Irregular Heartbeat

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Irregular Heartbeat Page 27

by Chris Zett

  Emily let go of her hand and stepped around Diana to knock on the office door. An assistant answered and ushered them to Dr. Wallace’s office. The chief of staff sat behind his enormous desk that had nearly the same color as his skin. With his wide shoulders in a navy suit, he looked fit for his age. Diana guessed him to be in his midfifties.

  “Dr. Barnes, Dr. Petrell, welcome. Let’s sit over here.” He pointed to a large round table. Windows completely covered one side of the room. The view from the top floor of the building over Seattle was stunning. Diana could look past the Space Needle to Mount Rainier looming in the background. At least the parts that were still visible. Clouds as somber as her mood obscured the sky, leaving only tiny slivers of blue.

  She chose a seat with her back to the windows to avoid distraction. And maybe a little bit of sunshine would break through and divert Dr. Wallace.

  Emily took the chair directly next to her, flanking her like a bodyguard and leaving some space between them and Dr. Wallace on the far side of the table.

  His assistant had followed them in, offering water, coffee, and tea. He handed Dr. Wallace a thin file, no doubt Diana’s, and a stack of printouts. The one on top showed quite clearly the fucking picture.

  Dr. Wallace moved the file until it was perfectly aligned with the other papers and the edge of the table. “Dr. Petrell, I’m sure you remember our last conversation quite well, but let me recap it for the other participant in this meeting. You informed me of your previous occupation and assured me this part of your life was over. I gave you this spot in the residency program as a second chance, counting on you not to endanger the reputation of this hospital.”

  Emily sat up straighter. “Dr. Wallace, she didn’t—”

  “Dr. Barnes, let me finish, please.” He interrupted without anger and swept his gaze over the two of them as though to see if another comment would come.

  Diana swallowed, fighting to keep her expression as neutral as Emily’s. Like a bunch of fucking robots. She suppressed an inappropriate giggling, born more of desperation than humor.

  When everyone stayed quiet, he continued. “As I was saying, you violated the trust I placed in you. The reputation of this hospital is at stake, and I’m sure Dr. Barnes would agree we have to do everything to avoid negative PR. You broke that part of your contract. I should have fired you immediately, but because of Dr. Barnes’s request, we’re having this meeting now.”

  Diana swallowed, preparing to answer.

  Emily’s hand beneath the table stopped her. She squeezed Diana’s thigh, but her gaze never left Dr. Wallace. “Sir, let me explain to you the circumstances that led to this picture. You might not know that Dr. Petrell filled in for the night shift on her days off. And on this particular day, she took on a patient around turnover, voluntarily staying longer to support the understaffed ED. After she realized she had a personal connection to the patient, she still performed her work, staying professional throughout the incident. I have signed reports of this incident and Dr. Petrell’s excellent performance from Mr. Rodriguez, the day shift nurse in charge, and myself.”

  Emily took several pages from a folder Diana hadn’t even noticed her carrying and slid them over to Dr. Wallace. Before he could read them, she continued. “After the patient was stable, Dr. Petrell stayed on, contacting the family and supporting her friend. When she finally left the building after being awake for more than twenty-four hours under extremely stressful circumstances, this picture was taken. In no way did Dr. Petrell speak to the press about her involvement in the situation. Not only are these articles pure fantasy, but they also don’t mention her working here as a resident. Correct me if I’m wrong, but only her stage name was published. Right now, we don’t even have a public scandal involving a member of this hospital.” She leaned back and patiently regarded Dr. Wallace.

  His jaws were working, and a muscle in his left cheek twitched. “Yet.”

  Emily conceded this with a nod.

  Diana’s heart raced as she looked from him to Emily and back. When was the right time to say something for herself? Her right hand tapped on her thigh until Emily covered it with her own beneath the table. It was only a quick touch, but the warmth of the contact coursed through her system like an anxiolytic and strengthened her resolve.

