Bloody Crucible- Lone Wolf

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Bloody Crucible- Lone Wolf Page 2

by E C Chii

  A window on their neuro-visual interfaces saying.


  Looking at the digital display Wolf saw that it was 1143z. All three knew priority one missions were only the most critical and time sensitive. They started hurrying to get their gear prepared. As it was highly likely that they would be sent somewhere on short notice.

  At 1318, Wolf’s team laid in their SYNCJACKs logging into the VRCC. When he came to he was inside the observation room of the Command Center. Seeing the real-time coordination of operations worldwide was a symphony of ordered chaos. This scene had always impressed him at the ingenuity and resilience of those from his homeland. Walking to the left he entered the briefing room and stood shocked at the sight of every GSG, SEAL team, Green Beret, US Army Rangers and even some Paratroopers from the 82nd and 101st. Lastly, he saw the US Air Force Special Flight Commander.

  Regaining his composure Wolf thought ‘What the hell is going on?’ as he sat next to Raven and Pierce.

  The door closes next to the podium opened with someone shouting, “West Coast Defense Commander!”

  All present stood from their seats at the position of attention with their eyes following a 4-star general walking in with an older Asian woman. General Thomas P. High was commander of all forces on the west coast. In a deep baritone voice, he said, “Good everyone is here. Be seated, we will begin.”

  Once everyone was seated he continued. “Today’s briefing is classified. One hour ago, at 0130, Beijing Standard time a new weapon was used against the US Navy moving into a blocking position. The mission in the Senkaku Islands was to extract this young woman, Dr. Yui Kirishima. With her information, we were lucky enough to space out the Navy limiting the damage done when it was used. While the damage was limited the Navy will be marginally effective for the upcoming invasion. Dr. Yui arrived at the US Base in Guam a few hours ago with information on where this weapon is located. This new weapon is the 22nd century Atomic Bomb, the changes this weapon will bring are like that of the A-bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.” Dr. Kirishima grimaced at the comment.

  “Dr. Yui will now brief you on some of the specifics and reason this mission will be of the utmost importance. Dr. Yui, the floor is yours.” General High said walking to a nearby seat

  Dr. Yui approached the podium and spoke with a thick Japanese accent. “I am a Japanese physicist who was being…forced to work for the Chinese Government or be sold as a sex slave. For the past 8 years they have had me, and many others work on multiple projects. The most recent has been the Gravimetric Anomaly Generator. This device creates an event horizon at a specific point.” Seeing the blank stares of those in the audience she sighed.

  “Think of it as a black hole generator if that helps. This device is dangerous in its untested state, if used at a high enough power output the probability of a reality warping chain reaction is high.” Dr. Yui continued.

  Peirce asked, “Couldn’t we just bomb it into hell and back?”

  “No, that would be ill advised. There is a massive fission reactor directly below the device to power it. If that reactor melts down half the world will become irradiated. Additionally, the device if destroyed with a charge would have an equally devastating effect.” Dr. Yui replied

  “So, what your saying is that we can’t bomb it, and we can’t blow it up. What can we do? I don’t see many options.” the SEAL commander said

  General High spoke up, “That’s why all you gentlemen are here. The power on the device must be used up, otherwise the results could be unpredictable if fully charged and blown. We need you to get into there to drain it of power then used controlled detonations to destroy it.” a sadistic grin came across the General’s face. “I’m told we already have a tentative plan involving the TRFs, the SEAL teams, Green Berets, MARSOC, including the Rangers and Paratroopers. The TRFs are going to be dropped all over China with a mission to destroy, disrupt, and sow as much chaos as possible. SEAL teams, minus team 9 will be going to Beijing to destroy as much of their political and military infrastructure.”

  Continuing, he said, “SEAL Team 9 will be going after the primary target outside of Chengdu to destroy the weapon. Raven since this is a secret facility they will have a quick reaction force. Your team even though undermanned will be to delay the enemy for as long as possible. This facility is hidden inside a nice and thick forest that I am sure you will turn into a nightmare. I am authorizing the use of all available for this mission’s success.”

  After a few minutes of excited murmuring, the General called for silence. A virtual dossier appeared before every person in the room. “The dossier in front of you will display your specific targets, and missions. We have the go-ahead for Operation…” the General’s voice trailed.

  His face reddened as snickers and muffled laughs filled the room. A few moments later he shouted, “WHO THE HELL OKAYED THIS THING TO BE CALLED OPERATION DONKEY PUNCH!”

  Silence engulfed the room before someone failed to muffle a laugh. The General scowling looking for the perpetrator, when another laughed. Soon it spread and the whole room was unable to hold back. The tension relaxed in the room, when the laughter died down everyone had a serious look on their face. The general continued to seethe but forced himself to continue the briefing.

  Raven spoke up after looking over the Operations Order, “Sir, the plans say that my team will be assisting the SEAL team in taking and destroying objective alpha facility. Wouldn’t we be better suited in hitting Guangzhou or Shenyang?”

