Forever Finn

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Forever Finn Page 9

by Delta James

  They entered the conference room, and Croft held out a chair for her. Finn took some comfort in the fact that he sat down next to her and made no attempt to hide the fact that they were an item. He covered her hand that she rested on the table with his own and gave it a gentle but reassuring squeeze.

  The tall, dark-haired man at the end of the table cocked an eyebrow at Croft but directed his first comments to her. “Ms. Reid. You lied to us. In most circumstances, that means this firm would fire you as a client and refer you to someone not nearly as skilled to deal with your problem. Billy there assures me that it was simply concern for your brother and won’t happen again. I’d like your word on that.”

  Finn felt like a small schoolgirl being dressed down by the principal. His authoritarian voice was softened by kind concern.

  “You have it. And I’d like to apologize to all of you for not being forthcoming from the get-go. I will not make that mistake again.”

  John nodded. The next two hours were spent going over everything Finn knew about her brother’s disappearance and his life. They repeated requests for information in questions designed to confirm the veracity of her statements as well as to elicit everything she knew about what had led them to this point.

  The meeting was interrupted when the phone rang and it was Fariq Abdal.

  “Croft?” asked a cultured voice.

  “I’m here, Fariq, and I have Ms. Reid with me.”

  “Ah, Ms. Reid. I’m sorry we didn’t have the opportunity to meet. Your brother has been most anxious about your safety. He would like to speak with you.”

  Finn could hear him passing the phone.

  “Finn? Are you there? Are you all right?”

  Finn burst into tears at the sound of her brother’s voice. “I’m here, Christian. I’m fine. We’re coming for you tomorrow. Are you okay?”

  “God, Finn, I never meant for you to be involved.”

  “It’s okay. I’m safe, and you will be.”

  The sound of the phone being taken away was just as clear.

  “Now that you and your brother have each confirmed the safety of the other, I would ask that you allow the professionals to conclude this business without further interference,” said Abdal.

  Finn started to retort but was silenced by Croft shaking his head and holding his finger to his lips. He reached for the phone and, reluctantly, she handed it over.

  “Assure Christian his sister is safe, and we will see you all tomorrow.”

  “I will do that, Croft. Until three at the Four Seasons.”

  The line went dead.

  John Hampton cleared his throat. “I guess the only thing now is to decide whether or not we want to agree to Abdal’s condition of having Finn at the meeting.” He held up his hand to ward off Croft’s protests. “Don’t think for a minute I am unsympathetic to your personal concerns. If the situation were reversed and it was my Mandy, I’d feel precisely the same way. My first question is to Finn. How do you feel about being there?”

  “Her feelings on the issue aren’t any more important than Mandy’s would be in a similar situation,” grumbled Croft.

  Finn was surprised when John laughed. “Point taken.”

  “That’s not true,” snapped Finn. “I get where Croft is coming from. But this is my brother. And, unlike all of you, he has no basis or background in this kind of thing. He’s got to be terrified and maybe, by seeing me, he’ll feel reassured that everything is going to be all right and just go along, as opposed to questioning everything you tell him.” She softened her voice. “Croft can tell you I’m really not all that good at just doing as I’m told.” He snorted, which provoked grins from each of the other men. “Christian isn’t all that much better. But if he knows that I trust you and that you guys were confident enough to have brought me along, I think it will really help. I’m not stupid, and I know who Fariq Abdal is. But Croft tells me this is just business for him and, if he gets what he wants, then we can all walk away.”

  “She has a point, Croft,” said Thom Lynden — one of the members of the team.

  “I know she does,” acknowledged Croft none too happily.

  “I hate to say it,” said John, “but Thom is right, and so is Finn. Having her there may go a long way toward making this come off a lot easier than without her. That being said, as you pointed out, if it were Mandy, I wouldn’t allow it. Your call, Croft.”

  “It’s not his call,” cried Finn. “I’m an adult, and I make my own decisions.”

  Finn looked around the table and noted that not one of the men was looking at her. All eyes were focused on Croft.

  “I don’t like it one bit, but she knows her brother better than the rest of us and, if he’s anything like his little sister, it might make things go smoother. But” — he sat up and turned to Finn — “you will follow orders; you will not deviate from the plan; you will not do anything that in any way puts you at risk. Clear?”

  Finn wondered again when it had become natural just to do as he told her. More importantly, when had it become okay for him to make the dynamic in their budding relationship fairly obvious to anyone listening? She decided that it would serve no purpose to argue with him at this point and so merely nodded.

  “Then we have a plan. We’re to meet with Abdal at three o’clock at the Four Seasons,” said John. “Once we know the room is secure, Finn and Baez will join Christian. Taylor and I will be visible at the perimeter. Abdal and his man will leave Christian and join Croft at our table, where Croft will hand over the thumb drive. I think it’s safe to assume they’ll have two men circulating in the room as well as leave one with Finn’s brother. I’ve already secured the helipad at Circus Circus, not as close as I’d like, but closer than any other. Avery will be stationed there and be waiting. Thom and Adam will be coordinating and managing communications from here. I want us in place by one o’clock, that means we depart here by eleven-thirty tomorrow morning.”

