Skyville Boys

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Skyville Boys Page 20

by Mia Belle

  “Guys,” I say. “I appreciate it, but I don’t need you to protect me. I can take care of myself.”

  “Of course you can, Kara,” Carter says. “But sometimes a person needs someone to look after them. If that guy comes to Skyville and tracks you down…”

  My whole body turns ice-cold.

  Carter wraps his arms around me. It’s a little hard because the table is in the way, but I fall into his chest and allow myself to be comforted by him. And soon, fresh tears pool in my eyes and pour down my cheeks. Maybe it’s because I’ve been holding it in all this time. Or because I’ve tried to be strong. Maybe because sometimes I pretend it doesn’t exist. But it’s all coming out now. I’m sobbing like there’s no tomorrow.

  “I’m sorry.” I hiccup against his gray shirt. “I’m getting you all wet.”

  His hand rubs circles on my back. “I don’t mind. Let it all out, Kara.” His warm lips brush my ear. “It must have been so scary for you,” he whispers. “I can’t imagine. If anyone would threaten any of my sisters like that…”

  “I want to track him down,” Ezra says. “I want to rearrange his face.”

  “No,” I say. “Leave it to the police.”

  “The good they’re doing,” he mutters.

  “I don’t want any of you involved in this. Who knows who this person is? What he’s capable of? Just promise me we’ll carry on as though nothing happened.”

  “I don’t think I can do that,” he seethes. “I’m so mad at him.”

  I’m bursting to ask why. Why does he care so much? He hardly knows me. Maybe he’s the kind of person who can’t stand someone hurting another person.

  “I don’t want to have to worry about you, too,” I tell him. “I wouldn’t have told you guys if I knew you’d react this way.”

  “I just care about you,” Jax says, then laughs lightly. “I think we all know how much I care about you.”

  “I care about you, too,” Carter says. “I want you to be safe. And happy.”

  “I’ll stay safe as long as I remain in Skyville and keep a low profile. Emphasis on low profile, Ezra.”

  As for happy? I don’t think I’ll be happy until the guy is caught.

  Jax goes to the counter to buy me a bar of chocolate. I thank him, but I have no appetite and just take a small bite. I take out my phone and call James to pick us up.

  The contrast between the ride here and home is apparent. No one says much, each absorbed in our own thoughts. James tries to raise a few topics, but he gives up when none of us are interested.

  After dropping off the guys, James brings me home and wishes me a good night. I take a long hot shower, as though I’m scrubbing away the sickening feeling I get every time I think about the stalker.

  When I lie in bed, my thoughts are buzzing with the conversation I had with the guys. I’ve always thought of myself as strong and independent, at least until the damn stalker. He made me feel weak and low. It feels nice that the guys reacted so strongly to him. That they want to protect me. Maybe for the first time in months, I won’t be so scared to be me.

  As I drift off to sleep, there is only one thought in my head. I think I may be falling for all three Skyville boys.

  Chapter Forty


  I wake up in the morning with the same feeling I had when I went to sleep. The need to protect Kara.

  I know she can take care of herself. Girl power and all that. But the truth? Sometimes a guy wants to look out for a girl. There are some real sickos out there, guys who…

  I don’t want to think about what could have happened if Kara stayed in New York instead of escaping here to Skyville.

  I love her so damn much. The real Kara, not the fantasy version I’ve created in my head. I’ve gotten to know her better these last few days, and my feelings for her have grown. I’d do anything in my power to keep her safe. I’m not planning on tracking the guy down, but I’ll be damned if I let her out of my sight.

  She’s been home alone for over a week. I can’t help feeling uneasy.

  Swiping my phone off my end table, I call Kara.

  “Hey, Jax,” she says, her voice sleepy. I wonder if she had trouble sleeping last night. I know I did.

  “Hey. Want to ride to school together?”

  “That’s okay. James is taking me, or I’ll take the bus. Not sure.”

  “I figured James might take you. Can I ride along? Don’t take the bus. Kids can be assholes.”