  “Good question Capitan, we are sending you with the SEAL team for two reasons. The SO-96 Nighthawk is only equipped to a maximum of seven troops. With your…reduced numbers, your team is ideal to operate as back up.”

  Raven winced at the comment as the General continued, “Additionally the terrain is favorable to your unit’s tactics and fighting style. When you destroy the bridge, you will limit them to traveling through the dense forest on foot until they can create a temporary bridge for their armored vehicles. You won’t be doing anything that you are not trained for. Delay, destroy, and degrade the enemy at every step, make them pay dearly for every inch and give the SEALs time to do their job. We do not know what the garrison of the facility looks like nor what their automated defenses look like, so you will be the backup plan. The other teams will be hitting strategic points all throughout Chinese territory.

  We are targeting infrastructure, harbors, shipyards, power plants, manufacturing centers, and any other target of opportunity that they may find. The GSGs will be primarily deployed to the major population centers and call in sub-orbital bombardment in this case SOB, to destroy key points in their population centers. The Green Berets will be sent to clear out any major threats to the Tibetan uprising and moving on to High Value Target or HVT hunting, the SEAL teams will be on capture/kill missions for various HVTs and any targets of opportunity. The MARSOC Marines will be spearheading the search for other secret or secure facilities and dropping sub-orbital munitions on their heads. The Rangers will be targeting all major troop commands for Sub-orbital bombardment. Finally, that brings us to the Paratroopers, you will be leading the charge with our Tibetan separatists. I don’t care how crazy or dangerous their ideology is. If they are willing to fight, then I will be their ally.” The general said taking a deep and long breath.

  A marine raised his hand, “Sir what are and what guidelines will you set for using the SOBs?”

  “Good question Marine, no. there are no guidelines nor ROE for this is total war. We need to stop that machine from being used or we may very well be forced into surrender. As for what the SOB is, the sub-orbital bombardment is a new tool that has not been tested yet, so we are unsure if it will work the way we think. It needs a stationary target to work so we can’t use it on their invasion fleet which we code named ‘Legion’. I hope that answers your question.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  For the next three hours, the
group hashed out a viable plan. Drop zones, primary, secondary, and tertiary targets, and possible targets of opportunity. They would all be riding in a modern variation of the SR-71 Blackbird, the SO-96 Nighthawk leaving in 2 days. At the end, everyone logged out to begin preparations to meet at Cape Canaveral.

  Peirce was first to get up from the chair and walked to the locker room fridge. Opening it he tossed a beer to Wolf and Raven. Taking a pull from his own beer and with a knowing smile, he said “That operation name was a bit surprising, I wish I could just shake the creators hand for a job well done.”

  “I know right.” Wolf laughed

  Taking a deep draw from his beer, Raven said, “Yeah, someone is gonna catch hell for that.”

  “You guys down to play for a few hours? Blue Tide wanted to raid the Mausoleum.” Pierce asked after draining his beer.

  Shrugging Wolf said, “Why not we already have everything prepped anyways. Let’s see if they are up for a city raid after.”

  “Sounds good. Let’s go to Mithras Hall. I still need to kill the King for the King Slayer achievement.” Raven said excitedly

  Wolf and Peirce couldn’t help but think, ‘I’ve never seen someone so deadly get so excited about killing virtual people.’

  Peirce thought for a second before saying, “If we are going there. Let’s troll the shit out of the other faction.”

  Sinister smiles crept up on Raven and Wolf’s faces as they laid back into the SYNCJACK chairs. After clearing the Mausoleum and killing the King of Mithras, they camped out in the middle of the faction capital killing players, and NPCs alike for the next several hours.


  The plane carrying TRFs and SEALs took off from Cape Canaveral a few days later. Fifteen SO-96 Nighthawks ascended into the stratosphere. Wolf and crew had just finished recovering from a long night of drinking two days ago. The tension in the aircraft was palpable, pre-battle nerves effected even the most battle hardened of soldiers.

  Wolf’s nerves were starting to get the better of him. He grinned, “Hey Peirce, how was that girl from Frisco? She was a pretty big girl.”

  “Dude! I’m never drinking with you again. I can’t believe you let me take that mammoth home. I was so drunk I couldn’t remember how it happened. Then BAM! I wake up next to Jaba-the-Slut.” Peirce lamented.

  “Whoa! You are the one who took that big girl home. It’s not his fault that you jumped on the grenade voluntarily.” Raven said inciting laughter from everyone

  “What about you Wolf? You still with that Maria girl?” Peirce asked trying to change the subject.

  “Nah, we broke up a few weeks ago. She found out that I slept with her sister before we went to Indonesia… It’s better this way, shit was falling apart long before that. Her sister was just the final straw. Besides, the Hispanic women are fucking crazy, don’t think I really had feelings for her and was just lusting after her body.” Wolf said with a shrug. He meant what he said too, Wolf had always had issues connecting with people to form emotional bonds. The only exception was for family and his brothers in arms.

  One of the Hispanic SEALs perked up at the conversation, “You slept with your Hispanic girl’s sister? Dam that’s ballsy, she shank you?”