  The men all nodded or acknowledged John’s instructions and began to file out of the room, Finn trailing out with them.

  “Croft? Hold up,” called John.

  Croft steered her back into the room. John looked them up and down. Finn felt a bit embarrassed and squeamish at his perusal but was impressed that Croft looked him unflinchingly in the eye.

  “You have more experience with Abdal than the rest of us put together. How certain are you that he’ll hold to the agreement?”

  “Certain enough that I’m letting Finn come along,” answered Croft.

  “He’s my brother,” muttered Finn.

  “And you’re my woman,” growled Croft.

  “That was fast,” John chuckled.

  Finn watched as a slow, sensual smile began to spread across Croft’s face. “As I recall the story, you laid claim to your Mandy pretty damn quick.”

  John nodded, smiling. “That I did. Baez will make sure nothing happens to Finn … well, nothing that you don’t mete out.” He turned to Finn. “As for you, I’d mind him if I were you.”

  “Seriously? Do you guys hear yourselves? What makes you think that once my brother is safe, he and I won’t just go back to our lives?”

  “I don’t know about your brother, but, if you run, that man standing next to you will come for you and, when he’s done with you, you won’t do it a second time,” assured John.

  Croft laughed. “And you can check with his Mandy about that.”

  John smiled. In spite of herself, Finn was really beginning to like Croft’s superior. “That you can. Or she can talk to Willa about the many uses of handcuffs.”

  Finn nodded. “I can see where handcuffing you jackasses might prove to be useful.”

  John shook his head. “You and Mac and your spitfires. I’m just grateful Mandy tends to like to keep out of trouble with me. You’ve got your hands full with this one, Croft.”

  Croft grinned and hugged her close. “But doesn’t Mac always say that the spitfires are the ones who are more fun to tame?”

; “He does. And you’re the same special kind of crazy he is. Finn?” John leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. “Welcome to the family and remember, family doesn’t lie to each other.”

  “We weren’t family when I didn’t tell you everything,” Finn said, oddly reassured by John’s words.

  John asked for a few minutes of privacy, and Finn left them in the conference room. As Croft joined her, she realized his body was far more relaxed than it had been since they entered the building. He took her hand and headed out into the blazing Arizona heat.

  “Everything okay?” asked Finn. “Did I get you in any trouble … you know, because of us?”

  “No, babe. John just wanted to caution me that as tempting as it might be to really get after you tonight, either over my knee or between your legs, that I probably wanted to wait until we have your brother back safe and sound to do so.”

  “Are you kidding me? Did he actually say that to you? Of course he did,” she said shaking her head. “So, I’m off the hook?” she asked hopefully.

  “Hardly,” he snorted. “But at least your backside is safe until then, and I won’t fuck you hard enough tonight to make you too sore — but that’s only if you settle down and behave.”

  “How gallant of you,” she snarked at him.

  He spun her around and pulled her into his arms, kissing her deeply. “Careful, Finn. John also made it clear that whether or not you’re at the meeting is entirely up to me. If I change my mind, you’ll stay behind where I can keep you safe.”

  “What makes you think I’d sit on the sidelines just because you told me to?”

  Croft laughed. “What makes you think you’d have a choice?” He kissed her again as he opened the door of her truck. “Hush, Finn. Let’s go home.”

  He helped her in before going around the front of the truck and slipping behind the wheel. They followed what appeared to be a well-worn track to an old dairy barn. Finn was surprised to see the nicely manicured and green lawn as well as extensive landscaping behind the picket fence. There was a water feature in the front yard, and she spied several species of koi. Croft stopped by the pond and lifted a rock, which was actually a container for fish food, and sprinkled it over the water.

  “They’re beautiful,” she said as the koi came toward the surface. Then she followed him up to the cottage-style Dutch door that served as the entrance into his house.

  If the tranquility and beauty of the exterior of his home had been a surprise, the interior was even more so. He had clad all of the walls in whitewashed shiplap. It was a completely open space with a large, sunny kitchen area at one end and an open staircase leading to what looked like a loft, storage area. Croft had several vertical pullouts from the stairs. The middle area was designed as living/dining space, and the other end had an enclosed bath and a large, comfortable bed. There were windows all the way around.

  “You were right. This is palatial compared to my place. But it’s really beautiful in a very casual way.”

  “What were you expecting?”

  “I wasn’t sure. You can tell a man lives here, but it’s almost like you created it to share with a woman.”

  “I did.”

  “Who was she?” Finn asked, afraid to hear the answer.

  “You,” he said simply. “I didn’t know your name or where you were, but I knew you were out there. I wanted you to be comfortable. Why don’t you strip down and hop into bed and try to get some rest? If you want, you can grab one of my T-shirts in the closet. I’ll get some paperwork they’re going to need from me done. I can arrange to have your things moved over here from the hotel while we’re gone tomorrow.”

  She trailed her finger down his spine. “All by myself in that great big bed? What if I’d rather do something other than rest?”