  Emily leaned forward in her chair. “Dr. Wallace, for a good part of the last two months I’ve been Dr. Petrell’s mentor, not that she needed much support. She is a hard worker, very conscientious, and more mature than most residents. She is, of course, more mature because she has life experience that exceeds college and med school. She is an excellent fit for our ED, not only professionally, but personally as well.” She handed Dr. Wallace several pages from her folder. “Here we have signed statements from every attending who has worked with Dr. Petrell so far and the majority of the rest of the staff I could reach in such a short time. They all support a continuation of Dr. Petrell’s employment.”

  This was the first time Diana had heard about these statements. Emily must have collected them this morning, and the support from her colleagues let Diana sit a bit straighter.

  His thick brows formed a menacing line as Dr. Wallace skimmed through the pages. “This is all very nice, but I never doubted Dr. Petrell’s qualification as a physician or her work ethics. Dr. Barnes, I thought we had the same priorities. This doesn’t help the hospital’s reputation.” He flung the papers on the table and looked directly at Diana. His dark brown eyes held no mercy.

  Diana pulled her shoulders back. “Sir, I’m sorry a picture of me leaving the hospital was taken and published. You’re right; some tabloid will probably find out soon that I work here. But I don’t think it will automatically turn into a scandal or damage the hospital’s reputation. Maybe we can discuss our options and find a compromise—”

  “No. No discussion. No compromise.” His voice boomed and drowned out the rest of her argument. “You’re fired.”

  That blunt statement knocked the air out of her lungs as if she’d been hit over her head with her own cymbals. The ringing in her ears nearly drowned out her racing thoughts. That’s it. Her dream was over, at least for now. She’d wait until the stir created by the press had blown over and then search for another residency. But as soon as she got on the short list, they’d call her former employer, and Dr. Wallace would tell them exactly why they had fired her. Maybe she’d get a third chance in a few years, somewhere remote they were so desperate that they’d take anyone, like Alaska.

  Tears stung her eyes, and she had to swallow a few times before she could speak without crying. Only her dignity was left, and she wanted to take that with her. “I understand, sir. Thank you for the opportunity of working here. Goodbye.”

  Emily clenched her fists on her lap until her knuckles whitened. The pain of her nails digging into her palms was nothing compared to the searing agony raging in her chest. Dr. Wallace’s words rolled through her like thunder until the meaning hit her like lightning.

  He’d mentioned shared priorities twice, now and during their earlier conversation. She hadn’t understood the relevance then, but it was obvious now. The offer to become head of Emergency Department was tied to her support in firing Diana.

  No, no, no. Leading her own department had always been her goal, but the choice between getting the promotion and fighting for Diana was no choice at all.

  He hadn’t even listened to Diana’s offer of discussing other options and shut her down without a second thought. Anger at the unfairness of it all blazed like a wildfire, burning away her restraint. “No!”

  Diana and Dr. Wallace froze in midmotion. She had walked around the table with an outstretched hand, and he had half risen from his seat.

  “Bullshit!” Emily hit the table with her fist. “We don’t even know what will happen. And you want to ruin her career, her life over a possibility? Without the decency of listening?”

  Both star
ed at her, mouths agape.

  Dr. Wallace recovered first. “Dr. Barnes, there’s no need for you to become involved. Dr. Petrell seems to understand the situation and—”

  “No! This is as much my ED as it is yours; you admitted that earlier. I worked extra shifts without payment, handled the schedule, smoothed over every minor and major incident, without complaint, without asking for favors. For years and years I’ve given my life for the ED. I’m already involved. If you fire her, you’ll lose me too.” Emily’s voice broke at the last word.

  What had she done? Would she really leave her job?

  Yes. The furnace in her heart had tempered her determination to steel. She unclenched her fist that still rested on the table and reached for a water bottle with trembling fingers. The cool liquid soothed her raw throat. Had she been yelling? And when had she stood?

  Diana looked at her with wide eyes and shook her head, taking a step back into her direction.

  With deliberate calm, Emily put the bottle back on the table and sat again. “Dr. Wallace, please, let’s start this conversation over. I can’t support this decision. It’s not right, and it’s not what’s best for this hospital and our patients.”