  “Ezra’s on my bus.”

  “Oh, that’s true.”

  I know she’ll be safe with Ezra. I’m actually really surprised at how he reacted to all this. Ezra’s been so aloof these past few weeks. I didn’t think he cared about anything.

  “Jax, what’s this about?” she asks. “Why all of a sudden? Is it because of what I told you?”

  I purse my lips before saying, “Not gonna lie. I’m just worried about you.”

  She sighs. “I don’t want to be treated like a little kid. Can’t you just treat me like normal? Like before?”

  “Sorry Kara, I can’t. I care about you. A lot.”

  She sighs again. “I came to Skyville to escape and to try to start over. This is like ten steps backwards.”

  “I get that,” I say. “We don’t have to act differently. Just please let me be by your side. That’s all.”

  She’s quiet for a few seconds. Then she groans. “Okay. Fine. I’m thankful, I really am. I’m just pissed about the whole situation.”

  “I know,” I say. “Hopefully the police will catch him soon and this will be over.”


  “So what time is James picking me up?”

  She groans again. “You’re impossible but cute, so I’ll accept this. For now. He’ll come by in ten minutes.”

  “Thanks, Kara.”

  I get dressed and eat a banana. Then Kara texts me that they’re here. She doesn’t say much as we ride to school. I want to say something, but I have no idea what. Something to take her mind off things, but I’m totally drawing a blank.

  “So did you…” I start, but there’s no point. We’ve reached school.

  We get out of the car and say goodbye to James just as one of the school buses pulls up. Ezra files out with the others. As soon as he sees Kara and me standing there, his face brightens and he hurries over.

  “Why weren’t you on the bus?” he asks.

  “James took me,” she says.

  “Oh.” His face washes with relief. “I was worried for a second.”

  “Jeez, I can’t even be pissed at you guys because you’re being so sweet.”

  She’s pretending she’s not annoyed, but she is. She looks really cute when she’s annoyed. Ugh, really? That’s where my thoughts go right now?

  “Please don’t hover over me during school, okay?” she asks.

  “Okay,” Ezra says, but he doesn’t look too happy about it.

  “I’ll see you guys by lunch,” Kara says before walking off.

  Ezra watches her leave. There’s an odd look in his eyes. Is he…does he have feelings for her?

  I don’t have a chance to dwell on it because the bell rings.


  “I really need to talk to you before Kara comes,” Carter says as he drops his tray on the table and sits down near me.

  I look up at him. “Yeah?”

  He glances at Ezra for a second, then focuses back on me. “I like Kara.”

  “I know that,” I say. “We all like her.”

  “No, I mean, I like her.”

  My chest gets as stiff as a tree bark. Ezra plays with his peas, then he drops his fork and falls back in his seat. “I like her, too.”

  “I figured,” Carter says. “From the way you overreacted yesterday.”

  “I overreacted?”

  Carter turns to me. “Jax…I’m sorry, man. I know how you feel about her.”

  I play with my own peas. The table is dead quiet.

  “I guess I’ll back off,�
�� Carter says. “You’ve liked her far longer than I have. I just wanted you to know.”

  “I still want to look after her, though,” Ezra says. “If that asshole is determined to find her, I’m sure he will.”

  “You guys can’t choose for her,” I say. “Kara likes all of us. I mean, I don’t know if she likes any of us, but she wants to be our friend. Whatever the case, that decision is up to her.”

  “Maybe it’s not the right time for her to get involved with a guy, anyway,” Carter muses. “Not after what she’s been through. It’s probably hard for her to trust guys. We need to be there for her as friends. We need to show her she can trust us. I don’t want her to hide her true self.”

  I frown as I continue playing with my peas. I’ve spent the last week fantasying about asking Kara out on a date, once she’s comfortable around me, of course. But it looks like I’ll have to back off. But I don’t mind. I want her to be happy and to feel safe again. If that means I’ll have to stay in the friend zone, then that’s how it’ll be.

