Skyville Boys

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Skyville Boys Page 22

by Mia Belle

  “Okay cue music.” She points to Carter, and he starts playing the intro. “Cue Mrs. Potts.” She clears her throat and starts to sing.

  Ezra and I move to the center of the room. I curtsy. He takes a bow. Then he storms right up to me and wraps an arm around my waist, his touch scorching.

  I step back and giggle. “Belle is supposed to guide the Beast’s hands.”


  We bow and curtsy again as Kitty picks up from where she left off. Ezra’s eyes bore into me as I move closer to him and gently take his hand, slowly guiding it to my waist. Once again, it burns there. Ezra’s breath kicks up a notch. I rest my hand on his shoulder and take his other hand in mine.

  “Good!” Kitty says. “That’s totally romantic.”

  We twirl around the room. I stare down at Ezra’s legs, watching them move correctly, never stepping on my toes. I flash him a grin. “I’m impressed.”

  His whole face changes when he returns the small smile. It’s like a rainbow spread over his features. It stirs something deep in my chest.

  Our eyes don’t leave each other’s as we move around the room, not paying attention when I accidentally knock into the coffee table or when Ezra’s arm brushes up against Carter, who is perched on the couch’s armrest. Things have shifted between us ever since he opened his heart to me and I bared my soul to him. He’s opened the door to the mountain of emotions buried in his eyes. Loss, pain, betrayal, and then hope.

  “Ezra,” I whisper, my gaze falling to his lips.

  His breath catches in his throat. His eyes dart to my lips, and I can see the heavy desire in them. He leans a little closer, his breathing even heavier.

  “Oh my gosh, this is awesome!”

  We both blink. Ezra pulls away.

  I clear my throat. “You’re doing great. Maybe you don’t need the dance lessons after all.”

  He looks away.

  “I’m sorry,” I say. “I shouldn’t have offered to pay for them.”

  “It’s okay,” he says. “You were just trying to help.”

  He raises his arm and twirls me.

  “Awesome!” Kitty says. “Then a dip at the end of the song.”

  Ezra’s skill has magnified by a hundred. He holds me carefully in his arms and dips me. His face is so close I can feel his warm breath on my cheek. My eyes flutter shut, every cell in my body yearning to feel his soft lips on mine.

  But then he pulls me up and the fantasy is gone.

  Kitty fans herself with both hands. “Oh my gosh. That was so hot!”

  Ezra’s hands are still on me, his breathing just as heavy, his body trembling slightly. Heat pools around me, and all I want to do is lock my arms around his neck and press my lips to his.

  “Have you guys kissed yet?” Kitty asks. “Or are you saving that for the performance? Because it looks like all you want to do is kiss.”

  Ezra and I break apart, going to opposite sides of the room.

  “I think Miss Lewis wants to save it for the performance,” Jax says. “Spontaneity and all that.” I note the dejected tone in his voice as his gaze flicks between the two of us.

  “So fun!” Kitty says. “What next?”

  We rehearse a few more scenes, and then the guys heat up the leftover Chinese food. My eyes carefully make their way to Ezra. I can’t read the expression on his face.

  He lifts his eyes to mine. I quickly look away.

  “I think it’ll be so cool to play Young Elsa,” Kitty says as she steals some rice from Jax’s plate. “Lil Sis following Big Sis’s footsteps. Then Kara will play Elsa when she’s older and I’ll follow suit, and then she’ll pay Elphaba and then I’ll play Elphaba. And then I’ll die a satisfied woman.”

  “Nice goals,” Carter says.

  “And Jax will play Fiyero with me, right, Jax?” I say.

  His face lights up. “That would be a dream come true.”

  “Really?” Kitty asks. “Your dream role is Fiyero?”

  “Because he’s in love with Elphaba,” Carter teases.

  “Everyone’s in love with Elphaba.”

  “Sorry,” I say with a laugh. “We’re a little obsessed with the musical.”

  “What about you?” Kitty points her fork at Ezra. “Who do you want to be? I totally see you as Jean Valjean. Or maybe the Phantom in Phantom of the Opera?”

  He shrugs.

