assuming are his balls a squeeze and reveling in the moan that falls from his lips.


  I want him so badly I can barely breathe.

  “You made a deal.” I inch my face back so he can see the determination in my eyes. “You said I could kiss you anywhere. I want to kiss you here.”

  I give him another soft squeeze, then run my hand upward until I find the thick, hard length that has my mind spinning.

  “Only if you’re sure,” he half grunts. “I can’t promise I’ll be gentle. I’ve been dreaming of fucking that mouth of yours since you said hello to me yesterday.”

  The harsh clip of his words only has me wanting him more, and I ease myself down onto the patio, taking a pillow with me and maneuvering it under my knees.

  “I want to be comfortable. I want to be down here a long time.”

  Marshall stares at me for a long moment, and I fear he’s going to reject my offer. Instead, he stands, the zipper of his pants in front of my face, the outline of the massive erection making my mouth water.

  “Take me out, little girl. Be careful what you wish for...”

  My hands work in a frenzy, his belt, button, zipper. As I work below, I look up and see him strip his T-shirt, his chest a wonder of just the right amount of dark hair and deep indigo tattoos. The breeze off the lake is warm and cool at the same time, my body processing so many different sensations I’m on overload.

  I work his jeans and boxers down, his penis bounding out from the restriction like a solider on leave after a grueling tour, ready and waiting to indulge in all things carnal.

  I’ve seen men’s cocks in pictures and some videos, but Marshall’s is more beautiful than anything I’ve seen before. It’s not the size—or not just the size, because it rivals anything I could imagine—but its shape is perfect.

  Thick, but not grotesque, and long in a way I know would hurt, but I know would be worth it.

  How I know that, I’m not sure; I guess it’s just instinct. The head is engorged and shiny-smooth, with two thick, intersecting veins running along the side as though their only purpose is to pump blood into the tip.

  I look up and he’s looking down, my stomach flipping and fluttering. I bow my head slightly, running my forehead along the inside of his thigh with a reverence I’ve never felt before.

  He must feel it, too, because a moment later, I feel the weight of his hand on top of my head, gently rubbing and gripping my hair, tipping it back so I am forced to look at his penis.

  “You’re going to worship my cock, you know that? It will become your purpose. Your pleasure.”

  I nod slightly in his grip as his other hand comes down and fists the base, the muscles of his stomach and thighs turning hard.

  “Know I will become your king. Your God. Are you ready for that, my sweet little one? Are you ready for all I want to take
from you? All I want to give you?”

  I lick my lips as he brings the weeping head of his cock to my mouth, then answer in a hushed tone, my breaths quick and unsteady.

  “Yes, I’m ready.”

  “Good girl.” His voice is low and thick. “Open your mouth. Stick out your tongue.”

  As I happily comply, my own arousal seeps out of me, and he smacks the head of his dick on my outstretched tongue over and over as my eyes tear, and I try to breathe deep in anticipation.

  “This cock will be your world. You will always take care of it, understood?”

  I nod as he brings his hard length down again on my tongue.

  He releases my hair only to bring that hand to my chin, pulling my mouth open wide as he stuffs in the first half of his cock. Halfway in, it’s already at the back of my throat, gagging me, my mouth filled as I stare into the thatch of dark hair that surrounds his manhood.

  It’s unlike I expected. It’s smooth, soft and hard at the same time. The taste is more thrilling than I could have imagined.

  It feels like an extension of his very being, and I’m filled with an odd sense of honor for having him inside me like this.

  When I look up at him, his eyes tell me he’s feeling something similar. Like I am truly that angel heaven dropped here just for him, and everything for us exists in this moment. Everything we’ve been waiting for but didn’t know is right here.

  Right now.

  With his cock in my mouth.

  “Do you know what to do?” He withdraws, leaving me feeling a bit lost, but I try to answer.

  “Not really. I know what I want to do. I know what feels right.”

  “Then do that.”

  I bring a hand up and cup the heavy sac between his thighs, then watch as he winces.

  “I’m sorry, did that hurt?” I’m horrified the first thing I do has caused him pain.


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