  He fell into his chair with a thud. “What are you suggesting?” He waved a hand at Diana. “Dr. Petrell, take a seat.”

  Diana hurried back to Emily’s side, still shaking her head. “You don’t need to go because of me. I know how much the ED means to you.” The faint lines around her eyes crinkled in concern.

  You mean more to me. Emily couldn’t say it here, but she hoped Diana could read it in her eyes. The thought that as the head of the ED she’d truly be Diana’s boss flashed through her mind. Suddenly, the position lost its appeal.

  She turned back to Dr. Wallace and hardened her gaze. “I think we can agree the picture and the publicity around it are a problem. Why don’t we talk about actions we can take to avoid a scandal other than firing an accomplished resident who has neither done anything wrong nor violated her contract? Maybe we could even turn the situation around so we actually gain positive PR.”

  Dr. Wallace returned her gaze with a severity she’d never seen in him before. After a minute, the deep lines between his brows evened out. He nodded thoughtfully as he arranged the papers he had thrown on the table into a neat pile. “How can we put a positive spin on things?”

  Finally! He was listening. Emily held back a sigh as she turned in her seat to her left. “Dr. Petrell, do you have any experience with this kind of media attention?”

  Diana raised one eyebrow as she obviously recognized the talking points she’d suggested and Emily had rejected the night before. “Not personally, but yes, it happened to the band.”

  “Perfect. What did you do in the past?” Emily squeezed her leg again, longer this time. She had no other way to apologize in front of her boss for her dismissal of Diana’s ideas yesterday.

  “We usually used a publicist who specialized in damage control. Often the media only want to print a story that’s interesting and pushes sales. They prefer getting a better version from a publicist to the half-truths attached to a sketchy picture.”

  Dr. Wallace studied Diana for a moment as his expression came around from suspicious to curious. “And do you know of such a publicist? And could you contact them?”

  Emily could feel the tension leaving Diana’s thigh beneath her hand. Their plan had worked. No, Diana’s plan had worked. She should have listened to her from the start.

  The first genuine smile of the day appeared on Diana’s lips. “That’s a good idea. I can get in touch with my manager. I’m sure he has someone excellent on speed dial. Do you want to talk to them, sir?”

  “No, no, you talk to them, and you hire and pay them. If you can squeeze some positive PR for our hospital out of this mess, you can stay here, even if your name comes out. That’s the only deal you’ll get. Take it or leave it.” Dr. Wallace rose, putting an end to the discussion.

  Diana walked over to him and shook his hand. “I’ll take it. Thank you, Dr. Wallace.”

  Half afraid her legs wouldn’t carry her, Emily followed. Dr. Wallace’s concession wasn’t much, but at least it was a chance. She walked around the table and held out her hand, surprised it wasn’t trembling anymore.

  He hesitated for what felt like an eternity before squeezing it. “Keep me informed of your plans.”

  What plans? Did he really still consider her for the promotion? She nodded and left the room in a haze, barely aware of Diana at her side.

  Chapter 20

  Emily headed for the elevator, but before they reached it, Diana opened the door to the staircase. She tugged on Emily’s hand and led her down the stairs.

  They hadn’t said a word since they had left Dr. Wallace office. Emily guessed Diana’s mind was reeling as much as her own with her one-hundred-eighty-degree turn.

  At the first landing, Diana stopped. “What—”

  “Let’s talk in my office.” Emily’s voice was still shaking.

  Diana nodded, and Emily hurried down the stairs before she could say anything else.

  Liz waited in front of Emily’s office. “Are you okay? How did it go?”

  “It was surprisingly okay.” Diana shrugged. “I’m not fired yet, but I’ve some work to do to make sure it stays that way.”

  “I’m glad.” Liz hugged her.

  Seeing them close together was confusing. Emily probed the feeling the way she would explore a wound. It wasn’t jealousy, no, more envy for the easy friendship they had developed, something she always struggled with.