  “I would totally play Christine, but I don’t think I can reach the notes. Remember when I was obsessed with it, Kara?”

  “More than Wicked?” Jax says with a laugh.

  “Never!” She pokes Carter with her fork. “So am I gonna see you one day in the orchestra pit?”

  “That’s the dream,” Carter says, though I see the doubt and loss of hope in his eyes. I wonder if it’s because he thinks he’s not good enough or because of his family situation.

  “We’re gonna be so cool when we’re older.” Kitty sighs contently, falling back in her chair.

  I love how hopeful and positive she is. Maybe I’ll get to that point one day. Maybe when the police finally catch the stalker and I can live my life again. And hopefully one day, Ezra’s parents will accept the path he wants to embark on and Carter’s family will catch a break. Maybe our dreams will come true one day.

  Chapter Forty-Three


  “Did I mention your sister is adorable?” I say to Kara as we stretch in Studio B. “I’ve always wanted a little brother or sister. She’s like your best friend.”

  “She is,” she agrees. “It’s been hard for her these past few weeks. Sometimes I forget what impact I have on her life.”

  “My kids are here. I think—” My mouth snaps shut when Ezra strolls into the room, looking around nervously. “Ezra?” I ask. He’s dressed in dance clothes.

  He shovels a nervous hand through his hair. “Am I in the wrong room? I need the beginner’s class.”

  “That’s studio C. Dude, you’re taking dance lessons here?”

  Ezra turns to Kara. “I’m sorry for the way I reacted when you offered to pay. I guess I felt pathetic. But I see now that there’s nothing pathetic about it. I want to make my dreams come true. And I can accept help along the way.”

  Kara’s smile is so bright it practically lights up the entire room.

  “But I’ll pay you back,” he insists.

  “That’s fine.” She takes his hands. “I’m so happy you agreed to do this.”

  I turn my back on them and head over to Studio A, where my little students are running around in their tutus. I try to block out the image of Kara and Ezra standing so close together. Of the way they gazed into each other’s eyes, like they were sucked in to each other’s souls. I also try to blot out the images of yesterday when they danced together. I felt the electricity sizzle between them. It made my stomach twist in the most painful way. Kind of like it’s twisting right now.

  Ezra likes Kara—he admitted that to me. But now I see that Kara likes him, too. A lot. I know she likes me as well, but she doesn’t look at me the way she looks at Ezra.

  Polyamorous relationship. Her sister said it was a possibility. I don’t know why I cling onto the fantasy. Because that’s what it is—a fantasy.

  I love Ezra. I love Kara. If they want to be together, I’ve got to let go.

  When my class is over, I meet Kara in Studio B, where she’s chugging down her water bottle, her cheeks flushed from her dance lesson, her damp hair sticking to her cheek. My hands itch to pluck the strand off her cheek. To stroke her beautiful skin. I fist my hand.

  She sees me and smiles. “Hey. How was your lesson? Mine was insane, if you can’t already tell.” She gestures to her body and laughs.

  I force a laugh, my heart still hurting. “Where’s Ezra?”

  She peers over her shoulder. “Not sure. I told him to meet me here after his lesson.”

  As if on cue, Ezra saunters into the room.

  “Hey, how did it go?” Kara asks, handing him her water bottle.

bsp; “Thanks.” He chugs all of it in one gulp.

  “I’m guessing it was intense,” she says with a laugh.

  “I’ll be sore for days.” He squeezes the water bottle, desperate for another drop. I dig mine out of my bag and hand it to him. “Thanks.” He guzzles all of it down it one gulp, too.

  “Any plans?” I ask. Maybe they have a date?

  Ezra shrugs.

  “Ugh, it’s not today is it?” Kara groans.

  “What?” I ask.

  She rummages in her bag and produces her phone. After quickly searching online, she groans again. “I don’t know if I should be excited or embarrassed.”

  “I don’t understand,” Ezra says.

  “You know the TV show Star Journey?” she asks.

  “Hell yeah. One my favorites,” I say.

  “Never heard of it,” Ezra says.

  “Do you even watch TV?” I tease.

  He shrugs.

  “What about it?” I ask.