  He laughed and brought her fingers up to kiss them.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I plan to give you plenty of that later on, but I need to get this paperwork done.”

  “Maybe I’ll grab my camera and … wait, my camera is back in my hotel room.”

  “And you don’t need to be wandering around in this heat. Maybe, you’ll just go do what I tell you.”

  “You do not get to tell me what to do.”

  “Finn, I don’t want to argue. You’ve been under a lot of stress, and tomorrow isn’t going to be easy.”

  “I thought you said Abdal could be trusted …”

  “He can … as much as anyone in his line of work can, but still the exchange isn’t until three, and the waiting can be hell. Could you just trust that I know what I’m talking about?”

  “It isn’t that I don’t trust you or that I don’t think you know what you’re doing. But I’ve been in war zones, too …”

  “Yes, war zones, but not in war. Unless I’m wrong, your weapon has been your camera and you were kept clear from the majority of the most dangerous stuff. I was a SEAL. I was the dangerous stuff. Please, babe, for me. I won’t worry as much if I know you’re rested.”

  “I’ll go lie down, but only because I am kind of tired. But I’m not promising to go to sleep.”

  He leaned over and kissed her again, his lips lingering longer than they would have for a casual, dismissive kind of kiss. “Thank you.”

  “Actually, would you mind if I took a shower?”

  “Not at all. Towels are in there.”

  Finn walked over to the bed and took off her clothes before going into the bathroom. It was small but more than adequate. It was dominated by an enormous shower stall with several showerheads. Figuring out how to turn them all on and adjust them took a minute, but when she stepped in and closed the glass door, she sighed with contentment … it was worth it.

  Once she was clean and had washed her hair, she stepped out and smiled. Croft had turned back the bed, left her a bottle of cold water, and seemed to be absorbed in his work. The water was ice cold and felt wonderful going down her throat.

  Finn slipped into the large, comfortable bed and stretched out. She decided to rest her eyes for just a moment, but, almost immediately, was fast asleep.

  Chapter 9

  Finn woke wrapped in Croft’s arms. She snuggled against him and smiled as his hand delved between her legs. She opened her eyes and could see it was no longer full light. Either the sun was going down or getting ready to come up.

  “Good morning,” he whispered in her ear as he nuzzled the nape of her neck.

  “Is it? Did I sleep all night?”

  “You did.”

  “Why didn’t you wake me?” she asked as she rolled onto her back.

  “Because I knew you needed the rest.”

  “What time is it?”


  Croft started to remove his hand from where it had been gently stroking her clit, but Finn guided it back down. He chuckled in a deeply masculine and sensual way.

  “I see,” he said. “Looking to get laid, are you?”

  “I was promised you’d see to that last night.”

  He smiled. “You were too cute to wake when I came to bed. I get points for being a gentleman.”

  “Only if you make up for it this morning,” she teased.

  It was so easy being with him. The fact her brother was being held captive was present but at the back of her mind. She liked to think it was because she trusted Croft and those he worked with to be able to get him out. But part of her wondered if she knew there was nothing to be done until later and just wanted to lose herself in Croft’s lovemaking.

  Croft smiled as he leaned down and sucked her areola into his mouth before latching onto her nipple and grazing it with his teeth. She inhaled sharply as he laved the injured bud with his tongue. Finn brought her hands up to cradle his head and moaned as he increased both his suckling and the attention he was paying to the aroused bud at the top of her most feminine parts. He whispered kisses from one breast to the other as he gave it the same treatment. His hand slipped lower and explored and gently caressed her labia.

  Finn wi
dened the space between her legs in invitation and acceptance as he plunged two of his fingers up into her hot, wet sheath. He scissored them within her and then stroked the ceiling of her channel before doing it again and then running them along the base.

  Croft lifted his head and pushed his tongue past her teeth, inviting hers to dance. His hand, the one not occupied with pushing her toward an orgasm, stilled her head so he could plunder her mouth just as surely as he planned to do to her pussy. Finn was not much on being a passive partner in bed, but every time she tried to exert anything even resembling control of the situation, Croft used his strength and prowess to dominate her senses.

  He stroked her cunt repeatedly and with greater speed and to a greater depth until she was just at the precipice of climax. Finn knew he sensed her readiness, as he rolled on top of her, spreading her thighs, and drove his cock home in one fell swoop. Finn cried out his name as she came hard and clung to him. His hands reached under her to cup her buttocks as he thrust strongly to her complete depth. She could feel her sheath stretch to accommodate his need and pulse along his entire length, causing him to groan at the sensation.

  Finn arched as Croft continued to relentlessly pound her pussy, forcing another orgasm to explode quickly. She raked his back with her nails, trying to find some kind of equality in their encounter but failed to do so. She seemed to have no ability to withstand the onslaught of his passion and finally surrendered to him.

  “Good girl,” he whispered as she did so.

  Finn hated that not only could he completely control her response, but she was pretty damn sure he knew he did so. She responded by digging her nails firmly into the hard muscles of his back, which only increased the frenzy of his lust. He nipped her ear in response before sucking on the bottom of her lobe and then kissing her behind it and down the side of her neck.


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