  “I agree,” I say. “The best we can do is be her friend and look out for her. Which reminds me, I really don’t like her staying home all alone. Her grandma won’t be back for a few days.”

  “What do you want to do about it?” Carter asks. “Rotate being her bodyguards?”

  “Is that so bad?”

  “Jax,” Carter says. “I know you’re worried about her, but she still needs her independence. You can’t smother her.”

  “Wish I could,” I mutter.

  “We have to hope she’ll be fine,” Carter says. “If we stifle her, we’ll be no better than that asshat.”

  I guess he’s right. I don’t want her to feel like a prisoner.

  Ezra is about to say something, but Kara walks into the cafeteria and steps in line with a lunch tray. I watch as she selects her items and pays. My heart bursts with love. I know I’m only sixteen and can’t love someone that much. But I feel it deep in my heart. It travels to every part of my body, filling me with an ache.

  No. Friend zone. I need to push her needs before my own.

  She walks up to our table and sits down near Ezra. “Hey, guys.” Her eyebrows scrunch. “Were you talking about me?”

  “No,” we quickly say.

  “Liars.” She brings a spoonful of peas to her mouth. “It’s okay if you talk about me. Just do it in my presence.”

  Carter shrugs. “We were just hoping your grandma will come home soon. It’ll make us feel better knowing you’re not there all by yourself.”

  “Are you saying…do you guys want to have a sleepover or something?”

  I perk up like I got electrocuted. “What did you just say?”

  She takes another bite of her peas. “I don’t know. I guess I’m a little sick of being home all alone. And it wouldn’t hurt to feel safe for a change.”

  “Are you sure?” Ezra asks. “Three guys staying at your house?”

  She playfully narrows her eyes at him. “Planning to do any funny business?”

  His cheeks grow a little red. “No…”

  “Nothing wrong with three guys sleeping over by a friend’s house, right?” I say.

  She smiles. “Exactly.”

  “I’m in,” I say.

  “Same,” Ezra says.

  “I don’t know,” Carter says. “I don’t want to dump Pey with the responsibilities again. I’ll see if I can stop by later.”

  “Cool.” Kara smiles and takes a bite of her chicken. “It’ll be fun.”

  Chapter Forty-One


  I’m daydreaming during history class. I can’t believe I was bold enough to ask the guys to sleep over at my house. Maybe because of the way they looked at me when I sat at their lunch table. They’re still worried, sure, but I saw in their eyes how much they care about me. And I care about them, too. Each one of them. I’m intrigued by them and want to get to know them better. Who knows, maybe one of them will grow to mean more than just a friend. Though I can’t imagine how I would choose. They’re all amazing in their own way.

  My thoughts tumble out of my head when a dark head peeks into the open classroom. My eyes widen when the head peeks in again, dark pigtails in plain view, and that Hakuna Matata shirt. Kitty. What the hell is she doing here?

  Some of my classmates giggle when she peeks in for a third time. My teacher follows their gaze. Kitty gasps and vanishes.

  “Does that child belong to anyone?” he asks.

  I just sit there, my jaw practically sweeping the floor, my thoughts a jumbled mess. What the…why the…???

  My hand shoots in the air. “That’s my sister.”

  “Please take care of it,” he says.

  I scramble to my feet, shove all my stuff into my backpack, and bolt out of the room.

  Kitty’s back is pressed against the wall. She throws herself at me. “I’ve missed you so much!”

  I cling to her, lifting her a few inches off the floor. Then I lower her and search her face. “What are you doing here? Where’s Mom and Dad?”

  “Back in New York.”

  “Back home? Kitty…”

  She folds her arms over her chest. “I didn’t want to go to the callback. I wanted to come visit you. But my agent pressured Mom and she pressured me, and guess what? I didn’t book.”

  “I’m sorry. There’ll be other auditions.”

  “Not the point! I don’t care about the stupid audition. I miss you.”

  I take her in my arms. “I miss you, too.”

  “It sucks with you not home!” She sobs on my shoulder. “When are you gonna come back?”