  Liz stepped back from Diana. “I’m going home now. Call me anytime you need me, okay?” She looked from Diana to Emily and back until both nodded.

  To her surprise, Liz hugged her too. Emily had never been a hugger in any friendship, not even with Jen, but she had to admit it felt good. She tentatively squeezed her in return.

  “Don’t worry so much,” Liz whispered before she let go.

  That was easy for her to say, but Emily nodded anyway. She’d at least try.

  They entered the office, and Emily locked the door behind Diana. No sense in taking the risk of anyone barging in on their conversation.

  She took off her lab coat and hung it on a peg on the door. “I hate these things. Do you want to sit here?” She gestured to the sofa. She didn’t want to have barriers between them, neither real ones like her desk nor invisible ones like their work hierarchy.

  Diana regarded her for a moment with an inscrutable expression, but then a smile played around her lips. She took off her coat, placed it over the back of the chair, and sat on the sofa. She wasn’t as relaxed as Emily was used to seeing, but not as tense as she’d been in Dr. Wallace office as she turned toward Emily and angled her leg.

  “That went well, don’t you think?” Emily cringed at the false cheeriness in her voice as she sat.

  “Yeah. I can’t believe he took it so calmly. After the first part of the conversation I really thought it was over.” Diana reached for her left hand and intertwined their fingers. “Thank you. But I meant what I said. You don’t need to risk your career because of me.”

  “But I want to,” Emily blurted out. “I don’t want to work where you don’t even get a fair chance. I don’t want to be the head of the ED if it means losing you.”

  “Head of the ED? What do you mean?” Diana’s gaze bored into hers, searching for answers.

  “Nothing.” Emily looked down.

  “Em.” Diana tilted Emily’s chin upward with a finger. “What do you mean?”

  “He offered me the position if I help him get rid of you. Well, he didn’t say it quite like that, but that’s what it comes down to. But I won’t do it. I can’t.” In her haste to get it all out, Emily hadn’t taken a breath. Now she gulped in oxygen and clung to Diana’s hand like a drowning person.

p; Diana’s eyes darkened to a warm hazel, and she inched closer. The touch at her chin turned into a caress along the side of Emily’s neck.

  That was so not appropriate at work, but she didn’t want Diana to stop. Emily shivered.

  As she leaned closer, Diana radiated warmth. “Thank you.” Her kiss was soft and almost chaste, but it promised more, passion and love, if Emily wanted it.

  “I love you.” Emily froze. Had she just said it out loud? Here? Now? Her heart raced, but before she could panic, Diana kissed her again. This time the underlying passion broke through and drove all doubts from her mind.

  Diana drew back and fought to catch her breath. “I love you too.” She grinned. “But your timing sucks, because here and now I can’t show you how much.”

  A million butterflies broke free. Emily grinned back. “Tonight?”

  “Tonight. I better get back to work before I do something stupid.” Diana winked, stood, and reached for her lab coat.

  “Wait. What is the next step?” Emily smoothed her scrubs, not looking at Diana. She was afraid she’d lose her self-control if she saw her smile.

  “You mean with the PR? I have to call Vic and set up a meeting with a publicist. Finding a trustworthy journalist is the second step.” Diana groaned. “I hate interviews.”

  An idea flashed through Emily’s mind. She jumped up. “What about Jen? She could do the interview.”

  “That could work. Good idea.” Diana squeezed her shoulder. “And, Emily, let’s talk about that job offer later.”

  “No need. Even if the blackmail didn’t taint the offer, I wouldn’t want to be your boss. And I don’t think it would be healthy for me to be in control of the ED. I’d never go home anymore.” With each reason she listed, another link of the chain that shackled her to her own expectations popped open.

  “Sure?” Diana ran her hands through her hair.

  Emily had never been so sure of anything in her life. She nodded and kissed Diana quickly on the lips again. That tousled look was just irresistible. “Stay here and make your calls. I’ll go and see that the work gets done and we can get out of here as soon as possible. Oh, and I’ll call Jen right now and tell her to expect your call. I’ll text you her number.”


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