  “My episode is premiering tonight.” Her voice is a mix of pride, horror, and thrill.

  I nearly jump out of my legs. “Right! How could I forget? I’ve been waiting for the episode to air for months.”

  “Still confused,” Ezra complains.

  “Kara guest starred on an episode of Star Journey,” I explain. “Shit, you’ve just made my day.”

  She laughs, this too a mix of embarrassment and pride.

  “Viewing party at my house?” I offer.

  Kara covers her face and moans. “I’ll die of embarrassment.” She lowers her hands. “Fine. Your house.”

  My lips pull in a grin. “Cool. I’ll text Carter. Hopefully he’s not working tonight.”


  I never imagined Kara Starr would actually grace my house with her presence. She arrived before the others and is currently checking out the posters in my room. I have like ten of them, all Broadway musicals.

  She presses a kiss to the Wicked one, then laughs at my baffled expression. “It’s a tradition my sister and I started. For good luck.”

  “Gotchya.” I join her and kiss it, too, eliciting a laugh from her.

  “It’s a cool room,” she says as she flops down on my bed. “I really like it.”

  I lower myself next to her, my bed so bouncy that my arm brushes hers. An electric current travels down my arm. I wonder if she felt it, too. Unless she only feels that way with Ezra.

  I snap my eyes shut and let out a breath. I don’t like where my thoughts are headed.

  “Miss Lewis said you’re revealing Belle’s gown tomorrow,” she says. “I can’t wait to see it.”

  “I can’t wait for you to try it on,” I say. “I know you’ll look beautiful.”


  I wish I could say something romantic to her, but the words are stuck in my throat. I don’t want to get in between her and Ezra. As much as I love her, I want her and Ezra to be happy.

  “Where are the others, anyway?” I say.

  She checks her phone. “Ezra said ten minutes ago that he was on his way. I haven’t heard from Carter.”

  Just then, the doorbell rings. Kara and I make our way downstairs, where I open the door to reveal Ezra and Carter. Carter swings an arm around Kara’s shoulder. “There’s our famous TV star.”

  She laughs, removing herself from his hold. “My friend Abbey’s the TV star, not me.”

  We make ourselves comfortable in the living room before the TV just as Mom walks in with snacks and drinks.

  “Thanks, Mrs. Miller.” Ezra and Carter take the food from her.

  “No problem. Kara, hello. So happy to see you here.”

  “Hi, Mrs. Miller.”’

  “Do you guys know how talented this young woman is? She’ll soon be too advanced for my advanced class.”

  Kara’s face gets tomato red. “Thanks.”

  Mom winks at me before walking out. My chest puffs with a sigh. I think I’ve lost my shot with her.

  “I need a summary of the show,” Carter says. “I’ve seen commercials about it, but I don’t really have time to watch TV.”

  “I need a summary, too,” Ezra says.

  Kara and I spend the next few minutes giving them the rundown. They look intrigued by the show, and I can’t help but notice the glimmer in Ezra’s eyes as he listens to Kara gush about the show. I force myself to push my feelings aside.

  “It’s starting,” Kara says, cringing a little. “Don’t mind me if I flee from embarrassment.”

  “I’m sure you were great,” Ezra says, a real full smile on his face.

  The episode starts off with the crew of the USS Journey celebrating the captain’s birthday—the captain played by Kara’s best friend, Abbey. She plays the role so well. Then as they’re about to slice the cake, the ship experiences engine failure and crashes on an unknown planet. As the episode continues, the crew learns the planet is desolate. Except for one inhabitant.

  “Oh, god,” Kara breathes. “Here it comes.”

  An alien with dark blue skin, ridges on her nose, and bunny ears appears on the screen. My heart beats so loudly in my ears it sounds like a washing machine. Kara…she looks stunning. She’s wearing a pretty red and black fitted dress that reaches mid-thigh, showing off her beautiful legs. The dark blue skin looks really good on her. She’s like an alien goddess.

  “Holy shit,” Carter murmurs, his ears pink. Ezra looks flabbergasted, too.

  “You’re beautiful,” I say.

  Her face grows as red as a cherry. “Thanks.”