  I put my hands on her shoulders. “Do Mom and Dad know you’re here?”

  She shrugs.


  “Fine. They don’t.”

  “How could you just leave without telling them?” I take her hand, leading her to the exit. “How did you even get here?”

  “By something called the train?”

  “You took it all by yourself?”

  “I’m not seven years old, you know.”

  I bring her out of the building and to the backyard, where there are a few picnic tables. Reaching for my cell phone, I say, “I’m calling Mom. She’s probably worried sick about you. Or maybe she doesn’t even know yet. Kitty, did you just leave in middle of school?”

  She grabs my arm. “No, don’t call Mom!”

  “I have to.”

  “But she’ll come get me! I don’t want to go back home. I want to stay here with you.”

  “You can’t—”

  “Yes, I can. I already completed all my assignments for the next two weeks and I’m not in a show. And I can use a break! If Maggie sends me on one more audition, I’ll tear out her hair with my bare hands.”

  “I thought you like auditioning,” I say.

  “Yeah, when my big sister lived in my house.”

  I lean against the wall of the school with a huff. I didn’t think my leaving would affect her this much.

  “How are you so ahead with your assignments?” I ask.

  “I wasn’t sure how long my run with School of Rock would be, so my teacher sent me all my work a few weeks in advance. School’s been soooo boring because I already learned most of everything.”

  I push some dark waves out my eyes. “Kitty, it isn’t cool what you did. You can’t just hop on a train and go wherever you want.”

  “Why not? It’s a free country.”

  “But you could have…”

  “What? Gotten lost? Please, I know my way around.”

  “There are some bad people in the world. You have to be more careful.”

  She folds her arms over her chest. “I can handle myself.”

  I press my phone against my chin. “I still have to tell Mom and Dad.”

  She groans and slinks down to the ground. “Fine. But they can’t make me go home.”

  I lower myself next to her and dial my mom. “Hey, Kara. How are you? Shouldn’t you be in class?
” Her voice rises in pitch. “Did something happen?”

  “I’m fine,” I assure her. “I’m just wondering…do you know where your daughter is right now?”

  “Kitty? Isn’t she at school?”

  “Nope. She’s sitting right next to me.”

  Kitty folds her arms, scowling at her sneakers.

  “What?” Mom’s voice is a little frantic. “What do you mean she’s sitting next to you?”

  “She hopped on a train and rode over here.”

  “She…what? Please put her on the phone.”

  I hold out my phone to Kitty. With a grumble, she snatches it and says, “I’m not going home and you can’t make me….No, Mom, nothing happened at school. I’m bored out of my damn mind.”

  “Language!” I hear her say.

  “And I miss Kara,” she sobs. “It’s not fair that she’s all the way here and I’m there. And I’m so sick of going on all those auditions. I bombed it on purpose.”

  “What?” I say. “Why would you do that?”

  “Because if I get the job, I’ll have to move to California. I don’t want to move out there and be separated from you.” She presses her ear back to the phone. “I just don’t like us not being together, Mom. We’re a family, aren’t we? Families are supposed to be together. It’s like Kara is divorced from us…I know that’s how it is in our line of work, but it’s not fair!”

  My head rolls back against the wall. What a mess. Kitty’s never been so clingy before. Then again, this was her first Broadway show. I guess it took more of a toll on her than any of us realized.

  “No, don’t come get me,” she says. “I’m not leaving! I’ll tie myself to the banister and call CPS and tell them you’re abusing me.”

  “Katelyn,” Mom warns.

  “Give me the phone,” I say.

  She slams it into my hand. I get up from the ground and move away from Kitty. “Mom, maybe she should stay here for a while.”

  “You can’t be serious, Kara. A child can’t just hop on a train whenever she feels like it and go for a joy ride.”

  “Maybe we shouldn’t have kept her in the dark about…the stuff. Maybe she would be more careful. But that’s not the point. Mom, I think she’s been stressed the past few weeks. She likes to act tough and brave, but a first show is never easy. I didn’t realize how much support I gave her.”


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