  “Yeah, not one of my best moments. When she found out she tried to cut my junk off with a razor blade in her mouth.” Wolf replied. Wolf again felt like there were eyes watching him, he squirmed in his seat a bit, believing it to be the pre-battle jitters that he had been getting over the past few months. When he finally settled he looked over to the SEAL, “Say again.”

  The SEAL laughed, “She Puerto Rican?”

  “Yep, previous was Columbian and tried to do the same thing when I tried to break up with her, bitch was fucking crazy. Another was Mexican, and she tried to shoot my ass.”

  The whole group laughed at his comment as the Hispanic SEAL said, “Man, I think you need to lay off the Latinas. They don’t seem to agree with you.”

  “Think your right, can’t seem to trust them to not attack me for one reason or another.”

  “To be fair Wolf, you do got trust issues. If you wouldn’t sleep with their family, all the dam time you wouldn’t have that problem. We think he didn’t get enough hugs when he was younger.” Peirce laughing until Wolf glared at him

  After that a silence fell on the group as the aircraft bumped and bobbed through the stratosphere heading to their rendezvous with destiny.

  Chapter 3 – Murphy the final frontier

  “Hey Raven, you think they will let us keep these?” Wolf asked referencing the new Lightweight Exo-Armor they all wore.

  “Don’t know, but I hope so. These things are fucking sick. I’m just worried that they will break too easily on us and cause problems. What did you bring extra by the way?” Raven asked not out of curiosity but, so he could get a mental idea of their resources for the coming battle

  “I grabbed enough bricks of that binary C6 to level half of Beijing, all the molecular sharpened knives, and t-hawks I could get my grubby little hands on. So, I’m sitting at a lovely 27 knives, 3 t-hawks, and my molecular uchigatana. I also grabbed twelve scout drones, twenty seeker anti-armor drones, and one of those 50 Cal pistols with ammo you seemed to like. Gonna try one out myself this mission. If it does well, I’ll replace my 45.” Wolf confirmed.

  As soon as Wolf finished the lights in the aircraft went dark, the pilot spoke over the internal comms, “All right boys and girls we are a go for mission in 30 seconds. Please place your tray tables in the upright and locked position. Proceed to the rear exit in an orderly fashion this is where you get off. Thank you for flying Donkey Punch Airlines.” Everyone erupted in a laugh as they sealed their suits to vent the air. The Soldiers stared out of the aircraft seeing the beautiful blue marble that was their planet and the curvature where the atmosphere turned into open space. A moment later the pilot gave them the greenlight to jump.

  Wolf was exiting when slipped on a piece of ice that had formed on the ramp. He started to spin causing him to become disoriented, until Raven helped him right himself. The mission just started, and Murphy had already reared his head.

  “Raven, this is Starlight Actual. We are currently seeing activity at primary insertion point.

  Diverting to secondary now. How copy? Over.” radioed the SEAL team commander

  Raven replied, “Starlight Actual, we copy the same. Seems like they saw some of our presents being delivered. I am also reading multiple SAM sites spinning up to hit the Nighthawks. We are diverting to land near objective tango. Over”

  “Copy that Raven. Ugh, I hate tree landing. Better you than me, FYI we go radio silent in 5 mikes, as soon as we hit that point we will be launching the jammers and decoys. See you at exfil. Starlight out.” the SEAL finished

  Once they hit the tree tops it was a flurry of activity to extricate themselves from the parachutes. On the ground Wolf launched several of the scout drones. Immediately, his sensors were detecting multiple mines and traps littered through the forest. ‘Shit’ Wolf cursed to himself.

  “Raven, this is Wolf. It seems like Murphy still got us. Sensors are showing this place is mined to hell and back. Doesn’t look like we can go about this too quiet. Want to link up our TACCOMs?” Wolf asked of the radio

  “Wolf, this is Raven. I agree let’s link up our TACCOMs to get out of here. We will need to move fast as soon as we get out for us to make the timetable. Setting up a low band network link in. Over.” Raven instructed over the radio

  “Wilco, Pierce out.” Pierce said

  “Roger, Wolf out.” Wolf replied

  2 hours later – Outside Objective Delta 4 kilometers from the weapon facility

  The TRFs made their way over a bridge leading to the weapons facility and setting C6 binary explosives to demolish it when the time was right. Once the SEALs started their assault they would detonate the charges bringing the bridge down with as many Chinese Soldiers on it as possible.
Then they would conduct a fighting retreat through the forest enticing them to chase them through the many traps, pre-prepared auto-turrets, and ambush sites the TRF’s set up in the confines of the forest. They set up this forest to be a forest of death for any Chinese Soldier who entered. Here rifles would be effectively useless due to the limited visibility and excellent for the TRFs who specialize in close combat. The few Chinese patrols they encountered were silenced with brutal efficiency clearing the way for the pending hell they would raise.

  Raven sent the ‘ready’ pulse from his TACCOM to the SEALs indicating they were ready. Shortly after the first sounds of combat could be heard from the facility. The radio chimed


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