  Kara’s acting is superb. Her name is Aldelixa, the only survivor of this planet, and she’s desperately looking for a way out. She’s been living in solitude for over two years. She, like the rest of the characters, is a teenager. And as the story progresses, she gets close to the first officer.

  She’s very hesitant at first, since she hasn’t seen another person in quite a while. It doesn’t take long before the first officer and Aldelixa share a kiss. A strange feeling brews in my stomach.

  Damn, the kiss is pretty hot. We all stare at the screen, entrapped by how intense the make out session is. I can even feel the heat in the room.

  And then there’s a commercial break.

  Carter sits back in his recliner with a huff. “That was…”

  “Hot,” I say.

  Kara covers her mouth. “They said it was pretty steamy. Ugh.”

  “Guys will be fantasizing about this for months,” Carter says with a laugh.

  Darkness seeps onto Kara’s face.

  Carter’s face changes. “Oh god. Kara. I’m sorry. I forgot.” He gets up and squeezes himself between Kara and me, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

  “It’s okay. The episode was filmed months before the second stalker started messing with me.” She shakes her head. “I don’t want to think about it. I want to cling onto the good memories.”

  Carter presses a quick kiss to her cheek before settling back in his chair. Once again, I fight the jealousy cooking my limbs.

  The show is back. The first officer begs Aldelixa to stay onboard Journey, but Aldelixa insists she try to search for survivors. It’s revealed in the last few minutes that she can only be intimate with someone from her own species. The most she can do with anyone else is kiss. The episode ends with the first officer escorting her onto a shuttlecraft.

  “Amazing.” Carter leans back with a satisfied smile. “I love the show. And you were awesome, Kara.”

  “Thanks. It was a lot of fun filming the episode.”

  “And you, uh…” I cough. “Did a lot of kissing, huh?” I laugh lightly. That jealous feeling brews again. Is it possible she developed feelings for her costar?

  Kara’s laugh is embarrassed. “I did.”

  A strange expression conquers Ezra’s face. Looks like jealousy, too.

  “Will they ask you back?” Carter asks. “Kind of feels like their story hasn’t concluded.”

  “I don’t know. The producers might want to hear the
fans’ feedback first.”

  “Oh, they for sure love you,” Carter says. “You were perfect for the role.”

  “Thanks.” Kara’s eyes search mine, a look of confusion, and maybe betrayal, poking her face. “Did you like it, Jax?”

  “I’m kind of jealous that he got to kiss you,” I say, rubbing the back of my neck with another light laugh.

  Kara’s mouth widens a little.

  “Me, too,” Carter admits.

  Ezra just watches her with an intense gaze.

  Kara glances at the clock on the wall. “I really should be heading home.” She stands on wobbly legs, brushing a shaky hand through her hair. “Carter, Ezra, need a lift? I’m sure James won’t mind.”

  “Sure.” Carter stands. “Can I take a few cookies home, Jax?”

  “Yeah. I’ll get some more from the kitchen.”

  I pack away a few cookies in a container plus some leftovers from tonight’s dinner. I know Carter’s family is still struggling with food. I also pack a few cookies for Ezra.

  I walk them to the door and wish them good night. Then I go back inside and rewatch the episode from the beginning, wishing things were a little different and the stars aligned in my favor.

  Chapter Forty-Four


  Jax still has the gown hidden inside a dark garment bag. Most of the other actors have already gotten their costumes, and I’ve already tried on and got fitted for the blue dress and the other outfits Belle wears.

  “Come.” Jax leads me toward the back of the room, away from everyone else who are getting fitted for their costumes.

  “I want you to make a grand entrance,” he says, his cheeks flushed with exhilaration. It’s obvious how proud he is of his work. “And…” He reaches toward one of the shelves and plucks something off. “I want you to wear this, too.” He hands me a beautiful brown wig styled in an elegant do.

  I gape at it. “That looks so professional.”

  “Thanks. Took me a while, but I found someone willing to do it for free. You know, to support young talent and the arts.”

  “Thanks. I’m so excited.”

  “Okay. No one will bother you here.” He pulls aside a curtain that leads to a tiny fitting room. “Call me if you have any problems.”


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